Getting Started

This guide is focused on first-time users of ldmx-sw. If you are interested in contributing to ldmx-sw, please look at the getting started developing guide for help starting to develop ldmx-sw.

ldmx-sw is a large software project that builds on top of other large and complicated software projects. For this reason, we have chosen to use containers to share fixed software environments allowing all of us to know exactly what version of ldmx-sw (and its underlying packages) is being used.

Each of the steps below is really short but more detail has been added in order to help users debug any issues they may encounter. If all goes well, you will be able to fly through these instructions within 5-10 minutes (depending on how long software installations take). Each of the sections has a "Comments" subsection for extra details and a "Test" subsection allowing you to verify that you completed that step successfully.


While many new ldmx-sw users may be unfamiliar with the terminal, explaining its use is beyond the scope of this site. If you are unfamiliar with the terminal, a helpful resource is and there are many others available online since terminals are a common tool utilized by software developers.

Windows Comments

  • If you are running on a Microsoft Windows system, it is necessary for you to do all of the steps below within Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The permissions system that docker relies on in order to effectively run the containers is not supported by Windoze. (While GitBash and the Command Prompt can look similar to other terminals, make sure to open a WSL terminal --- often labeled "Ubuntu").
  • As of this writing, you cannot use a VPN and connect to the internet from within WSL
  • The "docker daemon" needs to be running. On most systems, this program starts automatically when the computer is booted. You can check if the docker daemon is running by trying to run a simple docker container. If it is not running, you will need to start it manually.
  • Docker Desktop outside WSL needs to be running to be able to use docker inside WSL? (question mark because unsure)

Install a Container Runner

Currently, we use denv to help shorten and unify container interaction across a few different runners, so we only require a container runner supported by denv. On personal laptops, most users will find it easiest to install the docker engine. apptainer should already be installed on shared computing clusters.1


  • If you are on Windows, make sure to use the WSL2 backend for docker.
  • On Linux systems, make sure to manage docker as non-root user so that you can run that command without sudo.
  • If you choose to use podman, make sure to update the registries.conf configuration file in order to allow for podman to pull from DockerHub.


You can run a simple container in whichever runner is available.

docker run hello-world


apptainer run docker://

This may be the first point where you enter into a terminal unless your installation was terminal-based. If you are using Windows, remember to go into Windows Subsystem for Linux rather than other Windows terminals like GitBash or Command Prompt.


For those who've been using containers (with or without LDMX) for awhile, the program singularity may sound familiar. apptainer is just a new brand name for singularity after it was adopted by the Linux foundation. Many apptainer installations also come with a wrapper program called singularity for backwards compatibility.

Install denv

Follow these instructions for installing denv. They are short but require you to be in the terminal.


  • Remember to install denv within WSL if you are using Windows.
  • While denv's install script tries to help you update your PATH variable, it may not be perfect. You may need to consult the documentation for your shell on how to add new directories to the PATH variable so that the denv command can be found by your shell.

Replicating the Legacy ldmx Command

Some folks want to replicate the ldmx bash function which preceeded denv. To do this, you can create a few symlinks. The examples below are for the default installation prefix for denv (~/.local), but you can replace this directory with whereever you chose to install denv when running the curl ... install command.

# for the command
ln -s ~/.local/bin/denv ~/.local/bin/ldmx
# and for the tab completion
ln -s ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/denv \


You should be able to have denv run its self-check that also ensures you have a supported container runner installed.

denv check

Example output would look like

Entrypoint found alongside denv
Looking for apptainer... not found
Looking for singularity... not found
Looking for podman... not found
Looking for docker... found 'Docker version 27.0.3, build 7d4bcd8' <- use without DENV_RUNNER defined
denv would run with 'docker'

Set Up Workspace

Whatever your project is, it will be helpful to have a directory on your computer that holds the files related to this project. If you haven't already made a directory for this purpose, now is the time! This is also where we will choose the version of ldmx-sw to use.

# create a directory for the project
mkdir -p ldmx/my-project
# go into that directory
cd ldmx/my-project
# initialize a new denv, defining the ldmx-sw version
denv init ldmx/pro:v4.0.1


  • The specific location of the my-project directory does not matter. (As long as its within WSL if you're on Windows of course!)
  • The version of ldmx-sw listed here is just an example, changing the version later can be done with denv config image ldmx/pro:<ldmx-sw-version> if desired.


The denv init command should not be run from within ldmx-sw. This could lead to a confusing state where the fire being run is not the one associated with the ldmx-sw that resides in that directory.


We can make sure you have access to ldmx-sw by trying to have ldmx-sw's core program fire printout its help message.

denv fire

This should look something like

$ denv fire
Usage: fire {} [arguments to configuration script]  (required) python script to configure the processing
     arguments                (optional) passed to configuration script when run in python

Using Legacy Versions of ldmx-sw

Versions of ldmx-sw that were built with a version of the development image before 4.2.2 (generaly pre-v4 ldmx-sw) do not have some ease-of-use updates to enable running ldmx-sw from within a denv.

One can still use a denv without much effort. In short, you must update the denv shell's profile.

denv exit 0 # make sure a template .profile is created

Add the following lines to the end of .profile that is in your working directory (not the .profile in your home directory if you have one).

# add ldmx-sw and ldmx-analysis installs to the various paths
# LDMX_SW_INSTALL is defined when building the production image or users
# can use it to specify a non-normal install location
if [ -z "${LDMX_SW_INSTALL+x}" ]; then
  if [ -z "${LDMX_BASE+x}" ]; then
    printf "[] WARNING: %s\n" \
      "Neither LDMX_BASE nor LDMX_SW_INSTALL is defined." \
      "At least one needs to be defined to ensure a working installation."
  export LDMX_SW_INSTALL="${LDMX_BASE}/ldmx-sw/install"
export PATH="${LDMX_SW_INSTALL}/bin:${PATH}"

This is just a short term solution and needs to be done on every computer. Updating to more recent ldmx-sw is advised.

Running a Configuration Script

The next step now that you have access to fire is to run a specific configuration of ldmx-sw with it! Configuration scripts are complicated in their own right and have been given their own chapter. The next chapter is focused on analyzing event files that have been shared with you (or generated with a config shared with you) since, generally, analyzing events is done before development of the configs that produce those events.