Welcome to the Light Dark Matter eXperiment! This is the central page for documenting our software. Here, you will find manually written documents as well as links to other manuals related to the software. This site is generated using mdbook which has a helpful page on how to read a site formatted like this. All of the pages are hosted here except for the pages in the Reference section which are links to the manuals hosted at different sites.

Below is a list of past video tutorials that are available online. Some of them may be out of date, but they can still be helpful in defining what kind of vocabulary we often use. The first section of this manual is text-based information about how to get started using (and eventually developing) ldmx-sw.

Analyzing ldmx-sw Event Files

Often when first starting on LDMX, people are given a .root file produced by ldmx-sw (or some method for producing their own file). This then leads to the very next and reasonable question -- how to analyze the data in this file?

Many answers to this question have been said and many of them are functional. In subsequent sections of this chapter of the website, I choose to focus on highlighting two possible analysis workflows that I personally like (for different reasons).

I am not able to fully cover all of the possible different types of analysis, so I am writing this guide in the context of one of the most common analyses: looking at a histogram. This type of analysis can be broken into four steps.

  1. Load data: from a data file, load the information in that file into memory.
  2. Data Manipulation: from the data already present, calculate the variable that you would like to put into the histogram.
  3. Histogram Filling: define how the histogram should be binned and fill the histogram with the variable that you calculated.
  4. Plotting: from the definition of the histogram and its content, draw the histogram in a visual manner for inspection.

The software that is used to do each of these steps is what mainly separates the different analysis workflows, so I am first going to mention various software tools that are helpful for one or more of these steps. I have separated these tools into two "ecosystems", both of which are popularly used within HEP.

Load DataTFile,TTreeuproot
Manipulate DataC++ CodeVectorized Python with awkward
Fill HistogramsTH1*hist,boost_histogram
Plot HistogramsTBrowser, TCanvasmatplotlib,mplhep

How one mixes and matches these tools is a personal choice, especially since the LDMX collaboration has not landed on a widely agreed-upon method for analysis. With this in mind, I find it important to emphasize that the following subsections are examples of analysis workflows -- a specific analyzer can choose to mix and match the tools however they like.


While I (Tom Eichlersmith) have focused on two potential analysis workflows, I do not mean to claim that I have tried all of them and these two are "the best". I just mean to say that I have drifted to these two analysis workflows over time as I've looked for easier and better methods of analyzing data. If you have an analysis workflow that you would like to share, add another subsection to this chapter of the website!

Using Python (Efficiently)

Python is slow. I can't deny it. But Python, for better or for worse, has taken over the scientific programming ecosystem meaning there are a large set of packages that are open source, professionally maintained, and perform the common tasks that scientists want to do.

One aspect of Python that has enabled its widespread adoption (I think) is the relative ease of writing packages in another programming language. This means that most of our analysis code will not be using "pure Python", but instead be using compiled languages (C++ mostly) hidden behind some convenience wrappers. This is the strategy of many popular Python packages numpy, scipy, and the HEP-specific hist and awkward.

Biggest Performance Tip

My biggest tip for any new Python analyzers is to avoid writing the for loop. As mentioned, Python itself is slow, so only write for if you know you are only looping over a small number of things (e.g. looping over the five different plots you want to make). We can avoid for by using these packages with compiled languages under-the-hood. The syntax of writing these "vectorized" operations is often complicated to grasp, but it is concise, precise, and performant.

With those introductory ramblings out of the way, let's get started.

Set Up

The packages we use (and the python ecosystem in general) evolves relatively fast. For this reason, it will be helpful to use a newer python version such that you can access the newer versions of the packages. Personally, I use denv to pick new python without needing to compile it and then have my installed packages for that python be isolated to within my working directory.

While you can install the packages I'll be using directly, they (and a few other helpful ones) are availabe withing the scikit-hep metapackage allowing a quick and simple installation command. In addition, Jupyter Lab offers an excellent way to see plots while your constructing them and recieve other feedback from your code in an immediate way (via a REPL for those interested).

cd work-area
denv init python:3.11
denv pip install scikit-hep jupyterlab

In addition, you will need some data to play with. I generated the input events.root file using an ldmx-sw simulation, but I am using common event objects that exist in most (if not all) event files, so this example should work with others.

Generate Event File with ldmx-sw

Again, I used denv to pin the ldmx-sw version and generate the data file.

denv init ldmx/pro:v3.3.6 eg-gen
cd eg-gen
denv fire config.py
mv events.root path/to/work-area/

where config.py is the following python configuration script.

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('test')
from LDMX.SimCore import simulator as sim
mySim = sim.simulator( "mySim" )
mySim.setDetector( 'ldmx-det-v14-8gev', True )
from LDMX.SimCore import generators as gen
mySim.generators = [ gen.single_8gev_e_upstream_tagger() ]
mySim.beamSpotSmear = [20.,80.,0.]
mySim.description = 'Basic test Simulation'
p.sequence = [ mySim ]
p.run = 1
p.maxEvents = 10_000
p.outputFiles = [ 'events.root' ]

import LDMX.Ecal.EcalGeometry
import LDMX.Ecal.ecal_hardcoded_conditions
import LDMX.Hcal.HcalGeometry
import LDMX.Ecal.digi as ecal_digi

p.sequence = [

Launch a jupyter lab with

denv jupyter lab

open the link in your browser and create a new notebook to get started.

Notebooks consist of "cells" which can contain "markdown" (a way to write write formatted text), code that will be executed, and raw text. The rest of these sections are the the result of exporting a jupyter notebook (a *.ipynb file) into "markdown" and then including it in this documentation here.

# load the python modules we will use
import uproot # for data loading
import awkward as ak # for data manipulation
import hist # for histogram filling (and some plotting)

import matplotlib as mpl # for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # common shorthand
import mplhep # style of plots
%matplotlib inline
mpl.style.use(mplhep.style.ROOT) # set the plot style

Load Data

The first step to any analysis is loading the data. For this step in this analysis workflow, we are going to use the uproot package to load the data into awkward arrays in memory. Some helpful links to find more details on this

# while the uproot file is open, conver the 'LDMX_Events' tree into in-memory arrays
with uproot.open('events.root') as f:
    events = f['LDMX_Events'].arrays()
# show the events array
CPU times: user 3.63 s, sys: 220 ms, total: 3.85 s
Wall time: 3.85 s
Printout of `events` array
[{'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 48, 49], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 61, 62], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 11, 12], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 15, 1199], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 118, 119], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 10, 11], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 10, 11], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 7, 61], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 10, 11], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 126, 127], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 85, 4702], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 72, 6976], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 93], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 7120], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, ..., 7921], ...},
 {'SimParticles_test.first': [1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9], ...}]
type: 10000 * {
    "SimParticles_test.first": var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.energy_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.genStatus_": var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.time_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.x_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.y_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.z_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endX_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endY_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endZ_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.px_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.py_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.pz_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endpx_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endpy_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.endpz_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.mass_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.charge_": var * float64,
    "SimParticles_test.second.daughters_": var * var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.parents_": var * var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.processType_": var * int32,
    "SimParticles_test.second.vertexVolume_": var * string,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "TaggerSimHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "RecoilSimHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "HcalSimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "EcalSimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TargetSimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad1SimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad2SimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.trackIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.incidentIDContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.pdgCodeContribs_": var * var * int32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.edepContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.timeContribs_": var * var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.nContribs_": var * uint32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.preStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.preStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.preStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.preStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.postStepX_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.postStepY_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.postStepZ_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.postStepTime_": var * float32,
    "TriggerPad3SimHits_test.velocity_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "EcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "HcalScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "TargetScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "TrigScintScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "TrackerScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.layerID_": var * int32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.moduleID_": var * int32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.edep_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.px_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.py_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.pz_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.x_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.y_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.z_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.pathLength_": var * float32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.trackID_": var * int32,
    "MagnetScoringPlaneHits_test.pdgID_": var * int32,
    channelIDs_: var * uint32,
    samples_: var * uint32,
    numSamplesPerDigi_: uint32,
    sampleOfInterest_: uint32,
    version_: int32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.id_": var * int32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.amplitude_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.energy_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.time_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.xpos_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.ypos_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.zpos_": var * float32,
    "EcalRecHits_test.isNoise_": var * bool,
    eventNumber_: int32,
    run_: int32,
    "timestamp_.fSec": int32,
    "timestamp_.fNanoSec": int32,
    weight_: float64,
    isRealData_: bool,
    "intParameters_.first": var * string,
    "intParameters_.second": var * int32,
    "floatParameters_.first": var * string,
    "floatParameters_.second": var * float32,
    "stringParameters_.first": var * string,
    "stringParameters_.second": var * string

Oh wow, that's a lot of branches! While this printout can be overwhelming, I'd encourage you to look through it. Each branch is named and contains the number in each event (var is used if the number varies) and the type of object (string, float32, bool to name a few). This printout is very helpful for familiarizing yourself with an awkward array and its structure so don't be shy to look at it and scroll through it!

Manipulate Data

This is probably the most complicated part not least because I'm not sure what analysis you actually want to do. As an example, and to show the power of "vectorization", I am going to calculate the total energy reconstructed within the ECal. These lines are often short but incredibly dense. Do not be afraid to try a few out and see the results, changing the input axis, as well as other branches of events. While it can be difficult to find the right expression to do the manipulation you wish, trying different expressions is an incredibly quick procedure and one that I would enourage you to do. Instead of assigning the result to a variable, you can even just print it directly to the console like events above so you can see the resulting shape and a few example values.

awkward's website is growing with documentation and has a detailed reference of the available commands. Nevertheless, you can find more help on numpy's website whose syntax and vocabulary is a main inspiration for awkward.

# add up the energy_ along axis 1, axis 0 is the "outermost" axis which is indexed by event
total_ecal_rec_energy = ak.sum(events['EcalRecHits_test.energy_'], axis=1)
CPU times: user 5.99 ms, sys: 2 ms, total: 7.99 ms
Wall time: 7.34 ms

Fill Histogram

Filling a histogram is where we condense a variable calculated for many events into an object that can be viewed and interpreted. While numpy and matplotlib have histogram filling and plotting that work well. The hist package gives a more flexible definition of histogram, allowing you to define histograms with more axes, do calculations with histograms (e.g. sum over bins, rebin, slicing, projection), and eventually plot them. We won't go into multi-dimensional (more than one axis) histograms or histogram calcuations here, but the links below give a helpful overview of available options.

# construct the histogram defining a Regular (Reg) binning
# I found this binning after trying a few options
tere_h = hist.Hist.new.Reg(160,0,16,label='Total Reconstructed Energy in ECal [GeV]').Double()
# fill the histogram with the passed array
# I'm dividing by 1000 here to convert the MeV to GeV
CPU times: user 1.18 ms, sys: 44 µs, total: 1.23 ms
Wall time: 1.26 ms
0 16 Total Reconstructed Energy in ECal [GeV]
Regular(160, 0, 16, label='Total Reconstructed Energy in ECal [GeV]')

Double() Σ=10000.0

Plot Histogram

The final step is converting our histogram into an image that is helpful for us humans! hist connects to the standard matplotlib through a styling package called mplhep. Both of which have documentation sites that are helpful to browse so you can gain an idea of the available functions.

  • matplotlib is used extensively inside and outside HEP, I often find an immediate answer with a simple internet search (e.g. searching plt change aspect ratio tells you how to change the aspect ratio of your plot).
  • mplhep is a wrapper around matplotlib for HEP to do common things like plot histograms.


Round-and-Round We Go

Now, in almost all of my analyses, one plot just immediately opens the door to new questions. For example, I notice that this total energy plot is rather broad, I want to see why that is. One idea is that it is simply a function of how many hits we observed in the ECal. There are many ways to test this hypothesis, but I'm going to do a specific method that showcases a specific tool that is extremely useful: boolean slicing (awkward's implementation is inspired by numpy's boolean slicing but it also interacts with the idea of broadcasting between arrays).

I also showcase a helpful feature of hist where if the first axis is a StrCategory, then the resulting plot will just overlay the plots along the other axis.

You'll notice that, while I'm manipulating the data, filling a histogram, and plotting the histogram, I do not need to re-load the data. This is by design. Jupyter Lab (and the notebooks it interacts with) use an interactive Python "kernel" to hold variables in memory while you are using them. This is helpful to avoid the time-heavy job of loading data into memory, but it can be an area of confusion. Be careful to not re-use variable names and create new notebooks often!

nhits_by_tere_h = (
    .StrCategory(['Below Beam Energy','Above Beam Energy'])
    .Reg(100,0,200,label='Number of Hits in ECal')
n_ecal_hits = ak.count(events['EcalRecHits_test.id_'], axis=1)
    'Below Beam Energy',
    n_ecal_hits[total_ecal_rec_energy < 8000.]
    'Above Beam Energy',
    n_ecal_hits[total_ecal_rec_energy > 8000.]


Using ldmx-sw Directly

As you may be able to pick up based on my tone, I prefer the (efficient) python analysis method given before using uproot, awkward, and hist. Nevertheless, there are two main reasons I've had for putting an analysis into the ldmx-sw C++.

  1. Longevity: While the python ecosystem evolving quickly is helpful for obtaining new features, it can also cause long-running projects to "break" -- forcing a refactor that is purely due to upstream code changes. Writing an analysis into C++, with its more rigid view on backwards compatibility, essentially solidifies it so that it can be run in the same way for a long time into the future.
  2. Non-Vectorization: In the previous chapter, I made a big deal about how most analyses can be vectorizable and written in terms of these pre-compiled and fast functions. That being said, sometimes its difficult to figure out how to write an analysis in a vectorizable form. Dropping down into the C++ allows analyzers to write the for loop themselves which may be necessary for an analysis to be understandable (or even functional).

The following example is stand-alone in the same sense as the prior chapter's jupyter notebook. It can be run from outside of the ldmx-sw repository; however, this directly contradicts the first reason for writing an analysis like this in the first place. I would recommend that you store your analyzer source code in ldmx-sw or the private ldmx-analysis. These repos also contain CMake infrastructure so you can avoid having to write the long g++ command necessary to compile and link the source code.

Set Up

I am going to use the same version of ldmx-sw that was used to generate the input events.root file. This isn't strictly necessary - more often than not, newer ldmx-sw versions are able to read files from prior ldmx-sw versions.

cd work-area
denv init ldmx/pro:v3.3.6

The following code block shows the necessary boilerplate for starting a C++ analyzer running with ldmx-sw.

#include "Framework/EventProcessor.h"

#include "Ecal/Event/EcalHit.h"

class MyAnalyzer : public framework::Analyzer {
  MyAnalyzer(const std::string& name, framework::Process& p)
    : framework::Analyzer(name, p) {}
  ~MyAnalyzer() = default;
  void onProcessStart() final;
  void analyze(const framework::Event& event) final;

void MyAnalyzer::onProcessStart() {
  // this is where we will define the histograms we want to fill

void MyAnalyzer::analyze(const framework::Event& event) {
  // this is where we will fill the histograms


And below is an example python config call ana-cfg.py that I will use to run this analyzer with fire. It assumes to be in the same place as the source file so that it knows where the library it needs to load is.

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('ana')
import os
# needs to match path to where compiled library is
# deduced automatically if built and installed alongside ldmx-sw
class MyAnalysis:
    def __init__(self):
        self.instanceName = 'my-ana'
        self.className = 'MyAnalyzer' # match class name in source file
        self.histograms = []
p.sequence = [ MyAnalysis() ]
p.inputFiles = [ 'events.root' ]
p.histogramFile = 'hist.root'

A quick test can show that the code is compiling and running (although it will not print out anything or create any files).

$ denv 'g++ -fPIC -shared -o libMyAnalysis.so -lFramework -I$(root-config --incdir) MyAnalysis.cxx'
$ denv time fire ana-cfg.py
---- LDMXSW: Loading configuration --------
---- LDMXSW: Configuration load complete  --------
---- LDMXSW: Starting event processing --------
---- LDMXSW: Event processing complete  --------
1.99user 0.11system 0:02.10elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 320716maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+58469minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Notice that we still took about 2s to run. This is because, even though MyAnalyzer isn't doing anything with the data, fire is still looping through all of the events.

Load Data, Manipulate Data, and Fill Histograms

While these steps were separate in the previous workflow, they all share the same process in this workflow. The data loading is handled by fire and we are expected to write the code that manipulates the data and fills the histograms.

I'm going to look at the total reconstructed energy in the ECal again. Below is the updated code file. Notice that, besides the additional #include at the top, all of the changes were made within the function definitions.

#include "Framework/EventProcessor.h"

#include "Ecal/Event/EcalHit.h"

class MyAnalyzer : public framework::Analyzer {
  MyAnalyzer(const std::string& name, framework::Process& p)
    : framework::Analyzer(name, p) {}
  ~MyAnalyzer() = default;
  void onProcessStart() final;
  void analyze(const framework::Event& event) final;

void MyAnalyzer::onProcessStart() {
  getHistoDirectory(); // forget this -> silently no output histogram
      "Total ECal Rec Energy [GeV]", 160, 0.0, 16.0

void MyAnalyzer::analyze(const framework::Event& event) {
  const auto& ecal_rec_hits{event.getCollection<ldmx::EcalHit>("EcalRecHits")};
  double total = 0.0;
  for (const auto& hit : ecal_rec_hits) {
    total += hit.getEnergy();
  histograms_.fill("total_ecal_rec_energy", total/1000.);


In order to run this code on the data, we need to compile and run the program. Again, putting your analyzer within ldmx-sw or ldmx-analysis gives you infrastructure that shortens how much you type during this compilation step.

$ denv 'g++ -fPIC -shared -o libMyAnalysis.so -lFramework -I$(root-config --incdir) MyAnalysis.cxx'
$ denv time fire ana-cfg.py
---- LDMXSW: Loading configuration --------
---- LDMXSW: Configuration load complete  --------
---- LDMXSW: Starting event processing --------
---- LDMXSW: Event processing complete  --------
2.03user 0.12system 0:02.20elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 321300maxresident)k
0inputs+40outputs (0major+57977minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Now there is a new file hist.root in this directory which has the histogram we filled stored within it.

$ denv rootls -l hist.root
TDirectoryFile  Apr 30 22:30 2024 my-ana  "my-ana"
$ denv rootls -l hist.root:*
TH1F  Apr 30 22:30 2024 my-ana_total_ecal_rec_energy  ""

Plotting Histograms

Viewing the histogram with the filled data is another fork in the road. I often switch back to the Jupyter Lab approach using uproot to load histograms from hist.root into hist objects that I can then manipulate and plot with hist and matplotlib.

Accessing Histograms in Jupyter Lab

I usually hold the histogram file handle created by uproot and then use the to_hist() function once I find the histogram I want to plot in order to pull the histogram into an object I am familiar with. For example

f = uproot.open('hist.root')
h = f['my-ana/my-ana_total_ecal_rec_energy'].to_hist()

But it is also very common to view these histograms with one of ROOT's browsers. There is a root browser within the dev images (via denv rootbrowse or ldmx rootbrowse), but I also like to view the histogram with the online ROOT browser. Below is a screenshot of my browser window after opening the hist.root file and then selecting the histogram we filled.

screenshot of JSROOT

Building ldmx-sw

Each of the steps below is really short but more detail has been added in order to help users debug any issues they may encounter. If all goes well, you will be able to fly through these instructions within 5-10 minutes (depending on how long software installations take). Each of the sections has a "Comments" subsection for extra details and a "Test" subsection allowing you to verify that you completed that step successfully.

Windows Comments

  • If you are running on a Microsoft Windows system, it is necessary for you to do all of the steps below within Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The permissions system that docker relies on in order to effectively run the containers is not supported by Windoze. (While GitBash and the Command Prompt can look similar to other terminals, make sure to open a WSL terminal --- often labeled "Ubuntu").
  • As of this writing, you cannot use a VPN and connect to the internet from within WSL
  • The "docker daemon" needs to be running. On most systems, this program starts automatically when the computer is booted. You can check if the docker daemon is running by trying to run a simple docker container. If it is not running, you will need to start it manually.
  • Docker Desktop outside WSL needs to be running to be able to use docker inside WSL? (question mark because unsure)

Install a Container Runner

Currently, ldmx-sw's environment script supports docker and singularity. On personal laptops, most users will find it easiest to install the docker engine. singularityCE and apptainer both provide the program singularity with near-identical functionality in a way that is often desirable for shared computing environments (like university clusters), so you may not need to install anything if one of these packages are already installed.


  • If you are on Windows, make sure to use the WSL2 backend for docker.
  • On Linux systems, make sure to manage docker as non-root user so that you can run that command without sudo.


You can run a simple container in whichever runner is available.

docker run hello-world


singularity run docker://ghcr.io/apptainer/lolcow

This may be the first point where you enter into a terminal unless your installation was terminal-based. If you are using Windows, remember to go into Windows Subsystem for Linux rather than other Windows terminals like GitBash or Command Prompt.

Clone the Software Repository

In a terminal, go to the directory1 where you will keep all of your LDMX software and run the following command.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git

If you are unfamiliar with the terminal, a helpful resource is linuxcommand.org.


  • The --recursive flag is very important because there are several necessary parts of ldmx-sw stored in separate git repositories.
  • The above clone uses a HTTPS connection which will allow you to git pull updates but it won't allow you to git push any changes you make to GitHub. If you are going to write code for ldmx-sw and contribute, make sure to create a GitHub account and connect to it with SSH, then use the SSH link rather than the HTTPS link (git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git).


You can see the ldmx-sw software directory in your terminal.

# 'ldmx-sw' is one of the entries printed

Setup the Environment

In order to simplify using the container runner installed earlier (and to have the same commands shared between different runners), we have developed a bash environment script.

source ldmx-sw/scripts/ldmx-env.sh


  • Must occur in a bash terminal (the default on many Linux systems and available on iOS). In some iOS versions, the default shell is tcsh instead of bash. You can read this article to learn how to change the default shell to bash so the environment script works without any other fuss.
  • This command downloads the latest development image, so it may take some time (a few minutes) on the first run.
  • This command must be re-run whenever a new terminal is opened because a new terminal starts with a "clean" environment.
  • On shared computing clusters, the specific filesystem configuration may not be well suited to downloading the image with the default configuration. For singularity, be aware that you can move the directory in-which images are stored using the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable and move the directory in-which the build takes place using the TMPDIR environment variable. This is specifically an issue for SLAC's SDF which has a very small /tmp directory (what singularity uses if TMPDIR is not defined).


You can run the ldmx command. Running it without any arguments will print out a usage message.

# a help message is printed

If you see something like "command not found", then something went wrong during the environment setup.

Configure & Compile

ldmx-sw has a shortcut to execute the commads detailed in the following subsections. After the enveroment was set up, just run

ldmx compile

This is equivalent to doing the following two steps.

Configure the Software Build

ldmx-sw uses CMake to configure how the software will be built. You can do this configuration from within the ldmx-sw directory.

cd ldmx-sw
ldmx cmake -B build -S .

Since the container is specifically built for ldmx-sw, there should be no warnings and no errors reported by CMake. Some information will be printed about which versions of dependencies were found and what modules are being built.

Build and Install

After CMake writes all the makefiles for us, we use make to build the software. Technically, this step both compiles the software and installs the software, but often you want the software installed after compiling so that you can run it.

cd build
ldmx make install


  • You can speed up the build (sometimes) by allowing make to use more cores on your computer. This can be done by using the -j flag, for example, -j2 would inform make to use 2 cores.


Similar to the CMake step, if there aren't any errors reported during compilation, you are good to move on. If you wish, you could also run one or more of the pre-packaged configuration scripts (a.k.a. "configs") to make sure the installation is functional.

cd .. # go back to ldmx-sw out of ldmx-sw/build
ldmx fire SimCore/test/basic.py

Next Steps

Now that the software is built and installed, you can run a few more programs within the container. Most likely, you will want to run some parts of ldmx-sw and in this case the program you will run is called fire.

ldmx fire my-config.py

There are many configuration scripts shipped with ldmx-sw for various testing and sharing any of which should be operational and could be helpful for you to get started on your own config.

  • Biasing/test: configs running with a simulation where certain processes are biased and filtered for
  • SimCore/test: basic simulation testing
  • .github/validation_samples: longer configs with emulation and reconstruction used to do automatic validation of the code during development

Recompile and Fire

It is very common during development that we would like to recompile the code and run fire on a config file. The shortcut for this is called recompFire.

ldmx recompFire my-config.py

Shared Computing Clusters

Building, installing, and running ldmx-sw on shared computing clusters is largely similar to how it is done on personal laptops; however, there are special considerations to be made that can make it functional.

All of the clusters LDMX has access to are focused on using singularity (or its newer brand apptainer), so these comments are focused on this runner.

Image Cache and Build Directories

The ldmx-env.sh script moves the singularity cache directory to be within the LDMX_BASE directory. This is done to avoid filling a user's home directory (the default cache location) with large image layers. Besides the cache directory, singularity also uses a temporary directory for constructing the final image file. On some clusters (notably SDF), the default temporary directory is not large enough to fully construct this image file and so it may need to be moved.

Environment Variables

  • SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR or APPTAINER_CACHEDIR can be used to change the location of the image layer cache for singularity/apptainer.
  • TMPDIR is inspected by singularity/apptainer for the temporary build location. Change this variable if the build is failing due to disk space issues.

Shared Images

We do not run containers that modify the original image, so shared computing clusters could share a lot of space by have image files be centrally produced and then users all share the same image files so they don't have to have their own copy.

Currently, there is not a mechanism within the ldmx-env.sh script to direct the ldmx command to an area with shared images, but we can circumvent this issue easily with symlinks. Below, I outline a method to keep all of the LDMX images within one shared directory that users can use instead of their own copies.

Future Developments

If ldmx-env.sh evolves to support moving the image storage location (for example by refactoring to use denv instead Issue #1232 which does support this for singularity/apptainer runners), we could put the ldmx/dev repository onto the CVMFS unpacked.cern.ch repository which would make the images available via CVMFS saving disk space and network bandwidth.

Let LDMX_SHARED_IMAGES be an environment variable storing the full path to a directory that we want to share images in. A single person with access to the cluster and to this directory should be the builder of these images, everyone else on this cluster is called a user.

Builder Steps

Whenever there is a new release of the container image, build it and update the latest symlink.

apptainer build ldmx_dev_vX.X.X.sif docker://ldmx/dev:vX.X.X
ln -sf ldmx_dev_vX.X.X.sif ldmx_dev_latest.sif


This mimics the naming of the *.sif files that is done within the ldmx command and avoids copying the latest image, preferring instead to just symlink from the _latest.sif name to the copy of that tag.

Builders will need to be slightly more familiar with apptainer/singularity in order to issue this command. They may need to change the cache directory with APPTAINER_CACHEDIR or the build directory with TMPDIR depending on how much space is available to them on their cluster.

User Steps

In order to use a directory of shared images, one just needs to remember to symlink the available images into their LDMX_BASE area before sourcing the environment script.

ln -sft . ${LDMX_SHARED_IMAGES}/*sif
. ldmx-sw/scripts/ldmx-env.sh

This informs ldmx-env.sh that the images are already available since they are in the LDMX_BASE directory with the correct names and so ldmx will only pull down and make a copy of an image if it wasn't in the shared images location. Since the symlinking procedure is rather quick, you could probably just fold this into every source you do to avoid any forgetfulness.

# in .bashrc
export LDMX_BASE=/full/path/to/ldmx/base
export LDMX_SHARED_IMAGES=/another/path/to/shared/images
ldmx-env() {
  # make sure list of already downloaded images is up-to-date
  ln -sft ${LDMX_BASE} ${LDMX_SHARED_IMAGES}/*.sif || return $?
  # setup ldmx environment
  . ${LDMX_BASE}/ldmx-sw/scripts/ldmx-env.sh || return $?
  # add a [ldmx] tag to the PS1
  export PS1="[ldmx] $PS1"
  # delete this function to avoid double-environment
  unset -f ldmx-env

Updating ldmx-sw

This page is helpful for those coming back to ldmx-sw and wishing to update there local copy of it. It can also be a helpful guide for anyone interesting in debugging ldmx-sw since often it is helpful to start with the most recent ldmx-sw.

We can update ldmx-sw through three main stages. These stages are not necessarily connected (i.e. you could update the code and re-build without changing the environment if desired).

Update Environment

The ldmx command includes a method for updating the environment on your machine.

ldmx pull dev latest

The pull command informs ldmx to download the latest image no matter what (The more common use command will only spend time downloading if the image is not available.)

The latest tag is one tag that evolves with the image as new versions are built. If you wish to avoid accidentally upgrading your environment, you are encouraged to use specific versions of the image (e.g. ldmx use dev 4.2.0).

Update Source Code

Updating the source code of ldmx-sw mostly amounts to using various git comands to download the updates other developers have uploaded to GitHub.

First, we switch to the main branch of ldmx-sw trunk. Even if you are on a different branch, it will be best to first update your local trunk before trying to update your different branch.

git switch trunk

Now pull down the updates from GitHub.

git pull origin trunk

Finally, make sure any submodules that were updated or newly introduced are also updated along with the change in source code.

git submodule update --init --recursive

automatically update git submodules

You can avoid this last step by updating your local git configuration to (effectively) call this command after other commands like git pull.

git config submodule.recurse true

This is available in Git versions >= 2.14

If you are on a different branch (and want to carry your changes with you), you can now go back to that branch and re-apply your updates on top of the new trunk. This process is called "rebasing" and can lead to conflicts if the files you changed are the same as ones changed on trunk. For small changes or additions (e.g. adding a new processor for an analysis), this can be done with ease and it will make comparing your developments to what is on trunk easier.

git switch my-branch
git rebase trunk

Fully Clean Re-Build

Cleaning the source tree is necessary to remove any files generated during the building process. The programs we use to configure (CMake) and build (make) our software do a pretty good job of automatically re-building files if the source files change, but we have some custom configuration that does not follow this protocol and sometimes leads to errors. To avoid these errors, it is helpful to remove all generated files and start a new build "clean" (or from scratch). The following git commands remove all files that are not being tracked by git (and thus we assume are generated files).

git clean -xfd
git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd

If you want to persist some files that are within the ldmx-sw directory and are not being tracked by git (for example, some data files), then you will need to at minimum delete the build and install directories and clean out the generated files from the Framework directory.

rm -r build install
git -C Framework clean -xfd

Shorter Path for Future Updates

If you are updating from a version of ldmx-sw newer that v3.3.4, then the generated files that used to be written outside of the build directory are being written inside now. This means you can remove all generated files simply by

rm -r build install

and without any git clean commands.

The final build and install steps are similar to the past ones. Just note that they will take longer since the build is starting from scratch.

ldmx cmake -B build -S .
ldmx cmake --build build --target install

What the F.A.Q.?

Frequent issues and potholes that new collaborators run into while starting their work with LDMX software.

fire: command not found

This error can arise pretty easily but luckily it has a pretty easily solution. The current entrypoint script for the development environment1 (ldmx/dev images) assume that ldmx-sw is installed into the path at ${LDMX_BASE}/ldmx-sw/install, so if any of the following are true, you will see the fire: command not found error.

  • LDMX_BASE is not the full path to the directory containing ldmx-sw.
  • The directory with the ldmx-sw source is not named ldmx-sw.
  • The user configured ldmx-sw to be installed somewhere else with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=....

The ldmx/pro images (short for "production") already have a copy of ldmx-sw compiled and installed into them and so they do not have this path resolution requirement in order to access the fire command.


I say "current" because there is some discussion about re-designing the container interaction to avoid such heavy reliance on the entrypoint in the image. Avoiding this reliance would make it easier for users to switch between images, but it would require us to learn a slightly new interaction workflow.

CMake error: does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

The full text of this error looks like (for example)

CMake Error at Tracking/CMakeLists.txt:61 (add_subdirectory):
  The source directory


  does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. 

We make wide use of submodules in git so that our software can be separated into packages that evolve and are developed at different rates. The error summarized in this title is most often shown when a submodule has not been properly initialized and thus is missing its source code (the first file that is used is the CMakeLists.txt file during the cmake step). Resolving this can be done with

git submodule update --init --recursive

This command does the following

  • submodule update instructs git to switch the submodules to the commits stored in the parent repository
  • The --init flag tells git to do an initial clone of a submodule if it hasn't yet.
  • The --recursive flag tells git to recursively apply these submodule updates in case submodule repos have their own submodules (which they do in our case).

You can avoid running this submodule update command if you use --recurse-submodules during your initial clone and any pulls you do.

# --recursive is the flag used with older git versions
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git
git pull --recurse-submodules

I highly recommend reading the linked page about git submodules. It is very helpful for understanding how to interact with them efficiently.

How can I find the version of the image I'm using?

Often it is helpful to determine an image's version. Sometimes, this is as easy as looking at the tag provided by docker image ls or written into the SIF file name, but sometimes this information is lost. Since v4 of the container image, we've been more generous with adding labels to the image and a standard one is included org.opencontainers.image.version which (for our purposes) stores the release that built the image.

We can use inspect to find the labels stored within an image.

# docker inspect returns JSON with all the image manifest details
# jq just helps us parse this JSON for the specific thing we are looking for,
# but you could just scroll through the output of docker inspect
docker inspect ldmx/dev:latest | jq 'map(.Config.Labels["org.opencontainers.image.version"])[]'
# apptainer inspect (by default) returns just the list of labels
# so we can just use grep to select the line with the label we care about
apptainer inspect ldmx_dev_latest | grep org.opencontainers.image.version

If the org.opencontainers.image.version is not an available label, then the image being used was built prior to v4 and a more complicated, investigative procedure will need to be done. In this case, you should be trying to find the "digest" of the image you are running and then looking for that "digest" on the images availabe on DockerHub.

With docker (and podman), this is easy

docker images --digests

It is more difficult (impossible in general?) with apptainer (and singularity) since some information is discarded while creating the SIF.

Running ROOT Macros from the Command Line

ROOT uses shell-reserved characters in order to mark command line arguments as specific inputs to the function it is parsing and running as a macro. This makes passing these arguments through our shell infrastructure difficult and one needs a hack to get around this. Outside of the container, one might execute a ROOT macro like

root 'my-macro.C("/path/to/input/file.root",72,42.0)'

Using the ldmx command to run this in the container would look like

ldmx root <<EOF
.x my-macro.C("/path/to/input/file.root",72,42.0)

The context for this can be found on GitHub Issue #1169.

Installing on SDF: No space left on the device

On SLAC SDF (and S3DF, I use the same name for both here) we will be using singularity which is already installed. This is a frustrating interaction between SDF's filesystem design and singularity. Long story short, singularity needs O(5GB) of disk space for intermediate files while it is downloading and building container images and by default it uses /tmp/ to do that. /tmp/ on SDF is highly restricted. The solution is to set a few environment variables to tell singularity where to write its intermediate files.

# on SDF
export TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER
# on S3DF

The ldmx-env.sh script is able to iterface with both docker and singularity so you should be able to use it after resolving this disk space issue.

How do I update the version of the container I am using?

We've added this command to the ldmx command line program. In general, it is safe to just update to the latest version.

ldmx pull dev latest

This explicitly pulls the latest version no matter what, so it will download the image even if it is the same as one already on your computer.

My display isn't working when using Windoze and WSL!

You probably are seeing an error that looks like:

$ ldmx rootbrowse
Error in <TGClient::TGClient>: can't open display ":0", switching to batch mode...
In case you run from a remote ssh session, reconnect with ssh -Y
Press enter to exit.

The solution to this is two-fold.

  1. Install an X11-server on Windoze (outside WSL) so that the display programs inside WSL have something to send their information to. X410 is a common one, but there are many options.
  2. Make sure your environment script (scripts/ldmx-env.sh) has updates to the environment allowing you to connect directly to the server. These updates are on PR #997 and could be manually copied if you aren't yet comfortable with git.

Is it okay for me to use tools outside the container? I have been informed to only use the container when working on LDMX.

The container is focused on being a well-defined and well-tested environment for ldmx-sw, but it may not be able to accomodate every aspect of your workflow. For example, my specific workflow can be outlined with the following commands (not a tutorial, just an outline for explanatory purposes):

ldmx cmake .. # configure ldmx-sw build
ldmx make install # build and install ldmx-sw
ldmx fire sim.py # run a simulation
rootbrowse sim_output.root #look at simulation file with local ROOT build **outside the container**
ldmx fire analysis.py sim_output.root #analyze the simulation file
python pretty_plotter.py histogram.root #make PDFs from ROOT histograms generated by analysis.py

As you can see, I switch between inside the container and outside the container and I can do this because I have an install of ROOT outside the container. Key point: For what I am doing which is simply looking at ROOT files and plotting ROOT histograms, my ROOT install does not need to match the ROOT inside the container. I think using both the container and a local installation of ROOT is a very powerful combination. This allows for you to use ROOT's TBrowser or TTreeViewer to debug files while using the container to actually build and run ldmx-sw. Another workflow that follows a similar protocol is a python-based analysis.

ldmx cmake .. # configure ldmx-sw build
ldmx make install # build and install ldmx-sw
ldmx fire sim.py # run a simulation
rootbrowse sim_output.root #look at simulation file with local ROOT build **outside the container**
ldmx python analysis.py sim_output.root #analyze the simulation file and produce PDF/PNG images of histograms

Notice that the analysis.py script, even though it is not being run through fire, is still run inside of the container. This is because the python-based analysis needs access to the ROOT dictionary for ldmx-sw which was generated by the container. This is the only reason for analysis.py to be run inside the container. If the sim_output.root file only has (for example) ntuples in it, then you could run your analysis outside the container because you don't need access to the ldmx-sw dictionary.

python analysis.py sim_output.root #this analysis uses the local ROOT install and does not need the ldmx-sw ROOT dictionary

Conclusion: The absolutely general protocol still uses an installation of ROOT that is outside of the container. You do not need installations of the other ldmx-sw dependencies and your installation of ROOT does not need to match the one inside of the container.

On macOS, I get a 'invalid developer path' error when trying to use git.

On recent versions of the mac operating system, you need to re-install command line tools. This stackexchange question outlines a simple solution.

On macOS, I get a failure when I try to run the docker containers.

The default terminal on macOS is tcsh, but the environment setup script assumes that you are using bash. You should look at this article for how to change your default shell to bash so that the ldmx environment script works.

On macOS, I get a error when trying to use tab completion.

This error looks like

ldmx <tab>-bash: compopt: command not found

where <tab> stands for you pressing the tab key. This error arises because the default version of bash shipped with MacOS is pretty old, for example, MacOS Monterey ships with bash version 3.2 (the current is 5+!).

You can get around this issue by simply updating the version of bash you are using. Since the terminal is pretty low-level, you will unfortunately need to also manually override the default bash.

  1. Install a newer version of bash. This command uses homebrew to install bash.
brew install bash
  1. Add the newer bash to the list of shells you can use.
sudo echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells
  1. Change your default shell to the newer version
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash $USER

You can double check your current shell's bash version by running echo $BASH_VERSION.

This answer was based on a helpful stackexchange answer.

I can't compile and I get a 'No such file or directory' error.

LDMX software is broken up into several different git repositories that are then pulled into a central repository ldmx-sw as "submodules". In order for you to get the code in the submodules, you need to tell git that you want it. There are two simple ways to do this.

  1. You can re-clone the repository, but this time using the --recursive flag.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/LDMX-Software/Framework.git
  1. You can download the submodules after cloning ldmx-sw.
git submodule update --init --recursive

Software complains about not being able to create a processor. (UnableToCreate)

This is almost always due to the library that contains that processor not being loaded. We are trying to have the libraries automatically included by the python templates, but if you have found a python template that doesn't include the library you can do the following in the meantime.

# in your python configuration script
# p is a ldmxcfg.Process object you created earlier
p.libraries.append( 'libMODULE.so' )
# MODULE is the module that your processor is in (for example: Ecal, EventProc, or Analysis)

Software complains about linking a library. (LibraryLoadFailure)

Most of the time, this is caused by the library not being found in the common search paths. In order to make sure that the library can be found, you should give the full path to it.

# in your python configuration script
# p is a ldmxcfg.Process object you created earlier
p.libraries.append( '<full-path-to-ldmx-sw-install>/lib/libMODULE.so' )
# MODULE is the module that your processor is in (for example: Ecal, EventProc, or Analysis)

ROOT version mismatch error.

This error looks something like this:

Error in <TUnixSystem::Load>: version mismatch, <full-path>/ldmx-sw/install/lib/libEvent.so = 62000, ROOT = 62004

This is caused by using one version of ROOT to compile ldmx-sw and another one to use ldmx-sw, and most people run into this issue when compiling ldmx-sw inside of the container and then using ldmx-sw outside of the container. The fix to this is simple: always compile and use ldmx-sw inside of the container. This makes sure that the dependencies never change.

If you need some dependency that isn't in your version of the container, please file an issue with the docker repository to request what's called a "derivative" container.

Parameter 'className' does not exist in list of parameters.

This error usually occurs when you pass an object that isn't an EventProcessor as an EventProcessor to the Process sequence. A feature that is helpful for debugging your configuration file is the Process.pause function:

# at the end of your config.py
p.pause() #prints your Process configuration and waits for you to press enter before continuing

ldmx-sw cannot find the contents of a file when I know that the file exists

Remember that you are running inside of the container, so the file you want to give to the software must be accessible by the container. Some python features that are helpful for making sure the container can find your file are os.path.fullpath to get the full path to a file and os.path.isfile to check that the file exists.

Generating Simulation Samples

The generation of simulation samples is done mainly by the Geant4 package with several additions stored in the SimCore module of ldmx-sw. However, you do not need to know the simulation to this level of depth. The Simulator producer in the SimCore module is your messenger to run the simulation. Here, I will go through its basic usage. For more information about all of the available parameters, please see the documentation on Configuring the Simulation.

Basic Usage

Running the simulation is just like any other producer in ldmx-sw. In your python configuration script, it is required that you have the following lines (or equivalent):

from LDMX.SimCore.simulator import simulator
mySimulator = simulator( "mySimulator" ) #create the simulator object

You can write your own detector description in the gdml format (if you want), but ldmx-sw already comes with several versions of the LDMX detector description. These versions are installed with it and can be accessed with some python (+ cmake!) code:

mySimulator.setDetector( 'ldmx-det-v12' )

Okay, mySimulator now is created and has been given a path to an LDMX detector description. What else is needed? Well, we need at least one more thing. We need to tell the simulation how to start the simulation. In Geant4 speak, this is called a "Primary Generator". In ldmx-sw, we already have several generators defined (more details on Configuring the Simulation), but for this simple example, we will just import a standard generator.

from LDMX.SimCore import generators
mySimulator.generators = [ generators.single_4gev_e_upstream_tagger() ]

Now you can add mySimulator to the process sequence:

# p is a Process created earlier in your py config script
p.sequence = [ 
#other processors?

Remember to tell the process how many events to simulate and where to put them:

p.maxEvents = 10
p.outputFiles = [ "mySimulatorOutput.root" ]

Run: ldmx fire myConfig.py

Other Available Templates

There are a lot of commonly used aspects of the simulation, so we have incorporated these common "templates" into the python interface for the simulation. This section is focused on listing these available templates and how to access them.


Access with: from LDMX.SimCore import generators.

This module contains functions that produce each of the generators. You should always use these helper functions because sometimes the underlying naming conventions may change in future developments. More detail about the generators is in the Generators section of Configuring the Simulation.

Biased Simulations

Several simulations with biased processes have been used frequently in the past, so we have written templates for using simulations with reasonably-defined defaults.

Processes in ECal Access with: from LDMX.Biasing import ecal.

Processes in Target Access with: from LDMX.Biasing import target.

Both ecal and target modules have three functions that allow you to choose which process is biased in that volume.

photo_nuclear(detector,generator)PN process biased up and filtered for in (ecal or target)
electro_nuclear(detector,generator)EN process biased up and filtered for in target
dark_brem(massAPrime,lheFile,detector)Sets A' mass to massAPrime (in MeV) and uses the input LHE file as vertices for the dark brem simulation more detail here

More Advanced Details

As I said earlier, you can definitely see all of the capabilities of Simulator by looking at the parameters that are available in the documentation (linked above). Two parameters that I would like to point out is preInitCommands and postInitCommands. These parameters are given directly to the Geant4 UI as a string, so you can still access Geant4 directly using these commands.

The hope is to remove any need for Geant4-style messengers inside of ldmx-sw, but we also don't want to re-write all of Geant4, so we provide this method for accessing the simulation library directly.

Simple Configuration

Here is a simple configuration file that should generate a sample of 10 events without any biasing or signal and reconstructs the ECal and HCal hits.


# need the configuration python module
from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg

# Create the necessary process object (call this pass "sim")
p = ldmxcfg.Process( "sim" )

# Set the unique number that identifies this run
p.run = 9001 
# import a template simulator and change some of its parameters
from LDMX.SimCore import generators
from LDMX.SimCore import simulator

mySim = simulator.simulator( "mySim" )
mySim.setDetector( 'ldmx-det-v12' )
mySim.generators = [ generators.single_4gev_e_upstream_tagger() ]
mySim.description = 'I am a basic working example!'

# import chip/geometry conditions
import LDMX.Ecal.ecal_hardcoded_conditions
import LDMX.Hcal.HcalGeometry
import LDMX.Hcal.hcal_hardcoded_conditions
# import processor templates
import LDMX.Ecal.digi as ecal_digi
import LDMX.Hcal.digi as hcal_digi
# add them to the sequence
p.sequence = [

# During production (simulation), maxEvents is used as the number
# of events to simulate.
# Other times (like when analyzing a file), maxEvents is used as
# a cutoff to prevent fire from running over the entire file.
p.maxEvents = 10

# how frequently should the process print messages to the screen?
p.logFrequency = 1

# I want to see all of the information messages (the default is only warnings and errors)
p.termLogLevel = 1

# give name of output file
p.outputFiles = [ "output.root" ]

# print process object to make sure configuration is correct
# at beginning of run and wait for user to press enter to start

Which SimParticles are saved?

Often, one of the first tasks users of ldmx-sw have is to inspect the simulated particles that exist in an output file to learn about what happened within an event. It is then fairly easy to find out that not all of the simulated particles are actually saved into the output file. One could find this out in multiple ways, but commonly, folks find this out through one of two observations.

  1. The track IDs (the key in the std::map they are stored in) skip numbers pretty regularly.
  2. A SimParticle's "parent" or "daughter" is missing from the particles saved for that event.

In any case, this naturally leads to confusion; hence, this page trying to explain it.

Vocabulary Confusion

I should emphasize here that we copy a G4Track into our SimParticle. Geant4 has chosen to use the word "particle" to mean the definition of a particle and its properties. Individual particles moving through space and time are "tracks" in Geant4. We undo this switch-a-roo because we have other things called "tracks". To further add confusion, parts of our geometry infrastructure refer to "trajectories" which are also the same thing.

Data Structure

First, it is helpful to be aware of the structure of the stored simulated particle data. We save this data as a std::map<int, ldmx::SimParticle> where the key of the map is the Geant4 track ID of the particle (a unique integer within each event) and the value is a ldmx::SimParticle that stores data about the particle.


Why not store all of the simulated particles?

The answer to this question is pretty simple: it is a waste of space. When a high energy electron hits a huge block of material, it undergoes a process we call "showering" creating hundreds if not thousands of particles as it interacts with the material. Most of these particles created during a shower are not "interesting" for our purposes, so it is helpful to just skip saving them. We do have the ability to store all of the particles in an event if you desire, you can follow the same instructions provided for storing all simulated particles during re-simulation.


We get around this phenomena of showering by only saving a select group of particles during normal simulation which satisfy one (or more) of the following.

  1. The simulated particle is one of the primary particles
    • This is determined by the generators the user provides to the simulation.
  2. The simulated particle is created in a region with StoreTrajectories set to true
    • This is set within the GDML of the detector where we define regions. In all of the current detectors, all of the regions will store trajectories except the calorimeters.
  3. The simulated particle has its SaveFlag set to true
    • This is determined by any extra UserActions the simulation has attached to it.

We do not usually have any UserActions which set the SaveFlag to false because UserActions which are looking for particular simulated particles are usually trying to get around the bulk "veto" imposed by the simulation throwing away simulated particles that were created within the calorimeter region (either the ECal or the HCal).

UserActions that focus on looking for particular particles and making sure they are saved already exist and can be used as examples. These actions (and their example configs) largely live within the Biasing module of ldmx-sw.


This config uses several user actions to make sure the a hard brem occurs within the target and that high-energy photon undergoes a Photon-Nuclear (PN) interaction within the ECal. Since the PN interaction is very interesting for us and it happens in the ECal, this config also uses the TrackProcessFilter action which makes sure all particles that were created with the PN interaction are saved.

With this config, the sim particles that exist in the output file fall into three categories.

  1. Starts outside of the ECal or HCal. This includes the primary electron that started the simulation, but also may include other particles that are created as the electron journeys from the beam into the calorimeters including the high energy photon created in the target.
  2. Products of a PN Interaction. All particles that are created via the PN interaction are saved. Since a PN interaction is required to happen in the ECal, many of these particles will have daughter track IDs that do not exist in the particle map since they were not created via the PN interaction and thus do not pass the filter.


This config (as the name implies) does not use any user actions and is just here to help test the basic running of a simulation.

With this config, the sim particles that exist are all created upstream of the calorimeters. If you were to look at a distribution of all particles and their starting z location, you would see none of them past ~200 mm where the front of the ECal and HCal are. These particles include the primary electron fied by the generator and any particles it produces on its way to the calorimeters.

For Developers

This particle saving infrastructure is handled by the simcore::UserTrackInformation which stores the save flag referenced earlier and the simcore::g4user::TrackingAction which applies the defaults described above as well as passes the save decision onto the class which creates the SimParticle for a G4Track.

Getting Started at SLAC

Note: This page is old and refers to a now-deprecated cluster at SLAC as well as ldmx-sw programs that have been removed. We are keeping it around "just in case" but unless it goes through a significant re-write, it is probably best to be ignored.

The following is a summary of Overview of ldmx-sw with examples specific to running at SLAC

Note: The recipe that follows only works on the centos 7 machines.

Logging in & basic setup

Begin by login into one of the centos7 public login hosts as follows

ssh -XY centos7.slac.stanford.edu

Once logged in, create your own directory within the users in the LDMX group area as follows:

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/
mkdir $USER

Setting Up the Environment to use the group installation

NB this section is under construction

The group installation can be setup by using issuing the following commands:

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER
scl enable devtoolset-8 bash  
cp /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh .
source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh

You can test that the installation is correctly setup by running


And you should see the following if the paths are successfully set:

All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)

Setting Up the Environment for local development

The development environment can be setup by issuing the following command

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER
scl enable devtoolset-8 bash  
cp /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/local_setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh .
source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/local_setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh

Bonus Tip:

Put the following into your .bash_profile so that it is easier to setup the ldmx working environment.

alias ldmxstable='source scl_source enable devtoolset-8; source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh'

Then you can setup the ldmx environment by just running ldmxstable. This "stable" environment uses the group installation of ldmx-sw, so it is helpful for running longer jobs.

Building ldmx-sw

Clone the ldmx-sw git repository into your personal directory

git clone git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git


git clone https://github.com/LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git

This requires you to have already set-up a git configuration file.

Configuring the build via CMake can be done as follows:

cd ldmx-sw; mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DGeant4_DIR=$G4DIR -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTDIR -DXercesC_DIR=$XercesC_DIR -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python` -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$PYTHONHOME/include/python2.7 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$PYTHONHOME/lib/libpython2.7.so -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..

Issuing the make command then builds ldmx-sw

make -j16 install

Finally, the ldmx-sw build path can be added by editing local_setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh i.e. uncommenting the following lines

#   ldmx-sw   #
export LDMXSW_DIR=/nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/ldmx-sw/install

and re-sourcing local_setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh

source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/local_setup_gcc8.3.1_cos7.sh

Running and Configuring fire

The fire application is used for simulation, reconstruction, and analysis of data from the LDMX experiment. The application receives its configuration for a given purpose by interpreting a python script which contains instructions about what C++ code to run and what parameters to use. The python script is not run for each event, but instead is used to determine the configuration of the C++ code which is run for each event.

Brief summary of running fire

From the commandline, the application is run as follows:

$ ldmx fire {configuration_script.py} [arguments for configuration script]

The configuration script language is discussed in more detail below.

Configuration script arguments

Arguments after the .py file on the commandline will be passed to the script as normal arguments to any python script. These can be used in many ways to adjust the behavior of the script. Some examples are given below in the Tips and Tricks section.

Processing Modes

There are two processing modes that fire can run in which are defined by the presence of input data files1.

If there are no input data files, then fire is in Production Mode while if there are input data files, then fire is in Reconstruction Mode. The names of these two modes originate from how fire is used in LDMX research.


In this context, an "input data file" is a data file previously produced by fire. There can be other types of data that are "input" into fire but unless fire is actually treating those input files as a reference, fire is considered to be in "Production Mode". See the inputFiles configuration parameter below.

The Process Object

The Process object represents the overall processing step. It must be included in any fire configuration. When the Process is constructed, the user must provide a processing pass name. This processing pass name is used to identify the products in the data file and cannot be repeated when later processing the same file. The pass name is useful when a file has been processed multiple times -- for example, when reprocessing a file with new calibration constants.

As an example, the pass name is practice, so the line which constructs the Process is:

p = ldmxcfg.Process("practice")

Here is a list of some of the most important process options and what they control. It is encouraged to browse the python modules themselves for all the details, but you can also call help(ldmxcfg.Process) in python to see the documentation.

  • passName (string)
    • required Given in the constructor, tag for the process as a whole.
    • For example: "10MeVSignal" for a simulation of a 10MeV A'
  • run (integer)
    • Unique number identifying the run
    • For example: 9001
    • Default is 0
  • maxEvents (integer)
    • Maximum number of events to run for
    • Required for Production Mode (no input files)
    • In Reconstruction Mode, the number of events that are run is the number of events in the input files unless this parameter is positive and less than the input number.
    • For example: 9000
  • outputFiles (list of strings)
    • List of files to output events to
    • Required to be exactly one for Production Mode, and either exactly one or exactly the number of input files in Reconstruction Mode.
    • For example: [ "output.root" ]
  • inputFiles (list of strings)
    • List of files to read events in from
    • Required if no output files are given
    • For example: [ "input.root" ]
  • histogramFile (string)
    • Name of file to put histograms and ntuples in
    • For example: "myHistograms.root"
  • sequence (list of event processors)
    • Required to be non-empty
    • List of processors to run the events through (in the order given)
    • For example: [ mySimulator, ecalDigis, ecalRecon ]
  • keep (list of strings)
    • List of drop/keep rules to help ldmx-sw know which collections to put into output file(s)
    • Slightly complicated, see the documentation of EventFile
    • For example: [ "drop .*SimHits.*" , "keep Ecal.*" ]
  • skimDefaultIsKeep (bool)
    • Should the process keep events unless told to drop by a processor?
    • Default is True: events will be kept unless processors use setStorageHint.
    • Use skimDefaultIsDrop() or skimDefaultIsSave() to modify
  • skimRules (list of strings)
    • List of processors to use to decide whether an event should be stored in the output file (along with the default given above).
    • Has a very specific format, use skimConsider( processorName ) to modify
      • processorName is the instance name and not the class name
    • For example, the Ecal veto chooses whether an event should be kept or not depending on a lot of physics stuff. If you only want the events passing the veto to be saved, you would:
p.skimDefaultIsDrop() #process should drop events unless specified otherwise
p.skimConsider('ecalVeto') #process should listen to storage hints from ecalVeto
  • logFrequency (int)
    • How frequently should the processor tell you what event number it is on?
    • Default is -1 which is never.

Configuration File Basics

Often times, the script that is passed to fire to configure how ldmx-sw runs and processes data is called a "config script" or even simply "config". This helps distinguish these python files from other python files who have different purposes (like filling histograms or creating plots).

There are many configs stored within ldmx-sw itself which mostly exist to help developers quickly test any code developments they write. These examples, while often complicated at first look, can be helpful for a new user wishing to learn more about how to write their own config for ldmx-sw.

  • .github/validation_samples/<name>/config.py: configs used in automatic PR validation tests, these have a variety of simulations as well as the full suite of emulation and reconstruction processors with ldmx-sw
  • Biasing/test/ : configs used to help manually test developments in the Biasing and Simulation code, these mostly just have simulations and do not contain emulation and reconstruction processors
  • exampleConfigs directory within modules: configs written by module developers to help describe how to use the processors they are developing

In order to help guide your browsing, below I've written two example configs that will not run but they do show code snippets that are similar across a wide variety of configs. In all configs, there will be the creation of the Process object where the name of that pass is defined and there will be some lines defining the p.sequence of processors that will be run to process the data.

Additional notes:

  • Using the variable name p for the Process object is just convention and is not strictly necessary; however, it does lend itself nicely to sharing bits of code between configs.
  • Most of the time, especially for processors that are already written into ldmx-sw, the construction of a processor is put into its own python module so that the C++ class name, the module name, and any other parameters can be properly spelled once and used everywhere.

Minimal Production Config

In Production Mode, there won't be a p.inputFiles line but there will be a line setting p.run to some value.

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('mypass')
p.outputFiles = ['output_events.root']
p.run = 1
p.sequence = [

Minimal Reconstruction Config

In Reconstruction Mode, there will be a p.inputFiles line but since p.run will be ignored it is often omitted.

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('myreco')
p.inputFiles = ['input_events.root']
p.outputFiles = ['rereco_input_events.root']
p.sequence = [
  ldmxcfg.Producer('my_reco', 'some::cpp::MyReco', 'Module')

Structure of Event Processors

In ldmx-sw, processors have a structure that overlap between C++ and python where we attempt to use the strengths of both languages.

In C++, we do all the heavy lifting and try to utilize the language's speed and efficiency.

In python, we do the complicated task of assigning values for all of the configuration parameters, regardless of type.


The C++ part of the event processor is a derived class that has multiple different methods accessing different parts at different points of time along the processing chain. I am not going to go through all of those parts in detail, but I will focus on two methods that are used in almost all processors.

The configure method of your event processor is given an object called Parameters which contains all the parameters retrieved from python (more on that later). This method is called immediately after the processor is constructed, so it is the place to set up your processor and make sure it will do what you want it to do.

The produce (for Producers) or analyze (for Analyzers) method of your event processor is given the current event object. With this event object, you can access all of the objects that have been previously stored into it and (for Producers only) put new event objects into it.

Here is an outline of a Producer with these two methods. This was not tested. It is just here for illustrative purposes.

// in the header file
// ldmx-sw/MyModule/include/MyModule/MyProducer.h

namespace mymodule {
 * We inherit from the Producer class so that
 * the application can know what to do with us.
class MyProducer : public Producer {
   * Constructor
   * Required to match the structure set up by Producer
  MyProducer(const std::string& name, Process& p) : Producer(name, p) {}

   * Configure this instance of MyProducer
   * We get an object storing all of the parameters set in the python.
  void configure(Parameters& params) final override;

   * Produce for the input event
   * Here is where you do all your work on an event-by-event basis.
  void produce(Event& event) final override;

  /// a parameter we will get from python
  int my_parameter_;

  /// another parameter we will get from python
  std::vector<double> my_other_parameter_;
}; // MyProducer
}  // mymodule

// in the source file
// ldmx-sw/MyModule/src/MyModule/MyProducer.cxx

#include "MyModule/MyProducer.h"

namespace mymodule {

void MyProducer::configure(const Parameters& params) {
  my_parameter_ = params.getParameter<int>("my_parameter");
  my_other_parameter_ = params.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("my_other_parameter");
  std::cout << "I also know the name "
      << params.getParameter<std::string>("instanceName")
      << " and class "
      << params.getParameter<std::string>("className")
      << " of this copy of MyProcessor" << std::endl;

void MyProducer::produce(Event& event) {
  // insert processor's event-by-event work here

}  // mymodule

DECLARE_PRODUCER_NS(mymodule, MyProducer);


The python part of the event processor is set up to allow the user to specify the parameters the processor should use. We also define a class in python that will be accessed by the application.

The python class has three objectives:

  1. Define all of the parameters that the processor requires (and reasonable defaults)
  2. Include the library that the C++ processor is apart of
  3. Tell the configuration what the C++ class it links to is

Here is an outline of the python class that would go with the C++ class MyProducer above.

class MyProducer(Producer) :
    """An outline for a producer configuration in python
    my_parameter : int
      An example of an integer parameter
    my_other_parameter : list[float]
      An example of a vector of doubles parameter

    def __init__(self,name) :
            name, # unique instance name because you could have more than one copy of a processor
            'cool::MyProducer', #the full name including namespaces of the C++ class
            'MyModule' #the name of the module this processor is in (e.g. Ecal or Analysis)
        # define the parameters and their defaults
        #   notice that the names of the parameters
        #   are what we look for in the C++ configure method
        self.my_parameter = 5
        self.my_other_parameter = [ 1. , 2. , 3. ]

Now in a configuration script you can create a configuration for MyProducer and (if you want) change some of the parameters to something other than the defaults.

# in a configuration python script
#   my_producer is the python file in MyModule/python
#   that contains the python class definition of MyProducer
from LDMX.MyModule import my_producer
myProd = my_producer.MyProducer('myProd')
myProd.my_parameter = 10 #will change the 5 to 10 so the C++ class will receive 10

Other Objects

This structure for Event Processors is pretty general, and actually there are other objects in the C++ application that are configured in this way: PrimaryGenerators, UserActions, ConditionsObjectProviders, DarkBremModels, BiasingOperators.

Drop Keep Rules

Bugs with Drop Keep Rules

Some issues with the drop keep rules have been reported on GitHub: Framework Issue #91. Check there if you are having issues to see if you need to update or if there is a work-around.

By default, all data that is added to an event (via event.add within a produce function) is written to the output data file. This is a helpful default because it allows users to quickly and write a new config and see everything that was produced by it.

Nevertheless, it is often helpful to avoid storing specific event objects within the output file mostly because the output file is getting too large and removing certain objects can save disk space without sacrificing too much usability for physics analyses. For this purpose, our processing framework has a method for configuring which objects should be stored in the output file. This configuration is colloquially called "drop keep rules" since some objects can be "dropped" during processing (generated in memory but not written to the output file) while others can be explicitly kept (i.e. written to the output file).

The drop keep rules are written in the config as a python list of strings

# p is the ldmxcfg.Process object created earlier
p.keep = [ '<rule0>', '<rule1>', ... ]

the implementation of these rules is done in the framework::EventFile class specifically the addDrop function handles the deduction of these rules.

Rule Format

Each rule in the list should be a string with a single space.

decision expression
  • decision is one of three strings: drop, keep, and ignore.
  • expression is a regular expression that will be compared against the event object names


As the name implies, this first string is the definition of what should happen to an event object that this rule applies to. It must exactly match one of the strings below.

  • drop : event objects matching expression should not be written to the output file
  • keep : event objects matching expression should be written to the output file
  • ignore : event objects matching expression should not even be read in from the input file

Legacy Note

The "ignore" decision is leftover from earlier versions of the processing framework that would load all event objects from the input file into memory for processing. Current versions of framework do not do this and so this decision is largely not needed.

Perhaps a future version of framework will fully remove this as an option after testing confirms that this behavior is not needed.


This regular expression hasn't been fully tested against all the powers of regular expressions. What has been tested is basic sub-string matching and so it is advised to stay within the realm of sub-string matching.

Since we append the pass name of a process to the end of these event objects created within that process, we expect this expression to be focused on matching the prefix of the full object name. Thus, if an expression emph does not end in a * character, one is appended.


The expression "EcalSimHits" in the python configuration will be updated to "EcalSimHits*".


The rules are applied in order and can override one another. This allows for more complicated decisions to be made. In essence, the last rule in the list whose expression matches the event object's name, that is the decision that will be applied.


I can drop all of the scoring plane hit collections except the one for the ECal.

p.keep = [
    'drop .*ScoringPlane.*',
    'keep EcalScoringPlane.*'

Dangerous Example

In a very tight disk space environment, you can drop all event objects and then only keep ones you specifically require. In general, this is not recommended (and to be honest, I'm not sure if it works).

p.keep = [
    'drop .*',
    'keep HcalHits.*',
    'keep EcalHits.*',

The above would then have a file with only the Hcal and Ecal hits. Make sure to thoroughly test run your config with the setting of p.keep to make sure that everything you need is in the output file. It is very easy to mis-type one of these patterns and prevent anything from being written to the output file.

Event Skimming

Another feature of our event processing framework is selecting out only certain events to be written into the output file. This is colloquially called "skimming" and is helpful for many reasons, primarily for users to be able to not waste disk space on events that are not interesting for an analysis.

Since not writing events into the output file is an inherently destructive feature, event skimming will only operate if both the config and the processors being run by the config support it. Both play a part in how the choice to keep an event is made and so they are described below.

More Info

The StorageControl class in the processing framework is what handles the event skimming decisions and the input from the config and processors.


On the C++ side of things, processors can use their protected member function setStorageHint to "hint" to the framework what that processor wants to happen to the event. The argument to this function is a framework::StorageControl::Hint value as well as a string that can be used to give a more detailed "purpose".

Hints are then used to algorithmically decide if an event should be written to the output file (kept) or not (dropped). Only hints passing the "listening rules" (see below) are included in this algorithm.

  • Must*: "must"-style hints are dominant. If any processor provides a "must" hint, then that decision is made. MustDrop takes precendence over MustKeep if both are provided.
  • Should*: "should"-style hints are less forceful and are just used to tally votes. A simple majority of should hints is used to make the decision if no must hints are provided.
  • If there is a tie (including if no hints are provided), then the default decision is made.


The config script can alter which processors the framework will "listen" to when deciding what to do with an event by checking for specific processor names and (optionally) only specific "purpose" strings from that processor. In addition, the config script defines what the default decision is in the case of no hints or a tie in voting.

Listening Rules

The format of the string representing a listening rule is a bit complicated, so it is best to just use the p.skimConsider function when defining which processors you wish to "listen" to (or "consider") when making a skimming decision. Most commonly, a user just has one processor that they want to make the skimming decision and in this case you can just provide the processors name.


Technically, the listening rules use regular expressions for both the processor name and the purpose, so one could get quite fancy about which processors (and purposes) are selected. This more intricate skimming method has not been well tested.

Default Decision

The default storage decision is what will be used if no processors that are being listened to provide a hint during processing. Since the default configuration is to listen to no processors at all, the default configuration of the default decision is to keep i.e. without any config changes, we keep all events that are processed. Without changing this, you could have a processor that explicity "drops" events and update the config to consider this processor in order to run over events and drop the "uninteresting" ones (using p.skimConsider like above).

On the other hand, we could set the default decision to drop all the events and instead have a processor specifically "keep" events that are interesting. In this case, you would want to add the following to your config.


along with a p.skimConsider so that something ends up in your output event file.

Another Form of Event Dropping

This style of event dropping is geared more towards readout, reconstruction, and analysis decisions where the event is already fully created in memory and we just want to make a decision about it.

In the simulation, we also allow for events to be "aborted" in the middle of creating it so that we can end the event early and save computing resources from being wasted on an event we've decided is not interesting (for whatever reason). This style of "dropping" events is more commonly called "filtering" the simulation and is more complicated than what is described here since it operates during the Geant4 simulation.

Tips and Tricks

Command Line Arguments

Python has an easy-to-use argument parsing library. This library can be used within an ldmx-sw configuration script in order to change the parameters you are passing to the processors or even to change which processors you use.

For example, I use the code snippet often to pass inputs to the process.

import argparse
from pathlib import Path

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('run_number',type=int,help='run number for this simulation run')
parser.add_argument('-o','--out-dir',type=Path,help='output directory to write event data to')
args = parser.parse_args()

from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('example')
p.run = args.run_number
p.outputFile = [
  str(args.out_dir / f'my_special_simulation_run_{p.run:04d}.root')

# rest of configuration

Looking at the argparse library linked above is highly recommended since it has a lot of flexibility and can make passing arguments into your config very easy.

Manipulating File Paths

Python's pathlib library is helpful for doing the common tasks of finding files, listing files, and making a new file path.

For example, if input_dir is a pathlib.Path for an input directory of ROOT files.

p.inputFiles = [ str(f) for f in input_dir.iterdir() if f.suffix == '.root' ]

We can also use an input file input_file to get an output file name and an output directory output_dir to place this file in the directory we want.

p.outputFiles = [ str(output_dir / (input_file.stem + '_with_my_analyzer.root')) ]

Start-Up Exercises

This page assumes you (the reader) already has some experience with git and the command line. If you are not as experienced with either of these, then you may need to use more resources than this guide to gain an understanding of ldmx-sw.

0. Installation and Test Run

Follow the instructions on how to install ldmx-sw to build an installation on your local computer. The most up-to-date instructions can be found on the ldmx-sw README. The basic flow of building and installing ldmx-sw is below. The big steps break down into a series of terminal commands that you will use often.

  1. Get the source code (either by downloading or writing) - The --recurisve flag is very important because of the way we package our code in git
git clone --recursive https://github.com/LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git
  1. Configure the build to your system and your source - The source scripts/ldmx-env.sh is called "sourcing the environment script" and can be done earlier if the code is already on your computer.
cd ldmx-sw
source scripts/ldmx-env.sh
mkdir build
cd build
ldmx cmake ..
  1. Compile and Install the code - This also needs to be inside the build directory.
ldmx make install

Make sure the installation was built and linked correctly by running the test application. This should return a message describing saying that several tests passed, for example:

$ ldmx ctest
Test project /home/tom/ldmx/ldmx-sw/build
    Start 1: Framework
1/6 Test #1: Framework ........................   Passed    2.63 sec
    Start 2: DetDescr
2/6 Test #2: DetDescr .........................   Passed    0.17 sec
    Start 3: Conditions
3/6 Test #3: Conditions .......................   Passed    0.30 sec
    Start 4: Ecal
4/6 Test #4: Ecal .............................   Passed    2.41 sec
    Start 5: Hcal
5/6 Test #5: Hcal .............................   Passed   32.68 sec
    Start 6: SimCore
6/6 Test #6: SimCore ..........................   Passed   13.13 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  51.35 sec

1. Practice using fire

This is another test on your installation, but it gives you more freedom to explore ldmx-sw.

fire is run by using a "python configuration file." This config file is actually executed as a python script before run parameters are extracted, so you can use python to make your job easier.

Write your first config file

For the purposes of the rest of these exercises, you should have a single file of ~100 events so that it can be analyzed fairly quickly. If you want to skip to writing your own analyzers and you already have an event file, then you can skip to the next exercise.

Read through Running and Configuring fire to learn more about the python configuration scripts. The configuration script provided there gives an example of a script you could use to generate the small event file to analyze. Mess around with the parameters and look at the processors used in that script to make your sample your own and learn more!

There are already several processors in ldmx-sw that have a template python module that you can import into your config. Most processors that have this sort of template put into their module's python directory.

2. Analyze a Sample using python3

One of the quickest ways to open up a file with events in it and start making plots is by writing a python-based analysis. The benefits of using a python-based analysis are that the analysis script is easier to develop; however, you do not have access to all of the tools that are coded into the C++ implementation of ldmx-sw so these analysese are limited.

A very basic pythnon analysis is given below. The EventTree module is a recent addition to ldmx-sw and is not available in older (pre v3.0.0) versions.

"""A short and basic python analysis in ldmx-sw"""

from LDMX.Framework import EventTree
import sys

# use the first command line argument as the input file
tree = EventTree.EventTree(sys.argv[1])

for event in tree:

which you would run on the command line using the ldmx command defined after sourcing the environment script.

$ ldmx python3 my-analysis.py file-to-analyze.root

All this script will do is loop through the events in the file and print-out the event header for each one. The event header only has the basic information of the event's number, weight, timestamp, and run number. Obviously, this "analysis" is not very interesting. How can we improve upon it?

Exercise: Fill a histogram of simulated energy deposits in the ECal.

Now that you have a basic template for looping through an event tree, try to modify the above python script such that you can print-out a histogram of the energy deposits in the ECal.


  • The list of simulated hits in the ECal are called EcalSimHits, so you can get them with event.EcalSimHits.
    • Other objects in the event exist - use ldmx rootbrowse file-to-analyze.root to browse the file!
  • ROOT's documentation isn't great, but this "simple" histogram-filling file is a place you can look for code examples

3. Analyze a sample using fire

General Description of Processing in fire

fire iterates through all of the events stored in a file. Each of these events has an event bus that contains all of the objects that store data about the event. A good introductory way to think of this analysis is implied by the use of the phrase "event bus". Each file contains a line of buses and each bus stops at each processor in the sequence. Each processor can go onto the bus making additions or just getting information before the bus proceeds to the next processor in the sequence. A processor that is allowed to add objects to the bus are called producers while a processor that is not allowed to add objects is called an analyzer. The event bus can contain singular objects or Standard Template Library (STL) collections of objects.


You can write your own processors in a branch of the analysis repository. This repo requires you to provide it a path to your ldmx-sw installation, but after that, you don't need to compile ldmx-sw anymore!

Write your own Analyzer that makes some sort of histogram. A good method of starting a new Analyzer is to simply copy an existing analyzer and change its file names and class name.

Goal: Fill a Histogram with the Transverse Momenta of All Particles

  1. Copy an existing analyzer's header and source files to your own files and clean out all the old code (renaming where necessary).
    • "renaming where necessary" is deceptively simple, reach out for some help on slack if you are unfamiliar with C++!
  2. Make sure your new processor can be added to the processing sequence by having it print "Hello World" to the screen for each event. You will need to add your new processor to a python configuration file (like you used above) and have the processor in the sequence provided to the ldmx process.
  3. Determine how to access the SimParticles from the event. (Browsing the code-base for other processors which do this is a common method!)
  4. Now that you have the collection of simulated particles in your analyzer, have your analyzer fill a histogram of the transverse momentum of each of the simulated particles.

Now you've gotten a basic analyzer running and filling histograms! You can go forward and start making more interesting histograms from the objects that other processors put into the event.

The rest of these exercises are much more code-heavy. If you are not developing for ldmx-sw, you can take a break from these exercises now and start writing your own physics analyses using what you have learned.

4. Construct a Producer using a pre-defined event object

All of the event objects that can be added to the event bus are in the Event module. You've probably already used a few of them while practicing making an analyzer in the previous exercise. Now, you will add your own version of one of these classes to the event bus. Most of the event objects are highly specialized, but a simpler one to use to practice is HcalVetoResult.

Goal: Write your own HCal Veto

  1. There is already an implementation of an HCal Veto: Hcal::HcalVetoProcessor. Look at it to gain some inspiration.
  2. Look through the header and source files for HcalVetoResult to make sure you understand the aspects of this class.
  3. Generate a new producer by copying an existing one and make sure that it can be added to the processing sequence by having it print the number of HcalHits in each event.
  4. Design your veto. Look at the HcalVetoProcessor to find out how to add your object to the event bus.
  5. Make sure your new object is being stored in the output file by opening it with ldmx rootbrowse.


  1. There is a way to tell fire to skip an event (i.e. not save it in the output file) from within a processor. Can you make your veto actually skip events that would have failed to pass it? Hint: You have to put new code in both your producer's source file and your python configuration file. Hint: We usually call this process "skimming".

4. Construct a Producer and your own event object

Note: Currently, in order to write your own event object, you need to make additions to ldmx-sw and re-build and re-install ldmx-sw after these additions.

You've already written a producer in the previous exercise, but you were constrained to only using objects that have already been written for a different purpose. This is not how most new producers work. Most new producers have a corresponding new event object developed with it.

Goal: Determine full path information of primary electron.

Before you get started there are some things you need to know about the simulation in order to do this task effectively and accurately.

  • Geant4 (G4) is the simulation toolkit that we use, and a lot of the terminology in SimParticle is borrowed from G4.
  • G4 uses the TrackID as a unique identifier for each particle, but it is not perfect. In some interactions, the track ID changes even though we would consider one of the products to be the same as one of the incoming particles.
  • The kinematic information stored in SimParticle is what the particle had at creation. This is especially important to consider when looking at the primary electron.
  • The end point stored in SimParticle is when the given track ID is no longer used. This may or may not be the point where the particle actually is stopped or destroyed because there are interactions that change the track ID in G4 without destroying the particle.
  • Not all of the particles generated by G4 are stored in the simulation file. This is because thousands of particles are generated in the particle shower in the ECal, and storing them all would take too much space. This is important to remember when using the references to other particles. For example, the particle stored as the "parent" may or may not be stored as well.

Now we are ready to track the path of the primary electron in the event.

  1. We want to know the full kinematic information for the primary electron along its journey. Start by thinking of what we need to find and how we could calculate it if it isn't directly available in the data file. This isn't as easy as taking the starting and ending points stored in SimParticle. These points don't take into account any scattering that occurs along the particle's real path in the simulation which would lead to a curved path instead of a straight line.
  2. Make a producer template and use it to try to track the primary electron through the first few events in your file. What collections do you need to get? How do you determine the electrons energy or momentum at a specific time/place? Print this information to your screen to see if it makes sense. This processor can be in your ldmx-analysis repository. Only the new event bus object needs to be inside of ldmx-sw.
  3. Write a C++ class that will store this path information for the primary electron and follow the instructions on how to add it to the LDMX event bus. This step is complicated and will take some patience.
  4. Add your object to the event bus and check that it is being added. How would you check that the path is being determined correctly? How would you check that the momentum/energy at each point along the path is being determined correctly?
  5. Write an analyzer to make a histogram of the real path length of the primary electron (not the straight line distance between the starting and ending points). You could make this histogram inside of your producer, but you should make a separate analyzer to double check that the object you added to the event bus can be accessed by other processors.

Transition to ldmx-sw v4


If you don't have a branch of ldmx-sw that you wish to update, the easiest way to update ldmx-sw to v4 is with a new clone.

rm -rf ldmx-sw # are you SURE you have no changes? We are deleting everything now...
git clone --recursive git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git

Before the major release v4, ldmx-sw contained a lot of git submodules. They were introduced to try to help improve the developing workflow, but they ended up being an impedance for how we develop ldmx-sw and so were removed. Changing a git submodule into a normal subdirectory is a highly technical change that, while it doesn't change the source code, significantly alters how users interact with the source code via git.


This documentation page is here to help users update their local copy of ldmx-sw from before the v4 transition to after the v4 transition.

  • The target audience are those less familiar with git
  • We aim to avoid manually re-writing changes

This guide will NOT preserve the history of any branches.

The process described here is similar to "squashing" all of the changes on a branch into one commit. While the history of a branch is sometimes helpful when trying to understand the code, carrying the history through this transition is a complicated process that is non uniform. Discarding the history of a branch in the way described here will also discard any previous committers or authors of the changes. Assuming the branch has just been edited by an individual developer, squashing the changes into one commit and discarding the history is an acceptable procedure in most cases. If you have a branch with multiple authors or a history you'd like to preserve, please reach out. We can talk about trying to recover the history while updating the branch.

With the introduction out of the way, let's get started.

Step 1: Align branch with ldmx-sw v3.4.0

The last release before the de-submodule transition was v3.4.0, and in order for the update to work as described below, your branch must first be "aligned" with this version of ldmx-sw.

# make sure you have access to the tags of ldmx-sw
git fetch --tags
# merge the v3.4.0 tag into your branch
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/3364506
git merge -X theirs v3.4.0
# check that the resulting diff contains your changes
git diff v3.4.0

Step 2: Prepare to Cross Boundary

The submodule to no-submodule transition is one that git struggles with, especially when going "backwards" (i.e. going from a branch after the transition to one from before the transition), so it is easiest to make a new clone and rename your old clone to emphasize that it is the old one.

mv ldmx-sw old-ldmx-sw # rename old clone
git clone --recursive git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git # get new clone

Then create a new branch in the new clone that has the same name as the branch you want to update.

git -C ldmx-sw switch --create my-branch

This step should succeed.

If you see any warnings or errors, that means a local copy of my-branch already exists in the new clone of ldmx-sw. This should not happen.

Step 3: Cross Transition Boundary

The basic idea behind this procedure is to write your changes into a file (called a "patch" file) and then re-apply those changes onto the new version of ldmx-sw. The actual procedure for doing this depends on where your changes are, so the specifics of creating and applying these patch files are separated into categories depending on where your changes are. All of the categories assume that you have done Steps 1 and 2 above.

No Changes

Your branch doesn't have any changes (or you were just running a locally-compiled version of ldmx-sw trunk).

This is the easiest case and I would just suggest to remove the old clone of ldmx-sw equivalent to the TLDR at the top of the page.

rm -rf old-ldmx-sw # are you SURE you have no changes you want to keep?

Changes only in ldmx-sw (and nothing in submodules)

The changes you made are not in any of the submodules (i.e. you haven't changed files within cmake, Conditions, SimCore, Tracking, Trigger, Framework, MagFieldMap, TrigScint, Ecal, or Hcal).

This means that the changes you've made can be re-applied to the post-transition ldmx-sw with relative ease since their location hasn't changed.

cd old-ldmx-sw
git diff v3.4.0 > ../my-branch.patch
cd ../ldmx-sw/
git apply ../my-branch.patch

Changes within a submodule

The basic idea is the same, but since the path to the files being changed also changes, we need to use an extra argument when applying the changes to the new clone of ldmx-sw.

Call the submodule your changes are in submodule (for example, if you have edits in Ecal, the replace submodule with Ecal in the commands below), then the following lines will re-apply the changes currently within the submodule in the old-ldmx-sw clone of ldmx-sw onto the same files within that directory of the new ldmx-sw clone.

cd old-ldmx-sw/submodule
git fetch
# the following just gets the default branch of the submodule
# you could equivalently just look it up on GitHub
sm_main="$(git -C ${sm} remote show origin | sed -n '/HEAD branch/s/.*: //p')"
git diff origin/${sm_main} > ../../my-branch.submodule.patch
cd ../../ldmx-sw
git apply --directory=submodule ../my-branch.submodule.patch

Changes across many submodules or in both ldmx-sw and a submodule

You can combine the two procedures above with the following additional notes.

Follow the changes within a submodule procedure for each submodule. This is pretty self-explanatory, you could even create a different commit on the newly updated branch for each submodule if you want.

Exclude any submodule changes when following the ldmx-sw only procedure. This is a bit more complicated. If you know which files are different, the easiest way to avoid including the submodule changes is to explicitly list the files in ldmx-sw that have changed.

git diff v3.4.0 <list of changed files> ../ldmx-sw-only-changes.patch

You could also remove the chunks of the .patch file manually with a text editor, but that is more difficult and requires more familiarity with the syntax of patch files.

Step 4: Check and Commit

For this final step, we are in the new clone ldmx-sw and we've already run git apply (according to the commands in Step 3) so that the changes from the old branch have been applied.


Make sure to check that your edits have been applied as you've desired and they work as you expected. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Look through the output of git status to make sure the files you wanted to change are changed
  • Look through the output of git diff to make sure the files changed how you wanted them to change
  • Recompile ldmx-sw with your changes (if they were compiling before the transition)
  • Rerun and re-test the changes (if they were running and passing tests before the transition)

Now that the updates have been properly checked, we can add the changes we've made and commit them to the new branch in the new clone of ldmx-sw.

git add <files-that-you-changed>
git commit

Make sure to write a detailed commit message explaining ALL of the changes you've made (not just the most recent ones). Remember, the old commits and their messages will be deleted!

History Loss

I am pausing here to remind you to double check that your changes are what you expect and want. Once we run the next command, the old version of my-branch on GitHub will be deleted and replaced with the new version.

git push --force --set-upstream origin my-branch

History Loss

I am pausing here to remind you to triple check that your changes are what you expect and want. Once we run the next command, the old version of my-branch on your computer will be deleted. Only run this next command when you are done transitioning all of your branches if you have multiple branches.

cd ..
rm -rf old-ldmx-sw

Extra Notes

Movement Issues

When attempting to go from after the transition to before the transition, git struggles to handle the recursive submodule structure that we had in ldmx-sw. The first submodule that has this issue is SimCore so you'll see an error like the following

fatal: could not get a repository handle for submodule 'SimCore'

In this case, I would suggest that you simply make a separate clone of ldmx-sw. The --branch argument to git clone allows you to clone a specific branch or tag rather than the default one (trunk) so you can have a clone of a specific branch or tag that is from before the transition.

git clone --branch <name> --recursive git@github.com:LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git

Using a Custom Production Image

Using a container has many advantages and one of them is the ability to develop code on one machine (e.g. your personal laptop), but the deploy the exact same code to run on several other computers (e.g. SLAC batch computing). This page details a process you can follow to generate your own production image that has your developments of ldmx-sw inside of it and has two big parts.

  1. Building a custom production image with your developments
  2. Running any production image (with specific focus on using singularity).

1. Building a Custom Production Image

Building a docker image is complicated, but hopefully you can get one of the two methods listed below to work for your specific case. The common denominator in these methods is that you need to have a DockerHub repository that you have administrator access to.

  1. Make an account on Docker Hub
  2. Make a repository in your account for your production image (name it something related to your project)

Method 1: Use GitHub Actions

With the validation of v3.0.0 of ldmx-sw, a new GitHub actions and workflow ecosystem was developed. This included the ability for users of ldmx-sw to manually launch the workflow that builds a production image.


  • Your development branch must be able to be compiled in the same manner as trunk (same cmake and make commands)


  1. Add omarmoreno as a collaborator on the new repository you created (This is the username that will be pushing any generated production images to DockerHub).
  2. Go to the Build Production Image workflow on the "Actions" page.
  3. Select "Run Workflow" and input your values for the three parameters. Leave the drop down menu to the value trunk - that is the branch on which the workflow is run.
    • repo: required DockerHub repository that you want the image to be pushed to (same as repo you created earlier - e.g. tomeichlersmith/eat)
    • branch: (optional) name of branch you want to be compiled into the production image (e.g. iss420-my-cool-devs, default is trunk)
    • tag: (optional) helpful name to call this version of your production image (e.g. post-bug-fix, default is edge)

Using this method, the production image will be built on your input branch only when you "dispatch" the workflow manually. The new version of the production image will be tagged with the input tag you give it as well as the GitHub commit SHA of the branch you are building.

Method 2: Manually on your Own Computer

This method is helpful for users who want to have more control over what is pushed to DockerHub. For example, you may wish to include other code in the production image (not just what is inside ldmx-sw).


  • docker installed on a computer (call this the local computer)
  • Time : it takes anywhere from 20min to an hour to build an image


  1. Double check your developments are all good. Make sure you can compile, install, and run ldmx-sw the way that you want to using a development container.
  2. Build the production container. (Fill in the last part with the appropriate details).
cd ldmx-sw
docker build . -t docker-user-name/docker-repo-name:some-tag
  1. (Optional) You can also build ldmx-analysis into your production image if you have analyses you want to include. Notice that the BASE_IMG is the image you just built with ldmx-sw. If you only have analyses and you no changes to ldmx-sw, you could substitute a standard production image build for the BASE_IMG (e.g. ldmx/pro:latest).
cd ldmx-analysis
docker build . --build-arg BASE_IMG=docker-user-name/docker-repo-name:some-tag \
  -t docker-user-name/docker-repo-name:som-tag-with-ana
  1. If the build finishes without any glaring errors, push it to your repository on Docker Hub. Note: If you haven't yet, you may need to docker login on your computer for this to work.
docker push docker-user-name/docker-repo-name:some-tag

2. Running the Production Image on the Batch Computer

  1. Decide where you want to save the production image: export LDMX_PRODUCTION_IMG=$(pwd -P)/ldmx_my_production_image_some_tag.sif
  2. Pull the docker container down from Docker Hub and build it into a .sif image file. Note: This step requires your Docker Hub repository to be public.
singularity build ${LDMX_PRODUCTION_IMG} docker://docker-user-name/docker-repo-name:some-tag
  1. Now you can run a configuration script with your developments in the container using
singularity run --no-home ${LDMX_PRODUCTION_IMG} . config.py

This is the command you want to be giving to bsub or some other submission program. The only files it needs access to are the configuration script that you want to run and the .sif image file; both of which are only used at the start-up of the container.

Note: On SLAC computers, the default singularity cache directory is $HOME, but SLAC users are not given very much space in $HOME. It may help your singularity build and run commands if you change the cache directory 'SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR' to somewhere with more space.

3. Submission Script

It is best practice to write a "submission script" that handles the running of this command and any pre- or post- run actions. A lot of different submission scripts have been written in bash and python, but they all have a similar structure:

  1. Setup the batch environment (e.g. Find singularity image file and turn off email notifications)
  2. Configure or write a job script which does all the pre- and post- run actions as well as the singularity run command.
    • Go to a scratch or temporary directory to work
    • Pre-Run Actions: copying over input file, inserting parameters into configuration script, etc...
    • Run singularity run command
    • Post-Run Actions: copying output files to output directory cleaning up scractch directory
  3. Submit the job script using the submission program (e.g. bsub or condor) however many times

Some examples of submission scripts:

Creating a New Event Bus Object

If the objects already in an Event module do not suit your purposes, you can define your own Event Bus Object that will carry your data between processors. You will need to meet a few requirements in order for your class to be able to be added to the event bus.

  • Write the class header and implementation files like normal. Let's say the name of your class is ClassName.
  • Your class needs to have a default constructor ClassName(). A simple way to do this is to let the compiler define one for you with ClassName() = default; in the header.
  • In the header file, include ClassDef( ClassName , 1 ); at the bottom of your class declaration (right before the closing bracket };).
  • At the top of the implementation file, include ClassImp( ClassName ); right after the include statement.
  • Your class shouldn't use TRef (or any derived class)
  • Your object needs to be "registered" with the software so that ROOT can put it in our event model dictionary. This is done by adding a line to the CMakeLists.txt file in the module you are putting the new object. For example, the Recon module has an object shared by Hcal and Ecal in it. This object is not put inside a collection, so no other parameters are needed.
  register_event_object( module_path "Recon/Event" namespace "ldmx" 
                         class "HgcrocDigiCollection" )
  • If you class is going to be inside an STL container, then you need
Print()Summarize object in a one line description of the form: MyObject { param1 = val, param2 = val,...} output to input ostream.
operator<This is used to sort the collection before inputting into event bus.
  • If your class is going to be outside an STL container (i.e. put into the event bus by itself), then you need
Print()Summarize object in a one line description of the form: MyObject { param1 = val, param2 = val,...} output to input ostream.
Clear()Resets object to default-constructed state.

These should be the minimum requirements that allow you to add and get your class to/from the event bus.

Class Versions

ROOT has a weird way of keeping track of class "versions" so if you change your class, you may need to increment the number in the ClassDef command by one in order to force ROOT to recognize the newer "version" of your class. You can reset this incrementation by deleting the ldmx install and build and recompiling from scratch.

The versions are helpful for longer-term developments when we wish to change something about the class (e.g. add a new member variable) without breaking the ability of our software to read the old version of the class.

Clean Environment

If you are adding a new object after already developing with ldmx-sw, you will need to remove some auto-generated files so that the cmake system can "detect" your new event bus object. The easiest way to do this is to delete your build directory and then go into the Framework module and use git to clean it:

cd Framework
git clean -xxfd

This last step is only necessary for developments built off of ldmx-sw prior to v3.3.4.

Configuring the Simulation

This page details all of the parameters you can use to tune the simulation to behave how you want it to.


Like any other Producer, the simulation is configured by passing parameters to it in the python configuration file.

simulation.parameterKey = parameterValue

The parameter keys, types, accessing locations, and descriptions are documented on this page. A minimal working example is displayed on [Generating Simulation Samples]({% link docs/Generating-Simulation-Samples.md %})

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
detectorstringSimulatorFull path to detector gdml description
descriptionstringSimulator and RootPersistencyManagerConcise phrase describing this simulation in a human-readable way
verbosityintSimulatorInteger flag describing how verbose to be
scoringPlanesstringRunManagerFull path to scoring plane gdml description
randomSeedsvector of intsSimulatorLists random seeds to pass to Geant4
preInitCommandsvector of stringsSimulatorGeant4 commands to run before the run is initialized
postInitCommandsvector of stringsSimulatorGeant4 commands to run after the run is initialized
enableHitContribsboolRootPersistencyManagerShould the simulation allow for the different contributors to an ECal hit be stored?
compressHitContribsboolRootPersistencyManagerShould the simulation compress the contributors by combining any contributors with the same PDG ID?

Note: In earlier versions of LDMX-sw, you would set the runNumber parameter in the simulator. The runNumber is a unique number (int) that identifies this run. In current versions of LDMX-sw, the runNumber is called run and is set as a parameter to the process directly. In other words, along the lines of

p = ldmxcfg.Process("simulation")
p.run = 9001


Biasing is helpful for efficiently simulating the detector's response to various events. The biasing parameters are given directly to the simulation and are listed below.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
biasing_enabledboolDetectorConstruction and RunManagerShould we bias?
biasing_processstringDetectorConstructionGeant4 process to bias
biasing_volumestringDetectorConstructionGeant4 volume to bias inside of
biasing_particlestringDetectorConstruction and RunManagerGeant4 particle to bias
biasing_allboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 bias all particles of the input type?
biasing_incidentboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 bias only the incident particle of the input type?
biasing_disableEMBiasingboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 disable down-biasing EM?
biasing_thresholddoubleDetectorConstructionMinium energy threshold to bias (MeV)
biasing_factorintDetectorConstructionFactor to multiply cross-section by

In v3.0.0 of ldmx-sw, we transitioned the biasing operators to be configured by their own Python classes. Those operators are stored in the SimCore.bias_operators module and are attached to the simulator class similar to generators and actions.

# config script snippet example for biasing
from LDMX.SimCore import bias_operators
# Enable and configure the biasing
#   In order to conform to older samples,
#   we can only attach to some of the volumes in the ecal
#   so we ask for this operator to be attached to the 'old_ecal'
sim.biasing_operators = [ 
  bias_operators.PhotoNuclear('old_ecal',450.,2500.,only_children_of_primary = True) ]

Dark Brem Process (Signal)

The signal generation is done by enabling the dark bremsstrahlung process in Geant4. We do this using another Python configuration class DarkBrem in the SimCore.dark_brem module. A more full description of the Dark Brem process and how these parameters affect its abilities is described [on its own page]({% link docs/Dark-Brem-Signal-Process.md %}). The most direct way of starting the dark brem process is to simply activate by providing the minimal parameters for it to run.

# config script snipet example for dark brem
from LDMX.SimCore import dark_brem
db_model = dark_brem.VertexLibraryModel( lhe )
db_model.threshold = 2. #GeV - minimum energy electron needs to have to dark brem
db_model.epsilon   = 0.01 #decrease epsilon from one to help with Geant4 biasing calculations
sim.dark_brem.activate( ap_mass , db_model )


Because of the wide variety and flexibility of Geant4's UserActions, we have implemented a way for these various classes to all be passed along with their parameters. This method is extremely similar to how you create Event Processors and give them parameters. The best way to illustrate how to use one is with an example:

# First create the UserAction using the simcfg module
from LDMX.Biasing import filters
target_brem_filter = filters.TargetBremFilter() #import template
# Set the parameters that the UserAction uses
# the template provides reasonable defaults, but you can change them
target_brem_filter.recoilEnergyThreshold = 1500. #MeV - maximum recoil electron energy
target_brem_filter.bremEnergyThreshold = 2500. #MeV - minimum brem energy
# Then give the UserAction to the simulation so that it knows to use it
simulation.actions.append( target_brem_filter )

No matter the UserAction, the last line above is how you tell the simulation to use it.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
actionsvector of UserActionsRunManagerUserActions to plug into simulation

The details of how each UserAction works and what parameters are used are (read: should be) documented within each of those classes. Hopefully, we will get around to documenting the UserActions and how to use them. Right now, we have a list of UserActions that have their own template.


These UserActions filter for specific behavior in the simulation. Some of them abort an event if certain criteria aren't met and others make sure tracks matching certain criteria are saved into the output simulation file.

Access with: from LDMX.Biasing import filters

The first type of filter aborts events if certain requirements aren't met.

FilterRequirement on Event
TargetBremFilter()"hard-enough" brem in the target (hard-enough defined by the parameters)
EcalProcessFilter()PN interaction happens in the ECal
TargetENFilter()EN interaction happens in the Target
TargetPNFilter()PN interaction happens in the target
DarkBremFilter()dark brem happens in the target
TaggerVetoFilter()Primary electron doesn't lose fall below 3.8 GeV before reaching target

The other type of filter looks for tracks (what Geant4 call's individual particles) in Geant4 that match certain conditions and tell Geant4 (and our simulation) to save them in the output SimParticles collection.

FilterKeeps all tracks...
TrackProcessFilter.photo_nuclear()produced by the PN interaction
TrackProcessFilter.electro_nuclear()produced by the EN interaction
TrackProcessFilter.dark_brem()produced by a dark brem


There are a few general options that determine how primaries are generated. These parameters must be passed directly to the simulation (like the biasing parameters).

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
beamSpotSmearvector of doublesPrimaryGeneratorActionDefine how much to smear the primary vertex in each of the Cartesian directions (x,y,z)
generatorsvector of PrimaryGeneratorsPrimaryGeneratorManagerList the primary generators to use in this simulation run

Like UserActions, PrimaryGenerator is a python class that you can create using the LDMX.SimCore.simcfg python module. And actually, there are several helpful functions defined in the LDMX.SimCore.generators python module. These helpful functions return the correct python class and set some helpful defaults. Look at that file for more details. The most widely used primary generator is a simple one: a single 4GeV electron fired from upstream of the tagger. You could use that generator in your simulation with the following lines:

from LDMX.SimCore import generators
simulation.generators = [ generators.single_4gev_e_upstream_tagger() ]

You can send generators parameters in the same way as EventProcessors and UserActions:

myGenerator.parameterKey = parameterValue

Several of these generators can be used at once, although not all combinations have been tested.

A more detailed description of the parameters you can pass the various generators are listed below. All of the python code below requires the LDMX.SimCore.generators module to be imported:

from LDMX.SimCore import generators

Simple Particle Gun

This generator is the basic Geant4 particle gun. It can shoot one particle of a definite position and momentum into the simulation. Create a ParticleGun with:

myParticleGun = generators.gun( "myParticleGun" )
# set the parameters, for example, to use electrons:
myParticleGun.particle = 'e-'
ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
particlestringParticleGunGeant4 name of particle to use
energydoubleParticleGunEnergy of primary particle (GeV)
positionvector of doublesParticleGunLocation to shoot particle from (mm)
timedoubleParticleGunTime at which to shoot particle (ns)
directionvector of doublesParticleGunDirection to shoot particle (unit-less)

LHE vertices as primaries

This generator copies the primary vertex from an LHE file into our simulation framework. Create one with:

myLHE = generators.lhe( "myLHE" , "<path-to-LHE-file>" )

Root Re-sim from ECal Scoring Planes

Note: Deprecated and will be removed soon. This generator has not been able to be verified and has not been used recently. To faithfully re-simulate events, the entire event from original beam generation needs to be re-simulated.

This generator re-simulates the event using the particles leaving the ECal scoring planes (heading into the HCal). Create one with:

myReSimFromECal = generators.ecalSP( "myReSimFromECal" , "<path-to-root-file>" )

You also have access to the following variables if you need to tell the generator which scoring planes hits collection to use. These parameters are given reasonable defaults.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
collection_namestringRootSimFromEcalSPName of ECal Scoring Planes Hits collection created by simulation
pass_namestringRootSimFromEcalSPName of pass that generated the collection you want to use
time_cutoffdoubleRootSimFromEcalSPMaximum time to allow for a particle to to leave the ECal and be included in this re-sim

Geant4's General Particle Source

This generator is the "General Particle Source". It is implemented in Geant4, and has too many parameters to copy over into our framework. This means you will pass the GPS commands as strings that will be given to Geant4. Create one with:

myGPS = generators.gps( "myGPS" )
# set initCommands
ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
initCommandsvector of stringsGeneralParticleSourceList of Geant4 commands to configure the General Particle Source

Multiple Particle Gun

This generator can generate multiple copies of the same primary particle with the same kinematics. The number of primaries it generates can also be Poisson distributed. Create one with:

myMPG = generators.multi( "myMPG" )
# set the parameters

Here are the parameters you have access to:

nParticlesintMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratornumber of particles to create (or the mean of the Poisson distribution)
enablePoissonboolMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorShould the number of particles be Poisson distributed?
pdgIDintMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorPDG ID of the particle(s) to be the primary
vertexvector of doublesMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorlocation of primary vertex to shoot the particle(s) from (mm)
momentumvector of doublesMultiParticleGunPrimaryGenerator3-momentum of primary particle(s) (MeV)

Photonuclear model

The hadronic interaction used by Geant4 in ldmx-sw to perform photonuclear interactions can be configured to load an arbitrary other model from a dynamic library. There are a couple available within ldmx-sw that are listed here but you can add new ones from any library and load them the same way. For details about this, see [Alternative photo-nuclear models]({% link docs/Alternative-Photo-Nuclear-Models.md %}).

By default, the simulation will be configured to use the default version of the Bertini model that comes with LDMX's version of Geant4. If you want to change to a different model, you can do so through

from LDMX.SimCore import photonuclear_models as pns
simulation.photonuclear_model = pns.SomeModel()

Note that some of these models should probably be used together with a corresponding filter from Biasing.particle_filter.

ModelCorresponding filterDescription
BertiniNothingHardModelPhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.NothingHardFilter()A model that forces high energy PN interactions with heavy nuclei to produce events where no product has more than some threshold kinetic energy
BertiniSingleNeutronModelPhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.SingleNeutronFilter()Similar, but requires exactly one neutron with kinetic energy above the threshold. By default, is applied to interactions with any nucleus.
BertiniAtLeastNProductsModelA matching version ofPhotoNuclearProductsFilterSimilar, but requires at least N particles of a list of particle IDs (e.g. kaons) in the final state.
NoPhotoNuclearModelRemoves photonuclear interactions entirely from the simulation


Oftentimes it is helpful to select specific events from a sample and re-run the full simulation of them while storing more simulation detail about what transpired. Thanks to the excellent work by Einar Elén in SimCore #95 we are able to re-run the simulation using an input file and optionally specifying specific events to re-simulate.


A key component of re-simulation is to keep the physics configuration of the simulation identical to what it was originally. With this in mind, the suggested procedure is to make a copy of the original file used to run the simulation and then make the following changes.

  1. Use the previous output file as the input file
  2. Tell the simulator to resimulate when adding it to the p.sequence

For change (1), I usually provide the previous output file as a command line argument to the fire config script and so I have something like this in my re-sim config.

import sys
import os
p.inputFiles = [ sys.argv[1] ]
p.outputFiles = [ 'resim_'+os.path.basename(sys.argv[1]) ]

This writes the resim events into a file with the same name as the original but with a resim_ prefix added into the current directory.

For change (2), this is where you can optionally provide which events you wish to select for re-simulation.

p.sequence = [
  # sim is the simulator object created and configured earlier
  sim.resimulate(which_events = [42])
  # potentially other processors like normal

The which_events aregument is a integer list giving the event numbers from that file that you wish to re-simulate. If which_events is not given, then all of the events in the input file are re-simulated.

That's it! Running the updated copy of the simulation config will re-simulate events from the original simulation in an identical manner. This plain re-simulation may not be very helpful on its own, so below we have a few other modifications that could be made to make the re-simulation more helpful.

Running additional processors after re-simulation

After running the re-simulation, the output file will contain both the original sim-hit collection from the input file and the new one from the re-simulation. This means that if you want to run any processors after the simulation that use the collections, you either need to manually specify the re-sim pass name or drop the original collection (recommended).

If you want to run producers after the re-simulation, it is usually easiest to do so with a separate configuration that uses the re-simulation output as an input-file and dropping the original collections during the re-simulation.

As an example, if you wanted to run the Ecal reconstruction chain on a resimulation with pass-name "resim"

# Resim config file 
p = ldmxcfg.Process('resim') 
# ...
p.inputFiles = ['original_simulation.root'] # Pass name "sim"
p.outputFiles = ['resimulation.root'] # Pass name "resim"
# Drop all collections that end with SimHits_sim
p.keep ["drop .SimHits_sim"] 

And later in your reconstruction config

# Resim config file 
p = ldmxcfg.Process('reconstruct') 
# ...
p.inputFiles = ['resimulation.root'] # Pass name "resim"
p.sequence = [

Alternatively, you can do it all in one configuration but you will have to manually specify the pass name for each processor that relies on simulated hits that you want to use. Unfortunately, different processors have different naming conventions for the pass name parameter so you will have to check manually how to do it for the processor that you are interested in.

# Resim config file 
p = ldmxcfg.Process('resim') 
# ...
p.inputFiles = ['original_simulation.root'] # Pass name "sim"
p.outputFiles = ['resimulation.root'] # Pass name "resim"

# Digi producer needs the raw simhits 
ecal_digi = ...  
ecal_digi.inputPassName = 'resim' # Pick the resim version

p.sequence = [
  ecal_reco # Doesn't directly rely on simhits, so doesn't need pass name to be specified!

The latter approach gets cumbersome if you want to use more than a couple of processors.

Producing more details about specific events

A common use-case for resimulation is when you have a subset of your events that you are particularly interested in (e.g. EcalPN reactions that pass the BDT veto). Repeating the simulation of just those events can allow you to record details that would otherwise consume too much space or insert additional instrumentation into the simulation (either directly in code or with tools/flags from ldmx-sw).

Printing particle histories

In the Biasing submodule, there is a UserAction available that will print out the full step history for one or more particles in an event. For anything longer than a couple events, this would entirely swamp the log with excessive detail. However, if you run the resimulation which only repeats the events you are interested in, this becomes a powerful tool for understanding what happened during the simulation.

# Import the utility set of actions from the Biasing submodule 
from LDMX.Biasing import util 
  util.StepPrinter(track_id=1), # Print the primary particle 
  util.StepPrinter(process_type='photonNuclear'), # Print any photonuclear products

Storing all Simulated Particles

The shower that happens in the calorimeters often creates many hundreds or even thousands of simulated particles. Thus we cannot save all of the simulated particles for all of our events - otherwise we would run out of storage space on our computers! Checkout Which SimParticles are saved? to learn more about how this choice is made. For our purposes here, if your simulation configuration has no UserActions setting the SaveFlag to false (which is highly likely), then we can insure that the simulation saves all of the simulated particles by setting StoreTrajectories to true everywhere.

First, make a local copy of the detector you are simulating so that you can reference it within the config script.

cp path/to/ldmx-sw/install/data/detectors/<detector-name>/detector.gdml .

Update this detector to have all StoreTrajectories flags set to true.

sed -i '/StoreTrajectories/ s/false/true/g' detector.gdml

Finally, update the re-simulation config to use this slightly modified detector instead of the original copy at the install location.

# above we construct the simulator object sim
sim.setDetector( '<detector-name>' )
# update the path to use the new root detector.gdml with updated flags
#   here, we use a relative path and so we must run the config from the
#   directory where the edited detector.gdml is
sim.detector = 'detector.gdml'

Now when the re-simulation is run, all of the simulated particles will be in the output file giving you as much detail about the particles and the processes that they underwent as we can give from ldmx-sw (without modifying the C++ source code).

As mentioned earlier, this stores a lot of particles (most of which are not important), so this should only be done on small numbers of events (less than 100) to avoid the files from getting too large and unweildy. In a production scenario, it would be better to write your own UserAction which finds the particles that interest you rather than storing all of the particles that are created.

No Merging of Ecal Simulated Hits

Similar to the simulated particles, the number of simulated hits in the ECal is generally too large and so we do a somewhat complicated procedure of merging them in order to reduce the size of the output data file. There is a standing issue focused on improving this merging algorithm SimCore #31 and if that issue is resolved, the parameters of the merging will likely change.

The EcalSD class is what handles each of the simulated hits created while Geant4 is processing an event. It has two parameters for modifying how these hits should be created.

  • enableHitContribs, if True, allows EcalSD to create SimCalorimeterHit "contribs" when more than one hit occurs within the same Ecal cell. If False, all hits within a cell are combined by summing their respective energy deposits and choosing the earliest time.
    • The default is True.
  • compressHitContribs is only used is enableHitContribs is True. If compressHitContribs is True, then a new contrib is only created for unique simulated particles. In other words, a contrib for a specific simulated particle is updated with more energy deposited and another deposit time if another hit is made by that simulated particle in the same ECal cell. If False, a new contrib is created for all simulated hits regardless on if any of the contribs originate from the same simulated particle.

The compressHitContribs is the parameter which causes the most confusion when interpreting ECal simulated hit information and so removing it will give you a contrib for each simulated hit created by Geant4 within the ECal. The code to put into your re-sim config is below.

# sim is a simulator object created earlier
# must be done _after_ sim.setDetector is called
for sd in sim.sensitive_detectors:
    if 'EcalSD' in sd.class_name:
        sd.compressHitContribs = False


The ECal digi-emulation and reconstruction pipeline has only been developed and tested with the default settings of the simulated hit merging. This means you should probably remove the ECal pipeline (or prepare yourself to help develop it) if you start playing with these parameters.

Other Detector Designs

The two prior examples are all about storing more information during the re-simulation process so that certain "special" events can be studied in more detail. One could also imagine studying how a select set of "special" events behave within a modified detector. Technically, this is easy - simply change the name provided to setDetector or specify a relative path like is done when saving all of the sim particles above. However, there is a big caveat.

The random number generation in Geant4 is sequential. This means psuedo-random numbers are "created" one-after-another and then given to the process requesting a random number. The simulated events will only be identical if the requests from different functions are done in the same exact order in order to preserve the assignment of psuedo-random numbers to their roles in the simulation. We can initiate this process correctly by setting up the RNG (random number generator) to be in the same state as it was at the beginning of the original simulated event (what we call the eventSeed in the event header represents this state); however, if the simulation is not configured the same as before, the order of random number requests can change leading to different simulation results even though we used the same initial state of the RNG.

With this disucssion of RNGs aside, I can get to the point: The "special-ness" of an event needs to be "decided earlier" than where the detector is being changed. By "special-ness", I mean what happens within the simulation that causes this event to be interesting (for example, a particularly nasty photon-nuclear interaction followed by a kaon decay). By "decided earlier", I mean that this "special-ness" process needs to happen in a detector volume that is processed by Geant4 before any of the detector volumes that are being changed. For example, if we want to inspect how changes to the HCal can help veto particularly nasty ECal photon-nuclear events, that is ok because we are not changing the ECal where the "special" stuff occurs. We cannot change the ECal itself and expect the re-simulation to re-play the same "special" process since the RNG may not follow the same path. Similarly, we cannot change the tagger or recoil or anything upstream of the ECal for fear of it affecting the RNG.

Dark Brem Signal Samples

The Dark Brem (short for Dark Bremsstrahlung, acronym DB) process is one of the most complicated processes we need to simulate for LDMX. This is due in large part to two factors (1) it is not implemented in Geant4 already and (2) it interacts with a nucleus, making the analytic cross section difficult to compute and program into a simulation. For these two reasons (and a few others), DB is supported by doing two stages.

  1. Generate DB Events with MadGraph -- MadGraph handles the complicated process of generating outgoing kinematics for the particles involved in the interaction. Using MadGraph at this stage also leaves the door open for trying different models of DB in MadGraph and seeing how LDMX is sensitive to them.
  2. Simulate DB Events in the LDMX Detector with Geant4 -- Geant4 handles the process of particles interacting with materials. We use the previously generated DB events in order to inform Geant4 how it should simulated DB when it occurs within a material in LDMX.

Following conventions done by collider experiments, I usually call stage one "generation" (or "gen" for short) and stage two "simulation" (or "sim" for short). Just remember that they are two different program executions.

To make this even more complicated, LDMX has two different methods to perform the DB simulation. This has led to some confusion within the collaboration and so this document explains both (even though only one is suggested for future use).

Historical Method

The "historical" method is the one that was first done and is a valid approximation for the O(90%) of electrons that arrive at the target undisturbed by the upstream detector components (tagger tracker and trigger scintillator). Generation is done by using MadGraph at a single beam energy such that a single LHE file is output. This LHE file is then given to the LHEPrimaryGenerator to setup the electron and A' as primaries. The vertex of the primaries imported from the LHE files would be smeared around the target, but the electron's energy would stay fixed at the energy simulated for the LHE files.

As mentioned, this is a good approximation for a vast majority of electrons when looking a DB in the target. It is not a helpful method if we wish to include the complexities of the tagger tracker and trigger scintilator or if we wish to look for DB in other parts of the LDMX detector (like in the ECal).


Geant4 Dark Bremsstrahlung from Madgraph (G4DarkBreM) is a package that grew out of this desire to expand the regions where LDMX could search for DB. Between ldmx-sw v2.3.0 and v3.2.1 it was a part of ldmx-sw's SimCore module directly and was used to produce signal samples for the LDMX ECal-as-Target analysis. As it matured (being used in parallel in CMS for a similar DB search with muons), it was pulled out of ldmx-sw into its own package where it was improved, tested, validated, and published. Below, I've included links related to G4DarkBreM where you can learn more information.

How is G4DarkBreM different from the above method? In essence, as the paper shows, it is able to produce DB events within a continuous range of lepton energies using a reference library consisting of a set of discrete energy points. The discrete-ness of the energy points is helpful for interacting with MadGraph - this way the reference library can be generated at a finite set of incident energies which is simple for MadGraph to do, loaded into the Geant4 DB process, and then used as data during the simulation when MadGraph is unavailable.


How to Make Signal Samples

This page is focused on how to produce dark brem signal samples using the G4DarkBreM package integrated into ldmx-sw. It is focused on having the dark brem occur within the target although having it occur within the ECal is also supported in ldmx-sw.

As mentioned in the prior page, the procedure for making signal samples is two steps. First, a reference library is produced using MadGraph and then the reference library is used by the Geant4 simulation to model the dark brem interaction. The second stage is what happens within ldmx-sw and its simulation framework while the first part is done outside of ldmx-sw.

Generating a Reference Library

The technical requirements upon the library making it usable by G4DarkBreM are written in its parseLibrary documentation Theoretically, any program could generate this reference library and have it usable by G4DarkBreM; however, it has only been tested and validated with libraries generated by a specific configuration of MadGraph which just so happens to be a configuration of MadGraph that is useful to LDMX and has been packaged into a container similar to how ldmx-sw and its dependencies are.

For details on the MadGraph configuration and how to use it, visit the GitHub project tomeichlersmith/dark-brem-lib-gen. Unless you plan to add new features or fix some sort of issue, you will not need this repository and instead only require a script wrapping the container running process for you.

The script only needs to be downloaded once and it only needs to be sourced once inside each terminal you wish to run in.

# download the dark-brem-lib-gen environment script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomeichlersmith/dark-brem-lib-gen/main/env.sh
# initialize the environment
source env.sh

Now a new bash function dbgen is defined which you can use (similar to ldmx) to interact with the containerized MadGraph and generate dark brem events. Further configuration of your local dbgen setup is possible now. Below, I've written some dummy commands which are helpful for various reasons.

  • dbgen use v4.5 : it is helpful to pin the version you are using so that future analyzers of the data (including yourself) know exactly how it was generated
  • dbgen cache /big/cache/dir : on clusters where you are using singularity, you will probably need to move the directory where singularity caches downloaded layers because, by default, it uses your home directory which probably doesn't have enough space. One option, if you are also using ldmx is to put the cache in the same place the ldmx cache is dbgen cache ${LDMX_BASE}/.singularity.
  • dbgen work /scratch/dir : the working directory where intermediate files will be written. It needs to be large enough to hold a copy of MadGraph (>1GB). On laptops, the default /tmp directory is probably fine but this will probably need to be changed on clusters. For example, at SLAC you will want dbgen work /scratch/$USER.
  • dbgen dest /path/to/destination : set where you would like the generate library to be put. By default, it is whereever you execute dbgen run but you may want the output directory to be somewhere else with more space.

You can view all of the runtime options (and test that the environment is setup reasonably) by running the container and asking for the usage information.

dbgen run --help

The defaults for the runtime options align pretty well with the LDMX signal use case, so lets just run it with defaults and obtain a library to use later. This usually takes a few minutes but may be faster/slower depending on the computer you are using to run.

dbgen run

Now we have a new directory created in the current directory (or where-ever you set dest to be) that has several LHE files within it. This directory of LHE files is the reference library we can give to the Geant4 simulation.

Simulating Dark Brem in ldmx-sw

We keep a few files within ldmx-sw/Biasing related to dark brem simulation which will be helpful places to reference as examples.

  • ldmx-sw/Biasing/test/target_db.py a config which runs dark brem simulation in the target using the example reference library shipped with G4DarkBreM.
  • ldmx-sw/Biasing/python/target.py is a configuration module with the dark_brem function which configures a simulation to do dark brem within the target. This function is what we will unpack below to explain the various pieces configuring the simulation.

The dark_brem function linked above has four "parts" that do a few different tasks. We will walk through them in order.

Base Construction

The first few lines of the function merely construct the simulation with the desired detector, a standard electron beam generator and the beam-spot smearing we expect to see in the beam.

sim = simulator.simulator( "target_dark_brem_" + str(ap_mass) + "_MeV" )
sim.description = "One e- fired far upstream with Dark Brem turned on and biased up in target"
sim.setDetector( detector , True )
sim.generators.append( generators.single_4gev_e_upstream_tagger() )
sim.beamSpotSmear = [ 20., 80., 0. ] #mm

This stuff will remain pretty similar across many different types of samples used for physics analyses.

Model Configuration

The next section configures the dark brem model and activates it so the simulation will allow dark brem to happen.

from LDMX.SimCore import dark_brem
db_model = dark_brem.G4DarkBreMModel(lhe)
db_model.threshold = 2. #GeV - minimum energy electron needs to have to dark brem
db_model.epsilon   = 0.01 #decrease epsilon from one to help with Geant4 biasing calculations
sim.dark_brem.activate( ap_mass , db_model )

This is where we pass the reference library lhe and the dark photon mass ap_mass to the simulation so that it is capable of simulating dark brem in the way we desire. Even though dark brem is activated, it still may be overwhelmed by other processes that are more likely to occur so we need further configuration.


First, we need to artificailly increase the biasing factor of the dark brem so that it is more likely to happen. We do this inside of the target because that is where we want these interactions to occur.

sim.biasing_operators = [
    bias_operators.DarkBrem.target(sim.dark_brem.ap_mass**2 / db_model.epsilon**2)


Biasing is not perfect however and we don't want to bias too much because then there wouldn't be a realistically flat position distribution of where the dark brem occurred within the target. For these reasons, we also need to attach filters to the simulation so that events are only kept if our specific requirements are met. Below, we have a few filtering requirements and we make sure that the products of the dark brem are kept no matter what.

    #make sure electron reaches target with 3.5GeV
    #make sure dark brem occurs in the target where A' has at least 2GeV
    #keep all prodcuts of dark brem(A' and recoil electron)

That's it! After configuring the simulation in this way, events will be produced that have a dark brem interaction ocurring within the target region that have a dark photon with at least 2GeV of energy. One can then add this simulation to the processing sequence and add other emulation and reconstruction processes after it to study the sample in more detail.

Batch Running

Suppose you've gotten pretty familiar with the signal samples generating single files for each of the different mass points you wish to study, but now you want to scale up this analysis to larger samples so you can more precisely study how your analysis effects the signal distributions. This is where batch running comes in! Below, I've copied a bash script I've used at UMN to generate large signal samples. It avoids the use of dark-brem-lib-gen's env.sh script as well as ldmx-sw's ldmx-env.sh script by writing container-running commands manually.

You may notice that there are actually three steps in this script and not only two. Since the LHE files generated for the reference library are often only used for the reference library, we can "extract" them into a single CSV file which is about ten times smaller than all of the LHE files, saving space by throwing away information that is not needed by G4DarkBreM. Doing this helps save the space required for large samples but retains the ability to re-simulate without having to re-generate the library.

At UMN, our batch scheduler HTCondor copies any files written to the working area to the output directory for us, so no copying is done in this script. Additionally, we instruct HTCondor to copy our desired config.py into the working area before this script is executed. Your batch system may work differently, and in that case, you would need to modify the script. This script expects two environment variables to be defined: DBGEN_IMAGE which is the full path to a SIF holding a version of dark-brem-lib-gen and FIRE_IMAGE which is the full path to a ldmx-sw production SIF that can run the config.py script. Then the command line arguments are the dark photon mass and the run number to use for random seeding.

# bash script to run full pipeline of signal simulation

# error out if any of the commands we run return non-zero status
set -o errexit
# print every command that is deduced by bash so the batch logs can show us
# exactly what was run
set -o xtrace

__generate_library__() {
  mkdir -p dbgen-scratch
  apptainer run \
    --no-home \
    --cleanenv \
    --bind $(pwd):/output,$(realpath dbgen-scratch):/working \
    ${DBGEN_IMAGE} \
    --target tungsten silicon copper oxygen \
    --apmass ${1} \
    --run ${2}
  return $?

__extract_library__() {
  # deduce library path
  local lib=$(echo electron_*_run_*)
  [ -d "${lib}" ] || return 1
  apptainer run \
    --no-home \
    --cleanenv \
    --env LDMX_BASE=$(pwd) \
    --bind $(pwd) \
    ${FIRE_IMAGE} \
    . g4db-extract-library ${lib}
  lib=$(echo *.csv)
  [ -f "${lib}" ] || return 1
  gzip "${lib}"
  return $?

__detector_sim__() {
  local lib=$(echo *.csv.gz)
  [ -f "${lib}" ] || return 1
  apptainer run \
    --no-home \
    --cleanenv \
    --env LDMX_BASE=$(pwd) \
    --bind $(pwd) \
    ${FIRE_IMAGE} \
    . fire config.py ${lib}
  return $?

__main__() {
  local mass=${1}
  local run_number=${2}
  __generate_library__ ${mass} ${run_number} || return $?
  __extract_library__ || return $?
  return $?

__main__ $@

Legacy Information

Below, I've kept copies of previous documentation on this G4DarkBreM-style of generating signal samples. If you are using an up-to-date version of ldmx-sw, it would be helpful to ignore the documentation below, but it may be helpful if you need to generate signal samples when required to use an older version of ldmx-sw.

v3.0.0 ldmx-sw


Names and source code has been moved in order to isolate this method of producing signal into its own package. These changes were applied to ldmx-sw in v3.2.1.

The signal generation is done by using a custom Geant4 physics process to interact with a "model" for how dark brem occurs. Currently, we only have one "model" defined (the VertexLibraryModel), but the code structure allows for creating other models without changes to the physics process.

The dark brem process is configured using its own Python configuration class defined in the LDMX.SimCore.dark_brem module. By default, the simulation is defined with a dark brem configuration that has the signal generation disabled. The dark brem model also has its own Python configuration class in order to pass it parameters. In order to enable the signal generation, we "activate" the dark brem process by providing the mass of the dark photon in MeV and a model for the dark brem.

A standard example used is given here, this is just a code snipet where sim is a pre-defined simulator object.

#Activiate dark bremming with a certain A' mass and LHE library
from LDMX.SimCore import dark_brem
db_model = dark_brem.VertexLibraryModel( lhe )
db_model.threshold = 2. #GeV - minimum energy electron needs to have to dark brem
db_model.epsilon   = 0.01 #decrease epsilon from one to help with Geant4 biasing calculations
sim.dark_brem.activate( ap_mass , db_model )

Usually the dark brem process needs to be biased so that the interaction occurs within the region of interest and at a frequent enough rate so we aren't wasting too much CPU time simulating events that aren't interesting.

A first discussion of the configurable parameters of the process and this first model is provided on DocDB Document Number 6555.

v2.3.0 ldmx-sw


Drastic updates done to the signal simulation apart of ldmx-sw v3.0.0.

The signal generation is done by a custom Geant4 physics process. This custom physics process G4eDarkBremsstrahlung has a corresponding model G4eDarkBremsstrahlungModel which handles most of the simulation work. The physics list entry APrimePhysics and the process are mainly there to conform to Geant4's framework and pass parameters to the model.

The model is written to take in LHE files that have A' vertices (like the old signal sim below) and then scale them to the actual energy of the electron (when Geant4 decides for the dark brem to happen).

The four parameters are detailed below.

  • APrimeMass
    • required
    • This is the mass of the A' in MeV. It must match the mass of the A' that the LHE files were generated with.
    • Example: simulation.APrimeMass = 10. #MeV
  • darkbrem_madGraphFilePath
    • required
    • Path to the LHE file that contains the e-->e-A' vertices.
    • Example: simulation.darkbrem_madgraphfilepath = myVertices.lhe
  • darkbrem_globalxsecfactor
    • Global factor to increase the dark brem cross section by.
    • The default for this optional variable is set to 1..
    • Example: simulation.darkbrem_globalxsecfactor = 9000.
  • darkbrem_method
    • The method of how the model should interpret the imported vertices.
    • Example: simulation.darkbrem_method = 1 #Forward Only
    • There are three options:
MethodInt to PassDefault?Description
ForwardOnly1YesGet the transverse momentum from the LHE vertex and combine it with the actual electron energy (checking to make sure the electron is still on mass shell)
CMScaling2NoScale the LHE vertex to the actual electron energy using Lorentz boosts
Undefined3NoUse the LHE vertex as is

Each of these methods have their own positives and negatives.

ForwardOnlyAlways forward (into detector) and keeps angular distribution close to actual (LHE) distributionDistorts the energy distribution as the electron gets further from the energy input into the LHE
CMScalingDoes not distort the energy distribution as muchMay lose electrons (and A') to backwards scattering
UndefinedMimics old simulation style, but allows Geant4 to have other processes go before the dark bremDoes not attempt to scale to the actual electron energy

The Negatives category for ForwardOnly motivates a "dictionary" of LHE events so that we can always be "close enough" to the energy of the incoming electron. Analysis by Michael Revering (UMN) showed that "close-enough" was within 0.5-1 GeV, so using this feature is not seen as necessary for our current purposes. This feature can be implemented1; however, the first pass assumes only one input LHE file with a single beam energy for the electrons.

1: Actually, Michael Revering already implemented this for his work on CMS. I (Tom Eichlersmith) just commented it out for easier integration into ldmx-sw. Implementing this feature would be as easy as uncommenting a section of code and change the parameter madGraphFilePath to mean a directory of LHE files to read into the dictionary instead of a single file.

Alternative Photon-Nuclear Models

This page details the options in LDMX-sw that allow you to change the default model used in Geant4 for modelling photo nuclear interactions.

Example use cases:

  • Replacing PN products with known complicated PN topologies for comparing different detector geometries
  • Replacing the Bertini with other hadronic models
  • Instrumenting a model to extend it in some way, e.g. to run the event generator until you produce an event topology that you are interested in, but could in principle be used to do anything you need (e.g. debugging)

A photonuclear model in ldmx-sw is a class that provides Geant4 with an appropriate hadronic interaction to use for \(\gamma A\) interactions. With the standard LDMX version of Geant4, the hadronic model is a modified version of The Bertini Cascade (for details, see sec D and appendix A of arxiv:1808.04219v1).

To load a different model than the default, you change the photonuclear_model parameter of your simulation processor. A couple such models are bundled with ldmx-sw and adding new ones either within or from outside ldmx-sw is a relatively straigh-forward task.

Models generating rare but challenging final states

With all of these models, when a photonuclear interaction occurs the model will rerun the interaction until a particular condition is met for the final state particles. If it took \(N\) attempts to produce that final state, the weight of the event will be multiplied with \(\frac{1}{N}\). You can access the event weight with the event header. This can produce much faster simulations (>10x faster) than a full simulation + skim would do. However, you may need to be careful so that you don't introduce any significant bias to your results. Consider producing a smaller sample first with a regular simulation and comparing it to a sample of the same size made with one of these models. See the Validation module for a good starting point for such comparisons.

Events with one hard neutron

This model will rerun the event generator until we get an event where one neutron is the only particle with kinetic energy above some threshold. By default, this model is applied for interactions with any nucleus and for photons with at least 2.5 GeV of energy. With these settings and a configuration like the standard ECal PN simulation, you could in principle skip the filter but unless you have e.g. a performance reason to do so consider keeping it.

# Assuming your simulator is called mySim 
from LDMX.Simcore import photonuclear_models as pn 
from LDMX.Biasing import particle_filter 

myModel = pn.BertiniSingleNeutronModel()
# These are the default values of the parameters
myModel.hard_particle_threshold=200. # Count particles with >= 200 MeV as "hard"
myModel.zmin = 0 # Apply the model for any nucleus
myModel.emin = 2500. # Apply the model for photonuclear reactions with > 2500 MeV photons
myModel.count_light_ions=True # Don't disregard deutrons, tritons, 3He, or 4He ions when counting hard particles 

# Change the default model to the single neutron model
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel

myFilter = particle_filter.PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.SingleNeutronFilter()
# Default values 
myFilter.hard_particle_threshold = 200. # MeV, use the same as for the model 
myFilter.count_light_ions = True # As above

# Add the filter at the end of the current list of user actions. 

Events with no particles with high kinetic energy

This model is very similar to the previous one with one big exception, it is only applied for interactions with tungsten (the zmin parameter is set to 74). Since the ECal consists of more material than just tungsten, this means that some ECal PN-events will not produce the desired final state. If you don't combine the model with a particle filter, you will have ~50% of your events being regular photonuclear reactions. The reason for this cut on the proton number of the target nucleus is that nothing hard events, which generally include very high product multiplicity, are extremely rare for nuclei with few nucleons. These interactions would therefore receive an extremely small event weight or even get stuck repeating the event generation infinitely for e.g. hydrogen.

from LDMX.Simcore import photonuclear_models as pn 
from LDMX.Biasing import particle_filter 

myModel = pn.BertiniNothingHardModel()
# These are the default values of the parameters
myModel.hard_particle_threshold=200. # Count particles with >= 200 MeV as "hard"
myModel.zmin = 74 # Apply the model tungsten only
myModel.emin = 2500. # Apply the model for photonuclear reactions with > 2500 MeV photons
myModel.count_light_ions=True # Don't disregard deutrons, tritons, 3He, or 4He ions when counting hard particles 

# Change the default model to the nothing hard model
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel

myFilter = particle_filter.PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.NothingHardFilter()
# Default values 
myFilter.hard_particle_threshold = 200. # MeV, use the same as for the model 
myFilter.count_light_ions = True # As above

# Add the filter at the end of the current list of user actions. 

Events with hard kaons (or similar particle selections)

The last of the default models in ldmx-sw works similar to the other two but rather than requiring an exact number of hard particles, it requires at least N hard particles of any of a set of particles that you are interested in. The setup comes with a preconfigured version that requries at least one hard kaon in the final state.

from LDMX.Simcore import photonuclear_models as pn 
from LDMX.Biasing import particle_filter 

myModel = pn.BertiniAtLeastNProductsModel.kaon() 
# These are the default values of the parameters
myModel.hard_particle_threshold=200. # Count particles with >= 200 MeV as "hard"
myModel.zmin = 0 # Apply the model to any nucleus
myModel.emin = 2500. # Apply the model for photonuclear reactions with > 2500 MeV photons
myModel.pdg_ids = [130, 310, 311, 321, -321] # PDG ids for K^0_L, K^0_S, K^0, K^+, and K^- respectively
myModel.min_products = 1 # Require at least 1 hard particle from the list above

# Change the default model to the kaon producing model
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel

myFilter = particle_filter.PhotoNuclearProductsFilter.kaon()

# Add the filter at the end of the current list of user actions. 

Special models

Default Bertini cascade

The default model used is the BertiniModel. Unlike the other models, it does not create any new hadronic process. Rather, it overrides the function responsible from removing the original Bertini cascade process with an empty function.

from LDMX.SimCore import photonuclear_models as pn 
# This is the default model
myModel = pn.BertiniModel()
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel

Disabling photonuclear interactions

The NoPhotoNuclearModel removes the photonNuclear process entirely, preventing Geant4 from performing any photo nuclear reactions. Can be useful for studies where you want to only look at electromagnetic showers with high statistics. Like BertiniModel, it does not create any hadronic process and features an empty ConstructGammaProcess. Note that when using this model, you have to be careful not to use any features of ldmx-sw that require a process with the name photonNuclear to be present. An example of this is the photonuclear bias operators but there may be others.

from LDMX.SimCore import photonuclear_models as pn 
myModel = pn.NoPhotoNuclearModel()
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel


Adding a new model

To add a new model within a library, you need to add a class that inherits from SimCore/PhotoNuclearModel and registering it with the DECLARE_PHOTONUCLEAR_MODEL macro at the end of your source file. This base class has one pure virtual function that you have to implement called ConstructGammaProcess(G4ProcessManager*) with some other virtual functions you can override if you need some behaviour other than the defaults. If you are adding a photonuclear model from outside of SimCore, you need to register SimCore::PhotoNuclearModels as a dependency when setting up your library.

setup_library(module ModuleName 
    # Any other dependencies your module has 
    # Your source files

Finally, you'll need to add a new model to your python configuration and register it as the as the photonuclear model of your simulation processor.

from LDMX.SimCore import simcfg 

class MyModel(simcfg.PhotoNuclearModel): 
    def __init__(self):
    super().__init__('MyModel', 'ClassName', 'ModuleName')
mySim.photonuclear_model = MyModel()

where 'ClassName' matches the namespace and type name that you registered with DECLARE_PHOTONUCLEAR_MODEL and 'ModuleName' is the name of your module (same as you used in the CMake configuration).


This is the only member function of simcore::PhotoNuclearModel you have to implement yourself. It takes a G4ProcessManager that you use to register new processes with Geant4. This function is responsible for creating a G4HadronInelasticProcess with the name "photonNuclear" (the name matters since other parts of ldmx-sw relies on this being the name of the PN process). The process needs to have one G4HadronicInteraction registered with valid energy range and a cross section dataset. For the latter, there is a default implementation you can use in the PhotoNuclearModel class called addPNCrossSectionData(G4HadronInelasticProcess*) const;

A typical implementation would look like the following

namespace mynamespace {
void MyModel::ConstructGammaProcess(G4ProcessManager* processManager) {
    auto photoNuclearProcess{new G4HadronInelasticProcess("photonNuclear", G4Gamma::Definition())};
    auto myInteraction {new MyHadronicInteraction{ // any parameters
    addPNCrossSectionData(photoNuclearProcess); // If you forget this line, the simulation won't run. 
} // namespace mynamespace

You can see how the model is used in GammaPhysics.cxx in SimCore but in short the order of operations is the following

  • Create an object derived from PhotoNuclearModel dynamically depending on the python configuration
  • Call removeExistingModel to remove the default hadronic process
  • Call ConstructGammaProcess to build the photonNuclear process
  • Set the photonNuclear process to be first in the list of processes for photons. Necessary for the bias operator to work.
  • Add the \(\gamma \rightarrow \mu\mu\) process

Instrumenting the photonuclear model

Being able to access and query the internals of the photonuclear process can be a powerful tool for understanding what is going on in your simulation. One way to do this is to derive from the hadronic interaction you are intersted in, most likely the bertini cascade (which you find as G4CascadeInterface in Geant4) and override the G4HadFinalState* ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile&, G4Nucleus&) function. You can access the event generator version by invoking G4CascadeInterface::ApplyYourself explicitly. This will populate the theParticleChange member variable which is of type G4HadFinalState, and return a pointer to it so the return value from this function can either be the address of theParticleChange or just the pointer directly.

Say you want to know the rate that photonuclear interactions occur with different nuclei, a quick and dirty tool to get an estimate would be to produce a model that tallies the proton number of the target nucleus before running the event generator. The C++ pseudo-code could look like the following

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "G4CascadeInterface.hh"
#include "G4HadFinalState.hh"
#include "G4HadProjectile.hh"
#include "G4HadronInelasticProcess.hh"
#include "G4HadronicInteraction.hh"
#include "G4Nucleus.hh"
#include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
#include "SimCore/PhotoNuclearModel.h"
namespace simcore {
// Note: G4CascadeInterface is the name of the bertini cascade hadronic interaction in Geant4
class NuclearTally : public G4CascadeInterface {
  G4HadFinalState* ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& projectile,
                                 G4Nucleus& target) override {
    const int Z{target.GetZ_asInt()};
    nuclear_tally[Z - 1]++;
    return G4CascadeInterface::ApplyYourself(projectile, target);

  NuclearTally() : nuclear_tally(100, 0) {}
  virtual ~NuclearTally() {
    std::cout << "Final tally results" << std::endl;
    int total{0};
    for (int i{0}; i < nuclear_tally.size(); ++i) {
      const auto value{nuclear_tally[i]};
      total += value;
      if (value != 0) {
        std::cout << "Z: " << i + 1 << " -> " << value << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Total: " << total << std::endl;

  std::vector<int> nuclear_tally{};

class NuclearTallyModel : public PhotoNuclearModel {
  NuclearTallyModel(const std::string& name,
                    const framework::config::Parameters& parameters)
      : PhotoNuclearModel{name, parameters} {}
  void ConstructGammaProcess(G4ProcessManager* processManager) override {
    auto photoNuclearProcess{
        new G4HadronInelasticProcess("photonNuclear", G4Gamma::Definition())};
    auto model{new NuclearTally()};
    model->SetMaxEnergy(15 * CLHEP::GeV);
}  // namespace simcore

With a corresponding python object

class NuclearTally(simcfg.PhotoNuclearModel):
    def __init__(self):

Models forcing particular final states

One use case for customizing the process used for photonuclear reaction is to study particular rare final states like single hard neutron events without having to generate a complete simulation set or as an alternative to biasing schemes like the kaon enhancement setup. There is a abstract base class, BertiniEventTopologyProcess, available that makes implementing such models relatively straight-forward with the Bertini cascade. It handles all of the things underneath the hood like cleaning up the memory from unused secondaries automatically.

The process will run the Bertini cascade over and over until some condition is met for the final state. Once an attempt has been succesful, the event weight is incremented based on the number of attempts made. In the example with MyModel above, you would have a G4HadronicInteraction that is derived from BertiniEventTopologyProcess as myInteraction. Typically you want to combine this kind of process with a corresponding filter.

Included models in LDMX-sw

LDMX-sw comes with a couple of these models included that both cover important final states and illustrate how to extend it with new ones.

  • BertiniNothingHardModel
    • Runs the event generator until we find an event where no individual particle has more than some threshold energy.
    • By default only applied for nuclei with Z >= 74 since these events are much less likely to occur for lighter nuclei.
    • By default, light ions with kinetic energy above the threshold are counted so that e.g. an event with a 1 GeV deutron isn't considered "Nothing hard".
    • Should be paired with a product filter from LDMX.Biasing.
from LDMX.SimCore import photonuclear_models as pn
model = pn.BertiniNothingHardModel()
model.hard_particle_threshold = 500. # MeV, Default is 200. 
model.zmin = 29 # Include Copper, Default is 74 (W)
model.count_light_ions = False # Default is to include 
from LDMX.Biasing import particle_filter 
mySim.photonuclear_model = model
  • BertiniSingleNeutronModel
    • Similar to the nothing hard model but requires exactly one particle with kinetic energy above the threshold and that the particle in question is a neutron.
    • Default applied for any nucleus
    • Has a similar corresponding filter in LDMX.Biasing.PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter
  • BertiniAtLeastNProductsModel
    • Takes a list of PDG particle-ids, an energy threshold, and a particle count and requires that at there are at least N particles with ids matching that in the list with kinetic energy above the threshold
    • A version suitable for producing events with at least one kaon in the final state can be obtained from BertiniAtLeastNProductsModel.kaon()
    • Should be used together with a corresponding filter such as LDMX.Biasing.PhotoNuclearProductsFilter

Adding your own model for other final states than those that are included with LDMX-sw

An implementation needs to override three functions, acceptProjectile, acceptTarget, and acceptEvent. The first two allow you to define what types of photons and target nuclei you are interested in. If either acceptProjectile or acceptTarget return false, the event generator will only be called once. The choice of what target nuclei to apply the model to requires some care. Since different final states are more or less likely depending on what nucleus the photon interacts with, you can end up producing events with very low event weight or even get stuck trying to repeat the event generation for a final state that is impossible (e.g. producing a single hard neutron from a photonuclear reaction with hydrogen). On the other hand, if you limit your reactions to only occur for tungsten you might be biasing the kinds of final states that are possible to study. To build an understanding for these kinds of issues, you can add a model that does the corresponding bookkeeping for you. For example, if you keep a count of what the target nucleus is for an ECal PN sample, you would find that ~50% of all PN interactions are with other nuclei than tungsten in the v14 detector.

Once you are sure that you are accepting the right kinds of projectiles and targets, the only thing left to add is the acceptEvent function. This function has access to the secondaries that was produced by the event generator through the theParticleChange member variable. See an example below.

bool MyProcess::acceptEvent() const {
    int secondaries{theParticleChange.GetNumberOfSecondaries()}; 
    for (int i{0}; i < secondaries; ++i) {
        // Grab the ith secondary G4Track*  
        auto secondary {theParticleChange.GetSecondary(i)->GetParticle()};
        auto kinetic_energy {secondary->GetKineticEnergy()};
        auto pdg_code {secondary->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()};
        if (my_condition(pdg_code, kinetic_energy)) {
            return true;
    return false;

Finally, you want to add a filter that rejects events that don't have the topology you are interested in. This is next to trivial to add if you make use of the PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter base class. Similar to how you implemented an acceptEvent function for the model, this filter has an rejectEvent function to be added. The filter needs to be registered with LDMX-sw similar to any other user action with the DECLARE_ACTION macro as well as with a python object added to the actions of your simulation processor. If you don't need to do anything custom, you can use the PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter as a starting point.

An example implementation would have the following form

namespace MyNamespace {
class MyFilter : public PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter {
    bool rejectEvent(const std::vector<G4Track*>& secondaries) const override {
       for (auto secondary : secondaries) {
           // Check your condition
} // namespace MyNamespace

DECLARE_ACTION(MyNamespace, MyFilter)
mySim.photonuclear_model = myModel 
from LDMX.Biasing import particle_filter 

myFilter = particle_filter.PhotoNuclearTopologyFilter(


Statistics and Calculations

This chapter gives explanations on various calculations and statistical methods common in our experiment. This assorted group of topics is not a complete reference and should only be treated as an introduction rather that a full source.

Different Kinds of Averages

There are many more helpful and more detailed resources available. Honestly, the Wikipedia page on Average is a great place to start.


The "arithmetic mean" (or "mean" for short, there are different kinds of means as well), is the most common average. Simply add up all the values of the samples and divide by the number of samples.

Code: np.mean

How do we calculate the "error" on the mean? While the standard deviation shows the width of a normal distribution, what shows the "uncertainty" in how well we know what the center of that distribution is? The value we use for this is "standard error of the mean" (or just "standard error" for short). The wikipedia page gives a description in all its statistics glory, but for our purposes its helpful to remember that the error of the mean is the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of samples.


The middle number of the group of samples when ranked in order. If there are an even number of samples, then take the arithmetic mean of the two samples in the middle.

Code: np.median

weighted mean

Sometimes, the different samples should be weighted differently. In the arithmetic mean, each sample carries the same weight (I think of it as importance). We can slightly augment the arithmetic mean to consider weights by multipling each sample by its weight, adding these up, and then dividing by the sum of weights. This is a nice definition since it simplifies down to the regular arithmetic mean if all the weights are one.

Confusingly, NumPy has decided to implemented the weighted mean in their average function. This is just due to a difference in vocabulary.

Code: np.average

iterative mean

In a lot of the distributions we look at, there is a "core" distribution that is Gaussian, but the tails are distorted by other effects. Sometimes, we only care about the core distribution and we want to intentionally cut away the distorted tails so that we can study the "bulk" of the distribution. This is where an iterative approach is helpful. We continue to take means and cut away outliers until there are no outliers left. The main question then becomes: how do we define an outlier? A simple definition that works well in our case since we usually have many samples is to have any sample that is further from the mean by X standard deviations be considered an outlier.

NumPy does not have a function for this type of mean to my knowledge, so we will construct our own. The key aspect of NumPy I use is boolean array indexing which is one of many different ways NumPy allows you to access the contents of an array. In this case, I access certain elements of an array by constructing another array of True/False values (in the code below, this boolean array is called selection) and then when I use that array as the "index" (the stuff between the square brackets), only the values of the array that correspond to True values will be returned in the output array. I construct this boolean array by broadcasting a certain comparison against every element in the array. Using broadcasting shortens the code by removing the manual for loop and makes the code faster since NumPy can move that for loop into it's under-the-hood, faster operations in C.


import numpy as np

# first I write my own mean calculation that includes the possibility of weights
#   and returns the mean, standard deviation, and the error of the mean
def weightedmean(values, weights = None) :
    """calculate the weighted mean and standard deviation of the input values
    This function isn't /super/ necessary, but it is helpful for the itermean
    function below where the same code needs to be called in multiple times.
    mean = np.average(values, weights=weights)
    stdd = np.sqrt(np.average((values-mean)**2, weights=weights))
    merr = stdd/np.sqrt(weights.sum())
    return mean, stdd, merr

# now I can write the iterative mean
def itermean(values, weights = None, *, sigma_cut = 3.0) :
    """calculate an iterative mean and standard deviation

    If no weights are provided, then we assume they are all one.
    The sigma_cut parameter is what defines what an outlier is.
    If a sample is further from the mean than the sigma_cut times
    the standard deviation, it is removed.
    mean, stdd, merr = weightedmean(values, weights)
    num_included = len(values)+1 # just to get loop started
    # first selection is all non-zero weighted samples
    selection = (weights > 0) if weights is not None else np.full(len(values), True)
    while np.count_nonzero(selection) < num_included :
        # update number included for this mean
        num_included = np.count_nonzero(selection)
        # calculate mean and std dev
        mean, stdd, merr = weightedmean(values[selection], weights[selection] if weights is not None else None)
        # determine new selection, since this variable was defined outside
        #   the loop, we can use it in the `while` line and it will just be updated
        selection = (values > (mean - sigma_cut*stdd)) & (values < (mean + sigma_cut*stdd))

    # left loop, meaning we settled into a state where nothing is outside sigma_cut standard deviations
    #   from our mean
    return mean, stdd, merr


What I (Tom Eichlersmith) mean when I say "resolution".

Many of the measurements we take form distributions that are normal (a.k.a. Gaussian, a.k.a. bell).

A normal distribution is completely characterized by its mean and its standard deviation. In order to compare several different normal distributions with different means and get an idea about which is "wider" than another, we can divide the standard deviation by the mean to get (what I call) the resolution. 1


The technical term for this value is the Coefficent of Variation

For our purposes, a lower value for the resolution is better since that means our measurement is more precise. Additionally, in simulations we know what the true measurement value should be and so we can compare the mean to the true value to see how accurate our measurement is.


Calculating the mean and standard deviation are fairly common tasks, so they are available from numpy: mean and std.

So if I have a set of measurements, the following python code snippet calculates the mean, std, resolution, and accuracy.

import numpy as np
# below, I randomly generate "measurements" from a normal distribution
#   in our work with the ECal, these measurements will actually be
#   taken from the output of the simulation using uproot
true_value = 10
true_width = 5
measurements = np.random.normal(true_value, true_width, 10000)
mean = measurements.mean()
stdd = measurements.std()
resolution = stdd/mean
accuracy   = mean/true_value

Oftentimes, it is helpful to display the distribution of the data compared to an actual normal distribution to confirm that the data is actually normal and our analysis makes sense. In this case, the following code snippet is very helpful.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
measurements = np.random.normal(true_value, true_width, 10000)

# plot the raw data has a histogram
bin_values, bin_edges, art = plt.hist(measurements, bins='auto', label='data')
bin_centers = (bin_edges[1:]+bin_edges[:-1])/2
# plot an actual normal distribution on top to see if the histogram follows that shape
plt.plot(bin_centers, norm.pdf(bin_centers, measurements.mean(), meansurements.std(), label='real normal')

Brief Aside: Sometimes, we do not have access to the full list of actual measurements because there are too many of them, so we only have access to the binned-data. In this case, we can calculate an approximate mean and standard deviation using the center of the bins as the "measurements" and the values in the bins as the "weights".

approx_mean = np.average(bin_centers, weights=bin_values)
approx_stdd = np.sqrt(np.average((bin_centers-approx_mean)**2, weights=bin_values))


There are several plots that are commonly made when studying the resolution of things. I'm listing them here just as reference.


Not necessarily standard but helpful to be on the same page.

  • \(E_{meas}\) the reconstructed total energy measured by the ECal
  • \(E_{true}\) the known energy of the particle entering the ECal
  • \(\langle X \rangle\) the mean of samples of \(X\)
  • \(\sigma_X\) the standard deviation of samples of \(X\)


  • Histogram of \(E_{meas}/E_{true}\): this helps us see the shap of the distributions and dividing by the known beam energy allows us to overlay several different beam energies and compare their shapes.
  • Plot of \(\langle E_{meas} \rangle/E_{true}\) vs \(\langle E_{meas} \rangle\) shows how the mean changes with beam energy
  • Plot of \(\sigma_E / \langle E_{meas} \rangle\) vs \(\langle E_{meas} \rangle\) shows how the variation changes with beam energy


Software-related physics topics for the LDMX Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECal).

Layer Weights

As a sampling calorimeter, the ECal needs to apply weights to all of the energies it measures in order to account for the energy "lost" from particles traversing material that is not active or sensitive. The ECal has sensitive silicon layers that are actually making energy measurements while the rest of the material (tungsten plates, cooling planes, printed circuit boards "PCB") are here treated as "absorber".

Reconstructing the amount of energy deposited within a cell inside the sensitive silicon is another topic, largely a question of interpreting the electronic signals readout using our knowledge of the detector. This document starts with the assumption that we already have an estimate for the amount of energy deposited in the silicon.

Energy Deposited in Silicon

I am being intentionally vague here because the estimate for the energy deposited in the silicon can be retrieved either from the EcalRecHits or the EcalSimHits. The simulated hits exclude any of the electronic estimation and so are, in some sense, less realistic; however they could be used to assign blame to energies within the ECal which is helpful for some studies.

The estimated energy deposited in the silicon is stored in different names in these two classes.

  • amplitude_ member variable of EcalHit (getAmplitude() accessor in C++)
  • edep_ member variable of EcalSimHit (getEdep() accessor in C++)

Our strategy to account for the absorbing material is to calculate a scaling factor \(S\) increasing the energy deposited in the silicon \(E_\text{silicon}\) up to a value that estimates the energy deposited in all of the absorbing material in front of this silicon layer up to the next sensitive silicon layer \(E_\text{absorber}\). This strategy allows us to keep the relatively accurate estimate of the energy deposited in the silicon as well as avoids double counting absorber layers by uniquely assigning them to a single silicon sensitive layer.

\[ E_\text{absorber} \approx S E_\text{silicon} \]

We can estimate \(S\) by using our knowledge of the detector design and measurements of how much energy particles lose inside of these materials. Many of the measurements of how much energy is lost by particles is focused on "minimum-ionizing particles" or MIPs and so we factor this out by first estimating the number of MIPs within the silicon and then multiplying that number by the estimate energy loss per MIP in the absorbing material.

\[ S = L / E_\text{MIP in Si} \quad\Rightarrow\quad E_\text{absorber} \approx L \frac{E_\text{silicon}}{E_\text{MIP in Si}} \]

The \(L\) in this equation is what the layer weights stored within the software represent. They are the estimated energy loss of a single MIP passing through the absorbing layers in front of a silicon layer up to the next silicon layer.

Calculating the Layer Weights

The Detectors/util/ecal_layer_stack.py python script calculate these layer weights as well as other aspects of the ECal detector design. It copies the \(dE/dx\) values estimated within the PDG for the materials within our design and then uses a coded definition of the material layers and their thicknesses to calculate these layer weights as well as the positions of the sensitive layers.

Using this estimate for the energy deposited into the absorbing material, we can combine it with our estimate of the energy deposited into the sensitive silicon to obtain a "total energy" represented by a single hit.

\[ E = E_\text{absorber}+E_\text{silicon} \approx L E_\text{silicon} / E_\text{MIP in Si} + E_\text{silicon} = \left(1 + \frac{L}{E_\text{MIP in Si}}\right) E_\text{silicon} \]

Second Order Corrections

From simulations of the detector design, we found that this underestimated the energy of showers within the ECal by a few percent, so we also introduces another scaling factor \(C\) (called secondOrderEnergyCorrection in the reconstruction code) that multiplies this total energy.

\[ E = C \left(1 + \frac{L}{E_\text{MIP in Si}}\right) E_\text{silicon} \]

This is helpful to keep in mind when editing the reconstruction code itself, but for simplicity and understandability if you are manually applying the layer weights (e.g. to use them with sim hits), you should not use this second order correction (i.e. just keep \(C=1\)).

Now that we have an estimate for the total energy represented by a single hit, we can combine energies from multiple hits to obtain shower or cluster "features".

Applying the Layer Weights

In many cases, one can just use the energy_ member variable of the EcalHit class to get this energy estimate (including the layer weights) already calculated by the reconstruction; however, in some studies it is helpful to apply them manually. This could be used to study different values of the layer weights or to apply the layer weights to the EcalSimHits branch in order to estimate the geometric acceptance (i.e. neglect any electronic noise and readout affects).

This section focuses on how to apply the layer weights within a python-based analysis which uses the uproot and awkward packages. We are going to assume that you (the user) have already loaded some data into an ak.Array with a form matching

N * var * {
  id: int32,
  amplitude: float32
  ... other stuff

The N represents the number of events and the var signals that this array has a variable length sub-array. I am using the EcalHit terminology (i.e. amplitude represents the energy deposited in just the silicon), but one could use the following code with sim hits as well following a name change. You can view this form within a jupyter notebook or by calling show() on the array of interest.

Loading Data into ak.Array

Just as an example, here is how I load the EcalRecHits branch from a pass named example.

import uproot
import awkward as ak
f = uproot.open('path/to/file.root')
ecal_hits = f['LDMX_Events'].arrays(expressions = 'EcalRecHits_example')
# shorten names for easier access, just renaming columns not doing any data manipulation
ecal_hits = ak.zip({
    m[m.index('.')+1:].strip('_') : ecal_hits.EcalRecHits_valid[m]
    for m in ecal_hits.EcalRecHits_example.fields

From here on, I assume that the variable ecal_hits has a ak.Array of data with a matching form.

Obtain Layer Number

First, we need to obtain the layer number corresponding to each hit. This can be extracted from the detector ID that accompanies each hit.

ecal_hits["layer"] = (ecal_hits.id >> 17) & 0x3f

Bit Shifting Nonsense

This bit shifting nonsense was manually deduced from the ECalID source code and should be double checked. The layers should range in values from 0 up to the number of sensitve layers minus one (currently 33).

If you are running from within the ldmx-sw development or production container (i.e. have access to an installation of fire), you could also do

from libDetDescr import EcalID
import numpy as np
def to_layer(rawid):
    return EcalID(int(rawid)).layer()

to use the C++ code directly. This is less performant but is more likely to be correct.

Efficiently Broadcasting Layer Weights

Now, the complicated bit. We want to efficiently broadcast the layer weights to all of the hits without having to copy around a bunch of data. awkward has a solution for this: we can use IndexedArray with the layer indices as the index and ListOffsetArray with the offsets of the layers to get an ak.Arraythat presents the layer weights for each hit without having to copy any data around.

First, store the layer weights in order by the layer they correspond to. This is how the layer weights are stored within the python config and so I have copied the v14 geometry values below.

layer_weights = ak.Array([
    2.312, 4.312, 6.522, 7.490, 8.595, 10.253, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915,
    10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915, 10.915,
    10.915, 10.915, 14.783, 18.539, 18.539, 18.539, 18.539, 18.539, 18.539, 18.539,
    18.539, 18.539, 9.938

Then we use the special arrays linked above to present these layer weights as if there is a copy of the correct one for each hit.

layer_weight_of_each_hit = ak.Array(

Applying Layer Weights

Now that we have an array that has a layer weight for each hit, we can go through the calculation described above to apply these layer weights and get an estimate for the total energy of each hit.

mip_si_energy = 0.130 #MeV - corresponds to ~3.5 eV per e-h pair <- derived from 0.5mm thick Si
(1 + layer_weight_of_each_hit / mip_si_energy)*ecal_hits.amplitude

If you are re-applying the layer weights used in reconstruction, you can also confirm that your code is functioning properly by comparing the array calculated above with the energies that the reconstruction provides alongside the amplitude member variable.

# we need to remove the second order correct that the reconsturction applies
secondOrderEnergyCorrection = 4000. / 3940.5 # extra correction factor used within ldmx-sw for v14
ecal_hits.energy / secondOrderEnergyCorrection

Tracking the Performance of ldmx-sw

With v1.4.0 of Framework, rudimentary performance tracking is available to all users of Framework. This first release only tracks the time of various components leaving more complicated measurements (e.g. memory consumption) for later.

Performance is tracked in an opt-in basis and is stored within the output histogram file underneath a directory named "performance". In order to track performance, you must update your config file with the following data.

# p is the ldmxcfg.Process object already constructed
p.histogramFile = 'performance.root' # only necessary if not already being used
p.logPerformance = True

The performance measurements are measuring how long a specific callback took as well as some additional timing measurements.

  • absolute: timing how long the entire process took to run (ignoring the configuration time)
  • onProcessStart: how long onProcessStart took
  • onProcessEnd: how long onProcessEnd took
  • onFileOpen: how long the last onFileOpen took
  • onFileClose: how long the last onFileClose took
  • beforeNewRun: how long the last beforeNewRun took
  • onNewRun: how long the last onNewRun took
  • by_event: timing of each processing call took for each event


Some callbacks (the File and Run ones) can be called multiple times during reconstruction mode. The performance tracking software only stores the last measurement since it is focused on measuring production runs.

Future developments to measure every call to these functions would not be difficult, but would require some complication of the data schema.

Each of these measurements are further separated into the different processors in the sequence by the name given to the processor in the configuration. A special name "__ALL__" is used for a measurement that times how long all of the processors in the sequence took for that callback. The performance measurements are stored in the output histogram file under the following schema. All timing measurements use the framework::performance::Timer class.

- performance/      # TDirectory holding all performance data
  - absolute        # Timer for all 
  - onProcessStart/ # TDirectory holding onProcessStart data
    - <processor>   # Timer for processor named <processor>
    - ...
    - __ALL__       # Timer wrapping all processor's onProcessStart calls
  - ... other non-by-event call-backs follow same structure
  - by_event/
    - <processor>   # branch holding instances of Timer for processor named <processor>
    - ...
    - __ALL__       # wrapping all processor's producer or analyze calls
    - completed     # boolean signalling if event was completed (true) or aborted (false)

Accessing this schema is not too difficult, but as an example, I've included some python snippets below using uproot that just prints the performance data from the input file to the terminal.

"""load a file and print the performance data"""

import uproot
import sys
import json

class ReprEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """if JSON can't serialize it, just use its repr string"""
    def default(self, obj):
            return super().default(obj)
        except TypeError:
            return repr(obj)

with uproot.open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
    t = f['performance/absolute'].members
    print(t['duration_'], t['start_time_'])
    for callback in [
        'onProcessStart', 'onProcessEnd',
        'beforeNewRun', 'onNewRun'
        for name, timer in f[f'performance/{callback}'].items():
            print('  ', f'{name:10s}', f'{timer.members["duration_"]:.3e}', timer.members['start_time_'])

    t = f['performance/by_event']
    # use recursive=False so that the branches remain structured into their Timers
    # you can also remove the expressions argument which will just return an unstructured set of data
    events = t.arrays(expressions=t.keys(recursive=False), library='np')
    print(json.dumps(events, cls=ReprEncoder, indent=2))

Container-Software Compatibility

Often we need to introduce new dependencies in order to do new things in our software. Occasionally we make mistakes with these dependencies and need to fix how they are configured or installed. Both of these reasons cause some compatibility issues where all versions of ldmx-sw are not necessarily buildable by all versions of the container.

The "container image" is version controlled in its repository LDMX-Software/docker. If you are interested in looking for which minimum version of the container has your desired dependency, you should look through the releases of the container.

The ldmx-sw versions are documented in the "releases" of the LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw repository, but you should also read these versions as inclusive of branches that are based off of them. For example, if you made a branch when ldmx-sw was version 3.0 you may not be able to use a container that is incompatible with ldmx-sw version 3.0 (i.e. you might need to introduce updates to later versions of ldmx-sw onto your branch to use a newer container).

The ordering of versions follows semantic versioning (i.e. order by major version, then minor version, then patch).


This compatibility table is manually written and not everything has been directly tested. Updates to this document from your personal experience are welcome and encouraged.

For each range of versions of compatibility, we've written a table corresponding to different container versions required for different build configurations of ldmx-sw. This was done since many new features that require new dependencies are first introduced as opt-in features. Below, I've written a table allowing you to know what I mean by certain build configurations.

build configmeaning
defaultNo parameters given to cmake besides necessary ones
no testingdisable testing which is enabled by default1
force legacy onnxldmx-sw's CMake code for finding ONNX didn't work well and so it needs to be modified slightly2
sanitizersenable one or more of the sanitizers, cmake: -DENABLE_SANITIZER_*=ON
detector id bindingsenable detector ID python bindings, cmake: -DBUILD_DETECTORID_BINDINGS=ON
patch cmakeneed to do both no testing and force legacy onnx

Currently in ldmx-sw, there isn't a command-line option to disable the testing so one must comment out the build_test() line in ldmx-sw/CMakeLists.txt. Using a version of software without any testing being built is not a good idea, unless you need to stay on an old version for a good reason it would be much better to update your branch to a newer version of ldmx-sw and update the container to the newest version as well.


Forcing legacy onnx is relatively simple and can be done by commenting out the find_path call within the ldmx-sw/cmake/FindONNXRuntime.cmake file. This prevents CMake from finding the system install in newer containers.


No containers have been studied for older versions of ldmx-sw. Although, there was a patch-release of v1.7.0 so that it could run in a container image.

>=v3.0.0 and < v3.1.1

build configcontainer version
default< v4.0.0
patch cmake>= v4.0.0

>=v3.1.1 and < v3.1.12

build configcontainer version
default< v4.0.0
patch cmake>= v4.0.0
with sanitizers> v3.2

>= v3.1.12 and < v3.2.4

build configcontainer version
default< v4.0.0
patch cmake>= v4.0.0
with sanitizers> v3.2
with detector id bindings> v3.3

>= v3.2.5

Since we are requiring an upgrade of the container in order to support the testing we also switch the detector ID bindings to be included in the default build configuration which simply bumps the minimum no-testing release by three.

build configcontainer version
default>= v4.0.0
no det id bindings>= v3.2
no det id bindings and no sanitizers>= v3.0


All contributions are welcome.

From fixing typos in these documentation pages to patching a bug in the event reconstruction code to adding a new simulation process. Please reach out via GitHub issues or on the LDMX slack to get started.

To contribute code to the project, you will need to create an account on github if you don't have one already, and then request to be added to the LDMX-Software organization.

When adding new code, you should do this on a branch created by a command like git checkout -b johndoe-dev in order to make sure you don't apply changes directly to the master (replace "johndoe" with your user name). We typically create branches based on issue names in the github bug tracker, so "Issue 1234: Short Description in Title" turns into the branch name 1234-short-desc.

Then you would git add and git commit your changes to this branch.

If you don't already have SSH keys configured, look at the GitHub directions. This makes it easier to push/pull to/from branches on GitHub!

Pull Requests

We prefer that any major code contributions are submitted via pull requests so that they can be reviewed before changes are merged into the master.

Before you start, an issue should be added to the ldmx-sw issue tracker.

Branch Name Convention

Then you should make a local branch from trunk using a command like git checkout -b 1234-short-desc where 1234 is the issue number from the issue tracker and short-desc is a short description (using - as spaces) of what the branch is working one.

Once you have committed your local changes to this branch using the git add and git commit commands, then push your branch to github using a command like git push -u origin 1234-short-desc.

Finally, submit a pull request to integrate your changes by selecting your branch in the compare dropdown box and clicking the green buttons to make the PR. This should be reviewed and merged or changes may be requested before the code can be integrated into the master.

If you plan on starting a major (sub)project within the repository like adding a new code module, you should give advance notice and explain your plains beforehand. :) A good way to do this is to create a new issue. This allows the rest of the code development team to see what your plan is and offer comments/questions.

After Opening a PR

After opening a PR, several different tests are run using our GitHub Actions. One of these tests, the "Recon Validation" takes about three hours to run, so it shouldn't be run on every commit pushed to a pull request. Instead, it is run when the PR is created or when marked "Ready for Review". This enables the following workflow for validating PRs.

  1. Check if any of the tests failed. If no tests failed, you are all set to request another developer to review it!
  2. If any of the tests failed, click on that test to look at what happened.
  3. You may need to download some "artifacts" to look at any validation plots that were generated to help with your debugging.
  4. If the tests show a bug that you need to fix, convert your PR to a draft (if it isn't already). If the tests fail but you are confident your changes are the correct version (perhaps you fixed a bug that shows up in the reference histograms), then request another developer's review.
  5. Make changes and locally test them to see fix the bugs the test revealed.
  6. Pushing these changes will trigger some basic tests on GitHub, but to trigger the more in-depth validation, mark your PR as "Ready for Review".
  7. Go back to step 1.

Code Style

In ldmx-sw we follow the Google Style Guide. Some helpful configurations for popular text editors are listed below.

PRs in ldmx-sw

This page goes through a little more detail on the workflow for handling PRs we have settled on. Hopefully this page contains some helpful tips and tricks for folks who end up helping develop and maintain ldmx-sw in the future.

Reviewing a PR

Besides checking that the tests pass and the code is formatted well, one should also encourage developers to add more documentation as they develop. The code we have is extremely complicated and if everyone adds just a bit of documentation to the parts of the software they touch, we can continuously improve our documentation while improving our software.

Oftentimes, changes will fail the PR Validation tests. This is a common occurrence because the tests involve comparing distributions based on a very strict KS test - so strict that simply changing the random numbers generated during the simulation will cause the test to fail. In the event of this failure, we will want to look at these distributions to make sure they are failing for good reasons (e.g. if we fixed a patch that should change the distributions, we should check that only the expected distributions change). Unfortunately, posting images directly to PRs in a programatic fashion is not supported by GitHub1 and so you will need to go to the page for the "Action" that was run and download its "Artifacts".


I should emphasize the programatic part. If there are a few of the PR Validation plots that are pertinent to the PR and should be persisted, please upload them to the PR as a comment. This will mean they will last longer than the artifacts themselves which are removed after 90 days. The way other developers get around this restriction is by having some other server host their images for them and then they programatically post links to these images in the GitHub PR. I (Tom E) searched around for an easy-to-use and/or free service but could not find one - turns out hosting images is difficult due to their size and complexity.

Action Page

If you click on "Details" for the PR Validation for one of the "PR Validation" steps you can see the running log of that step (which may be helpful for debugging purposes). To get the Artifacts which contain the plots, one must then go to the "Summary" - the Artifacts are below the diagram of the steps and below the "Annotations" showing errors or warnings from the run.


Each artifact is a zip package containing a tar.gz archive of all of the distributions that were tested. Each distribution is plotted for both trunk and the developments in the PR and the plots are sorted into two directories: pass which passed the KS test and fail which failed the KS test. Since the KS test is so strict, it is generally safe to ignore the plots in the pass directory (unless you are expecting a specific distribution to change and it doesn't).

Failed PR Validation

If the PR Validation plots have failed and the reason for their failure is understood and desired, then the developer merging the PR should make a release of ldmx-sw. This triggers another GitHub action which will produce new distributions for the updated trunk that can be used to test future PRs. Unless the changes merged in are "major" (whatever that means), it is fair to default to just incrementing the patch number. This workflow means we are generating a lot of releases, but it is very helpful for keeping a very good record of what changed, why it changed, and how it changed.

In ldmx-sw we use an several tools for our testing framework:

Catch2 Basics

This testing framework allows us to write several different testing functions throughout all of ldmx-sw, which are then compiled into one executable: run_test. This executable has several command line options, all of which are detailed in Catch2's reference documentation. This documentation does an excellent job detailing how to write new tests and how to have your tests do a variety of tasks; please refer to that documentation when you wish to write a test.

By default, we add run_test as an executable to the list of tests that ctest should run.

The basic idea behind Unit Testing is to make sure that we change only what we want to change. The compiler in C++ does a good job of catching syntax errors and writing tests using this package allows us to test the run-time behavior of fire in a similar way.

Catch2 allows us to organize our tests into labels so that the user can run a specific group of tests instead of all at once. A basic structure for ldmx-sw tests is as follows:

  1. Put any tests you write into the test directory in the module you wish to test.
  2. Use the module name as one of the labels for your test.
  3. Provide a detailed, one sentence description for your test as the title (spaces are allowed).
  4. Use one of the following additional labels as applicable:
  • [physics] --> tests that validate that physics is working as we expect (e.g. biasing up PN produces events with PN in them in the correct volume)
  • [functionality] --> tests that a certain ability successfully runs the way we expect it (e.g. providing multiple input files and one output file runs without segmentation fault and provides the correct information to all processors)
  • [dev] --> test is in development and may have undefined behavior
  • [performance] --> test checking the performance of certain functions (e.g. how long do they take? how much memory they use...)

Please follow these guidelines when writing a new test and please write tests often. Unit testing allows us to move forward with developments a lot quicker because we can validate changes quickly.

Just to give you an example, here is a basic test that would be compiled into the run_test executable.

//file is MyModule/test/MyTest.cxx
#include "catch.hpp" //for TEST_CASE, REQUIRE, and other Catch2 macros

 * my test
 * What does this test?
 *  - I can compile my own test.
TEST_CASE( "My first test can compile." , "[MyModule][meta-test]" ) {
  std::cout << "My first test!" << std::endl;

  // this will pass
  CHECK( 2 == 1 + 1 );

  // this will fail but continue processing
  CHECK( 2 == 1 );

  // this will fail and end processing
  REQUIRE( 2 == 1 );

  // this will not be run
  std::cout << "I won't get here!" << std::endl;
} //my test

Testing Event Processors

The complicated nature of how we use our event processors is complicated to test. Here I outline a basic structure for writing a test to check a specific processor (or a series of processors).

The basic idea is to set up special processors to setup what your processor should see and to check what it produces.

#include "catch.hpp"

#include "Framework/Process.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigurePython.h"
#include "Framework/EventProcessor.h"

namespace ldmx {
namespace test {

 * This Processor produces any and all collections or objects that your processor
 * needs to function. You can do this in a specific way that makes it easier to 
 * check later in the processing.
class SetupTestForMyProcessor : public Producer {
  SetupTestForMyProcessor(const std::string &name,Process &p) : Producer(name,p) { }
  ~SetupTestForMyProcessor() { }
  void produce(Event &event) final override {
    //put any collections that your processor(s) use into the event bus
    //make sure these collections have a specific form that you can test easily
    //  (no random-ness)
}; //SetupTestForMyProcessor

 * This Analyzer is what actually does all the CHECKing.
 * You run this processor after the processor(s) that you are testing,
 * so you have access to both the input objects made by the set
 * up processor and the objects created by your processor(s).
class CheckMyProcessor : public Analyzer {
  CheckMyProcessor(const std::string &name,Process &p) : Producer(name,p) { }
  ~CheckMyProcessor() { }
  void analyze(const Event &event) final override {
    //Use CHECK macros to see if the event objects
    // that your processor(s) produced are what you expect
}; //SetupTestForMyProcessor

} //test
} //ldmx

// Need to declare the processors we wrote

 * The TEST_CASE is actually pretty short since all of the setup
 * and checking is done in the test processors above.
 * Here we simply write a configuration file that is then given
 * to ConfigurePython to make a process which we then run.
TEST_CASE( "Testing the full running of MyProcessor" , "[MyModule]" ) {
  const std::string config_file{"/tmp/my_processor_test.py"};
  std::ofstream cf( config_file );

  cf << "from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg" << std::endl;
  cf << "p = ldmxcfg.Process( 'testMyProcessor' )" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.maxEvents = 1" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.outputFiles = [ '/tmp/my_processor_test.root' ]" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.sequence = [" << std::endl;
  cf << "    ldmxcfg.Producer('Setup','ldmx::test::SetupTestForMyProcessor','MyModule')," << std::endl;
  cf << "    #put your processor(s) here " << std::endl;
  cf << "    , ldmxcfg.Analyzer('Check','ldmx::test::CheckMyProcessor','MyModule')," << std::endl;
  cf << "    ]" << std::endl;

  /* debug pause before running
  cf << "p.pause()" << std::endl;


  char **args;
  ldmx::ProcessHandle p;

  ldmx::ConfigurePython cfg( config_file , args , 0 );
  REQUIRE_NOTHROW(p = cfg.makeProcess());

ctest in ldmx-sw

Currently, we add different Catch2-tests grouped by which module they are in to the general ctest command to run together. Further development could include other tests to be attached to ctest.

Invoking the test suite

To run the full test suite enter the build directory and invoke ldmx ctest.

cd build 
ldmx make install 
ldmx ctest

Some useful options for ctest include

  • --rerun-failed Will skip any tests that didn't fail last time
  • --output-on-failure Will output the contents of stdout of any failing test
  • --verbose/-V and --extra-verbose/-VV

If you want to pass any command line arguments to the run_test executable (see Catch2 documentation), you will have to invoke the executable directly. A common reason for doing this would be to run a particular subset of the test suit, e.g. all the tests in the Ecal module. To invoke the executable manually, enter the test directory in the build directory and run the executable in the build directory

cd build
ldmx make install 
cd test/
ldmx ../run_test [Ecal] # Only run tests matching [Ecal]

Note: Since the python configuration will import python modules from the install directory, you have to run ldmx make install and not just ldmx make before running your tests if you have made changes to any python files.

GitHub Actions and ldmx-sw

We use a variety of GitHub actions to write several different GitHub workflows to not only test ldmx-sw, but also generate documentation and build production images. A good starting place to look at these actions is in the .github/workflows directory of ldmx-sw.


In ldmx-sw, we use the logging library from boost. The initialization (and de-initialization) procedures are housed in the Logger header and implementation files in the Framework module. The general idea is for each class to have its own logger which gives a message and some meta-data to the boost logging core which then filters it before dumping the message to sinks. In our case, we have two (optional) sinks: the terminal and a logging file. All of the logging configuration is done by the parameters passed to the Process in the python configuration file.


The python class Process has three parameters that configure how the logging works.

logFileNameName of logging file. No logging to file is done if this is not set.
termLogLevelLogging level (and above) to print to terminal
fileLogLevelLogging level (and above) to print to file

The logging levels are defined in the Logger header file, and a general description is given below. Right now, configuration uses the int equivalent while the C++ uses the enum levels.

Basics: Logging in Processors

In order to save time and lines of code, we have defined a macro that can be used anywhere in ldmx-sw.

ldmx_log(info) << My message goes here;

info is the severity level of this message. A severity level can be any of the following:

debug0Extra-detailed information that you would want if you were suspicious that things were running correctlyWhether a sensitive detector is skipping a hit or not
info1Helpful comments for checking operationsWhat processes are enabled in Geant4
warn2Something wrong happened but its not too badREGEX mismatch in GDML parsing
error3Something really wrong happened and the user needs to know that something needs to changeExtra information before an EXCEPTION_RAISE calls
fatal4Reserved for run-ending exceptionsMessage from catches of Exception.

This is really all you need for an EventProcessor. Notice that the logger does not need a new line character at the end of the line. The logger automatically makes a new line after each message.

There is an additional logging level below "debug". A lot of times during development, a developer puts messages inside of the code to make sure it is working properly. A lot of these extra messages are not very helpful for the end user, so they should go into the log at all. Feel free to leave these messages in, but comment them out so that they don't clog up the log. A good rule of thumb is that the debug channel should have at most one message per event, info - one message every few events, warn - a few messages total per run, and error only one message per run.

More Detail: Logging Outside Processors

There are some other inheritance trees inside of ldmx-sw that have theLog_ as a protected member variable (like how it is set up for processors). For example, XsecBiasingOperator, UserAction, and PrimaryGenerator, so you may not need to define a new member theLog_ in your class if it inherits from a class with theLog_ already defined and accessible (i.e. public or protected).

There is a lot going on under the hood for this logging library, but I can give slightly more detail to help you if you want to have logging inside of a class that does not inherit from a class that already has the log defined. Basically, each class has a member variable called theLog_ that is constructed by makeLogger. The logger has an associated attribute that boost calls a "channel": a short name for the source of the message. For example, inside of a processor, the channel is the name of the processor. There is another convenience wrapper around the necessary code to "enable logging" inside of your class. Again, this is best illustrated by an example:

#include "Exception/Logger.h" //<-- defines the macros you need
class myClass {
  void someFunctionThatLogs() {
    ldmx_log(info) << "I can log!"; //<-- macro that calls theLog_
  /** enable logging for myClass */
  enableLogging("myClass") //<-- macro that declares and defines theLog_

Notice that the macro enableLogging is in the class declaration. It needs to be here because it declares and defines the member variable theLog_ --- it is good practice to keep theLog_ private, so put the macro in the private branch of your class declaration. You can provide any channel name to enableLogging that you wish, but the class name is a good name to default to.

Building ldmx-sw Without Containers

This method is highly discouraged.

The collaboration has standardized on using the container and so developing and running outside of the standardized container will not be supported.

Building ldmx-sw will require the installation of several dependencies. The following guide will walk you through the installation of those dependencies as well as ldmx-sw.

This is your final warning.

These instructions are not being maintained because we standardized on the container build. You are on your own.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
    • Tested on: RedHat6 and CentOS7 with devtoolset-6/8, OpenSuse > 42.1, Ubuntu > 18.0)
  • Building on MacOS outside the container is not supported.
  • Building on Windows outside the container is not even close to supported.

Required Tools

  • Git

    • Used for version control
    • Download: https://git-scm.com/download or simply use your package manager
    • Notes: Make sure git is added to your PATH environment variable before running CMake
  • CMake > v3.0

    • Used to generate a build configuration for your build system
    • Download: https://cmake.org/download
    • Installation: https://cmake.org/install/
  • GCC > 7.0

    • Need a modern compiler that supports the C++17 standard.
    • Download: https://gcc.gnu.org/git.html or use your package manager
    • Installation: https://gcc.gnu.org/install/ or use your package manager

Required dependencies

  • Boost > 1.60

    • Used for logging and provides additional C++ tools
    • Download: https://www.boost.org/users/history/
    • Installation: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html or use your package manager.
  • Xerces C++ > 3.2

    • Framework is required for GDML support in Geant4 so it must be installed first.
    • Download: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/download.cgi
    • Building on Linux:
      wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-3.2.0.tar.gz
      tar -zxvf xerces-c-3.2.0.tar.gz
      cd xerces-c-3.2.0
      mkdir build; mkdir install; cd build;
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
      make -j16 install
      cd ../install
      export XercesC_DIR=$PWD 
    • Notes: The XercesC_DIR environment variable is optional and for convenience. The option -j16 after the make command is used to specify the number of cores the build should use and should be set to a value appropriate to your system.
  • Geant4 > 10.2.p03

    • Geant4 is the simulation engine used by LDMX. LDMX uses a custom version of Geant4 10.02.p03 that includes modifications to the Bertini Cascade model and fixes to the calculation of the Gamma to mu+mu- matrix element.
    • Building on Linux:
      git clone -b LDMX.10.2.3_v0.4 --single-branch https://github.com/LDMXAnalysis/geant4.git 
      cd geant4
      mkdir build; cd build
            -DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
      cmake --build . --target install
      cd ../install
      source bin/geant4.sh
      export G4DIR=$PWD
    • Notes: Installing on Ubuntu variants can require a couple of dependencies to fix the errors: EXPAT error, Could not find X11, Could not find X11 headers, Could not find OpenGL. Add -DGEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT=OFF' to the CMake argument, before the last .., and install these dependencies before the CMake step: After it is installed, you can source geant4.sh in the bin directory. This script defines the environment variable G4DIR which points to the installation.
  • ROOT > 6.0

    • The ROOT data structure is used for persistency of simulated and reconstructed objects and for creation of histograms.
    • Download: https://root.cern.ch/downloading-root
    • Building on Linux:
      wget https://root.cern.ch/download/root_v6.16.00.source.tar.gz
      tar -zxvf root_v6.16.00.source.tar.gz
      mkdir root-6.16.00-build
      cd root-6.16.00-build
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../root-6.16.00-install -Dgdml=ON -Dcxx17=ON -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3) ..
      make -j16 install
      cd ../root-6.16.00-install
      source bin/thisroot.sh
    • Notes: ROOT has many installation options and optional dependencies, and the building ROOT documentation covers this in full detail. When you source thisroot.sh, it defines the bash environment variable ROOTSYS to be the locations of the install.

Optional Dependencies

  • ONNXRuntime > 1.2
    • Scoring engine for machine learning models. Used to load BDT and DNN models into ECal veto processors.
    • Download: https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/tag/v1.2.0
    • Notes: Building from source requires a modern CMake version (> 3.14) and Python 3.0 and is not recommended. Use the binaries if possible.

Building ldmx-sw

Start by cloning the ldmx-sw repository and make a build directory.

git clone https://github.com/LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw.git
cd ldmx-sw; mkdir build; cd build;

Configuring the build via CMake can be done as follows

cmake -DGeant4_DIR=$G4DIR -DROOT_DIR=$ROOTDIR -DXercesC_DIR=$XercesC_DIR -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..  

In some instances, a non-system installation of python will be needed. In this case, the environmental variable $PYTHONHOME needs to be set to point to your python build. The above cmake command should then be modified as follows:

 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=`which python` -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$PYTHONHOME/include/python2.7 -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$PYTHONHOME/lib/libpython2.7.so 

After the cmake step exits without any errors, you can build and install ldmx-sw with the following command

cmake --build . --target install -- -j16

Now you have an installation of ldmx-sw in the ../install directory. Note: The number after the -j should be changed to reflect the number of processors you want to allow the build to use.

Setting Up the Environment

Now you need to tell your computer where the ldmx-sw install is. This can be done by running the following lines (it might make things easier if you put these lines in your .bash_profile so that they are automatically run when you open a new terminal).

export LDMX_INSTALL_PREFIX=/full/path/to/ldmx/install #need to change this line
source <path-to-root-install>/bin/thisroot.sh #need to change this line
source <path-to-geant4-install>/bin/geant4.sh #need to change this line

Once you have executed the above commands in your shell, you should be able to execute programs like ldmx-app without any additional setup.

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