In ldmx-sw we use an several tools for our testing framework:

Catch2 Basics

This testing framework allows us to write several different testing functions throughout all of ldmx-sw, which are then compiled into one executable: run_test. This executable has several command line options, all of which are detailed in Catch2's reference documentation. This documentation does an excellent job detailing how to write new tests and how to have your tests do a variety of tasks; please refer to that documentation when you wish to write a test.

By default, we add run_test as an executable to the list of tests that ctest should run.

The basic idea behind Unit Testing is to make sure that we change only what we want to change. The compiler in C++ does a good job of catching syntax errors and writing tests using this package allows us to test the run-time behavior of fire in a similar way.

Catch2 allows us to organize our tests into labels so that the user can run a specific group of tests instead of all at once. A basic structure for ldmx-sw tests is as follows:

  1. Put any tests you write into the test directory in the module you wish to test.
  2. Use the module name as one of the labels for your test.
  3. Provide a detailed, one sentence description for your test as the title (spaces are allowed).
  4. Use one of the following additional labels as applicable:
  • [physics] --> tests that validate that physics is working as we expect (e.g. biasing up PN produces events with PN in them in the correct volume)
  • [functionality] --> tests that a certain ability successfully runs the way we expect it (e.g. providing multiple input files and one output file runs without segmentation fault and provides the correct information to all processors)
  • [dev] --> test is in development and may have undefined behavior
  • [performance] --> test checking the performance of certain functions (e.g. how long do they take? how much memory they use...)

Please follow these guidelines when writing a new test and please write tests often. Unit testing allows us to move forward with developments a lot quicker because we can validate changes quickly.

Just to give you an example, here is a basic test that would be compiled into the run_test executable.

//file is MyModule/test/MyTest.cxx
#include "catch.hpp" //for TEST_CASE, REQUIRE, and other Catch2 macros

 * my test
 * What does this test?
 *  - I can compile my own test.
TEST_CASE( "My first test can compile." , "[MyModule][meta-test]" ) {
  std::cout << "My first test!" << std::endl;

  // this will pass
  CHECK( 2 == 1 + 1 );

  // this will fail but continue processing
  CHECK( 2 == 1 );

  // this will fail and end processing
  REQUIRE( 2 == 1 );

  // this will not be run
  std::cout << "I won't get here!" << std::endl;
} //my test

Testing Event Processors

The complicated nature of how we use our event processors is complicated to test. Here I outline a basic structure for writing a test to check a specific processor (or a series of processors).

The basic idea is to set up special processors to setup what your processor should see and to check what it produces.

#include "catch.hpp"

#include "Framework/Process.h"
#include "Framework/ConfigurePython.h"
#include "Framework/EventProcessor.h"

namespace ldmx {
namespace test {

 * This Processor produces any and all collections or objects that your processor
 * needs to function. You can do this in a specific way that makes it easier to 
 * check later in the processing.
class SetupTestForMyProcessor : public Producer {
  SetupTestForMyProcessor(const std::string &name,Process &p) : Producer(name,p) { }
  ~SetupTestForMyProcessor() { }
  void produce(Event &event) final override {
    //put any collections that your processor(s) use into the event bus
    //make sure these collections have a specific form that you can test easily
    //  (no random-ness)
}; //SetupTestForMyProcessor

 * This Analyzer is what actually does all the CHECKing.
 * You run this processor after the processor(s) that you are testing,
 * so you have access to both the input objects made by the set
 * up processor and the objects created by your processor(s).
class CheckMyProcessor : public Analyzer {
  CheckMyProcessor(const std::string &name,Process &p) : Producer(name,p) { }
  ~CheckMyProcessor() { }
  void analyze(const Event &event) final override {
    //Use CHECK macros to see if the event objects
    // that your processor(s) produced are what you expect
}; //SetupTestForMyProcessor

} //test
} //ldmx

// Need to declare the processors we wrote

 * The TEST_CASE is actually pretty short since all of the setup
 * and checking is done in the test processors above.
 * Here we simply write a configuration file that is then given
 * to ConfigurePython to make a process which we then run.
TEST_CASE( "Testing the full running of MyProcessor" , "[MyModule]" ) {
  const std::string config_file{"/tmp/"};
  std::ofstream cf( config_file );

  cf << "from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg" << std::endl;
  cf << "p = ldmxcfg.Process( 'testMyProcessor' )" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.maxEvents = 1" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.outputFiles = [ '/tmp/my_processor_test.root' ]" << std::endl;
  cf << "p.sequence = [" << std::endl;
  cf << "    ldmxcfg.Producer('Setup','ldmx::test::SetupTestForMyProcessor','MyModule')," << std::endl;
  cf << "    #put your processor(s) here " << std::endl;
  cf << "    , ldmxcfg.Analyzer('Check','ldmx::test::CheckMyProcessor','MyModule')," << std::endl;
  cf << "    ]" << std::endl;

  /* debug pause before running
  cf << "p.pause()" << std::endl;


  char **args;
  ldmx::ProcessHandle p;

  ldmx::ConfigurePython cfg( config_file , args , 0 );
  REQUIRE_NOTHROW(p = cfg.makeProcess());

ctest in ldmx-sw

Currently, we add different Catch2-tests grouped by which module they are in to the general ctest command to run together. Further development could include other tests to be attached to ctest.

Invoking the test suite

You can run the test suite with the test recipe from just.

just build test

Some useful options for test include

  • --rerun-failed Will skip any tests that didn't fail last time
  • --output-on-failure Will output the contents of stdout of any failing test
  • --verbose/-V and --extra-verbose/-VV

If you want to pass any command line arguments to the run_test executable (see Catch2 documentation), you will have to invoke the executable directly. A common reason for doing this would be to run a particular subset of the test suit, e.g. all the tests in the Ecal module. To invoke the executable manually, enter the test directory in the build directory and run the executable in the build directory

cd build/test/
just build
denv ../run_test [Ecal] # Only run tests matching [Ecal]

GitHub Actions and ldmx-sw

We use a variety of GitHub actions to write several different GitHub workflows to not only test ldmx-sw, but also generate documentation and build production images. A good starting place to look at these actions is in the .github/workflows directory of ldmx-sw.