Tips and Tricks
Command Line Arguments
Python has an easy-to-use argument parsing library. This library can be used within an ldmx-sw configuration script in order to change the parameters you are passing to the processors or even to change which processors you use.
For example, I use the code snippet often to pass inputs to the process.
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('run_number',type=int,help='run number for this simulation run')
parser.add_argument('-o','--out-dir',type=Path,help='output directory to write event data to')
args = parser.parse_args()
from LDMX.Framework import ldmxcfg
p = ldmxcfg.Process('example') = args.run_number
p.outputFile = [
str(args.out_dir / f'my_special_simulation_run_{}.root')
# rest of configuration
Looking at the argparse library linked above is highly recommended since it has a lot of flexibility and can make passing arguments into your config very easy.
Manipulating File Paths
Python's pathlib library is helpful for doing the common tasks of finding files, listing files, and making a new file path.
For example, if input_dir
is a pathlib.Path
for an input directory of ROOT files.
p.inputFiles = [ str(f) for f in input_dir.iterdir() if f.suffix == '.root' ]
We can also use an input file input_file
to get an output file name and an output directory output_dir
to place this file in the directory we want.
p.outputFiles = [ str(output_dir / (input_file.stem + '_with_my_analyzer.root')) ]