Transition to ldmx-sw v4


If you don't have a branch of ldmx-sw that you wish to update, the easiest way to update ldmx-sw to v4 is with a new clone.

rm -rf ldmx-sw # are you SURE you have no changes? We are deleting everything now...
git clone --recursive

Make sure your container image is newer than v4 as well.

just init pull dev latest

Before the major release v4, ldmx-sw contained a lot of git submodules. They were introduced to try to help improve the developing workflow, but they ended up being an impedance for how we develop ldmx-sw and so were removed. Changing a git submodule into a normal subdirectory is a highly technical change that, while it doesn't change the source code, significantly alters how users interact with the source code via git.


This documentation page is here to help users update their local copy of ldmx-sw from before the v4 transition to after the v4 transition.

  • The target audience are those less familiar with git
  • We aim to avoid manually re-writing changes

This guide will NOT preserve the history of any branches.

The process described here is similar to "squashing" all of the changes on a branch into one commit. While the history of a branch is sometimes helpful when trying to understand the code, carrying the history through this transition is a complicated process that is non uniform. Discarding the history of a branch in the way described here will also discard any previous committers or authors of the changes. Assuming the branch has just been edited by an individual developer, squashing the changes into one commit and discarding the history is an acceptable procedure in most cases. If you have a branch with multiple authors or a history you'd like to preserve, please reach out. We can talk about trying to recover the history while updating the branch.

With the introduction out of the way, let's get started.

Step 1: Align branch with ldmx-sw v3.4.0

The last release before the de-submodule transition was v3.4.0, and in order for the update to work as described below, your branch must first be "aligned" with this version of ldmx-sw.

# make sure you have access to the tags of ldmx-sw
git fetch --tags
# merge the v3.4.0 tag into your branch
git merge -X theirs v3.4.0
# check that the resulting diff contains your changes
git diff v3.4.0

Step 2: Prepare to Cross Boundary

The submodule to no-submodule transition is one that git struggles with, especially when going "backwards" (i.e. going from a branch after the transition to one from before the transition), so it is easiest to make a new clone and rename your old clone to emphasize that it is the old one.

mv ldmx-sw old-ldmx-sw # rename old clone
git clone --recursive # get new clone

Then create a new branch in the new clone that has the same name as the branch you want to update.

git -C ldmx-sw switch --create my-branch

This step should succeed.

If you see any warnings or errors, that means a local copy of my-branch already exists in the new clone of ldmx-sw. This should not happen.

Step 3: Cross Transition Boundary

The basic idea behind this procedure is to write your changes into a file (called a "patch" file) and then re-apply those changes onto the new version of ldmx-sw. The actual procedure for doing this depends on where your changes are, so the specifics of creating and applying these patch files are separated into categories depending on where your changes are. All of the categories assume that you have done Steps 1 and 2 above.

No Changes

Your branch doesn't have any changes (or you were just running a locally-compiled version of ldmx-sw trunk).

This is the easiest case and I would just suggest to remove the old clone of ldmx-sw equivalent to the TLDR at the top of the page.

rm -rf old-ldmx-sw # are you SURE you have no changes you want to keep?

Changes only in ldmx-sw (and nothing in submodules)

The changes you made are not in any of the submodules (i.e. you haven't changed files within cmake, Conditions, SimCore, Tracking, Trigger, Framework, MagFieldMap, TrigScint, Ecal, or Hcal).

This means that the changes you've made can be re-applied to the post-transition ldmx-sw with relative ease since their location hasn't changed.

cd old-ldmx-sw
git diff v3.4.0 > ../my-branch.patch
cd ../ldmx-sw/
git apply ../my-branch.patch

Changes within a submodule

The basic idea is the same, but since the path to the files being changed also changes, we need to use an extra argument when applying the changes to the new clone of ldmx-sw.

Call the submodule your changes are in submodule (for example, if you have edits in Ecal, the replace submodule with Ecal in the commands below), then the following lines will re-apply the changes currently within the submodule in the old-ldmx-sw clone of ldmx-sw onto the same files within that directory of the new ldmx-sw clone.

cd old-ldmx-sw/submodule
git fetch
# the following just gets the default branch of the submodule
# you could equivalently just look it up on GitHub
sm_main="$(git -C ${sm} remote show origin | sed -n '/HEAD branch/s/.*: //p')"
git diff origin/${sm_main} > ../../my-branch.submodule.patch
cd ../../ldmx-sw
git apply --directory=submodule ../my-branch.submodule.patch

Changes across many submodules or in both ldmx-sw and a submodule

You can combine the two procedures above with the following additional notes.

Follow the changes within a submodule procedure for each submodule. This is pretty self-explanatory, you could even create a different commit on the newly updated branch for each submodule if you want.

Exclude any submodule changes when following the ldmx-sw only procedure. This is a bit more complicated. If you know which files are different, the easiest way to avoid including the submodule changes is to explicitly list the files in ldmx-sw that have changed.

git diff v3.4.0 <list of changed files> > ../ldmx-sw-only-changes.patch

You could also remove the chunks of the .patch file manually with a text editor, but that is more difficult and requires more familiarity with the syntax of patch files.

Step 4: Check and Commit

For this final step, we are in the new clone ldmx-sw and we've already run git apply (according to the commands in Step 3) so that the changes from the old branch have been applied.


Make sure to check that your edits have been applied as you've desired and they work as you expected. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Look through the output of git status to make sure the files you wanted to change are changed
  • Look through the output of git diff to make sure the files changed how you wanted them to change
  • Recompile ldmx-sw with your changes (if they were compiling before the transition)
  • Rerun and re-test the changes (if they were running and passing tests before the transition)

Now that the updates have been properly checked, we can add the changes we've made and commit them to the new branch in the new clone of ldmx-sw.

git add <files-that-you-changed>
git commit

Make sure to write a detailed commit message explaining ALL of the changes you've made (not just the most recent ones). Remember, the old commits and their messages will be deleted!

History Loss

I am pausing here to remind you to double check that your changes are what you expect and want. Once we run the next command, the old version of my-branch on GitHub will be deleted and replaced with the new version.

git push --force --set-upstream origin my-branch

History Loss

I am pausing here to remind you to triple check that your changes are what you expect and want. Once we run the next command, the old version of my-branch on your computer will be deleted. Only run this next command when you are done transitioning all of your branches if you have multiple branches.

cd ..
rm -rf old-ldmx-sw

Extra Notes

Movement Issues

When attempting to go from after the transition to before the transition, git struggles to handle the recursive submodule structure that we had in ldmx-sw. The first submodule that has this issue is SimCore so you'll see an error like the following

fatal: could not get a repository handle for submodule 'SimCore'

In this case, I would suggest that you simply make a separate clone of ldmx-sw. The --branch argument to git clone allows you to clone a specific branch or tag rather than the default one (trunk) so you can have a clone of a specific branch or tag that is from before the transition.

git clone --branch <name> --recursive

Compilation Issues

If you are observing a compilation issue involving std::string_view after updating your to ldmx-sw v4, you are probably observing the incompatibility between ldmx-sw >= v3.3.5 and the container image < v4.

The solution for this is to update the image you are running to build ldmx-sw to one that is >= v4.0.0. The simplest way to do this is just to update to the latest image with just pull dev latest, but you can also simply make sure you are using an image that was create after June 22, 2023 (when v4.0.0 was built and pushed to DockerHub).