Quick Switch to denv+just

No frills, no explanations.

If anything goes wrong, fall back to the more full getting started guides for using (for details on denv) or developing (for details on just).

This is targeted towards LDMX contributors who were present before the transition to denv+just so they already have a container runner present on their machine.

# install denv into ~/.local
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomeichlersmith/denv/main/install | sh 
# install just into the same location
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://just.systems/install.sh |\
  bash -s -- --to ~/.local/bin
# add just tab completion to your ~/.bashrc
printf '\neval "$(just --completions bash)"\n' >> ~/.bashrc

The denv install script attempts to help you update your ~/.bashrc so that ~/.local/bin is in your PATH and discoverable by bash as a program, but you may need to update your PATH manually.

No justfile found

While the justfile defining our shared configuring, building, testing, etc recipes is on trunk, it may not be on the branch you are developing on. There are two solutions to this:

  1. Update your branch to be based off the new trunk.
git switch trunk
git pull
git switch -
git rebase trunk
  1. Just use denv directly in place of ldmx.
denv cmake -B build -S .
denv cmake --build build --target install
# and most of the others