Which SimParticles are saved?

Often, one of the first tasks users of ldmx-sw have is to inspect the simulated particles that exist in an output file to learn about what happened within an event. It is then fairly easy to find out that not all of the simulated particles are actually saved into the output file. One could find this out in multiple ways, but commonly, folks find this out through one of two observations.

  1. The track IDs (the key in the std::map they are stored in) skip numbers pretty regularly.
  2. A SimParticle's "parent" or "daughter" is missing from the particles saved for that event.

In any case, this naturally leads to confusion; hence, this page trying to explain it.

Vocabulary Confusion

I should emphasize here that we copy a G4Track into our SimParticle. Geant4 has chosen to use the word "particle" to mean the definition of a particle and its properties. Individual particles moving through space and time are "tracks" in Geant4. We undo this switch-a-roo because we have other things called "tracks". To further add confusion, parts of our geometry infrastructure refer to "trajectories" which are also the same thing.

Data Structure

First, it is helpful to be aware of the structure of the stored simulated particle data. We save this data as a std::map<int, ldmx::SimParticle> where the key of the map is the Geant4 track ID of the particle (a unique integer within each event) and the value is a ldmx::SimParticle that stores data about the particle.


Why not store all of the simulated particles?

The answer to this question is pretty simple: it is a waste of space. When a high energy electron hits a huge block of material, it undergoes a process we call "showering" creating hundreds if not thousands of particles as it interacts with the material. Most of these particles created during a shower are not "interesting" for our purposes, so it is helpful to just skip saving them. We do have the ability to store all of the particles in an event if you desire, you can follow the same instructions provided for storing all simulated particles during re-simulation.


We get around this phenomena of showering by only saving a select group of particles during normal simulation which satisfy one (or more) of the following.

  1. The simulated particle is one of the primary particles
    • This is determined by the generators the user provides to the simulation.
  2. The simulated particle is created in a region with StoreTrajectories set to true
    • This is set within the GDML of the detector where we define regions. In all of the current detectors, all of the regions will store trajectories except the calorimeters.
  3. The simulated particle has its SaveFlag set to true
    • This is determined by any extra UserActions the simulation has attached to it.

We do not usually have any UserActions which set the SaveFlag to false because UserActions which are looking for particular simulated particles are usually trying to get around the bulk "veto" imposed by the simulation throwing away simulated particles that were created within the calorimeter region (either the ECal or the HCal).

UserActions that focus on looking for particular particles and making sure they are saved already exist and can be used as examples. These actions (and their example configs) largely live within the Biasing module of ldmx-sw.


This config uses several user actions to make sure the a hard brem occurs within the target and that high-energy photon undergoes a Photon-Nuclear (PN) interaction within the ECal. Since the PN interaction is very interesting for us and it happens in the ECal, this config also uses the TrackProcessFilter action which makes sure all particles that were created with the PN interaction are saved.

With this config, the sim particles that exist in the output file fall into three categories.

  1. Starts outside of the ECal or HCal. This includes the primary electron that started the simulation, but also may include other particles that are created as the electron journeys from the beam into the calorimeters including the high energy photon created in the target.
  2. Products of a PN Interaction. All particles that are created via the PN interaction are saved. Since a PN interaction is required to happen in the ECal, many of these particles will have daughter track IDs that do not exist in the particle map since they were not created via the PN interaction and thus do not pass the filter.


This config (as the name implies) does not use any user actions and is just here to help test the basic running of a simulation.

With this config, the sim particles that exist are all created upstream of the calorimeters. If you were to look at a distribution of all particles and their starting z location, you would see none of them past ~200 mm where the front of the ECal and HCal are. These particles include the primary electron fied by the generator and any particles it produces on its way to the calorimeters.

For Developers

This particle saving infrastructure is handled by the simcore::UserTrackInformation which stores the save flag referenced earlier and the simcore::g4user::TrackingAction which applies the defaults described above as well as passes the save decision onto the class which creates the SimParticle for a G4Track.