| RogueWishboneInterface (const std::string &host, int port) |
| Construct a TCP bridge.
virtual void | wb_write (int target, uint32_t addr, uint32_t data) |
| write a 32-bit word to the given target and address More...
virtual uint32_t | wb_read (int target, uint32_t addr) |
| read a 32-bit word from the given target and address More...
virtual void | wb_reset () |
| reset the wishbone bus (on/off cycle) More...
virtual void | wb_errors (uint32_t &crcup_errors, uint32_t &crcdn_errors, uint32_t &wb_errors) |
| Read the monitoring counters crcup_errors – CRC errors observed on the uplink (wraps) crcdn_errors – CRC errors from the downlink reported on the uplink (wraps) wb_errors – Wishbone errors indicated by the Polarfire. More...
virtual void | wb_clear_counters () |
| Clear the monitoring counters. More...
virtual void | fc_sendL1A () |
| Backend implementation. More...
virtual void | fc_linkreset () |
| send a link reset More...
virtual void | fc_bufferclear () |
| send a single L1A More...
virtual void | fc_calibpulse () |
| send a single calib pulse More...
virtual void | fc_clear_run () |
| reset counters for a new run More...
virtual void | fc_setup_calib (int pulse_len, int l1a_offset) |
| calib pulse setup More...
virtual void | fc_get_setup_calib (int &pulse_len, int &l1a_offset) |
| calib pulse setup More...
virtual void | fc_read_counters (int &spill_count, int &header_occ, int &header_occ_max, int &event_count, int &vetoed) |
| read counters from the FC side More...
virtual void | fc_enables_read (bool &ext_l1a, bool &ext_spill, bool &timer_l1a) |
| check the enables for various trigger/spill sources More...
virtual void | fc_enables (bool ext_l1a, bool ext_spill, bool timer_l1a) |
| set the enables for various trigger/spill sources More...
virtual int | fc_timer_setup_read () |
| get the period in us for the timer trigger More...
virtual void | fc_timer_setup (int usdelay) |
| set the period in us for the timer trigger More...
virtual void | fc_veto_setup_read (bool &veto_daq_busy, bool &veto_l1_occ, int &l1_occ_busy, int &l1_occ_ok) |
| check the setup for various busy/veto More...
virtual void | fc_veto_setup (bool veto_daq_busy, bool veto_l1_occ, int l1_occ_busy, int l1_occ_ok) |
| set the enables for various trigger/spill sources More...
virtual void | fc_advance_l1_fifo () |
| advance the FC fifo More...
virtual void | daq_reset () |
| reset the daq buffers More...
virtual void | daq_advance_ptr () |
| advance the daq pointer along buffer More...
virtual void | daq_status (bool &full, bool &empty, int &nevents, int &next_event_size) |
| readout the daq status into the passed variables More...
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > | daq_read_event () |
| read the aquired event and return it More...
virtual void | daq_setup_event_tag (int run, int day, int month, int hour, int min) |
| Set the event tagging information. More...
void | daq_dma_enable (bool enable) |
| specific items related to DMA which are not part of the general interface
void | daq_dma_setup (uint8_t fpga_id, uint8_t samples_per_event) |
void | daq_get_dma_setup (uint8_t &fpga_id, uint8_t &samples_per_event, bool &enabled) |
uint32_t | daq_dma_status () |
void | daq_dma_dest (const std::string &fname) |
void | daq_dma_dest (std::shared_ptr<::rogue::interfaces::stream::Slave > sl) |
void | daq_dma_run (const std::string &cmd, int run, int nevents, int rate) |
void | daq_dma_close () |