pflib v2.7.0-1-gd371ab6a
Polarfire Interaction Library
▼Cpflib::Backend | Abstract interface for various backend manipulations |
Cpflib::rogue::RogueWishboneInterface | |
Cpflib::uhal::uhalWishboneInterface | |
▼CBaseMenu | Type-less menu base for common tasks |
CMenu< T, H > | A menu to execute commands with a specific target |
Cpflib::Bias | The HGC ROC has 4 MAX5825 chips doing the DAC for the bias voltages |
Ccalibrun_hardcoded_values | |
Cpflib::DAQ | Interface with DAQ via a WishboneInterface |
Cpflib::DetectorConfiguration | Object for parsing a detector configuration file and (potentially) executing it |
▼Cstd::exception [external] | STL class |
Cpflib::Exception | PFlib |
Cpflib::detail::PolarfireSetting::Factory | The object that can construct new polarfire settings given the name of the setting |
Cpflib::Hcal | Representing a standard HCAL motherboard |
CHeaderCheckResults | |
CHeaderStatus | |
CRcfile::HelpInfo | |
Chex< W > | |
CMenu< T, H >::Line | A command in the menu |
Cpflib::decoding::LinkPacket | Smallest formatted packet being readout by the HGCROC-Polarfire pipeline |
Cpflib::MAX5825 | Class representing communication with the Digital-Analog Converter on the HGC ROC |
Cpflib::Parameter | A parameter for the HGC ROC includes one or more register locations and a default value defined in the manual |
Cpflib::DetectorConfiguration::PolarfireConfiguration | |
Cpflib::decoding::PolarfirePacket | Wrap the encoded binary data readout by a single polarfire |
▼Cpflib::detail::PolarfireSetting | Object that can change a setting on a polarfire target |
Ccalib_offset | Definition of settings |
Csipm_bias | Sets the sipm bias adc value for all connectors on the input rocs |
Cpflib::PolarfireTarget | Interface to a single polarfire |
CRcfile | YAML-based RC file |
CRcmap | |
Cpflib::RegisterLocation | Structure holding a location in the registers |
Cpflib::ROC | |
Cpflib::decoding::SuperPacket | Decoding of entire "super packet" which holds multiple polarfire packets - one for each sample in an event |
▼Cpflib::WishboneInterface | Abstract interface for wishbone transactions, used by ~all classes in pflib |
Cpflib::rogue::RogueWishboneInterface | |
Cpflib::uhal::uhalWishboneInterface | |
▼Cpflib::WishboneTarget | Parent class for standard wishbone targets providing some utilities |
Cpflib::Elinks | WishboneTarget for configuring the elinks |
Cpflib::FastControl | Representation of FastControl controller in the Polarfire |
Cpflib::GPIO | Representation of GPIO controller in the Polarfire |
Cpflib::I2C | Class which encapsulates the I2C controller in the Polarfire |