pflib v2.7.0-1-gd371ab6a
Polarfire Interaction Library
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NpflibPolarfire Interaction Library
 CLinkPacketSmallest formatted packet being readout by the HGCROC-Polarfire pipeline
 CPolarfirePacketWrap the encoded binary data readout by a single polarfire
 CSuperPacketDecoding of entire "super packet" which holds multiple polarfire packets - one for each sample in an event
 NdetailHidden functions to avoid misuse
 CPolarfireSettingObject that can change a setting on a polarfire target
 CFactoryThe object that can construct new polarfire settings given the name of the setting
 CBackendAbstract interface for various backend manipulations
 CBiasThe HGC ROC has 4 MAX5825 chips doing the DAC for the bias voltages
 CDAQInterface with DAQ via a WishboneInterface
 CDetectorConfigurationObject for parsing a detector configuration file and (potentially) executing it
 CElinksWishboneTarget for configuring the elinks
 CFastControlRepresentation of FastControl controller in the Polarfire
 CGPIORepresentation of GPIO controller in the Polarfire
 CHcalRepresenting a standard HCAL motherboard
 CI2CClass which encapsulates the I2C controller in the Polarfire
 CMAX5825Class representing communication with the Digital-Analog Converter on the HGC ROC
 CParameterA parameter for the HGC ROC includes one or more register locations and a default value defined in the manual
 CPolarfireTargetInterface to a single polarfire
 CRegisterLocationStructure holding a location in the registers
 CWishboneInterfaceAbstract interface for wishbone transactions, used by ~all classes in pflib
 CWishboneTargetParent class for standard wishbone targets providing some utilities
 NstdSTL namespace