pflib v2.7.0-1-gd371ab6a
Polarfire Interaction Library
pflib Namespace Reference

Polarfire Interaction Library. More...


namespace  detail
 Hidden functions to avoid misuse.


class  Backend
 Abstract interface for various backend manipulations. More...
class  Bias
 The HGC ROC has 4 MAX5825 chips doing the DAC for the bias voltages. More...
class  DAQ
 Interface with DAQ via a WishboneInterface. More...
class  DetectorConfiguration
 object for parsing a detector configuration file and (potentially) executing it More...
class  Elinks
 WishboneTarget for configuring the elinks. More...
class  Exception
 PFlib. More...
class  FastControl
 Representation of FastControl controller in the Polarfire. More...
class  GPIO
 Representation of GPIO controller in the Polarfire. More...
class  Hcal
 representing a standard HCAL motherboard More...
class  I2C
 Class which encapsulates the I2C controller in the Polarfire. More...
class  MAX5825
 Class representing communication with the Digital-Analog Converter on the HGC ROC. More...
struct  Parameter
 A parameter for the HGC ROC includes one or more register locations and a default value defined in the manual. More...
struct  PolarfireTarget
 Interface to a single polarfire. More...
struct  RegisterLocation
 Structure holding a location in the registers. More...
class  ROC
class  WishboneInterface
 Abstract interface for wishbone transactions, used by ~all classes in pflib. More...
class  WishboneTarget
 Parent class for standard wishbone targets providing some utilities. More...


enum  StandardWishboneTargets {
  tgt_COMMON = 0 , tgt_FastControl = 1 , tgt_GPIO = 2 , tgt_I2C = 3 ,
  tgt_Elinks = 4 , tgt_DAQ_Control = 8 , tgt_DAQ_Inbuffer = 9 , tgt_DAQ_LinkFmt = 10 ,
  tgt_DAQ_Outbuffer = 11
 common targets for the wishbone connection


int str_to_int (std::string str)
 Get an integer from the input string. More...
std::string upper_cp (const std::string &str)
 Get a copy of the input string with all caps.
void compile (const std::string &page, const std::string &param, const int &val, std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > &registers)
 Overlay a single parameter onto the input register map. More...
std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > compile (const std::string &page_name, const std::string &param_name, const int &val)
 Compile a single parameter into the (potentially several) registers that it should set. More...
std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > compile (const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > &settings)
 Compiling which translates parameter values for the HGCROC into register values that can be written to the chip. More...
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > decompile (const std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > &compiled_config, bool be_careful)
 unpack register values into the page names, parameter names and parameter values mapping More...
std::vector< std::stringparameters (const std::string &page)
 get the parameter names for the input page-type More...
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > defaults ()
 get the default parameter values as specified in the manual More...
void extract (const std::vector< std::string > &setting_files, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > &settings)
 Extract the page name, parameter name, and parameter values from the YAML files into the passed settings map. More...
std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > compile (const std::vector< std::string > &setting_files, bool prepend_defaults=true)
 compile a series of yaml files More...
std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > compile (const std::string &setting_file, bool prepend_defaults=true)
 short hand for a single setting file More...
static std::vector< int > getNextLineAndExtractValues (std::istream &ss)
 Modern RAII-styled CSV extractor taken from this allows us to discard white space within the cells making the CSV more human readable. More...
static bool endsWith (const std::string &full, const std::string &ending)
 Check if a given string has a specific ending.


const std::map< std::string, ParameterGLOBAL_ANALOG_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the Global Analog sub-blocks of an HGC ROC.
const std::map< std::string, ParameterREFERENCE_VOLTAGE_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the Reference Voltage sub-blocks of an HGC ROC. More...
const std::map< std::string, ParameterMASTER_TDC_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the Master TDC sub-blocks` of an HGC ROC.
const std::map< std::string, ParameterCHANNEL_WISE_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the individual channel sub-blocks` of an HGC ROC.
const std::map< std::string, ParameterDIGITAL_HALF_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the Digital Half sub-blocks` of an HGC ROC. More...
const std::map< std::string, ParameterTOP_LUT
 The Look Up Table of for the Top sub-block of an HGC ROC. More...
const std::map< std::string, std::pair< int, std::map< std::string, Parameter > > > PARAMETER_LUT
 Entire parameter Look Up Table.
static const int CTL_OCCUPANCY_REG = 4
static const uint32_t CTL_OCCUPANCY_MASK = 0x3F
static const int CTL_OCCUPANCY_CURRENT_SHIFT = 8
static const int CTL_OCCUPANCY_MAXIMUM_SHIFT = 0
static const int CTL_CONTROL_REG = 1
static const uint32_t CTL_RESET = 0x20000000
static const uint32_t CTL_LINK_COUNT_MASK = 0xFF00
static const int CTL_LINK_COUNT_SHIFT = 8
static const int CTL_FPGAID_REG = 3
static const int CTL_FPGAID_MASK = 0xFF
static const uint32_t CTL_LINK_ENABLE = 0x0001
static const uint32_t CTL_LINK_ZS_ENABLE = 0x0002
static const uint32_t CTL_LINK_ZS_FULLSUPPRESS = 0x0004
static const int REG_CONTROL = 1
static const int CTL_SPYSTART = 0x10000000
static const int CTL_SPYPICK_MASK = 0x00001F00
static const int CTL_SPYPICK_SHIFT = 8
static const uint32_t CTL_RESET_HARD = 0x20000000
static const uint32_t CTL_AUTOALIGN_THRESHOLD_MASK = 0xF00
static const int LINK_CTL_BASE = 0x40
static const int LINK_CTL_BITSLIP_MASK = 0x70
static const int LINK_CTL_BITSLIP_SHIFT = 4
static const int LINK_CTL_AUTO_ENABLE = 0x80
static const int LINK_CTL_DELAY_DIR = 0x00000001
static const int LINK_CTL_EYE_CLEAR = 0x00010000
static const int LINK_CTL_DELAY_MOVE = 0x00040000
static const int LINK_CTL_DELAY_LOAD = 0x00080000
static const int LINK_CTL_CLEAR_COUNTERS = 0x00100000
static const int LINK_CTL_RESET_AUTO = 0x00200000
static const int LINK_STATUS_BASE = 0x80
static const int LINK_STATUS_DELAYRANGE = 0x01
static const int LINK_STATUS_EYE_EARLY = 0x02
static const int LINK_STATUS_EYE_LATE = 0x04
static const int LINK_STATUS_ALIGNED = 0x10
static const int LINK_STATUS_AUTOLOCK = 0x20
static const int LINK_STATUS_AUTOPHASE_MASK = 0x700
static const int LINK_STATUS_AUTOPHASE_SHIFT = 8
static const int LINK_STATUS_BADIDLE_MASK = 0xFFF0000
static const int LINK_STATUS_BADIDLE_SHIFT = 16
static const int LINK_STATUS_AUTOCYCLE_MASK = 0xF0000000u
static const int LINK_STATUS_AUTOCYCLE_SHIFT = 28
static const int BIGSPY_REG = 2
static const int BIGSPY_LINK_MASK = 0x000000F0
static const int BIGSPY_LINK_SHIFT = 4
static const int BIGSPY_MODE_MASK = 0x0000000F
static const int BIGSPY_MODE_SHIFT = 0
static const int BIGSPY_NAFTER_MASK = 0x03FF0000
static const int BIGSPY_NAFTER_SHIFT = 16
static const int BIGSPY_RESET = 0x80000000u
static const int BIGSPY_SW_TRIGGER = 0x40000000u
static const int BIGSPY_DONE = 0x20000000u
static const int SPY_WINDOW = 0xC0
static const int BIGSPY_WINDOW = 0x400
static const int REG_NLINKS = 9
static const int REG_CONTROL1 = 1
static const uint32_t CTL_COUNTER_CLEAR = 0x00000001u
static const int REG_CONTROL2 = 2
static const uint32_t CTL_TX_PHASE_MASK = 0x0000000Fu
static const int CTL_TX_PHASE_SHIFT = 0
static const uint32_t CTL_TX_DRIVE_RESET = 0x00000040u
static const uint32_t CTL_MULTISAMPLE_ENABLE = 0x00080000u
static const uint32_t CTL_MULTISAMPLE_MASK = 0x00070000u
static const int CTL_MULTISAMPLE_SHIFT = 16
static const int REG_SINGLE_ERROR_COUNTER = 4
static const int REG_DOUBLE_ERROR_COUNTER = 5
static const int REG_CMD_COUNTER_BASE = 8
static const int CMD_COUNT =8
static const uint32_t REG_PORTCOUNTS = 1
static const uint32_t MASK_PORTCOUNTS_INPUT = 0x0000ffffu
static const uint32_t SHFT_PORTCOUNTS_INPUT = 0
static const uint32_t MASK_PORTCOUNTS_OUTPUT = 0xffff0000u
static const uint32_t SHFT_PORTCOUNTS_OUTPUT = 16
static const uint32_t REG_INPUTS_BASE = 8
static const uint32_t REG_OUTPUTS_BASE = 16
static const int BITS_PER_REG = 32
static const int GPO_BIT_SOFTRESET0 = 0
static const int GPO_BIT_RESYNCLOAD0 = 4
static const int GPO_BIT_HARDRESET = 8
static const int N_ROC = 4
static const uint32_t REG_BUS_SELECT = 2
static const uint32_t MASK_BUS_SELECT = 0xFFFF
static const uint32_t REG_BUS_AVAILABLE = 1
static const uint32_t MASK_BACKPLANE_HACK = 0x30000
static const uint32_t MASK_BUS_AVAILABLE = 0x0FFFF
static const uint32_t REG_TRANSACTOR = 5
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_READ = 0x1
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_I2CADDR = 0xFE
static const uint32_t SHFT_TRANSACTOR_I2CADDR = 1
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_ENABLE = 0x80000000
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_START = 0x40000000
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_BUSY = 0x04000000
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_DONE = 0x02000000
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_ERROR = 0x01000000
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_TX = 0x0000FF00
static const uint32_t SHFT_TRANSACTOR_TX = 8
static const uint32_t MASK_TRANSACTOR_RX = 0x00FF0000
static const uint32_t SHFT_TRANSACTOR_RX = 16
static const uint32_t REG_PRESCALE0 = 8
static const uint32_t REG_PRESCALE1 = 9
static const int I2C_PRE0 = 0|8
static const int I2C_PRE1 = 1|8
static const int I2C_CTR = 2|8
static const int I2C_TXR = 3|8
static const int I2C_RXR = 3|8
static const int I2C_CR = 4|8
static const int I2C_SR = 4|8
static const int I2C_STA = 0x80
static const int I2C_STO = 0x40
static const int I2C_RD = 0x20
static const int I2C_WR = 0x10
static const int I2C_NACK = 0x08
static const int I2C_IACK = 0x01
static const int block_for_chan []
static const std::string INHERIT = "INHERIT"
static const std::string HGCROCS = "HGCROCS"

Detailed Description

Polarfire Interaction Library.

Implementation Layer Below, change carefully!

This library is designed to ease the burden of configuring HGC ROCs connected to a Polarfire FPGA as well as define some helpful debugging functionalities for determining the optimal configuration of an HGC ROC.

Function Documentation

◆ compile() [1/5]

std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > pflib::compile ( const std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > &  settings)

Compiling which translates parameter values for the HGCROC into register values that can be written to the chip.

ret_map[page_number][register_number] == register_value

The input settings map has an expected structure:

  • key1: name of page (e.g. Channel_0, or Digital_Half_1)
  • key2: name of parameter (e.g. Inputdac)
  • val: value of parameter

The pages that a specific parameter and its value are applied to are decided by if key1 is a substring of the full page name. This allows the user to specify a group of pages by just giving a partial page name that is a substring of the pages that you wish to apply the parameter to. For example,

  • Channel_* - matches all 71 channels pages
  • CALIB* - matches both calib channel pages
  • Global_Analog* - matches both global analog pages
[in]settingspage names, parameter names, and parameter value settings
page numbers, register numbers, and register value settings

◆ compile() [2/5]

void pflib::compile ( const std::string page,
const std::string param,
const int &  val,
std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > &  registers 

Overlay a single parameter onto the input register map.

This only overwrites the bits that need to be changed for the input parameter. Any registers that don't exist will be set to 0 before being written to.

implementation of compiling a single value for the input parameter specification into the list of registers.

This accesses the PARAMETER_LUT map, its submaps, and the register_values map without any checks so it may throw a std::out_of_range error. Do checking of names before calling this one.

Most of the parameters have the same names as the ones in the HGCROC Manual; however, a few parameters on the Top sub-block (page) different in format and so we have changed them here. The translations from the manual to what is used here are listed below.

  • DIV_PLL_{A,B} -> DIV_PLL (two bit field)
  • EN{1,2,3}_probe_pll -> PLL_probe_amplitude (three bit field)
  • EN-pE{0,1,2}_probe_pll -> PLL_probe_pre_scale (three bit field)
  • S{0,1}_probe_pll -> PLL_probe_pre_phase (two bit field)
  • EN{1,2,3} -> eT_amplitude (three bit field)
  • EN-pE{0,1,2} -> eT_pre_scale (three bit field)
  • S{0,1} -> eT_pre_phase (two bit field)
[in]pagename of page parameter is on
[in]paramname of parameter
[in]valvalue parameter should be
[in,out]registerspage numbers, register numbers, and register values to apply parameter to

◆ compile() [3/5]

std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > pflib::compile ( const std::string page_name,
const std::string param_name,
const int &  val 

Compile a single parameter into the (potentially several) registers that it should set.

Any other bits in the register(s) that this parameter affects will be set to zero.

[in]page_namename of page parameter is on
[in]param_namename of parameter
[in]valvalue parameter should be set to
page numbers, register numbers, and register values to set

◆ compile() [4/5]

std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > pflib::compile ( const std::string setting_file,
bool  prepend_defaults = true 

short hand for a single setting file

See also
extract for how the YAML files are parsed
[in]setting_fileYAML file to extract and compile
[in]prepend_defaultsstart construction of settings map by including defaults from all parameter settings
page numbers, register numbers, and register value settings

◆ compile() [5/5]

std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > pflib::compile ( const std::vector< std::string > &  setting_files,
bool  prepend_defaults = true 

compile a series of yaml files

See also
extract for how the YAML files are parsed
[in]setting_fileslist of YAML files to extract in order and compile
[in]prepend_defaultsstart construction of settings map by including defaults from all parameter settings
page numbers, register numbers, and register value settings

◆ decompile()

std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > pflib::decompile ( const std::map< int, std::map< int, uint8_t > > &  compiled_config,
bool  be_careful 

unpack register values into the page names, parameter names and parameter values mapping

ret_map[page_name][parameter_name] == parameter_value

The decompilation simply interates through all parameters and attempts to deduce their values from the input compiled config.

If be_careful is true and any of the registers required to deduce a parameter are missing, warnings are printed to std::cerr and the parameter is skipped. Additionally, warnings are printed for entire pages that are skipped.

If be_careful is false, then no warnings are printed and parameters are only skipped if all of the registers that constitute it are missing.

[in]compiled_configpage number, register number, register value settings
[in]be_carefultrue if we should print warnings and skip partially-set params
page name, parameter name, parameter value of registers provided

◆ defaults()

std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > pflib::defaults ( )

get the default parameter values as specified in the manual

This is a helpful command for simply printing a "template" YAML settings file although it will printout all pages individually.

map of page name and parameter names to default values

◆ extract()

void pflib::extract ( const std::vector< std::string > &  setting_files,
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, int > > &  settings 

Extract the page name, parameter name, and parameter values from the YAML files into the passed settings map.

Page names are allowed to be "globbed" so that multiple pages with the same parameters can be set in one chunk of YAML. The globbing is just checking for a prefix and you must end a globbing page with the * character in order to signal that this chunk of YAML is to be used for all pages whose name start with the input prefix.

All matching is done case insensitively.

Globbing Examples

channel_* :
channel_off : 1

will match all channel pages and turn them off.

channel_ :
channel_off : 1

will throw an exception because no page is named 'channel_'.

channel_1 :
channel_off : 1

will turn off channel_1 (and only channel 1)

channel_1* :
channel_off : 1

will turn off all channels beginning with 1 (1, 10, 11, 12, etc...)

[in]setting_fileslist of YAML files to extract in order
[in,out]settingspage name, parameter name, parameter value settings extracted from YAML file(s)

◆ getNextLineAndExtractValues()

static std::vector< int > pflib::getNextLineAndExtractValues ( std::istream ss)

Modern RAII-styled CSV extractor taken from this allows us to discard white space within the cells making the CSV more human readable.

std stoi has a auto-detect base feature which we can enable by setting the pre-defined base to 0 (the third parameter) - this auto-detect base feature can handle hexidecial (prefix == 0x or 0X), octal (prefix == 0), and decimal (no prefix).

The second parameter is an address to put the number of characters processed, which I disregard at this time.

Do we allow empty cells?

◆ parameters()

std::vector< std::string > pflib::parameters ( const std::string page)

get the parameter names for the input page-type

The page-types are as specified in the HGC ROC manual without spaces and case insensitive.

  • DigitalHalf
  • ChannelWise
  • Top
  • MasterTDC
  • ReferenceVoltage
  • GlobalAnalog
vector of parameter names for that page type

◆ str_to_int()

int pflib::str_to_int ( std::string  str)

Get an integer from the input string.

The normal stoi (and similar) tools don't support binary inputs which are helpful in our case where sometimes the value is set in binary but each bit has a non-base-2 scale.

Supported prefixes:

  • 0b --> binary
  • 0x --> hexidecimal
  • 0 --> octal
  • none of the above --> decimal
[in]strstring form of integer
integer decoded from string

Variable Documentation

◆ block_for_chan

const int pflib::block_for_chan[]
Initial value:
= {261, 260, 259, 258,
265, 264, 263, 262,
269, 268, 267, 266,
273, 272, 271, 270,
294, 256, 277, 295,
278, 279, 280, 281,
282, 283, 284, 285,
286, 287, 288, 289,
290, 291, 292, 293,
5, 4, 3, 2,
9, 8, 7, 6,
13, 12, 11, 10,
17, 16, 15, 14,
38, 0, 21, 39,
22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37}


const std::map<std::string,Parameter> pflib::DIGITAL_HALF_LUT
Initial value:
= {
{"SELRAWDATA", Parameter(0,0,1,1)},
{"SELTC4" , Parameter(0,1,1,1)},
{"CMDSELEDGE", Parameter(0,2,1,1)},
{"ADC_TH" , Parameter(0,4,4,0)},
{"MULTFACTOR", Parameter(1,0,5,0b11001)},
{"L1OFFSET" , Parameter({RegisterLocation(2,0,8),RegisterLocation(1,7,1)},0b000001000)},
{"IDLEFRAME" , Parameter({RegisterLocation(3,0,8),RegisterLocation(4,0,8),RegisterLocation(5,0,8),RegisterLocation(6,0,4)},0b1100110011001100110011001100)},
{"BYPASSCH0" , Parameter(6,4,1,0)},
{"BYPASSCH17", Parameter(6,5,1,0)},
{"BYPASSCH35", Parameter(6,6,1,0)},
{"TOT_TH0" , Parameter(7,0,8,0)},
{"TOT_TH1" , Parameter(8,0,8,0)},
{"TOT_TH2" , Parameter(9,0,8,0)},
{"TOT_TH3" , Parameter(10,0,8,0)},
{"TOT_P0" , Parameter(11,0,7,0)},
{"TOT_P1" , Parameter(12,0,7,0)},
{"TOT_P2" , Parameter(13,0,7,0)},
{"TOT_P3" , Parameter(14,0,7,0)}
A parameter for the HGC ROC includes one or more register locations and a default value defined in th...
Definition: Compile.cxx:42

The Look Up Table of for the Digital Half sub-blocks` of an HGC ROC.


const std::map<std::string,Parameter> pflib::REFERENCE_VOLTAGE_LUT
Initial value:
= {
{"PROBE_VREF_PA", Parameter(0,0,1,0)},
{"PROBE_VREF_TIME", Parameter(0,1,1,0)},
{"REFI", Parameter(0,2,2,0b11)},
{"VBG_1V", Parameter(0,4,3,0b111)},
{"ON_DAC", Parameter(0,7,1,1)},
{"NOINV_VREF", Parameter({RegisterLocation(1,0,2),RegisterLocation(5,0,8)},0b0100111100)},
{"INV_VREF", Parameter({RegisterLocation(1,2,2),RegisterLocation(4,0,8)},0b0110000000)},
{"TOA_VREF", Parameter({RegisterLocation(1,4,2),RegisterLocation(3,0,8)},0b0001110000)},
{"TOT_VREF", Parameter({RegisterLocation(1,6,2),RegisterLocation(2,0,8)},0b0110110000)},
{"CALIB_DAC", Parameter({RegisterLocation(6,0,8),RegisterLocation(7,0,4)},0)},
{"INTCTEST", Parameter(7,6,1,0)},
{"EXTCTEST", Parameter(7,7,1,0)},
{"PROBE_DC", Parameter(8,0,8,0)}

The Look Up Table of for the Reference Voltage sub-blocks of an HGC ROC.


const std::map<std::string,Parameter> pflib::TOP_LUT
Initial value:
= {
{"EN_LOCK_CONTROL", Parameter(0,0,1,1)},
{"ERROR_LIMIT_SC" , Parameter(0,1,3,0b010)},
{"SEL_PLL_LOCKED" , Parameter(0,4,1,1)},
{"PLLLOCKEDSC" , Parameter(0,5,1,1)},
{"ORBITSYNC_SC" , Parameter(0,7,1,0)},
{"EN_PLL" , Parameter(1,0,1,1)},
{"DIV_PLL" , Parameter(1,1,2,0)},
{"EN_HIGH_CAPA" , Parameter(1,3,1,0)},
{"EN_REF_BG" , Parameter(1,4,1,1)},
{"VOUT_INIT_EN" , Parameter(1,5,1,0)},
{"VOUT_INIT_EXT_EN", Parameter(2,0,1,0)},
{"VOUT_INIT_EXT_D" , Parameter(2,1,5,0)},
{"FOLLOWER_PLL_EN" , Parameter(3,0,1,1)},
{"BIAS_I_PLL_D" , Parameter(3,1,6,0b011000)},
{"SEL_40M_EXT" , Parameter(3,7,1,0)},
{"PLL_PROBE_AMPLITUDE" , Parameter(4,0,3,0b011)},
{"PLL_PROBE_PRE_SCALE" , Parameter(4,3,3,0)},
{"PLL_PROBE_PRE_PHASE" , Parameter(4,6,2,0)},
{"ET_AMPLITUDE" , Parameter(5,0,3,0b011)},
{"ET_PRE_SCALE" , Parameter(5,3,3,0)},
{"ET_PRE_PHASE" , Parameter(5,6,2,0)},
{"SEL_RESYNC_FCMD" , Parameter(6,0,1,1)},
{"SEL_L1_FCMD" , Parameter(6,1,1,1)},
{"SEL_STROBE_FCMD" , Parameter(6,2,1,1)},
{"SEL_ORBITSYNC_FCMD", Parameter(6,3,1,1)},
{"EN_PHASESHIFT" , Parameter(7,0,1,1)},
{"PHASE" , Parameter(7,1,4,0)},
{"EN_PLL_EXT" , Parameter(7,7,1,0)}

The Look Up Table of for the Top sub-block of an HGC ROC.