Configuring the Simulation

This page details all of the parameters you can use to tune the simulation to behave how you want it to.


Like any other Producer, the simulation is configured by passing parameters to it in the python configuration file.

simulation.parameterKey = parameterValue

The parameter keys, types, accessing locations, and descriptions are documented on this page. A minimal working example is displayed on [Generating Simulation Samples]({% link docs/ %})

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
detectorstringSimulatorFull path to detector gdml description
descriptionstringSimulator and RootPersistencyManagerConcise phrase describing this simulation in a human-readable way
verbosityintSimulatorInteger flag describing how verbose to be
scoringPlanesstringRunManagerFull path to scoring plane gdml description
randomSeedsvector of intsSimulatorLists random seeds to pass to Geant4
preInitCommandsvector of stringsSimulatorGeant4 commands to run before the run is initialized
postInitCommandsvector of stringsSimulatorGeant4 commands to run after the run is initialized
enableHitContribsboolRootPersistencyManagerShould the simulation allow for the different contributors to an ECal hit be stored?
compressHitContribsboolRootPersistencyManagerShould the simulation compress the contributors by combining any contributors with the same PDG ID?

Note: In earlier versions of LDMX-sw, you would set the runNumber parameter in the simulator. The runNumber is a unique number (int) that identifies this run. In current versions of LDMX-sw, the runNumber is called run and is set as a parameter to the process directly. In other words, along the lines of

p = ldmxcfg.Process("simulation") = 9001


Biasing is helpful for efficiently simulating the detector's response to various events. The biasing parameters are given directly to the simulation and are listed below.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
biasing_enabledboolDetectorConstruction and RunManagerShould we bias?
biasing_processstringDetectorConstructionGeant4 process to bias
biasing_volumestringDetectorConstructionGeant4 volume to bias inside of
biasing_particlestringDetectorConstruction and RunManagerGeant4 particle to bias
biasing_allboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 bias all particles of the input type?
biasing_incidentboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 bias only the incident particle of the input type?
biasing_disableEMBiasingboolDetectorConstructionShould Geant4 disable down-biasing EM?
biasing_thresholddoubleDetectorConstructionMinium energy threshold to bias (MeV)
biasing_factorintDetectorConstructionFactor to multiply cross-section by

In v3.0.0 of ldmx-sw, we transitioned the biasing operators to be configured by their own Python classes. Those operators are stored in the SimCore.bias_operators module and are attached to the simulator class similar to generators and actions.

# config script snippet example for biasing
from LDMX.SimCore import bias_operators
# Enable and configure the biasing
#   In order to conform to older samples,
#   we can only attach to some of the volumes in the ecal
#   so we ask for this operator to be attached to the 'old_ecal'
sim.biasing_operators = [ 
  bias_operators.PhotoNuclear('old_ecal',450.,2500.,only_children_of_primary = True) ]

Dark Brem Process (Signal)

The signal generation is done by enabling the dark bremsstrahlung process in Geant4. We do this using another Python configuration class DarkBrem in the SimCore.dark_brem module. A more full description of the Dark Brem process and how these parameters affect its abilities is described [on its own page]({% link docs/ %}). The most direct way of starting the dark brem process is to simply activate by providing the minimal parameters for it to run.

# config script snipet example for dark brem
from LDMX.SimCore import dark_brem
db_model = dark_brem.VertexLibraryModel( lhe )
db_model.threshold = 2. #GeV - minimum energy electron needs to have to dark brem
db_model.epsilon   = 0.01 #decrease epsilon from one to help with Geant4 biasing calculations
sim.dark_brem.activate( ap_mass , db_model )


Because of the wide variety and flexibility of Geant4's UserActions, we have implemented a way for these various classes to all be passed along with their parameters. This method is extremely similar to how you create Event Processors and give them parameters. The best way to illustrate how to use one is with an example:

# First create the UserAction using the simcfg module
from LDMX.Biasing import filters
target_brem_filter = filters.TargetBremFilter() #import template
# Set the parameters that the UserAction uses
# the template provides reasonable defaults, but you can change them
target_brem_filter.recoilEnergyThreshold = 1500. #MeV - maximum recoil electron energy
target_brem_filter.bremEnergyThreshold = 2500. #MeV - minimum brem energy
# Then give the UserAction to the simulation so that it knows to use it
simulation.actions.append( target_brem_filter )

No matter the UserAction, the last line above is how you tell the simulation to use it.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
actionsvector of UserActionsRunManagerUserActions to plug into simulation

The details of how each UserAction works and what parameters are used are (read: should be) documented within each of those classes. Hopefully, we will get around to documenting the UserActions and how to use them. Right now, we have a list of UserActions that have their own template.


These UserActions filter for specific behavior in the simulation. Some of them abort an event if certain criteria aren't met and others make sure tracks matching certain criteria are saved into the output simulation file.

Access with: from LDMX.Biasing import filters

The first type of filter aborts events if certain requirements aren't met.

FilterRequirement on Event
TargetBremFilter()"hard-enough" brem in the target (hard-enough defined by the parameters)
EcalProcessFilter()PN interaction happens in the ECal
TargetENFilter()EN interaction happens in the Target
TargetPNFilter()PN interaction happens in the target
DarkBremFilter()dark brem happens in the target
TaggerVetoFilter()Primary electron doesn't lose fall below 3.8 GeV before reaching target

The other type of filter looks for tracks (what Geant4 call's individual particles) in Geant4 that match certain conditions and tell Geant4 (and our simulation) to save them in the output SimParticles collection.

FilterKeeps all tracks...
TrackProcessFilter.photo_nuclear()produced by the PN interaction
TrackProcessFilter.electro_nuclear()produced by the EN interaction
TrackProcessFilter.dark_brem()produced by a dark brem


There are a few general options that determine how primaries are generated. These parameters must be passed directly to the simulation (like the biasing parameters).

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
beamSpotSmearvector of doublesPrimaryGeneratorActionDefine how much to smear the primary vertex in each of the Cartesian directions (x,y,z)
generatorsvector of PrimaryGeneratorsPrimaryGeneratorManagerList the primary generators to use in this simulation run

Like UserActions, PrimaryGenerator is a python class that you can create using the LDMX.SimCore.simcfg python module. And actually, there are several helpful functions defined in the LDMX.SimCore.generators python module. These helpful functions return the correct python class and set some helpful defaults. Look at that file for more details. The most widely used primary generator is a simple one: a single 4GeV electron fired from upstream of the tagger. You could use that generator in your simulation with the following lines:

from LDMX.SimCore import generators
simulation.generators = [ generators.single_4gev_e_upstream_tagger() ]

You can send generators parameters in the same way as EventProcessors and UserActions:

myGenerator.parameterKey = parameterValue

Several of these generators can be used at once, although not all combinations have been tested.

A more detailed description of the parameters you can pass the various generators are listed below. All of the python code below requires the LDMX.SimCore.generators module to be imported:

from LDMX.SimCore import generators

Simple Particle Gun

This generator is the basic Geant4 particle gun. It can shoot one particle of a definite position and momentum into the simulation. Create a ParticleGun with:

myParticleGun = generators.gun( "myParticleGun" )
# set the parameters, for example, to use electrons:
myParticleGun.particle = 'e-'
ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
particlestringParticleGunGeant4 name of particle to use
energydoubleParticleGunEnergy of primary particle (GeV)
positionvector of doublesParticleGunLocation to shoot particle from (mm)
timedoubleParticleGunTime at which to shoot particle (ns)
directionvector of doublesParticleGunDirection to shoot particle (unit-less)

LHE vertices as primaries

This generator copies the primary vertex from an LHE file into our simulation framework. Create one with:

myLHE = generators.lhe( "myLHE" , "<path-to-LHE-file>" )

Root Re-sim from ECal Scoring Planes

Note: Deprecated and will be removed soon. This generator has not been able to be verified and has not been used recently. To faithfully re-simulate events, the entire event from original beam generation needs to be re-simulated.

This generator re-simulates the event using the particles leaving the ECal scoring planes (heading into the HCal). Create one with:

myReSimFromECal = generators.ecalSP( "myReSimFromECal" , "<path-to-root-file>" )

You also have access to the following variables if you need to tell the generator which scoring planes hits collection to use. These parameters are given reasonable defaults.

ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
collection_namestringRootSimFromEcalSPName of ECal Scoring Planes Hits collection created by simulation
pass_namestringRootSimFromEcalSPName of pass that generated the collection you want to use
time_cutoffdoubleRootSimFromEcalSPMaximum time to allow for a particle to to leave the ECal and be included in this re-sim

Geant4's General Particle Source

This generator is the "General Particle Source". It is implemented in Geant4, and has too many parameters to copy over into our framework. This means you will pass the GPS commands as strings that will be given to Geant4. Create one with:

myGPS = generators.gps( "myGPS" )
# set initCommands
ParameterTypeAccessed ByDescription
initCommandsvector of stringsGeneralParticleSourceList of Geant4 commands to configure the General Particle Source

Multiple Particle Gun

This generator can generate multiple copies of the same primary particle with the same kinematics. The number of primaries it generates can also be Poisson distributed. Create one with:

myMPG = generators.multi( "myMPG" )
# set the parameters

Here are the parameters you have access to:

nParticlesintMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratornumber of particles to create (or the mean of the Poisson distribution)
enablePoissonboolMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorShould the number of particles be Poisson distributed?
pdgIDintMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorPDG ID of the particle(s) to be the primary
vertexvector of doublesMultiParticleGunPrimaryGeneratorlocation of primary vertex to shoot the particle(s) from (mm)
momentumvector of doublesMultiParticleGunPrimaryGenerator3-momentum of primary particle(s) (MeV)

Photonuclear model

The hadronic interaction used by Geant4 in ldmx-sw to perform photonuclear interactions can be configured to load an arbitrary other model from a dynamic library. There are a couple available within ldmx-sw that are listed here but you can add new ones from any library and load them the same way. For details about this, see [Alternative photo-nuclear models]({% link docs/ %}).

By default, the simulation will be configured to use the default version of the Bertini model that comes with LDMX's version of Geant4. If you want to change to a different model, you can do so through

from LDMX.SimCore import photonuclear_models as pns
simulation.photonuclear_model = pns.SomeModel()

Note that some of these models should probably be used together with a corresponding filter from Biasing.particle_filter.

ModelCorresponding filterDescription
BertiniNothingHardModelPhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.NothingHardFilter()A model that forces high energy PN interactions with heavy nuclei to produce events where no product has more than some threshold kinetic energy
BertiniSingleNeutronModelPhotoNuclearTopologyFilter.SingleNeutronFilter()Similar, but requires exactly one neutron with kinetic energy above the threshold. By default, is applied to interactions with any nucleus.
BertiniAtLeastNProductsModelA matching version ofPhotoNuclearProductsFilterSimilar, but requires at least N particles of a list of particle IDs (e.g. kaons) in the final state.
NoPhotoNuclearModelRemoves photonuclear interactions entirely from the simulation