Getting Started at SLAC

Note: This page is old and refers to a now-deprecated cluster at SLAC as well as ldmx-sw programs that have been removed. We are keeping it around "just in case" but unless it goes through a significant re-write, it is probably best to be ignored.

The following is a summary of Overview of ldmx-sw with examples specific to running at SLAC

Note: The recipe that follows only works on the centos 7 machines.

Logging in & basic setup

Begin by login into one of the centos7 public login hosts as follows

ssh -XY

Once logged in, create your own directory within the users in the LDMX group area as follows:

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/
mkdir $USER

Setting Up the Environment to use the group installation

NB this section is under construction

The group installation can be setup by using issuing the following commands:

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER
scl enable devtoolset-8 bash  
cp /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/ .
source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/

You can test that the installation is correctly setup by running


And you should see the following if the paths are successfully set:

All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)

Setting Up the Environment for local development

The development environment can be setup by issuing the following command

cd /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER
scl enable devtoolset-8 bash  
cp /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/ .
source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/

Bonus Tip:

Put the following into your .bash_profile so that it is easier to setup the ldmx working environment.

alias ldmxstable='source scl_source enable devtoolset-8; source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/software/'

Then you can setup the ldmx environment by just running ldmxstable. This "stable" environment uses the group installation of ldmx-sw, so it is helpful for running longer jobs.

Building ldmx-sw

Clone the ldmx-sw git repository into your personal directory

git clone


git clone

This requires you to have already set-up a git configuration file.

Configuring the build via CMake can be done as follows:

cd ldmx-sw; mkdir build; cd build

Issuing the make command then builds ldmx-sw

make -j16 install

Finally, the ldmx-sw build path can be added by editing i.e. uncommenting the following lines

#   ldmx-sw   #
export LDMXSW_DIR=/nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/ldmx-sw/install

and re-sourcing

source /nfs/slac/g/ldmx/users/$USER/