| DNNEcalVetoProcessor.h |
| EcalClusterProducer.h |
| Simple algorithm that does clustering in the ECal.
| EcalDetectorMap.h |
| Class which contains logic for how the detector items connect to and relate with the reconstruction cells.
| EcalDigiProducer.h |
| Class that performs basic ECal digitization.
| EcalRawDecoder.h |
| EcalRawEncoder.h |
| EcalReconConditions.h |
| EcalRecProducer.h |
| Class that performs basic ECal digitization.
| EcalTriggerGeometry.h |
| Class that defines the relationship between precision cells and trigger cells and provides geometry information for trigger cells.
| EcalTrigPrimDigiProducer.h |
| Class that performs emulation of the EcalTriggerPrimitives.
| EcalVetoProcessor.h |
| Class that determines if event is vetoable using ECAL hit information.
| MyClusterWeight.h |
| TemplatedClusterFinder.h |
| WorkingCluster.h |