21#include "DetDescr/DetectorID.h"
26#include "Ecal/Event/EcalHit.h"
27#include "Ecal/MyClusterWeight.h"
28#include "Ecal/TemplatedClusterFinder.h"
29#include "Ecal/WorkingCluster.h"
30#include "Framework/Configure/Parameters.h"
61 double seedThreshold_{0};
63 std::string digisPassName_;
64 std::string algoCollName_;
65 std::string clusterCollName_;
Class that holds details about the clustering algorithm as a whole.
Class that stores cluster information from the ECal.
Class that translates raw positions of ECal module hits into cells in a hexagonal readout.
Class that defines an ECal detector ID with a cell number.
Base classes for all user event processing components to extend.
Simple algorithm that does clustering in the ECal.
TString algoName_
The name of the cluster algorithm used.
void configure(framework::config::Parameters ¶meters) override
Configure the processor using the given user specified parameters.
virtual void produce(framework::Event &event) override
Process the event and put new data products into it.
Implements an event buffer system for storing event data.
Class which represents the process under execution.
Base class for a module which produces a data product.
Class encapsulating parameters for configuring a processor.