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recon::OverlayProducer Class Reference

Class to overlay in-time pile-up events from an overlay file. More...

#include <OverlayProducer.h>

Public Member Functions

 OverlayProducer (const std::string &name, framework::Process &process)
void configure (framework::config::Parameters &parameters) override
 Configure the processor with input parameters from the python cofig.
void onNewRun (const ldmx::RunHeader &) override
 At the start of the run, the pileup overlay file is set up, and the starting event number is chosen, using the RNSS.
void produce (framework::Event &event) override
 Based on the list of collections to overlay, and the desired number of events, loop through all relevant collections and copy the sim event (once), and then add the corresponding collection from the pileup overlay file.
void onProcessStart () override
 At the start of processing, the pileup overlay file is set up.
- Public Member Functions inherited from framework::Producer
 Producer (const std::string &name, Process &process)
 Class constructor.
virtual void beforeNewRun (ldmx::RunHeader &header)
 Handle allowing producers to modify run headers before the run begins.
- Public Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
 EventProcessor (const std::string &name, Process &process)
 Class constructor.
virtual ~EventProcessor ()
 Class destructor.
virtual void onFileOpen (EventFile &eventFile)
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when a new event input ROOT file is opened.
virtual void onFileClose (EventFile &eventFile)
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when a event input ROOT file is closed.
virtual void onProcessEnd ()
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when the processing of events finishes, such as calculating job-summary quantities.
template<class T >
const T & getCondition (const std::string &condition_name)
 Access a conditions object for the current event.
TDirectory * getHistoDirectory ()
 Access/create a directory in the histogram file for this event processor to create histograms and analysis tuples.
void setStorageHint (framework::StorageControl::Hint hint)
 Mark the current event as having the given storage control hint from this module.
void setStorageHint (framework::StorageControl::Hint hint, const std::string &purposeString)
 Mark the current event as having the given storage control hint from this module and the given purpose string.
int getLogFrequency () const
 Get the current logging frequency from the process.
int getRunNumber () const
 Get the run number from the process.
std::string getName () const
 Get the processor name.
void createHistograms (const std::vector< framework::config::Parameters > &histos)
 Internal function which is used to create histograms passed from the python configuration @parma histos vector of Parameters that configure histograms to create.

Private Attributes

framework::config::Parameters params_
 The parameters used to configure this producer.
std::string overlayFileName_
 Pileup overlay events input file name.
std::unique_ptr< framework::EventFileoverlayFile_
 Pileup overlay events input file.
framework::Event overlayEvent_
 The overlay ldmx event bus.
std::vector< std::string > caloCollections_
 List of SimCalorimeterHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.
std::vector< std::string > trackerCollections_
 List of SimTrackerHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.
std::string overlayPassName_
 Pileup overlay events input pass name.
std::string simPassName_
 To use for finding the sim event bus passengers, mostly a disambiguation.
bool doPoissonIT_ {false}
 Let the total number of in-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value, poissonMu_.
bool doPoissonOOT_ {false}
 Let the total number of out-of-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value, poissonMu_.
double poissonMu_ {0.}
 (average) total number of events
std::unique_ptr< TRandom2 > rndm_
 Random number generator for number of overlaid events.
std::unique_ptr< TRandom2 > rndmTime_
 Random number generator for pileup event time offset.
double timeSigma_ {0.}
 Width of pileup bunch spread in time (in [ns]), specified as a sigma of a Gaussian distribution.
double timeMean_ {0.}
 Average position in time (in [ns]) of pileup bunches, relative to the sim event.
double bunchSpacing_ {0.}
 Spacing in time (in [ns]) between electron bunches.
int nEarlier_ {0}
 Number of bunches before the sim event to pull pileup events from.
int nLater_ {0}
 Number of bunches after the sim event to pull pileup events from.
int verbosity_
 Local control of processor verbosity.
int overlayIncidentID_ {-1000}
 For Ecal, overlay hits should be added as contribs.
int overlayTrackID_ {-1000}
int overlayPdgCode_ {0}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
static void declare (const std::string &classname, int classtype, EventProcessorMaker *)
 Internal function which is part of the PluginFactory machinery.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from framework::Producer
static const int CLASSTYPE {1}
 Constant used to track EventProcessor types by the PluginFactory.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
void abortEvent ()
 Abort the event immediately.
- Protected Attributes inherited from framework::EventProcessor
HistogramHelper histograms_
 Interface class for making and filling histograms.
NtupleManagerntuple_ {NtupleManager::getInstance()}
 Manager for any ntuples.
logging::logger theLog_
 The logger for this EventProcessor.

Detailed Description

Class to overlay in-time pile-up events from an overlay file.

Definition at line 23 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OverlayProducer()

recon::OverlayProducer::OverlayProducer ( const std::string &  name,
framework::Process process 

Definition at line 25 of file OverlayProducer.h.

26 : framework::Producer(name, process), overlayEvent_{"overlay"} {}
Base class for a module which produces a data product.
framework::Event overlayEvent_
The overlay ldmx event bus.

Member Function Documentation

◆ configure()

void recon::OverlayProducer::configure ( framework::config::Parameters parameters)

Configure the processor with input parameters from the python cofig.

Print the parameters actually set. Helpful in case of typos.

Reimplemented from framework::EventProcessor.

Definition at line 9 of file OverlayProducer.cxx.

9 {
10 params_ = parameters;
12 ldmx_log(debug) << "Running configure() ";
14 // name of file containing events to be overlaid, and a list of collections to
15 // overlay
16 overlayFileName_ = parameters.getParameter<std::string>("overlayFileName");
17 caloCollections_ = parameters.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>(
18 "overlayCaloHitCollections");
19 trackerCollections_ = parameters.getParameter<std::vector<std::string>>(
20 "overlayTrackerHitCollections");
21 simPassName_ = parameters.getParameter<std::string>("passName");
22 overlayPassName_ = parameters.getParameter<std::string>("overlayPassName");
23 // overlay specifics:
24 poissonMu_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("totalNumberOfInteractions");
25 doPoissonIT_ = parameters.getParameter<bool>("doPoissonIntime");
26 doPoissonOOT_ = parameters.getParameter<bool>("doPoissonOutoftime");
27 timeSigma_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("timeSpread");
28 timeMean_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("timeMean");
29 nEarlier_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("nEarlierBunchesToSample");
30 nLater_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("nLaterBunchesToSample");
31 bunchSpacing_ = parameters.getParameter<double>("bunchSpacing");
32 verbosity_ = parameters.getParameter<int>("verbosity");
35 if (verbosity_) {
36 ldmx_log(info) << "Got parameters \n \t overlayFileName = "
38 << "\n\t sim pass name = " << simPassName_
39 << "\n\t overlay pass name = " << overlayPassName_
40 << "\n\t overlayCaloHitCollections = ";
41 for (const auto &coll : caloCollections_) ldmx_log(info) << coll << "; ";
43 ldmx_log(info) << "\n\t overlayTrackerHitCollections = ";
44 for (const std::string &coll : trackerCollections_)
45 ldmx_log(info) << coll << "; ";
47 ldmx_log(info) << "\n\t numberOverlaidInteractions = " << poissonMu_
48 << "\n\t nEarlierBunchesToSample = " << nEarlier_
49 << "\n\t nLaterBunchesToSample = " << nLater_
50 << "\n\t bunchSpacing = " << bunchSpacing_
51 << "\n\t doPoissonIntime = " << doPoissonIT_
52 << "\n\t doPoissonOutoftime = " << doPoissonOOT_
53 << "\n\t timeSpread = " << timeSigma_
54 << "\n\t timeMean = " << timeMean_
55 << "\n\t verbosity = " << verbosity_;
56 }
57 return;
T getParameter(const std::string &name) const
Retrieve the parameter of the given name.
Definition Parameters.h:89
std::string simPassName_
To use for finding the sim event bus passengers, mostly a disambiguation.
std::string overlayPassName_
Pileup overlay events input pass name.
std::string overlayFileName_
Pileup overlay events input file name.
std::vector< std::string > caloCollections_
List of SimCalorimeterHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.
int verbosity_
Local control of processor verbosity.
int nEarlier_
Number of bunches before the sim event to pull pileup events from.
double bunchSpacing_
Spacing in time (in [ns]) between electron bunches.
double timeMean_
Average position in time (in [ns]) of pileup bunches, relative to the sim event.
framework::config::Parameters params_
The parameters used to configure this producer.
double poissonMu_
(average) total number of events
int nLater_
Number of bunches after the sim event to pull pileup events from.
bool doPoissonIT_
Let the total number of in-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value,...
double timeSigma_
Width of pileup bunch spread in time (in [ns]), specified as a sigma of a Gaussian distribution.
bool doPoissonOOT_
Let the total number of out-of-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value,...
std::vector< std::string > trackerCollections_
List of SimTrackerHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.

References bunchSpacing_, caloCollections_, doPoissonIT_, doPoissonOOT_, framework::config::Parameters::getParameter(), nEarlier_, nLater_, overlayFileName_, overlayPassName_, params_, poissonMu_, simPassName_, timeMean_, timeSigma_, trackerCollections_, and verbosity_.

◆ onNewRun()

void recon::OverlayProducer::onNewRun ( const ldmx::RunHeader )

At the start of the run, the pileup overlay file is set up, and the starting event number is chosen, using the RNSS.

set up random seeds

Reimplemented from framework::EventProcessor.

Definition at line 60 of file OverlayProducer.cxx.

60 {
62 if (rndm_.get() == nullptr) {
63 // not been seeded yet, get it from RNSS
64 const auto &rnss = getCondition<framework::RandomNumberSeedService>(
66 rndm_ = std::make_unique<TRandom2>(rnss.getSeed("OverlayProducer::rndm"));
67 }
69 int start_event = rndm_->Uniform(20., 1e4);
70 // EventFile::skipToEvent handles actual number of events in file
71 int evNb = overlayFile_->skipToEvent(start_event);
72 if (evNb < 0) {
73 EXCEPTION_RAISE("BadRead", "Couldn't read to starting offset.");
74 }
76 ldmx_log(info) << "Starting overlay process with pileup event number " << evNb
77 << " (random event number picked was " << start_event << ").";
ldmx::EventHeader & getEventHeader()
Get the event header.
Definition Event.h:58
static const std::string CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME
Conditions object name.
void setEventNumber(int eventNumber)
Set the event number.
std::unique_ptr< framework::EventFile > overlayFile_
Pileup overlay events input file.
std::unique_ptr< TRandom2 > rndm_
Random number generator for number of overlaid events.

References framework::RandomNumberSeedService::CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME, framework::Event::getEventHeader(), overlayEvent_, overlayFile_, rndm_, and ldmx::EventHeader::setEventNumber().

◆ onProcessStart()

void recon::OverlayProducer::onProcessStart ( )

At the start of processing, the pileup overlay file is set up.

Reimplemented from framework::EventProcessor.

Definition at line 391 of file OverlayProducer.cxx.

391 {
392 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
393 ldmx_log(debug) << "onProcessStart() ";
394 }
396 // replace by this line once the corresponding tweak to EventFile is ready:
398 std::make_unique<framework::EventFile>(params_, overlayFileName_, true);
399 overlayFile_->setupEvent(&overlayEvent_);
400 // we update the iterator at the end of each event. so do this once here to
401 // grab the first event in the processor
403 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
404 ldmx_log(debug) << "onProcessStart () successful. Used input file: "
405 << overlayFile_->getFileName();
406 ldmx_log(debug) << "onProcessStart () successful. Got event info: ";
407 overlayFile_->getEvent()->Print();
408 }
410 return;

References overlayEvent_, overlayFile_, overlayFileName_, params_, and verbosity_.

◆ produce()

void recon::OverlayProducer::produce ( framework::Event event)

Based on the list of collections to overlay, and the desired number of events, loop through all relevant collections and copy the sim event (once), and then add the corresponding collection from the pileup overlay file.

The event loop is the outer loop, and the inner loop is over the list of collections.

The collections have to be specified separately as a list of SimCalorimeterHit collections and a list of SimTrackerHit collections.

The collection name is parsed for "Ecal" to be flagged as a collection which needs overlay hits to be added as contribs. This is currently hardwired.

The resulting collections inherit the input collection name, with an appended string "Overlay". This name is also currently hardwired.

Go to next overlay event This overlay file has been configured to loop back to the beginning of the TTree when it reaches the end. This means nextEvent() will only return false if an error is occurred or if the overlay file is mis-configured.

Implements framework::Producer.

Definition at line 80 of file OverlayProducer.cxx.

80 {
81 // event is the incoming, simulated event/"hard" process
82 // overlayEvent_ is the overlay producer's own event.
83 if (verbosity_ > 1) {
84 ldmx_log(info) << "produce() starts on simulation event "
85 << event.getEventHeader().getEventNumber();
86 }
88 if (rndmTime_.get() == nullptr) {
89 // not been seeded yet, get it from RNSS
90 const auto &rnss = getCondition<framework::RandomNumberSeedService>(
92 rndmTime_ =
93 std::make_unique<TRandom2>(rnss.getSeed("OverlayProducer::rndmTime"));
94 }
96 // using nextEvent to loop, we need to loop over overlay events and in an
97 // inner loop, loop over collections, and store them. after all pileup events
98 // have been added, the vector of collections is iterated over and added to
99 // the event bus.
100 std::map<std::string, std::vector<ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit>> caloCollectionMap;
101 std::map<std::string, std::vector<ldmx::SimTrackerHit>> trackerCollectionMap;
102 std::map<int, ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit> hitMap;
104 // start by copying over all the collections from the sim event
106 /* ----------- first do the SimCalorimeterHits ----------- */
108 // get the calo hits collections that we want to overlay, by looping over
109 // the list of collections passed to the producer : caloCollections_
110 for (const auto &collName : caloCollections_) {
111 // for now, Ecal and only Ecal uses contribs instead of multiple
112 // SimHitsCalo per channel, meaning, it requires special treatment
113 auto needsContribsAdded{collName.find("Ecal") != std::string::npos ? true
114 : false};
116 // start out by just copying the sim hits, unaltered.
117 auto simHitsCalo =
118 event.getCollection<ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit>(collName, simPassName_);
119 // but don't copy ecal hits immediately: for them, wait until overlay
120 // contribs have been added. then add everything through the hitmap
121 if (!needsContribsAdded) {
122 caloCollectionMap[collName + "Overlay"] = simHitsCalo;
123 }
125 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
126 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: start of collection " << collName
127 << "in loop: printing current sim event: ";
128 }
129 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: size of sim hits vector " << collName << " is "
130 << simHitsCalo.size();
132 // we don't need to touch the hard process sim hits, really... but we
133 // might need the simhits in the hit map.
134 if (needsContribsAdded || verbosity_ > 2) {
135 for (const ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit &simHit : simHitsCalo) {
136 if (verbosity_ > 2) simHit.Print();
138 if (needsContribsAdded) {
139 // this copies the hit, its ID and its coordinates directly
140 hitMap[simHit.getID()] = simHit;
141 }
143 } // over calo simhit collection
144 } // if needContribs or very verbose
146 } // over calo collections for sim event
148 /* ----------- now do the same with SimTrackerHits! ----------- */
150 // get the SimTrackerHit collections that we want to overlay, by looping
151 // over the list of collections passed to the producer : trackerCollections_
152 for (const auto &collName : trackerCollections_) {
153 auto simHitsTracker =
154 event.getCollection<ldmx::SimTrackerHit>(collName, simPassName_);
155 trackerCollectionMap[collName + "Overlay"] = simHitsTracker;
157 // the rest is printouts for debugging
158 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: size of sim hits vector " << collName << " is "
159 << simHitsTracker.size();
161 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
162 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: start of collection " << collName
163 << "in loop: printing current sim event: ";
165 for (const ldmx::SimTrackerHit &simHit : simHitsTracker) simHit.Print();
166 } // if high verbosity
167 } // over tracker collections for sim event
169 /* ----------- now do the pileup overlay ----------- */
171 // we could shift these by a random number, effectively placing the
172 // sim event at random positions in the interval, preserving the
173 // overall interval length
174 // int simBunch= (int)rndmTime_->Uniform(
175 // -(nEarlier_+1) , nLater_+1); // +1 to get
176 // inclusive interval
177 int startBunch = -nEarlier_;
178 int endBunch = nLater_;
180 // TODO -- figure out if we should also randomly shift the time of the sim
181 // event (likely only needed if time bias gets picked up by BDT or ML by way
182 // of pulse behaviour)
183 for (int bunchOffset{startBunch}; bunchOffset <= endBunch; bunchOffset++) {
184 // sample a poisson distribution, or use mu as fixed number of overlay
185 // events
186 int nEvsOverlay =
187 doPoissonOOT_ ? rndm_->Poisson(poissonMu_) : (int)poissonMu_;
189 // special case: in-time pileup at bunch 0
190 if (bunchOffset == 0) {
191 if (!doPoissonIT_)
192 nEvsOverlay = (int)poissonMu_; // fix it to the average
193 else if (doPoissonIT_ && !doPoissonOOT_) // then we haven't set this yet
194 nEvsOverlay = rndm_->Poisson(poissonMu_);
196 // paticularly useful in the poisson fluctuated case
197 event.getEventHeader().setIntParameter("inTimePU", nEvsOverlay);
199 // the total number of events is nPU + 1 (it includes the sim event)
200 nEvsOverlay -= 1; // in any case, subtract the sim event from nOverlay
201 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
202 ldmx_log(debug) << "will overlay " << nEvsOverlay
203 << " events on the simulated one";
204 }
205 }
207 // get event wherever nextEvent() left us
208 if (!&overlayEvent_) {
209 ldmx_log(error) << "No overlay event!";
210 return;
211 }
213 float bunchTimeOffset = bunchSpacing_ * bunchOffset;
215 for (int iEv = 0; iEv < nEvsOverlay; iEv++) {
222 if (!overlayFile_->nextEvent()) {
223 ldmx_log(error) << "At sim event "
224 << event.getEventHeader().getEventNumber()
225 << ": couldn't read next overlay event!";
226 return;
227 }
229 // a pileup event wide time offset to be applied to all its hits.
230 float timeOffset = rndmTime_->Gaus(timeMean_, timeSigma_);
231 timeOffset += bunchTimeOffset;
233 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
234 ldmx_log(debug) << "in overlay loop: overlaying event "
236 << "which is " << iEv + 1 << " out of " << nEvsOverlay
237 << "\n\thit time offset is " << timeOffset << " ns"
238 << "\n\tbunch position offset is " << bunchOffset
239 << ", leading to a total time offset of "
240 << bunchTimeOffset << " ns";
241 }
243 /* ----------- first do the SimCalorimeterHits overlay ----------- */
245 // again get the calo hits collections that we want to overlay
246 for (uint iColl = 0; iColl < caloCollections_.size(); iColl++) {
247 // for now, Ecal and only Ecal uses contribs
248 bool needsContribsAdded = false;
249 if (strstr(caloCollections_[iColl].c_str(), "Ecal"))
250 needsContribsAdded = true;
252 std::vector<ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit> overlayHits =
256 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: size of overlay hits vector is "
257 << overlayHits.size();
259 std::string outCollName = caloCollections_[iColl] + "Overlay";
261 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
262 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: printing overlay event: ";
263 }
265 for (ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit &overlayHit : overlayHits) {
266 if (verbosity_ > 2) overlayHit.Print();
268 const float overlayTime = overlayHit.getTime() + timeOffset;
269 overlayHit.setTime(overlayTime);
271 if (needsContribsAdded) { // special treatment for (for now only)
272 // ecal
273 int overlayHitID = overlayHit.getID();
274 if (hitMap.find(overlayHitID) ==
275 hitMap.end()) { // there wasn't already a simhit in this id
276 hitMap[overlayHitID] = ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit();
277 hitMap[overlayHitID].setID(overlayHitID);
278 std::vector<float> hitPos = overlayHit.getPosition();
279 hitMap[overlayHitID].setPosition(hitPos[0], hitPos[1], hitPos[2]);
280 }
281 // add the overlay hit (as a) contrib
282 // incidentID = -1000, trackID = -1000, pdgCode = 0 <-- these are
283 // set in the header for now but could be parameters
284 hitMap[overlayHitID].addContrib(overlayIncidentID_, overlayTrackID_,
285 overlayPdgCode_,
286 overlayHit.getEdep(), overlayTime);
287 } // if add overlay as contribs
288 else {
289 caloCollectionMap[outCollName].push_back(overlayHit);
290 if (verbosity_ > 2)
291 ldmx_log(debug) << "Adding non-Ecal overlay hit to outhit vector "
292 << outCollName;
293 }
294 } // over overlay calo simhit collection
296 if (!needsContribsAdded)
297 ldmx_log(debug) << "Nhits in overlay collection " << outCollName
298 << ": " << caloCollectionMap[outCollName].size();
300 } // over caloCollections
302 /* ----------- now do simtracker hits overlay ----------- */
304 // get the SimTrackerHit collections that we want to overlay
305 for (const auto &coll : trackerCollections_) {
306 auto overlayTrackerHits{
310 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: size of overlay hits vector is "
311 << overlayTrackerHits.size();
313 auto outCollName{coll + "Overlay"};
315 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
316 ldmx_log(debug) << "in loop: printing overlay event: ";
317 }
319 for (auto &overlayHit : overlayTrackerHits) {
320 auto overlayTime{overlayHit.getTime() + timeOffset};
321 overlayHit.setTime(overlayTime);
322 trackerCollectionMap[outCollName].push_back(overlayHit);
324 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
325 overlayHit.Print();
326 ldmx_log(debug) << "Adding tracker overlay hit to outhit vector "
327 << outCollName;
328 } // verbose
329 } // over overlay tracker simhit collection
331 ldmx_log(debug) << "Nhits in overlay collection " << outCollName << ": "
332 << trackerCollectionMap[outCollName].size();
334 } // over trackerCollections
336 } // over overlay events
337 } // over bunches
339 // after all events are done, the ecal hitmap is final and can be written to
340 // the event output
341 for (uint iColl = 0; iColl < caloCollections_.size(); iColl++) {
342 // loop through collection names to find the right collection name
343 // add overlaid ecal hits as contribs/from hitmap rather than as copied
344 // simhits
345 if (strstr(caloCollections_[iColl].c_str(), "Ecal")) {
346 if (verbosity_ > 2)
347 ldmx_log(debug) << "Hits in hitmap after overlay of "
348 << caloCollections_[iColl] << "Overlay :";
350 for (auto &mapHit : hitMap) {
351 if (verbosity_ > 2) mapHit.second.Print();
353 if (caloCollectionMap.find(caloCollections_[iColl] + "Overlay") ==
354 caloCollectionMap.end()) {
355 ldmx_log(debug) << "Adding first hit from hit map as first outhit "
356 "vector to caloCollectionMap";
357 caloCollectionMap[caloCollections_[iColl] + "Overlay"] = {
358 mapHit.second};
359 } else
360 caloCollectionMap[caloCollections_[iColl] + "Overlay"].push_back(
361 mapHit.second);
362 }
363 break; // for now we only have one hitMap: for Ecal. so no need looking
364 // further after we got a match
365 } // isEcal
366 } // second loop over collections, to collect hits from hitmap
368 // done collecting hits.
370 // this should be added to the sim file, so to "event"
371 // once for each hit type
372 for (auto &[name, coll] : caloCollectionMap) {
373 ldmx_log(debug) << "Writing " << name << " to event bus.";
374 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
375 ldmx_log(debug) << "List of hits added: ";
376 for (auto &hit : coll) hit.Print();
377 }
378 event.add(name, coll);
379 }
380 for (auto &[name, coll] : trackerCollectionMap) {
381 ldmx_log(debug) << "Writing " << name << " to event bus.";
382 if (verbosity_ > 2) {
383 ldmx_log(debug) << "List of hits added: ";
384 for (auto &hit : coll) hit.Print();
385 }
386 event.add(name, coll);
387 }
388 return;
const std::vector< ContentType > & getCollection(const std::string &collectionName, const std::string &passName="") const
Get a collection (std::vector) of objects from the event bus.
Definition Event.h:386
int getEventNumber() const
Return the event number.
Definition EventHeader.h:78
Stores simulated calorimeter hit information.
void Print() const
Print out the object.
Represents a simulated tracker hit in the simulation.
void Print() const
Print a description of this object.
int overlayIncidentID_
For Ecal, overlay hits should be added as contribs.
std::unique_ptr< TRandom2 > rndmTime_
Random number generator for pileup event time offset.

References bunchSpacing_, caloCollections_, framework::RandomNumberSeedService::CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME, doPoissonIT_, doPoissonOOT_, framework::Event::getCollection(), framework::Event::getEventHeader(), ldmx::EventHeader::getEventNumber(), nEarlier_, nLater_, overlayEvent_, overlayFile_, overlayIncidentID_, overlayPassName_, poissonMu_, ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit::Print(), ldmx::SimTrackerHit::Print(), rndm_, rndmTime_, simPassName_, timeMean_, timeSigma_, trackerCollections_, and verbosity_.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bunchSpacing_

double recon::OverlayProducer::bunchSpacing_ {0.}

Spacing in time (in [ns]) between electron bunches.

Definition at line 154 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ caloCollections_

std::vector<std::string> recon::OverlayProducer::caloCollections_

List of SimCalorimeterHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.

Definition at line 89 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ doPoissonIT_

bool recon::OverlayProducer::doPoissonIT_ {false}

Let the total number of in-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value, poissonMu_.

Definition at line 111 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ doPoissonOOT_

bool recon::OverlayProducer::doPoissonOOT_ {false}

Let the total number of out-of-time events be poisson distributed, or fix at the chosen value, poissonMu_.

Definition at line 117 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ nEarlier_

int recon::OverlayProducer::nEarlier_ {0}

Number of bunches before the sim event to pull pileup events from.

Defaults to 0 --> all events occur in the same bunch as the sim event.

Definition at line 161 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ nLater_

int recon::OverlayProducer::nLater_ {0}

Number of bunches after the sim event to pull pileup events from.

Defaults to 0 --> all events occur in the same bunch as the sim event.

Definition at line 168 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ overlayEvent_

framework::Event recon::OverlayProducer::overlayEvent_

The overlay ldmx event bus.

Definition at line 83 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by onNewRun(), onProcessStart(), and produce().

◆ overlayFile_

std::unique_ptr<framework::EventFile> recon::OverlayProducer::overlayFile_

Pileup overlay events input file.

Definition at line 78 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by onNewRun(), onProcessStart(), and produce().

◆ overlayFileName_

std::string recon::OverlayProducer::overlayFileName_

Pileup overlay events input file name.

Definition at line 73 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and onProcessStart().

◆ overlayIncidentID_

int recon::OverlayProducer::overlayIncidentID_ {-1000}

For Ecal, overlay hits should be added as contribs.

But these are required to be unique, by the Ecal rconstruction code. So assign a nonsensical trackID, incidentID, and PDG ID to the contribs from overlay. These are hardwired right here.

Definition at line 181 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by produce().

◆ overlayPassName_

std::string recon::OverlayProducer::overlayPassName_

Pileup overlay events input pass name.

Definition at line 100 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ overlayPdgCode_

int recon::OverlayProducer::overlayPdgCode_ {0}

Definition at line 183 of file OverlayProducer.h.


◆ overlayTrackID_

int recon::OverlayProducer::overlayTrackID_ {-1000}

Definition at line 182 of file OverlayProducer.h.


◆ params_

framework::config::Parameters recon::OverlayProducer::params_

The parameters used to configure this producer.

Definition at line 68 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and onProcessStart().

◆ poissonMu_

double recon::OverlayProducer::poissonMu_ {0.}

(average) total number of events

Definition at line 122 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ rndm_

std::unique_ptr<TRandom2> recon::OverlayProducer::rndm_

Random number generator for number of overlaid events.

TRandom2 slightly (~10%) faster than TRandom3; shorter period but our input files will have way shorter period anyway.

Definition at line 129 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by onNewRun(), and produce().

◆ rndmTime_

std::unique_ptr<TRandom2> recon::OverlayProducer::rndmTime_

Random number generator for pileup event time offset.

TRandom2 slightly (~10%) faster than TRandom3; shorter period but our input files will have way shorter period anyway.

Definition at line 136 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

◆ simPassName_

std::string recon::OverlayProducer::simPassName_

To use for finding the sim event bus passengers, mostly a disambiguation.

Definition at line 105 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ timeMean_

double recon::OverlayProducer::timeMean_ {0.}

Average position in time (in [ns]) of pileup bunches, relative to the sim event.

Should realistically be 0. Using a non-zero mean and sigma = 0 is however useful for validation.

Definition at line 149 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ timeSigma_

double recon::OverlayProducer::timeSigma_ {0.}

Width of pileup bunch spread in time (in [ns]), specified as a sigma of a Gaussian distribution.

Definition at line 142 of file OverlayProducer.h.


Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ trackerCollections_

std::vector<std::string> recon::OverlayProducer::trackerCollections_

List of SimTrackerHit collection(s) to loop over and add hits from, combining sim and pileup.

Definition at line 95 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), and produce().

◆ verbosity_

int recon::OverlayProducer::verbosity_

Local control of processor verbosity.

Definition at line 173 of file OverlayProducer.h.

Referenced by configure(), onProcessStart(), and produce().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: