LDMX Software
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recon::DBScanClusterBuilder Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 DBScanClusterBuilder (float minHitEnergy, float clusterHitDist, float clusterZBias, float minClusterHitMult)
std::vector< std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * > > runDBSCAN (const std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * > &hits, bool debug)
void fillClusterInfoFromHits (ldmx::CaloCluster *cl, std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * > hits, bool logEnergyWeight)
void setMinHitEnergy (float x)
void setMinHitDistance (float x)
void setZBias (float x)
void setMinHitMultiplicity (int x)
float getMinHitEnergy () const
float setMinHitDistance () const
int setMinHitMultiplicity () const

Private Member Functions

bool isIn (unsigned int i, std::vector< unsigned int > l)
float dist (const ldmx::CalorimeterHit *a, const ldmx::CalorimeterHit *b)

Private Attributes

float minHitEnergy_ {0}
float clusterHitDist_ {100.}
float clusterZBias_ {1.}
int minClusterHitMult_ {2}

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DBScanClusterBuilder() [1/2]

recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::DBScanClusterBuilder ( )

Definition at line 10 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.cxx.

10 {
11 minHitEnergy_ = 0;
12 clusterHitDist_ = 100;
13 clusterZBias_ = 1; // defaults to 1
14 minClusterHitMult_ = 2;

◆ DBScanClusterBuilder() [2/2]

recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::DBScanClusterBuilder ( float  minHitEnergy,
float  clusterHitDist,
float  clusterZBias,
float  minClusterHitMult 

Definition at line 17 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.cxx.

20 {
21 minHitEnergy_ = minHitEnergy;
22 clusterHitDist_ = clusterHitDist;
23 clusterZBias_ = clusterZBias; // clustering bias in the z direction
24 minClusterHitMult_ = minClusterHitMult;

Member Function Documentation

◆ dist()

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::dist ( const ldmx::CalorimeterHit a,
const ldmx::CalorimeterHit b 

Definition at line 56 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

56 {
57 return sqrt(pow(a->getXPos() - b->getXPos(), 2) // distance
58 + pow(a->getYPos() - b->getYPos(), 2) +
59 pow((a->getZPos() - b->getZPos()) / clusterZBias_,
60 2)); // divide by the z bias
61 }
float getYPos() const
Get the Y position of the hit [mm].
float getZPos() const
Get the Z position of the hit [mm].
float getXPos() const
Get the X position of the hit [mm].

◆ fillClusterInfoFromHits()

void recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::fillClusterInfoFromHits ( ldmx::CaloCluster cl,
std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * >  hits,
bool  logEnergyWeight 

Definition at line 82 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.cxx.

84 {
85 float e(0), x(0), y(0), z(0), xx(0), yy(0), zz(0), n(0);
86 float w = 1; // weight
87 float sumw = 0;
88 std::vector<float> raw_xvals{};
89 std::vector<float> raw_yvals{};
90 std::vector<float> raw_zvals{};
91 std::vector<float> raw_evals{};
93 for (const ldmx::CalorimeterHit *h : hits) {
94 if (h->getEnergy() < minHitEnergy_) continue;
95 if (logEnergyWeight) w = log(h->getEnergy() - log(minHitEnergy_));
96 e += h->getEnergy();
97 x += w * h->getXPos();
98 y += w * h->getYPos();
99 z += w * h->getZPos();
100 xx += w * h->getXPos() * h->getXPos();
101 yy += w * h->getYPos() * h->getYPos();
102 zz += w * h->getZPos() * h->getZPos();
103 n += 1;
104 sumw += w;
105 raw_xvals.push_back(h->getXPos());
106 raw_yvals.push_back(h->getYPos());
107 raw_zvals.push_back(h->getZPos());
108 raw_evals.push_back(h->getEnergy());
109 }
110 x /= sumw; // now is <x>
111 y /= sumw;
112 z /= sumw;
113 xx /= sumw; // now is <x^2>
114 yy /= sumw;
115 zz /= sumw;
116 xx = sqrt(xx - x * x); // now is sqrt(<x^2>-<x>^2)
117 yy = sqrt(yy - y * y);
118 zz = sqrt(zz - z * z);
119 cl->setEnergy(e);
120 cl->setNHits(n);
121 cl->setCentroidXYZ(x, y, z);
122 cl->setRMSXYZ(xx, yy, zz);
123 cl->setHitValsX(raw_xvals);
124 cl->setHitValsY(raw_yvals);
125 cl->setHitValsZ(raw_zvals);
126 cl->setHitValsE(raw_evals);
128 if (raw_xvals.size() > 2) {
129 // skip fits for 'vertical' clusters
130 std::vector<float> sortedZ = raw_zvals;
131 std::sort(sortedZ.begin(), sortedZ.end());
132 if (sortedZ[sortedZ.size() - 1] - sortedZ[0] > 1e3) {
133 for (int i = 0; i < raw_xvals.size(); i++) { // mean subtract
134 raw_xvals[i] = raw_xvals[i] - x;
135 raw_yvals[i] = raw_yvals[i] - y;
136 raw_zvals[i] = raw_zvals[i] - z;
137 }
139 TGraph gxz(raw_zvals.size(), raw_zvals.data(), raw_xvals.data());
140 auto r_xz = gxz.Fit("pol1", "SQ"); // p0 + x*p1
141 cl->setDXDZ(r_xz->Value(1));
142 cl->setEDXDZ(r_xz->ParError(1));
144 TGraph gyz(raw_zvals.size(), raw_zvals.data(), raw_yvals.data());
145 auto r_yz = gyz.Fit("pol1", "SQ"); // p0 + x*p1
146 cl->setDYDZ(r_yz->Value(1));
147 cl->setEDYDZ(r_yz->ParError(1));
148 }
149 }
150 return;
void setNHits(int nHits)
Sets total number of hits in the cluster.
Definition CaloCluster.h:65
void setEnergy(double energy)
Sets total energy for the cluster.
Definition CaloCluster.h:59
void setCentroidXYZ(double x, double y, double z)
Sets the three coordinates of the cluster centroid.
Definition CaloCluster.h:85
Represents a reconstructed hit in a calorimeter cell within the detector.

◆ getMinHitEnergy()

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::getMinHitEnergy ( ) const

Definition at line 46 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

46{ return minHitEnergy_; };

◆ isIn()

bool recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::isIn ( unsigned int  i,
std::vector< unsigned int >  l 

Definition at line 53 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

53 {
54 return std::find(l.begin(), l.end(), i) != l.end();
55 }

◆ runDBSCAN()

std::vector< std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * > > recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::runDBSCAN ( const std::vector< const ldmx::CalorimeterHit * > &  hits,
bool  debug = false 

Definition at line 28 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.cxx.

29 {
30 const int n = hits.size();
31 std::vector<std::vector<const ldmx::CalorimeterHit *> > idx_clusters;
32 std::vector<unsigned int> tried;
33 tried.reserve(n);
34 std::vector<unsigned int> used;
35 used.reserve(n);
36 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
37 if (isIn(i, tried)) continue;
38 tried.push_back(i);
39 ldmx_log(debug) << "trying " << i;
40 if (hits[i]->getEnergy() < minHitEnergy_) continue;
41 std::set<unsigned int> neighbors;
42 unsigned int nNearby = 1;
43 // find neighbors
44 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
45 if (i != j &&
46 dist(hits[i], hits[j]) < clusterHitDist_) { // pair-wise distance
47 neighbors.insert(j);
48 if (hits[j]->getEnergy() >= minHitEnergy_) nNearby++;
49 }
50 }
51 if (nNearby >= minClusterHitMult_) {
52 std::vector<const ldmx::CalorimeterHit *> idx_cluster{
53 hits[i]}; // start a cluster
54 used.push_back(i);
55 ldmx_log(debug) << "- starting a cluster from " << i;
56 for (unsigned int j : neighbors) {
57 if (!isIn(j, tried)) {
58 tried.push_back(j);
59 ldmx_log(debug) << "== tried " << j;
60 std::vector<unsigned int> neighbors2;
61 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
62 if (dist(hits[k], hits[j]) < clusterHitDist_) {
63 neighbors2.push_back(k);
64 }
65 }
66 for (unsigned int k : neighbors2) neighbors.insert(k);
67 }
68 if (!isIn(j, used)) {
69 ldmx_log(debug) << "== used " << j;
70 used.push_back(j);
71 idx_cluster.push_back(hits[j]);
72 }
73 }
74 idx_clusters.push_back(idx_cluster);
75 }
76 }
77 ldmx_log(debug) << "done. writing this many clusters out: "
78 << idx_clusters.size();
79 return idx_clusters;

◆ setMinHitDistance() [1/2]

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setMinHitDistance ( ) const

Definition at line 48 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

48{ return clusterHitDist_; }

◆ setMinHitDistance() [2/2]

void recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setMinHitDistance ( float  x)

Definition at line 38 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

38{ clusterHitDist_ = x; }

◆ setMinHitEnergy()

void recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setMinHitEnergy ( float  x)

Definition at line 36 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

36{ minHitEnergy_ = x; }

◆ setMinHitMultiplicity() [1/2]

int recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setMinHitMultiplicity ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

50{ return minClusterHitMult_; }

◆ setMinHitMultiplicity() [2/2]

void recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setMinHitMultiplicity ( int  x)

Definition at line 44 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

44{ minClusterHitMult_ = x; }

◆ setZBias()

void recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::setZBias ( float  x)

Definition at line 40 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

40 {
41 clusterZBias_ = x;
42 } // set the z bias of the cluster

Member Data Documentation

◆ clusterHitDist_

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::clusterHitDist_ {100.}

Definition at line 64 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.


◆ clusterZBias_

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::clusterZBias_ {1.}

Definition at line 65 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.

65{1.}; // private parameter for z bias

◆ minClusterHitMult_

int recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::minClusterHitMult_ {2}

Definition at line 66 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.


◆ minHitEnergy_

float recon::DBScanClusterBuilder::minHitEnergy_ {0}

Definition at line 63 of file DBScanClusterBuilder.h.


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