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ldmx::EcalGeometry Class Reference

Translation between real-space positions and cell IDs within the ECal. More...

#include <EcalGeometry.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~EcalGeometry ()=default
 Class destructor.
EcalID getID (double x, double y, double z, bool fallible=false) const
 Get a cell's ID number from its position.
EcalID getID (double x, double y, int layer_id, bool fallible=false) const
 Get a cell's ID from its x,y global position and layer number.
EcalID getID (double x, double y, int layer_id, int module_id, bool fallible=false) const
 Get a cell's ID from its x,y global position and layer/module numbers as deduced from GDML copy numbers.
std::tuple< double, double, double > getPosition (EcalID id) const
 Get a cell's position from its ID number.
std::pair< double, double > getPositionInModule (int cell_id) const
 Get a cell's position within a module.
double getZPosition (int layer) const
 Get the z-coordinate given the layer id.
int getNumLayers () const
 Get the number of layers in the Ecal Geometry.
int getNumModulesPerLayer () const
 Get the number of modules in the Ecal flower.
int getNumCellsPerModule () const
 Get the number of cells in each module of the Ecal Geometry.
std::vector< EcalIDgetNN (EcalID id) const
 Get the Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.
bool isNN (EcalID centroid, EcalID probe) const
 Check if the probe id is one of the nearest neightbors of the centroid id.
std::vector< EcalIDgetNNN (EcalID id) const
 Get the Next-to-Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.
bool isNNN (EcalID centroid, EcalID probe) const
 Check if the probe id is one of the next-to-nearest neightbors of the centroid id.
double getModuleMinR () const
 Get the center-to-flat radius of the module hexagons.
double getModuleMaxR () const
 Get the center-to-corner radius of the module hexagons.
double getCellMinR () const
 Get the center-to-flat radius of the cell hexagons.
double getCellMaxR () const
 Get the center-to-corner radius of the cell hexagons.
TH2Poly * getCellPolyMap () const
 Get a reference to the TH2Poly used for Cell IDs.
- Public Member Functions inherited from framework::ConditionsObject
 ConditionsObject (const std::string &name)
 Class constructor.
virtual ~ConditionsObject ()
std::string getName () const
 Get the name of this object.

Static Public Member Functions

static EcalGeometrydebugMake (const framework::config::Parameters &p)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const char * CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME {"EcalGeometry"}

Private Member Functions

 EcalGeometry (const framework::config::Parameters &ps)
 Class constructor, for use only by the provider.
void buildLayerMap ()
 Constructs the positions of the layers in world coordinates.
void buildModuleMap ()
 Constructs the positions of the seven modules (moduleID) relative to the ecal center.
void buildCellMap ()
 Constructs the flat-bottomed hexagonal grid (cellID) of corner-down hexagonal cells.
void buildCellModuleMap ()
 Constructs the positions of all the cells in a layer relative to the ecal center.
void buildNeighborMaps ()
 Construts NNMap and NNNMap.
double distanceToEdge (EcalID id) const
 Distance to module edge, and whether cell is on edge of module.
bool isEdgeCell (EcalID cellModuleID) const
 Check if input cell is on the edge of a module.
bool isInside (double normX, double normY) const
 Determines if point (x,y), already normed to max hexagon radius, lies within a hexagon.

Private Attributes

double gap_
 Gap between module flat sides [mm].
double cellr_ {0}
 Center-to-Flat Radius of cell hexagon [mm].
double moduler_ {0}
 Center-to-Flat Radius of module hexagon [mm].
double cellR_ {0}
 Center-to-Corner Radius of cell hexagon [mm].
double moduleR_ {0}
 Center-to-Corner Radius of module hexagon [mm].
bool cornersSideUp_
 indicator of geometry orientation if true, flower shape's corners side (ie: side with two modules) is at the top
double layer_shift_x_
 shift of layers in the x-direction [mm]
double layer_shift_y_
 shift of layers in the y-direction [mm]
bool layer_shift_odd_
 shift odd layers
bool layer_shift_odd_bilayer_
 shift odd bi layers
double nCellRHeight_ {0}
 Number of cell center-to-corner radii (one side of the cell) from the bottom to the top of the module.
double ecalFrontZ_ {0}
 Front of ECal relative to world geometry [mm].
std::vector< double > layerZPositions_
 The layer Z postions are with respect to the front of the ECal [mm].
int verbose_
std::map< int, std::tuple< double, double, double > > layer_pos_xy_
 Position of layer centers in world coordinates (uses layer ID as key)
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > module_pos_xy_
 Postion of module centers relative to the center of the layer in world coordinates.
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > cell_pos_in_module_
 Position of cell centers relative to center of module in p,q space.
std::map< EcalID, std::pair< double, double > > cell_pos_in_layer_
 Position of cell centers relative to center of layer in world coordinates.
std::map< EcalID, std::tuple< double, double, double > > cell_global_pos_
 Position of cell centers relative to world geometry.
std::map< EcalID, std::vector< EcalID > > NNMap_
 Map of cell ID to neighboring cells.
std::map< EcalID, std::vector< EcalID > > NNNMap_
 Map of cell ID to neighbors of neighbor cells.
TH2Poly cell_id_in_module_
 Honeycomb Binning from ROOT.


class ecal::EcalGeometryProvider

Detailed Description

Translation between real-space positions and cell IDs within the ECal.

This is the object that does the extra geometry not implemented in the gdml. In order to save time during the simulation, the individual cells in the readout hexagons are not constructed individually in Geant4. This means we have to have a translation between position and cell ID which is accomplished by this class.

Moreover, downstream processors sometimes need access to the cell position when they only know the cell ID. This class can also do this conversion.



Since the whole hexagon flower has changed orientation since previous versions of the detector (which we wish to still support), I am defining an extra set of axes with respect to the flower itself. Below I have drawn the ECal hexagon i flower and defined two axes: p (through the "pointy sides") and q (through the "flat sides"). In some versions of the ECal flower, p == x and q == y while in others p == -y and q == x.

     | q axis
 __/1 \__
/6 \__/2 \
\__/0 \__/ __ p axis __>
/5 \__/3 \
\__/4 \__/

Now we can define a process for determining the cellular IDs.


The cell radius is calculated from the total number of center-to-corner cell radii that span the module height. This count can have fractional counts to account for the fractions of cell radii at the module edges.

Definition at line 101 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~EcalGeometry()

virtual ldmx::EcalGeometry::~EcalGeometry ( )

Class destructor.

Does nothing because the member variables clean up themselves.

◆ EcalGeometry()

ldmx::EcalGeometry::EcalGeometry ( const framework::config::Parameters ps)

Class constructor, for use only by the provider.

psParameters to configure the EcalGeometry

Definition at line 51 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

52 : framework::ConditionsObject(EcalGeometry::CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME) {
53 layerZPositions_ = ps.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("layerZPositions");
54 ecalFrontZ_ = ps.getParameter<double>("ecalFrontZ");
55 moduler_ = ps.getParameter<double>("moduleMinR");
56 gap_ = ps.getParameter<double>("gap");
57 nCellRHeight_ = ps.getParameter<double>("nCellRHeight");
58 verbose_ = ps.getParameter<int>("verbose");
59 cornersSideUp_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("cornersSideUp");
60 layer_shift_x_ = ps.getParameter<double>("layer_shift_x");
61 layer_shift_y_ = ps.getParameter<double>("layer_shift_y");
62 layer_shift_odd_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("layer_shift_odd");
63 layer_shift_odd_bilayer_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("layer_shift_odd_bilayer");
67 "Cannot shift both odd sensitive layers and odd bilayers");
68 }
70 moduleR_ = moduler_ * (2 / sqrt(3));
72 cellr_ = (sqrt(3.) / 2.) * cellR_;
74 if (verbose_ > 0) {
75 std::cout << std::endl
76 << "[EcalGeometry] Verbosity set in header to " << verbose_
77 << std::endl;
78 std::cout << " Building module map with gap " << std::setprecision(2)
79 << gap_ << ", nCellRHeight " << nCellRHeight_
80 << ", min/max radii of cell " << cellr_ << " / " << cellR_
81 << ", and module " << moduler_ << " / " << moduleR_ << std::endl;
82 }
90 if (verbose_ > 0)
91 std::cout << "[EcalGeometry] : fully constructed" << std::endl;
Base class for all conditions objects, very simple.
T getParameter(const std::string &name) const
Retrieve the parameter of the given name.
Definition Parameters.h:89
void buildCellModuleMap()
Constructs the positions of all the cells in a layer relative to the ecal center.
double layer_shift_y_
shift of layers in the y-direction [mm]
void buildCellMap()
Constructs the flat-bottomed hexagonal grid (cellID) of corner-down hexagonal cells.
double moduler_
Center-to-Flat Radius of module hexagon [mm].
double cellr_
Center-to-Flat Radius of cell hexagon [mm].
bool layer_shift_odd_
shift odd layers
std::vector< double > layerZPositions_
The layer Z postions are with respect to the front of the ECal [mm].
double nCellRHeight_
Number of cell center-to-corner radii (one side of the cell) from the bottom to the top of the module...
double ecalFrontZ_
Front of ECal relative to world geometry [mm].
double layer_shift_x_
shift of layers in the x-direction [mm]
double cellR_
Center-to-Corner Radius of cell hexagon [mm].
void buildModuleMap()
Constructs the positions of the seven modules (moduleID) relative to the ecal center.
int verbose_
bool layer_shift_odd_bilayer_
shift odd bi layers
bool cornersSideUp_
indicator of geometry orientation if true, flower shape's corners side (ie: side with two modules) is...
void buildLayerMap()
Constructs the positions of the layers in world coordinates.
double moduleR_
Center-to-Corner Radius of module hexagon [mm].
double gap_
Gap between module flat sides [mm].
void buildNeighborMaps()
Construts NNMap and NNNMap.

References buildCellMap(), buildCellModuleMap(), buildLayerMap(), buildModuleMap(), buildNeighborMaps(), cellr_, cellR_, cornersSideUp_, ecalFrontZ_, gap_, framework::config::Parameters::getParameter(), layer_shift_odd_, layer_shift_odd_bilayer_, layer_shift_x_, layer_shift_y_, layerZPositions_, moduler_, moduleR_, nCellRHeight_, and verbose_.

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildCellMap()

void ldmx::EcalGeometry::buildCellMap ( )

Constructs the flat-bottomed hexagonal grid (cellID) of corner-down hexagonal cells.

Sets ecalMap_ with the defined bins being the ecal cells in coordinates with respect to the module center. Also sets cellPostionMap_ with the keys being the cell ID and the values being the position of the cell with respect to the module center.


Use ROOT's TH2Poly::HoneyComb method to build a large hexagonal grid, then copy the polygons from it which overlap with the module with more than one vertex.

A vertex between three cells is placed at the origin, then the bottom left corner of the honeycomb and the number of x and y cells across the honeycomb is calculated by continuing to decrement the grid x/y point until the module center-to-flat distance is reached.

The hexagons that only have one vertex outside the module hexagon leave a small space un-covered by the tiling, so the vertices adjacent to the external vertex are projected onto the module edge.

[in]cellr_the center-to-flat cell radius
[in]cellR_the center-to-corner cell radius
[in]moduler_the center-to-flat module radius
[in]moduleR_the center-to-flat module radius
[out]ecalMap_TH2Poly with local cell ID to local cell position mapping
[out]cellPostionMap_map of local cell ID to cell center position relative to module

STRATEGY use ROOT HoneyComb method (build large hex grid, copy polygons that cover module)

the sneaky bit is that the center of TH2Poly::HoneyComb is the center of a cell while the center of one of our modules is the corner between three cells. This means some of the hexagons along the edges of the module will not be regular and need to stretched/squashed a bit.

REMEMBER: We are in p,q space for the cells_in_module_ map. i.e.

^ | q axis __ / \ – > p axis __/

TODO is this needed?

Definition at line 271 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

271 {
291 TH2Poly gridMap;
293 // make hexagonal grid [boundary is rectangle] larger than the module
294 double gridMinP = 0., gridMinQ = 0.; // start at the origin
295 int numPCells = 0, numQCells = 0;
297 // first x-cell is only a half
298 gridMinP -= cellr_;
299 numPCells++;
300 while (gridMinP > -1 * moduleR_) {
301 gridMinP -= 2 * cellr_; // decrement x by cell center-to-flat diameter
302 numPCells++;
303 }
304 while (gridMinQ > -1 * moduler_) {
305 // decrement y by cell center-to-corner radius
306 // alternate between a full corner-to-corner diameter
307 // and a side of a cell (center-to-corner radius)
308 if (numQCells % 2 == 0)
309 gridMinQ -= 1 * cellR_;
310 else
311 gridMinQ -= 2 * cellR_;
312 numQCells++;
313 }
314 // only counted one half of the cells
315 numPCells *= 2;
316 numQCells *= 2;
318 gridMap.Honeycomb(gridMinP, gridMinQ, cellR_, numPCells, numQCells);
320 if (verbose_ > 0) {
321 std::cout << std::setprecision(2)
322 << "[EcalGeometry::buildCellMap] cell rmin: " << cellr_
323 << " cell rmax: " << cellR_ << " (gridMinP,gridMinQ) = ("
324 << gridMinP << "," << gridMinQ << ")"
325 << " (numPCells,numQCells) = (" << numPCells << "," << numQCells
326 << ")" << std::endl;
327 }
329 // copy cells lying within module boundaries to a module grid
330 TListIter next(gridMap.GetBins()); // a TH2Poly is a TList of TH2PolyBin
331 TH2PolyBin* polyBin = 0;
332 TGraph* poly = 0; // a polygon returned by TH2Poly is a TGraph
333 // cells_in_module_ IDs go from 0 to N-1, not equal to original grid cell ID
334 int cell_id = 0;
335 while ((polyBin = (TH2PolyBin*)next())) {
336 // these bins are coming from the honeycomb
337 // grid so we assume that they are regular
338 // hexagons i.e. has 6 vertices
339 poly = (TGraph*)polyBin->GetPolygon();
341 // decide whether to copy polygon to new map.
342 // use all vertices in case of cut-off edge polygons.
343 int numVerticesInside = 0;
344 double vertex_p[6], vertex_q[6]; // vertices of the cell
345 bool isinside[6]; // which vertices are inside
346 if (verbose_ > 2) std::cout << " Cell vertices" << std::endl;
347 for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
348 poly->GetPoint(i, vertex_p[i], vertex_q[i]);
349 if (verbose_ > 2) {
350 std::cout << " vtx # " << i << std::endl;
351 std::cout << " vtx p,q " << vertex_p[i] << " " << vertex_q[i]
352 << std::endl;
353 }
354 isinside[i] = isInside(vertex_p[i] / moduleR_, vertex_q[i] / moduleR_);
355 if (isinside[i]) numVerticesInside++;
356 }
358 if (numVerticesInside > 1) {
359 // Include this cell if more than one of its vertices is inside the module
360 // hexagon
361 double actual_p[8], actual_q[8];
362 int num_vertices{0};
363 if (numVerticesInside < 6) {
364 // This cell is stradling the edge of the module
365 // and is NOT cleanly cut by module edge
367 if (verbose_ > 1) {
368 std::cout << " Polygon " << cell_id
369 << " has vertices poking out of module hexagon."
370 << std::endl;
371 }
373 // loop through vertices
374 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
375 int up = i == 5 ? 0 : i + 1;
376 int dn = i == 0 ? 5 : i - 1;
377 if (isinside[i] and (not isinside[up] or not isinside[dn])) {
378 // this vertex is inside the module hexagon and is adjacent to a
379 // vertex outside
380 // ==> project this vertex onto the nearest edge of the module
381 // hexagon
383 // determine which side of hexagon we should project onto
384 double edge_origin_p, edge_origin_q;
385 double edge_dest_p, edge_dest_q;
386 if (vertex_p[i] < -moduleR_ / 2.) {
387 // sloped edge on negative-x side
388 edge_origin_p = -1. * moduleR_;
389 edge_origin_q = 0.;
390 edge_dest_p = -0.5 * moduleR_;
391 edge_dest_q = moduler_;
392 } else if (vertex_p[i] > moduleR_ / 2.) {
393 // sloped edge on positive-x side
394 edge_origin_p = 0.5 * moduleR_;
395 edge_origin_q = moduler_;
396 edge_dest_p = moduleR_;
397 edge_dest_q = 0.;
398 } else {
399 // flat edge at top
400 edge_origin_p = 0.5 * moduleR_;
401 edge_origin_q = moduler_;
402 edge_dest_p = -0.5 * moduleR_;
403 edge_dest_q = moduler_;
404 }
405 // flip to bottom half if below x-axis
406 if (vertex_q[i] < 0) {
407 edge_dest_q *= -1;
408 edge_origin_q *= -1;
409 }
411 // get edge slope vector
412 double edge_slope_p = edge_dest_p - edge_origin_p;
413 double edge_slope_q = edge_dest_q - edge_origin_q;
415 if (verbose_ > 2) {
416 std::cout
417 << "Vertex " << i
418 << " is inside and adjacent to a vertex outside the module."
419 << std::endl;
420 std::cout << "Working on edge with slope (" << edge_slope_p << ","
421 << edge_slope_q << ")"
422 << " and origin (" << edge_origin_p << ","
423 << edge_origin_q << ")" << std::endl;
424 }
426 // project vertices adjacent to the vertex outside the module onto
427 // the module edge
428 double projection_factor =
429 ((vertex_p[i] - edge_origin_p) * edge_slope_p +
430 (vertex_q[i] - edge_origin_q) * edge_slope_q) /
431 (edge_slope_p * edge_slope_p + edge_slope_q * edge_slope_q);
433 double proj_p = edge_origin_p + projection_factor * edge_slope_p;
434 double proj_q = edge_origin_q + projection_factor * edge_slope_q;
436 if (not isinside[up]) {
437 // the next point is outside
438 actual_p[num_vertices] = vertex_p[i];
439 actual_q[num_vertices] = vertex_q[i];
440 actual_p[num_vertices + 1] = proj_p;
441 actual_q[num_vertices + 1] = proj_q;
442 } else {
443 // the previous point was outside
444 actual_p[num_vertices] = proj_p;
445 actual_q[num_vertices] = proj_q;
446 actual_p[num_vertices + 1] = vertex_p[i];
447 actual_q[num_vertices + 1] = vertex_q[i];
448 }
449 num_vertices += 2;
451 if (verbose_ > 2) {
452 std::cout << "New Vertex " << i << " : (" << vertex_p[i] << ","
453 << vertex_q[i] << ")" << std::endl;
454 }
455 } else {
456 actual_p[num_vertices] = vertex_p[i];
457 actual_q[num_vertices] = vertex_q[i];
458 num_vertices++;
459 } // should we project or not
460 } // loop through vertices
461 } else {
462 // all 6 inside, just copy the vertices over
463 num_vertices = 6;
464 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
465 actual_p[i] = vertex_p[i];
466 actual_q[i] = vertex_q[i];
467 }
468 } // if numVerticesInside is less than 5
470 // TH2Poly needs to have its own copy of the polygon TGraph
471 // otherwise, we get a seg fault when EcalGeometry is destructed
472 // because the polygon that was copied over from gridMap is deleted at
473 // the end of this function
474 cell_id_in_module_.AddBin(num_vertices, actual_p, actual_q);
479 double p = (polyBin->GetXMax() + polyBin->GetXMin()) / 2.;
480 double q = (polyBin->GetYMax() + polyBin->GetYMin()) / 2.;
481 if (verbose_ > 1) {
482 std::cout << " Copying poly with ID " << polyBin->GetBinNumber()
483 << " and (p,q) (" << std::setprecision(2) << p << "," << q
484 << ")" << std::endl;
485 }
486 // save cell location as center of ENTIRE hexagon
487 cell_pos_in_module_[cell_id] = std::pair<double, double>(p, q);
488 ++cell_id; // incrememnt cell ID
489 } // if num vertices inside is > 1
490 } // loop over larger grid spanning module hexagon
491 return;
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > cell_pos_in_module_
Position of cell centers relative to center of module in p,q space.
bool isInside(double normX, double normY) const
Determines if point (x,y), already normed to max hexagon radius, lies within a hexagon.
TH2Poly cell_id_in_module_
Honeycomb Binning from ROOT.

References cell_id_in_module_, cell_pos_in_module_, cellr_, cellR_, isInside(), moduler_, moduleR_, and verbose_.

Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ buildCellModuleMap()

void ldmx::EcalGeometry::buildCellModuleMap ( )

Constructs the positions of all the cells in a layer relative to the ecal center.

This uses the modulePostionMap_ and cellPositionMap_ to calculate the center of all cells relative to the ecal center.

[in]modulePositionMap_map of module IDs to module centers relative to ecal
[in]cellPositionMap_map of cell IDs to cell centers relative to module

construct map of cell centers relative to layer center

construct map of global cell centers relative to target center

Definition at line 494 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

494 {
495 if (verbose_ > 0)
496 std::cout
497 << "[EcalGeometry::buildCellModuleMap] Building cellModule position map"
498 << std::endl;
500 for (auto const& [module_id, module_xy] : module_pos_xy_) {
501 for (auto const& [cell_id, cell_pq] : cell_pos_in_module_) {
502 double cell_x{cell_pq.first}, cell_y{cell_pq.second};
503 // convert from (p,q) to (x,y) space
504 // when the corners are not up, x = p and y = q
505 // so no transformation needs to be done
506 if (cornersSideUp_) unrotate(cell_x, cell_y);
508 // calculate cell's pq relative to entire layer center
509 auto cell_rel_to_layer =
510 std::make_pair(module_xy.first + cell_x, module_xy.second + cell_y);
512 // now add the layer-center values to get the global position
513 // of the cell
514 cell_pos_in_layer_[EcalID(0, module_id, cell_id)] = cell_rel_to_layer;
515 }
516 }
519 for (auto const& [layer_id, layer_xyz] : layer_pos_xy_) {
520 for (auto const& [flat_id, rel_to_layer] : cell_pos_in_layer_) {
521 // now add the layer-center values to get the global position
522 // of the cell
523 cell_global_pos_[EcalID(layer_id, flat_id.module(), flat_id.cell())] =
524 std::make_tuple(rel_to_layer.first + std::get<0>(layer_xyz),
525 rel_to_layer.second + std::get<1>(layer_xyz),
526 std::get<2>(layer_xyz));
527 }
528 }
530 if (verbose_ > 0)
531 std::cout << " contained " << cell_global_pos_.size() << " entries. "
532 << std::endl;
533 return;
std::map< EcalID, std::tuple< double, double, double > > cell_global_pos_
Position of cell centers relative to world geometry.
std::map< int, std::pair< double, double > > module_pos_xy_
Postion of module centers relative to the center of the layer in world coordinates.
std::map< int, std::tuple< double, double, double > > layer_pos_xy_
Position of layer centers in world coordinates (uses layer ID as key)
std::map< EcalID, std::pair< double, double > > cell_pos_in_layer_
Position of cell centers relative to center of layer in world coordinates.

References cell_global_pos_, cell_pos_in_layer_, cell_pos_in_module_, cornersSideUp_, layer_pos_xy_, module_pos_xy_, and verbose_.

Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ buildLayerMap()

void ldmx::EcalGeometry::buildLayerMap ( )

Constructs the positions of the layers in world coordinates.

Definition at line 201 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

201 {
202 if (verbose_ > 0) {
203 std::cout << "[EcalGeometry::buildLayerMap] "
204 << " Building layer map with " << layerZPositions_.size()
205 << " layers" << std::endl;
206 ;
208 std::cout << " shifting odd ";
210 std::cout << "layers";
211 else
212 std::cout << "bilayers";
213 std::cout << " by (x,y) = (" << layer_shift_x_ << ", " << layer_shift_y_
214 << ") mm" << std::endl;
215 } else {
216 std::cout << " without any shifting" << std::endl;
217 }
218 }
219 for (std::size_t i_layer{0}; i_layer < layerZPositions_.size(); ++i_layer) {
220 // default is centered on z-axis
221 double x{0}, y{0}, z{ecalFrontZ_ + layerZPositions_.at(i_layer)};
222 if (layer_shift_odd_ and (i_layer % 2 == 1)) {
223 x += layer_shift_x_;
224 y += layer_shift_y_;
225 } else if (layer_shift_odd_bilayer_ and ((i_layer / 2) % 2 == 1)) {
226 x += layer_shift_x_;
227 y += layer_shift_y_;
228 }
229 if (verbose_ > 2) {
230 std::cout << " Layer " << i_layer << " has center at (" << x << ", "
231 << y << ", " << z << ") mm" << std::endl;
232 }
233 layer_pos_xy_[i_layer] = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
234 }

References ecalFrontZ_, layer_pos_xy_, layer_shift_odd_, layer_shift_odd_bilayer_, layer_shift_x_, layer_shift_y_, layerZPositions_, and verbose_.

Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ buildModuleMap()

void ldmx::EcalGeometry::buildModuleMap ( )

Constructs the positions of the seven modules (moduleID) relative to the ecal center.

Sets modulePositionMap_ using the module IDs for keys and the centers of the module hexagons for values.

The module IDs are set in the ecal.gdml file and are replicated here.

  • 0 for center module
  • 1 on top (12 o'clock)
  • clockwise till 6 at 11 o'clock
[in]gap_separation between module flat-sides
[in]moduler_center-to-flat module radius
[out]modulePositionMap_map of module IDs to module centers relative to ecal

Definition at line 237 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

237 {
238 static double C_PI =
239 3.14159265358979323846; // or TMath::Pi(), #define, atan(), ...
240 if (verbose_ > 0) {
241 std::cout << "[EcalGeometry::buildModuleMap] "
242 << "Building module position map for module min r of " << moduler_
243 << " and gap of " << gap_ << std::endl;
244 }
246 // the center module (module_id == 0) has always been (and will always be?)
247 // centered with respect to the layer position
248 module_pos_xy_[0] = std::pair<double, double>(0., 0.);
250 // for flat-side-up designs (v12 and earlier), the modules are numbered 1 on
251 // positive y-axis and then counter-clockwise until 6
252 //
253 // for corner-side-up designes (v13 and later), the modules are numbered 1 on
254 // positive x-axis and then counter-clockwise until 6.
255 for (unsigned id = 1; id < 7; id++) {
256 // flat-side-up
257 double x = (2. * moduler_ + gap_) * sin((id - 1) * (C_PI / 3.));
258 double y = (2. * moduler_ + gap_) * cos((id - 1) * (C_PI / 3.));
259 if (cornersSideUp_) {
260 // re-calculating to make sure centers match GDML
261 x = (2. * moduler_ + gap_) * cos((id - 1) * (C_PI / 3.));
262 y = -(2. * moduler_ + gap_) * sin((id - 1) * (C_PI / 3.));
263 }
264 module_pos_xy_[id] = std::pair<double, double>(x, y);
265 if (verbose_ > 2)
266 std::cout << " Module " << id << " is centered at (x,y) = "
267 << "(" << x << ", " << y << ") mm" << std::endl;
268 }

References cornersSideUp_, gap_, module_pos_xy_, moduler_, and verbose_.

Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ buildNeighborMaps()

void ldmx::EcalGeometry::buildNeighborMaps ( )

Construts NNMap and NNNMap.

Since this only occurs once during processing, we can be wasteful. We do a nested loop over the entire cellular position map and calculate neighbors by seeing which cells are within multiples of the cellular radius of each other.

We require two cells to be in the same layer in order to be nearest neighbors or next-nearest neighbors.
[in]cellModulePostionMap_map of cells to cell centers relative to ecal
[out]NNMap_map of cell IDs to list of cell IDs that are its nearest neighbors
[out]NNNMap_map of cell IDs to list of cell IDs that are its next-to-nearest neighbors


Neighbors may include from other modules. All this is precomputed. So we can be wasteful here. Gaps may be nonzero, so we simply apply an anulus requirement (r < point <= r+dr) using total x,y positions relative to the ecal center (cell+module positions). This makes the routine portable to future cell layouts. Note that the module centers already take into account a nonzero gap. The number of neighbors is not simple because: edges, and that module edges have cutoff cells. (NN) Center within [1*cellr_, 3*cellr_] (NNN) Center within [3*cellr_, 4.5*cellr_] Chosen b/c in ideal case, centers are at 2*cell_ (NN), and at 3*cellR_=3.46*cellr_ and 4*cellr_ (NNN).

do distance calculation

Definition at line 536 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

536 {
550 if (verbose_ > 0)
551 std::cout << "[EcalGeometry::buildNeighborMaps] : "
552 << "Building Nearest and Next-Nearest Neighbor maps" << std::endl;
554 NNMap_.clear();
555 NNNMap_.clear();
556 for (auto const& [center_id, center_xyz] : cell_pos_in_layer_) {
557 for (auto const& [probe_id, probe_xyz] : cell_pos_in_layer_) {
559 double dist = distance(probe_xyz, center_xyz);
560 if (dist > 1 * cellr_ && dist <= 3. * cellr_) {
561 NNMap_[center_id].push_back(probe_id);
562 } else if (dist > 3. * cellr_ && dist <= 4.5 * cellr_) {
563 NNNMap_[center_id].push_back(probe_id);
564 }
565 }
566 if (verbose_ > 1)
567 std::cout << " Found " << NNMap_[center_id].size() << " NN and "
568 << NNNMap_[center_id].size() << " NNN for cell " << center_id
569 << std::endl;
570 }
571 /*
573 * this is double checking that NN and NNN can cross modules
574 if (verbose_ > 2) {
575 double specialX =
576 0.5 * moduleR_ - 0.5 * cellr_; // center of cell which is upper-right
577 // corner of center module
578 double specialY = moduler_ - 0.5 * cellR_;
579 EcalID specialCellModuleID = getCellModuleID(specialX, specialY);
580 std::cout << "The neighbors of the bin in the upper-right corner of the "
581 "center module, with cellModuleID "
582 << specialCellModuleID << " include " << std::endl;
583 for (auto centerNN : NNMap_.at(specialCellModuleID)) {
584 std::cout << " NN " << centerNN
585 << TString::Format(" (x,y) (%.2f, %.2f)",
586 getCellCenterAbsolute(centerNN).first,
587 getCellCenterAbsolute(centerNN).second)
588 << std::endl;
589 }
590 for (auto centerNNN : NNNMap_.at(specialCellModuleID)) {
591 std::cout << " NNN " << centerNNN
592 << TString::Format(" (x,y) (%.2f, %.2f)",
593 getCellCenterAbsolute(centerNNN).first,
594 getCellCenterAbsolute(centerNNN).second)
595 << std::endl;
596 }
597 std::cout << TString::Format(
598 "This bin is a distance of %.2f away from a module edge. "
599 "Decision isEdge %d.",
600 distanceToEdge(specialCellModuleID),
601 isEdgeCell(specialCellModuleID))
602 << std::endl;
603 }
604 */
605 return;
std::map< EcalID, std::vector< EcalID > > NNNMap_
Map of cell ID to neighbors of neighbor cells.
std::map< EcalID, std::vector< EcalID > > NNMap_
Map of cell ID to neighboring cells.

References cell_pos_in_layer_, cellr_, NNMap_, NNNMap_, and verbose_.

Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ debugMake()

static EcalGeometry * ldmx::EcalGeometry::debugMake ( const framework::config::Parameters p)

Definition at line 334 of file EcalGeometry.h.

334 {
335 return new EcalGeometry(p);
336 }
EcalGeometry(const framework::config::Parameters &ps)
Class constructor, for use only by the provider.

◆ distanceToEdge()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::distanceToEdge ( EcalID  id) const

Distance to module edge, and whether cell is on edge of module.

@TODO Use getNN()/getNNN() + isEdgeCell() to expand functionality.

[in]cellModuleIDEcalId where all we care about is module and cell
distance to edge of the module

Definition at line 608 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

608 {
609 // https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1210572/find-the-distance-to-the-edge-of-a-hexagon
610 std::pair<double, double> cellLocation = cell_pos_in_module_.at(id.cell());
611 double x = fabs(cellLocation.first); // bring to first quadrant
612 double y = fabs(cellLocation.second);
613 double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
614 double theta = (r > 1E-3) ? fabs(std::atan(y / x)) : 0;
615 if (x < moduleR_ / 2.)
616 return (moduler_ - y); // closest line is straight vertical to top edge
617 double dist =
618 sqrt(3.) * moduleR_ / (std::sin(theta) + sqrt(3.) * std::cos(theta));
619 return dist;

References cell_pos_in_module_, moduler_, and moduleR_.

Referenced by isEdgeCell().

◆ getCellMaxR()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::getCellMaxR ( ) const

Get the center-to-corner radius of the cell hexagons.

cell max radius [mm]

Definition at line 316 of file EcalGeometry.h.

316{ return cellR_; }

References cellR_.

Referenced by ecal::EcalVetoProcessor::produce().

◆ getCellMinR()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::getCellMinR ( ) const

Get the center-to-flat radius of the cell hexagons.

cell min radius [mm]

Definition at line 309 of file EcalGeometry.h.

309{ return cellr_; }

References cellr_.

◆ getCellPolyMap()

TH2Poly * ldmx::EcalGeometry::getCellPolyMap ( ) const

Get a reference to the TH2Poly used for Cell IDs.

This is only helpful in the use case where you want to print the cell ID <-> cell position map. DO NOT USE THIS OTHERWISE.
pointer to member variable cell_id_in_module_

Definition at line 327 of file EcalGeometry.h.

327 {
328 for (auto const& [cell_id, cell_center] : cell_pos_in_module_) {
329 cell_id_in_module_.Fill(cell_center.first, cell_center.second, cell_id);
330 }
331 return &cell_id_in_module_;
332 }

References cell_id_in_module_, and cell_pos_in_module_.

◆ getID() [1/3]

EcalID ldmx::EcalGeometry::getID ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
bool  fallible = false 
) const

Get a cell's ID number from its position.

[in]xglobal x position [mm]
[in]yglobal y position [mm]
[in]zglobal z position [mm]
[in]falliblebool to decide if the function should fail
EcalID of the cell (null-id if fallible) Example for fallible use case
auto id = geometry.getID(x, y, z, true);
if (id.null()) {
// position (x,y) is not contained within a cell in layer at z

Definition at line 94 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

94 {
95 static const double tolerance = 0.3; // thickness of Si
96 int layer_id{-1};
97 for (const auto& [lid, layer_xyz] : layer_pos_xy_) {
98 if (abs(std::get<2>(layer_xyz) - z) < tolerance) {
99 layer_id = lid;
100 break;
101 }
102 }
103 if (layer_id < 0) {
104 if (fallible) {
105 return ldmx::EcalID(0);
106 } else {
107 EXCEPTION_RAISE("BadConf", "z = " + std::to_string(z) +
108 " mm is not within any"
109 " of the configured layers.");
110 }
111 }
112 return getID(x, y, layer_id, fallible);
EcalID getID(double x, double y, double z, bool fallible=false) const
Get a cell's ID number from its position.
Extension of DetectorID providing access to ECal layers and cell numbers in a hex grid.
Definition EcalID.h:20

References getID(), and layer_pos_xy_.

Referenced by getID(), getID(), and ecal::EcalVetoProcessor::produce().

◆ getID() [2/3]

EcalID ldmx::EcalGeometry::getID ( double  x,
double  y,
int  layer_id,
bool  fallible = false 
) const

Get a cell's ID from its x,y global position and layer number.

This is faster as long as we trust that the layer positions between GDML and the configured parameters of this class match.

[in]xglobal x position [mm]
[in]yglobal y position [mm]
[in]layer_idinteger ID of the layer the hit is in
[in]falliblebool to decide if the function should fail
EcalID of the cell (null-id if fallible) Example for fallible use case
auto id = geometry.getID(x, y, ilayer, true);
if (id.null()) {
// position (x,y) is not contained within a cell in layer ilayer

Definition at line 115 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

116 {
117 // now assume we know the layer
118 // shift to center of layer
119 // and convert to flower coordinates
120 double p{x - std::get<0>(layer_pos_xy_.at(layer_id))},
121 q{y - std::get<1>(layer_pos_xy_.at(layer_id))};
123 // deduce module ID
124 // there are only 7 modules so we just loop through them
125 // all and pick out the module ID that we are inside of
127 int module_id{-1};
128 for (auto const& [mid, module_xy] : module_pos_xy_) {
129 double probe_x{p - module_xy.first}, probe_y{q - module_xy.second};
130 if (cornersSideUp_) rotate(probe_x, probe_y);
131 if (isInside(probe_x / moduleR_, probe_y / moduleR_)) {
132 module_id = mid;
133 break;
134 }
135 }
137 if (module_id < 0) {
138 if (fallible) {
139 return ldmx::EcalID(0);
140 } else {
142 "BadConf",
143 TString::Format(
144 "Coordinates relative to layer (p,q) = (%.2f, %.2f) mm "
145 "derived from world coordinates (%.2f, %.2f) mm with layer = %d "
146 "are not inside any module.",
147 p, q, x, y, layer_id)
148 .Data());
149 }
150 }
152 return getID(x, y, layer_id, module_id);

References cornersSideUp_, getID(), isInside(), layer_pos_xy_, module_pos_xy_, and moduleR_.

◆ getID() [3/3]

EcalID ldmx::EcalGeometry::getID ( double  x,
double  y,
int  layer_id,
int  module_id,
bool  fallible = false 
) const

Get a cell's ID from its x,y global position and layer/module numbers as deduced from GDML copy numbers.

This is the fastest option but we need to carefully validated that the layer and module positions between the GDML and the configured parameters of this class match.

[in]xglobal x position [mm]
[in]yglobal y position [mm]
[in]layer_idinteger ID of the layer the hit is in
[in]module_idinteger ID of the module the hit is in
[in]falliblebool to decide if the function should fail
EcalID of the cell (null-id if fallible) Example for fallible use case
auto id = geometry.getID(x, y, ilayer, imodule, true);
if (id.null()) {
// position (x,y) is not contained within a cell in layer ilayer in
module imodule

Definition at line 155 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

156 {
157 // now assume we know the layer and module
158 // shift to center of layer and then center of module
159 double p{x - std::get<0>(layer_pos_xy_.at(layer_id)) -
160 module_pos_xy_.at(module_id).first},
161 q{y - std::get<1>(layer_pos_xy_.at(layer_id)) -
162 module_pos_xy_.at(module_id).second};
164 // need to rotate
165 if (cornersSideUp_) rotate(p, q);
167 // deduce cell ID
168 int cell_id = cell_id_in_module_.FindBin(p, q) - 1;
170 if (cell_id < 0) {
171 if (fallible) {
172 return ldmx::EcalID(0);
173 } else {
175 "BadConf",
176 TString::Format(
177 "Relative cell coordinates (%.2f, %.2f) mm "
178 "derived from world coordinates (%.2f, %.2f) mm with layer = %d "
179 "and module = %d are outside module hexagon",
180 p, q, x, y, layer_id, module_id)
181 .Data());
182 }
183 }
185 return EcalID(layer_id, module_id, cell_id);

References cell_id_in_module_, cornersSideUp_, layer_pos_xy_, and module_pos_xy_.

◆ getModuleMaxR()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::getModuleMaxR ( ) const

Get the center-to-corner radius of the module hexagons.

module max radius [mm]

Definition at line 302 of file EcalGeometry.h.

302{ return moduleR_; }

References moduleR_.

◆ getModuleMinR()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::getModuleMinR ( ) const

Get the center-to-flat radius of the module hexagons.

module min radius [mm]

Definition at line 295 of file EcalGeometry.h.

295{ return moduler_; }

References moduler_.

◆ getNN()

std::vector< EcalID > ldmx::EcalGeometry::getNN ( EcalID  id) const

Get the Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.

idid to get
list of EcalID that are the inputs nearest neighbors

Definition at line 241 of file EcalGeometry.h.

241 {
242 auto list = NNMap_.at(EcalID(0, id.module(), id.cell()));
243 for (auto& flat : list)
244 flat = EcalID(id.layer(), flat.module(), flat.cell());
245 return list;
246 }

References NNMap_.

Referenced by isNN().

◆ getNNN()

std::vector< EcalID > ldmx::EcalGeometry::getNNN ( EcalID  id) const

Get the Next-to-Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.

idid to get
list of EcalID that are the inputs next-to-nearest neighbors

Definition at line 268 of file EcalGeometry.h.

268 {
269 auto list = NNNMap_.at(EcalID(0, id.module(), id.cell()));
270 for (auto& flat : list)
271 flat = EcalID(id.layer(), flat.module(), flat.cell());
272 return list;
273 }

References NNNMap_.

Referenced by isNNN().

◆ getNumCellsPerModule()

int ldmx::EcalGeometry::getNumCellsPerModule ( ) const

Get the number of cells in each module of the Ecal Geometry.

This assumes that all modules are the full high-density hexagons from CMS (no triangles!)

Definition at line 231 of file EcalGeometry.h.

231 {
232 return cell_id_in_module_.GetNumberOfBins();
233 }

References cell_id_in_module_.

◆ getNumLayers()

int ldmx::EcalGeometry::getNumLayers ( ) const

Get the number of layers in the Ecal Geometry.

number fo layers in geometry

Definition at line 209 of file EcalGeometry.h.

209{ return layer_pos_xy_.size(); }

References layer_pos_xy_.

◆ getNumModulesPerLayer()

int ldmx::EcalGeometry::getNumModulesPerLayer ( ) const

Get the number of modules in the Ecal flower.

This number is hard-coded to reflect the fact that it is also hard-coded in the buildModuleMap function. If a future geometry adds more modules (perhaps "triangles" to fill in rectangular block in the HCal that the ECal is in), then buildModuleMap and this function will need to be modified.
number of modules

Definition at line 223 of file EcalGeometry.h.

223{ return 7; }

◆ getPosition()

std::tuple< double, double, double > ldmx::EcalGeometry::getPosition ( EcalID  id) const

Get a cell's position from its ID number.

std::tuple is useful here because you can use C++17's pattern matching to use code like the following

auto [x,y,z] = geometry.getPosition(id);

Definition at line 188 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

188 {
189 return cell_global_pos_.at(id);

References cell_global_pos_.

Referenced by ecal::EcalTriggerGeometry::globalPosition(), ecal::DNNEcalVetoProcessor::make_inputs(), and ecal::EcalVetoProcessor::produce().

◆ getPositionInModule()

std::pair< double, double > ldmx::EcalGeometry::getPositionInModule ( int  cell_id) const

Get a cell's position within a module.

Definition at line 192 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

192 {
193 auto pq = cell_pos_in_module_.at(cell_id);
195 // going from (p,q) to (x,y) is a unrotate
196 if (cornersSideUp_) unrotate(pq.first, pq.second);
198 return pq;

References cell_pos_in_module_, and cornersSideUp_.

Referenced by ecal::EcalTriggerGeometry::localPosition().

◆ getZPosition()

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::getZPosition ( int  layer) const

Get the z-coordinate given the layer id.

[in]layerint layer id
z-coordinate of the input sensitive layer

Definition at line 200 of file EcalGeometry.h.

200 {
201 return std::get<2>(layer_pos_xy_.at(layer));
202 }

References layer_pos_xy_.

Referenced by ecal::EcalVetoProcessor::produce().

◆ isEdgeCell()

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::isEdgeCell ( EcalID  cellModuleID) const

Check if input cell is on the edge of a module.

See also
[in]cellModuleIDEcalId where all we care about is module and cell return true if distance to edge is less than max cell radius

Definition at line 458 of file EcalGeometry.h.

458 {
459 return (distanceToEdge(cellModuleID) < cellR_);
460 }
double distanceToEdge(EcalID id) const
Distance to module edge, and whether cell is on edge of module.

References cellR_, and distanceToEdge().

◆ isInside()

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::isInside ( double  normX,
double  normY 
) const

Determines if point (x,y), already normed to max hexagon radius, lies within a hexagon.

Corners are (1,0) and (0.5,sqrt(3)/2). Uses "<", not "<=".

This function is in p,q space so any rotations need to be performed before calling this function.
[in]normXX-coordinate relative to module hexagon divided by maximum hexagon radius
[in]normYY-coordinate relative to module hexagon divided by maximum hexagon radius
true if (normX,normY) is within the hexagon centered at the origin with maximum radius 1.

Definition at line 622 of file EcalGeometry.cxx.

622 {
623 if (verbose_ > 2)
624 std::cout << TString::Format(
625 "[isInside] Checking if normXY=(%.2f,%.2f) is inside.",
626 normX, normY)
627 << std::endl;
628 normX = fabs(normX), normY = fabs(normY);
629 double xvec = -1, yvec = -1. / sqrt(3);
630 double xref = 0.5, yref = sqrt(3) / 2.;
631 if ((normX > 1.) || (normY > yref)) {
632 if (verbose_ > 2)
633 std::cout << "[isInside] they are outside quadrant." << std::endl;
634 return false;
635 }
636 double dotProd = (xvec * (normX - xref) + yvec * (normY - yref));
637 if (verbose_ > 2)
638 std::cout << TString::Format(
639 "[isInside] they are inside quadrant. Dot product (>0 is "
640 "inside): %.2f ",
641 dotProd)
642 << std::endl;
643 return (dotProd > 0.);

References verbose_.

Referenced by buildCellMap(), and getID().

◆ isNN()

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::isNN ( EcalID  centroid,
EcalID  probe 
) const

Check if the probe id is one of the nearest neightbors of the centroid id.

probeid to check if it is nearest neighbor
centroidid that is center of neighbors
true if probe ID is a nearest neighbor of the centroid

Definition at line 255 of file EcalGeometry.h.

255 {
256 for (auto& id : getNN(centroid)) {
257 if (id == probe) return true;
258 }
259 return false;
260 }
std::vector< EcalID > getNN(EcalID id) const
Get the Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.

References getNN().

◆ isNNN()

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::isNNN ( EcalID  centroid,
EcalID  probe 
) const

Check if the probe id is one of the next-to-nearest neightbors of the centroid id.

probeid to check if it is a next-to-nearest neighbor
centroidid that is center of neighbors
true if probe ID is a next-to-nearest neighbor of the centroid

Definition at line 283 of file EcalGeometry.h.

283 {
284 for (auto& id : getNNN(centroid)) {
285 if (id == probe) return true;
286 }
287 return false;
288 }
std::vector< EcalID > getNNN(EcalID id) const
Get the Next-to-Nearest Neighbors of the input ID.

References getNNN().

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ ecal::EcalGeometryProvider

friend class ecal::EcalGeometryProvider

Definition at line 345 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cell_global_pos_

std::map<EcalID, std::tuple<double, double, double> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::cell_global_pos_

Position of cell centers relative to world geometry.

This is where we convert p,q (flower) space into x,y (world) space by calculating the z-location as well as including rotations and shifts when converting from p,q to x,y.

The key is the full EcalID and the value is the x,y,z tuple.

Definition at line 596 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellModuleMap(), and getPosition().

◆ cell_id_in_module_

TH2Poly ldmx::EcalGeometry::cell_id_in_module_

Honeycomb Binning from ROOT.

Needs to be mutable because ROOT doesn't have good const handling

Lookup a cell ID using its position relative to the center of the module in p,q space.

Definition at line 620 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellMap(), getCellPolyMap(), getID(), and getNumCellsPerModule().

◆ cell_pos_in_layer_

std::map<EcalID, std::pair<double, double> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::cell_pos_in_layer_

Position of cell centers relative to center of layer in world coordinates.

Layer shifts are NOT included in this map since they depend on the layer number!!

Uses EcalID with layer set to zero as key.

Definition at line 585 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellModuleMap(), and buildNeighborMaps().

◆ cell_pos_in_module_

std::map<int, std::pair<double, double> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::cell_pos_in_module_

Position of cell centers relative to center of module in p,q space.

use cell ID as key

Definition at line 574 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellMap(), buildCellModuleMap(), distanceToEdge(), getCellPolyMap(), and getPositionInModule().

◆ cellr_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::cellr_ {0}

Center-to-Flat Radius of cell hexagon [mm].

Definition at line 484 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by buildCellMap(), buildNeighborMaps(), EcalGeometry(), and getCellMinR().

◆ cellR_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::cellR_ {0}

Center-to-Corner Radius of cell hexagon [mm].

Definition at line 490 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by buildCellMap(), EcalGeometry(), getCellMaxR(), and isEdgeCell().


constexpr const char* ldmx::EcalGeometry::CONDITIONS_OBJECT_NAME {"EcalGeometry"}

Definition at line 103 of file EcalGeometry.h.


◆ cornersSideUp_

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::cornersSideUp_

indicator of geometry orientation if true, flower shape's corners side (ie: side with two modules) is at the top

Definition at line 500 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellModuleMap(), buildModuleMap(), EcalGeometry(), getID(), getID(), and getPositionInModule().

◆ ecalFrontZ_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::ecalFrontZ_ {0}

Front of ECal relative to world geometry [mm].

Definition at line 545 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ gap_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::gap_

Gap between module flat sides [mm].

Definition at line 481 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildModuleMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ layer_pos_xy_

std::map<int, std::tuple<double, double, double> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::layer_pos_xy_

Position of layer centers in world coordinates (uses layer ID as key)

Definition at line 558 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellModuleMap(), buildLayerMap(), getID(), getID(), getID(), getNumLayers(), and getZPosition().

◆ layer_shift_odd_

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::layer_shift_odd_

shift odd layers

odd layers are the high-z layer in each bi-layer

i.e. We will shift if layer_id_ % 2 == 1

Definition at line 519 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ layer_shift_odd_bilayer_

bool ldmx::EcalGeometry::layer_shift_odd_bilayer_

shift odd bi layers


This shifts the bi-layer grouping of two sensitive layers together.

i.e. We will shift if (layer_id_ / 2) % 2 == 1

where it is integer division.

Definition at line 533 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ layer_shift_x_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::layer_shift_x_

shift of layers in the x-direction [mm]

Definition at line 505 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ layer_shift_y_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::layer_shift_y_

shift of layers in the y-direction [mm]

Definition at line 510 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ layerZPositions_

std::vector<double> ldmx::EcalGeometry::layerZPositions_

The layer Z postions are with respect to the front of the ECal [mm].

Definition at line 548 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildLayerMap(), and EcalGeometry().

◆ module_pos_xy_

std::map<int, std::pair<double, double> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::module_pos_xy_

Postion of module centers relative to the center of the layer in world coordinates.

(uses module ID as key)

Definition at line 566 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildCellModuleMap(), buildModuleMap(), getID(), and getID().

◆ moduler_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::moduler_ {0}

Center-to-Flat Radius of module hexagon [mm].

Definition at line 487 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by buildCellMap(), buildModuleMap(), distanceToEdge(), EcalGeometry(), and getModuleMinR().

◆ moduleR_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::moduleR_ {0}

Center-to-Corner Radius of module hexagon [mm].

Definition at line 493 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by buildCellMap(), distanceToEdge(), EcalGeometry(), getID(), and getModuleMaxR().

◆ nCellRHeight_

double ldmx::EcalGeometry::nCellRHeight_ {0}

Number of cell center-to-corner radii (one side of the cell) from the bottom to the top of the module.

Could be fractional depending on how many fractions of a radii are spanning between the center of the top/bottom cell row and the edge of the module

Definition at line 542 of file EcalGeometry.h.


Referenced by EcalGeometry().

◆ NNMap_

std::map<EcalID, std::vector<EcalID> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::NNMap_

Map of cell ID to neighboring cells.

The EcalID's in this map all have layer ID set to zero.

Definition at line 603 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildNeighborMaps(), and getNN().

◆ NNNMap_

std::map<EcalID, std::vector<EcalID> > ldmx::EcalGeometry::NNNMap_

Map of cell ID to neighbors of neighbor cells.

The EcalID's in this map all have layer ID set to zero.

Definition at line 610 of file EcalGeometry.h.

Referenced by buildNeighborMaps(), and getNNN().

◆ verbose_

int ldmx::EcalGeometry::verbose_

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