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dqm::SimObjects Class Reference

Generate histograms to check simulation output. More...

#include <SimObjects.h>

Public Member Functions

 SimObjects (const std::string &name, framework::Process &process)
virtual void configure (framework::config::Parameters &ps)
 Input python configuration parameters.
virtual void onProcessStart ()
 Construct histograms depending on which objects are requested.
virtual void analyze (const framework::Event &event)
 Fills histograms.
- Public Member Functions inherited from framework::Analyzer
 Analyzer (const std::string &name, Process &process)
 Class constructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
 EventProcessor (const std::string &name, Process &process)
 Class constructor.
virtual ~EventProcessor ()
 Class destructor.
virtual void onNewRun (const ldmx::RunHeader &runHeader)
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when the run being processed changes.
virtual void onFileOpen (EventFile &eventFile)
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when a new event input ROOT file is opened.
virtual void onFileClose (EventFile &eventFile)
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when a event input ROOT file is closed.
virtual void onProcessEnd ()
 Callback for the EventProcessor to take any necessary action when the processing of events finishes, such as calculating job-summary quantities.
template<class T >
const T & getCondition (const std::string &condition_name)
 Access a conditions object for the current event.
TDirectory * getHistoDirectory ()
 Access/create a directory in the histogram file for this event processor to create histograms and analysis tuples.
void setStorageHint (framework::StorageControl::Hint hint)
 Mark the current event as having the given storage control hint from this module.
void setStorageHint (framework::StorageControl::Hint hint, const std::string &purposeString)
 Mark the current event as having the given storage control hint from this module and the given purpose string.
int getLogFrequency () const
 Get the current logging frequency from the process.
int getRunNumber () const
 Get the run number from the process.
std::string getName () const
 Get the processor name.
void createHistograms (const std::vector< framework::config::Parameters > &histos)
 Internal function which is used to create histograms passed from the python configuration @parma histos vector of Parameters that configure histograms to create.

Private Member Functions

void createCalorimeterHists (const std::string &coll_name)
 new calorimeter histograms
void createTrackerHists (const std::string &coll_name)
 new tracker histograms

Private Attributes

std::string sim_pass_
 Pass Name for sim objects.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
static void declare (const std::string &classname, int classtype, EventProcessorMaker *)
 Internal function which is part of the PluginFactory machinery.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from framework::Analyzer
static const int CLASSTYPE {2}
 Constant used to track EventProcessor types by the PluginFactory.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from framework::EventProcessor
void abortEvent ()
 Abort the event immediately.
- Protected Attributes inherited from framework::EventProcessor
HistogramHelper histograms_
 Interface class for making and filling histograms.
NtupleManagerntuple_ {NtupleManager::getInstance()}
 Manager for any ntuples.
logging::logger theLog_
 The logger for this EventProcessor.

Detailed Description

Generate histograms to check simulation output.

Definition at line 14 of file SimObjects.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimObjects()

dqm::SimObjects::SimObjects ( const std::string &  name,
framework::Process process 


Blank Analyzer constructor

Definition at line 21 of file SimObjects.h.

22 : framework::Analyzer(name, process) {}
Base class for a module which does not produce a data product.

Member Function Documentation

◆ analyze()

void dqm::SimObjects::analyze ( const framework::Event event)

Fills histograms.

Implements framework::Analyzer.

Definition at line 133 of file SimObjects.cxx.

133 {
134 static std::vector<framework::ProductTag> sp_maps, calo_colls, track_colls;
135 if (sp_maps.empty()) {
136 sp_maps = event.searchProducts("SimParticles", "", "");
137 if (sp_maps.size() != 1) {
138 ldmx_log(warn) << sp_maps.size() << " SimParticle maps which is not one!";
139 }
140 }
141 if (calo_colls.empty()) {
142 calo_colls = event.searchProducts("", sim_pass_, ".*SimCalorimeterHit.*");
143 for (auto pt : calo_colls) createCalorimeterHists(pt.name());
144 }
145 if (track_colls.empty()) {
146 track_colls = event.searchProducts("", sim_pass_, ".*SimTrackerHit.*");
147 for (auto pt : track_colls) createTrackerHists(pt.name());
148 }
150 auto const& particle_map{
151 event.getMap<int, ldmx::SimParticle>("SimParticles")};
152 for (auto const& [track_id, particle] : particle_map) {
153 auto const& momentum{particle.getMomentum()};
154 auto const& vertex{particle.getVertex()};
155 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.E", particle.getEnergy());
156 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.px", momentum.at(0));
157 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.py", momentum.at(1));
158 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.pz", momentum.at(2));
159 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.time", particle.getTime());
160 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.pdg", particle.getPdgID());
161 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.x", vertex.at(0));
162 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.y", vertex.at(1));
163 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.z", vertex.at(2));
164 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.process", particle.getProcessType());
165 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.track_id", track_id);
166 for (auto const& parent : particle.getParents())
167 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.parent", parent);
168 for (auto const& child : particle.getDaughters())
169 histograms_.fill("SimParticles.children", child);
171 // PN particles are special
172 if (particle.getProcessType() ==
173 ldmx::SimParticle::ProcessType::photonNuclear) {
174 histograms_.fill("pn_child.E", particle.getEnergy());
175 histograms_.fill("pn_child.px", momentum.at(0));
176 histograms_.fill("pn_child.py", momentum.at(1));
177 histograms_.fill("pn_child.pz", momentum.at(2));
178 histograms_.fill("pn_child.time", particle.getTime());
179 histograms_.fill("pn_child.pdg", particle.getPdgID());
180 histograms_.fill("pn_child.x", vertex.at(0));
181 histograms_.fill("pn_child.y", vertex.at(1));
182 histograms_.fill("pn_child.z", vertex.at(2));
183 histograms_.fill("pn_child.track_id", track_id);
184 for (auto const& parent : particle.getParents())
185 histograms_.fill("pn_child.parent", parent);
186 for (auto const& child : particle.getDaughters())
187 histograms_.fill("pn_child.children", child);
188 }
189 } // loop over sim particle map
191 for (auto const& pt : calo_colls) {
192 auto const& coll{
193 event.getCollection<ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit>(pt.name(), sim_pass_)};
194 for (auto const& hit : coll) {
195 unsigned int n_contribs{hit.getNumberOfContribs()};
196 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".n_contribs", n_contribs);
197 for (unsigned int i_contrib{0}; i_contrib < n_contribs; i_contrib++) {
198 ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit::Contrib contrib{hit.getContrib(i_contrib)};
199 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".incidents", contrib.incidentID);
200 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".tracks", contrib.trackID);
201 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".pdg", contrib.pdgCode);
202 }
204 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".edep", hit.getEdep());
205 auto pos{hit.getPosition()};
206 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".x", pos.at(0));
207 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".y", pos.at(1));
208 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".z", pos.at(2));
209 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".time", hit.getTime());
210 } // loop over hits in the calorimeter collection
211 } // loop over different calorimeter hit collections
213 for (auto const& pt : track_colls) {
214 auto const& coll{
215 event.getCollection<ldmx::SimTrackerHit>(pt.name(), sim_pass_)};
216 for (auto const& hit : coll) {
217 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".particle_E", hit.getEnergy());
218 auto momentum{hit.getMomentum()};
219 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".particle_px", momentum.at(0));
220 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".particle_py", momentum.at(1));
221 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".particle_pz", momentum.at(2));
222 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".edep", hit.getEdep());
223 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".time", hit.getTime());
224 auto pos{hit.getPosition()};
225 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".x", pos.at(0));
226 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".y", pos.at(1));
227 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".z", pos.at(2));
228 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".track", hit.getTrackID());
229 histograms_.fill(pt.name() + ".pdg", hit.getPdgID());
230 } // loop over hits in the tracker collection
231 } // loop over different tracker hit collections
233 return;
void createCalorimeterHists(const std::string &coll_name)
new calorimeter histograms
std::string sim_pass_
Pass Name for sim objects.
Definition SimObjects.h:48
void createTrackerHists(const std::string &coll_name)
new tracker histograms
HistogramHelper histograms_
Interface class for making and filling histograms.
void fill(const std::string &name, const double &val)
Fill a 1D histogram.
Definition Histograms.h:166
Stores simulated calorimeter hit information.
unsigned getNumberOfContribs() const
Get the number of hit contributions.
Class representing a simulated particle.
Definition SimParticle.h:23
std::vector< double > getMomentum() const
Get a vector containing the momentum of this particle [MeV].
Represents a simulated tracker hit in the simulation.
Information about a contribution to the hit in the associated cell.

References createCalorimeterHists(), createTrackerHists(), framework::HistogramHelper::fill(), ldmx::SimParticle::getMomentum(), ldmx::SimCalorimeterHit::getNumberOfContribs(), framework::EventProcessor::histograms_, and sim_pass_.

◆ configure()

void dqm::SimObjects::configure ( framework::config::Parameters ps)

Input python configuration parameters.

Reimplemented from framework::EventProcessor.

Definition at line 11 of file SimObjects.cxx.

11 {
12 sim_pass_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("sim_pass");
13 return;
T getParameter(const std::string &name) const
Retrieve the parameter of the given name.
Definition Parameters.h:89

References framework::config::Parameters::getParameter(), and sim_pass_.

◆ createCalorimeterHists()

void dqm::SimObjects::createCalorimeterHists ( const std::string &  coll_name)

new calorimeter histograms

Definition at line 93 of file SimObjects.cxx.

93 {
95 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".incidents", "Incident Track IDs", 100, 0,
96 1000);
97 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".tracks", "Contributing Track IDs", 100, 0,
98 1000);
99 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".pdg", "Contributing PDG IDs", 401, -200,
100 200);
101 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".edep", "Energy Deposited [MeV]", 100, 0,
102 200);
103 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".x", "Hit x-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
104 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".y", "Hit y-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
105 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".z", "Hit z-Position [mm]", 171, -700, 1000.);
106 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".time", "Hit Time [ns]", 50, 0., 10.);
107 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".n_contribs", "Number of Contributors", 20,
108 0., 20.);
109 return;
TDirectory * getHistoDirectory()
Access/create a directory in the histogram file for this event processor to create histograms and ana...
void create(const std::string &name, const std::string &xLabel, const double &bins, const double &xmin, const double &xmax)
Create a ROOT 1D histogram of type TH1F and pool it for later use.

References framework::HistogramHelper::create(), framework::EventProcessor::getHistoDirectory(), and framework::EventProcessor::histograms_.

Referenced by analyze().

◆ createTrackerHists()

void dqm::SimObjects::createTrackerHists ( const std::string &  coll_name)

new tracker histograms

Definition at line 112 of file SimObjects.cxx.

112 {
114 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".particle_E", "Particle E at Hit [MeV]", 400,
115 0, 4000);
116 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".particle_px", "Particle Momentum in x [MeV]",
117 50, 0., 500.);
118 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".particle_py", "Particle Momentum in y [MeV]",
119 50, 0., 500.);
120 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".particle_pz", "Particle Momentum in z [MeV]",
121 400, 0., 4000.);
122 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".edep", "Energy Deposited [MeV]", 100, 0,
123 200);
124 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".time", "Hit Time [ns]", 50, 0., 10.);
125 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".x", "Hit x-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
126 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".y", "Hit y-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
127 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".z", "Hit z-Position [mm]", 171, -700, 1000.);
128 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".track", "Particle Track ID", 100, 0, 1000);
129 histograms_.create(coll_name + ".pdg", "Particle PDG ID", 401, -200, 200);
130 return;

References framework::HistogramHelper::create(), framework::EventProcessor::getHistoDirectory(), and framework::EventProcessor::histograms_.

Referenced by analyze().

◆ onProcessStart()

void dqm::SimObjects::onProcessStart ( )

Construct histograms depending on which objects are requested.

Reimplemented from framework::EventProcessor.

Definition at line 16 of file SimObjects.cxx.

16 {
18 std::vector<std::string> creator_process_labels = {
19 "Unknown", // 0: Unknown
20 "e+ e- -> γγ", // 1: annihil
21 "γ e -> γ e", // 2: compt
22 "γ -> e+ e- ", // 3: conv
23 "e Z -> X (eN)", // 4: electronNuclear
24 "e Z -> e Z γ", // 5: eBrem
25 "e- ionization", // 6: eIoni
26 "Multiple scattering", // 7: msc
27 "γ Z -> e Z ", // 8: phot
28 "γ Z -> X (PN)", // 9: photonNuclear
29 "γ -> mumu", // 10: GammaToMuPair
30 "e Z -> e Z A'", // 11: eDarkBrem
31 "Decay", // 12: Decay
32 "Primary", // 13: Primary
33 "mu Z -> X", // 14: muonNuclear
34 "n Z -> X", // 15: neutronInelastic
35 "n Z -> Z*", // 16: neutronCapture
36 "K Z -> X", // 17: kaonInelastic
37 "pi Z -> X", // 18: pionInelastic
38 "p Z -> X", // 19: protonInelastic
39 };
41 // create sim particles histograms
42 histograms_.create("SimParticles.E", "Vertex Total Energy [MeV]", 800, 0.,
43 8000.);
44 histograms_.create("SimParticles.px", "Vertex Momentum in x-Direction [MeV]",
45 50, 0., 500.);
46 histograms_.create("SimParticles.py", "Vertex Momentum in y-Direction [MeV]",
47 50, 0., 500.);
48 histograms_.create("SimParticles.pz", "Vertex Momentum in z-Direction [MeV]",
49 400, 0., 4000.);
50 histograms_.create("SimParticles.time", "Global Time of Creation [ns]", 50,
51 0., 10.);
52 histograms_.create("SimParticles.pdg", "PDG ID of Particle", 201, -100, 100);
53 histograms_.create("SimParticles.x", "Vertex x-Position [mm]", 401, -200,
54 200);
55 histograms_.create("SimParticles.y", "Vertex y-Position [mm]", 401, -200,
56 200);
57 histograms_.create("SimParticles.z", "Vertex z-Position [mm]", 171, -700,
58 1000.);
59 histograms_.create("SimParticles.process", "Creator Process Type", 20, 0, 20);
60 histograms_.create("SimParticles.track_id", "Track ID of Particle", 100, 0,
61 1000);
62 histograms_.create("SimParticles.parent", "Track ID of Parent", 100, 0, 1000);
63 histograms_.create("SimParticles.children", "Track IDs of Children", 100, 0,
64 1000);
66 // create pn children histograms
67 histograms_.create("pn_child.E", "Vertex Total Energy [MeV]", 800, 0., 8000.);
68 histograms_.create("pn_child.px", "Vertex Momentum in x-Direction [MeV]", 50,
69 0., 500.);
70 histograms_.create("pn_child.py", "Vertex Momentum in y-Direction [MeV]", 50,
71 0., 500.);
72 histograms_.create("pn_child.pz", "Vertex Momentum in z-Direction [MeV]", 400,
73 0., 4000.);
74 histograms_.create("pn_child.time", "Global Time of Creation [ns]", 50, 0.,
75 10.);
76 histograms_.create("pn_child.pdg", "PDG ID of Particle", 201, -100, 100);
77 histograms_.create("pn_child.x", "Vertex x-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
78 histograms_.create("pn_child.y", "Vertex y-Position [mm]", 401, -200, 200);
79 histograms_.create("pn_child.z", "Vertex z-Position [mm]", 171, -700, 1000.);
80 histograms_.create("pn_child.track_id", "Track ID of Particle", 100, 0, 1000);
81 histograms_.create("pn_child.parent", "Track ID of Parent", 100, 0, 1000);
82 histograms_.create("pn_child.children", "Track IDs of Children", 100, 0,
83 1000);
85 // Add bin labels to category plots
86 auto hist{histograms_.get("SimParticles.process")};
87 for (int i{0}; i < creator_process_labels.size(); ++i) {
88 const auto& label{creator_process_labels[i]};
89 hist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, label.c_str());
90 }
TH1 * get(const std::string &name)
Get a pointer to a histogram by name.
Definition Histograms.h:194

References framework::HistogramHelper::create(), framework::HistogramHelper::get(), framework::EventProcessor::getHistoDirectory(), and framework::EventProcessor::histograms_.

Member Data Documentation

◆ sim_pass_

std::string dqm::SimObjects::sim_pass_

Pass Name for sim objects.

Definition at line 48 of file SimObjects.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and configure().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: