fire v0.19.0
Framework for sImulation and Reconstruction of Events
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NconfigPython execution and parameter extraction
 CParametersClass encapsulating parameters for configuring a processor
 NfactoryUsed to isolate base templated Factory class
 CFactoryFactory to dynamically create objects derived from a specific prototype class
 NioGeant4 does a GLOBAL definition of the keyword TRUE
 Nclass_version_implHide the SFINAE confusing nonsense from the rest of the world
 CdeducerUnderlying struct deducing the version of a class
 Cdeducer< T, typename enable_if_type< typename T::version >::type >Underlying struct deducing the version of a class
 Cenable_if_typeCheck if the passed type T is a valid type at compile time
 CReaderReading a file generated by fire
 CBufferRead buffer allowing individual element access from a dataset
 CBufferHandleType-less handle to the Buffer
 CMirrorObjectA mirror event object
 NrootReading of ROOT TTree files generated by ROOT-based Framework
 CReaderReading ROOT files into our data structures
 CAbstractDataType-specific base class to hold common data methods
 CaccessEmpty struct for connecting a instance of Data and the type it wraps
 CBaseDataEmpty data base allowing recursion
 CconstantsStructure constants vital to serialization method
 CDataGeneral data set
 CData< AtomicType, std::enable_if_t< is_atomic_v< AtomicType > > >Data wrapper for atomic types
 CData< ParameterStorage >Io::Data specialization for ParameterStorage
 CData< std::map< KeyType, ValType > >Our wrapper around std::map
 CData< std::vector< ContentType > >Our wrapper around std::vector
 CParameterStorageProvides dynamic parameter storage by interfacing between a map to variants storing parameters and a h5::Data secialization
 CReaderPrototype for reading files within fire
 CWriterWrite the fire DataSets into a deterministic structure in the output HDF5 data file
 CBufferBuffer atomic data types in-memory for efficient disk operations
 CBufferHandleType-less handle to buffers
 NloggingHousing for logging infrastructure
 NversionHousing for variables defined by CMake at configuration
 CConditionsContainer and cache for conditions and conditions providers
 CCacheEntryAn entry to store an already loaded conditions object
 CConditionsIntervalOfValidityDefines the run/event/type range for which a given condition is valid, including for all time
 CConditionsObjectBase class for all conditions objects, very simple
 CConditionsProviderBase class for all providers of conditions objects
 CEventEvent class for interfacing with processors
 CEventObjectStructure to hold event data in memory
 CEventObjectTagIdentification for a specific event object
 CEventHeaderHeader information of an event such as event number and timestamp
 CExceptionStandard base exception class with some useful output information
 CProcessThe central object managing the data processing
 CProcessorBase class for all event processing components
 CAbortEventExceptionSpecific exception used to abort an event
 CFactoryThe special factory used to create processors
 CRandomNumberSeedServiceSystem for consistent seeding of random number generators
 CRunHeaderContainer for run parameters
 CStorageControlIsolation of voting system deciding if events should be kept
 CUserReaderClass for easier reading of files written by fire
 NframeworkNamespace for interop with ROOT-based framework styled processors
 CAnalyzerLegacy analyzer class
 CEventWrapper Event in this namespace reintroducing legacy functionality
 CEventProcessorWrapper class for fire::Processor which does the necessary modifications on the constructors and adds the old configure method
 CProducerLegacy producer class
 NstdSTL namespace