Use Development Container with docker


  • Docker engine is installed on your computer
  • (For linux systems), you can manage docker as a non-root user

Environment Setup

  1. Decide what tag you want to use: export LDMX_DOCKER_TAG="ldmx/dev:my-tag"
  2. Pull down desired docker image: docker pull ${LDMX_DOCKER_TAG}
  3. Define a helpful alias:
alias ldmx='docker run --rm -it -e LDMX_BASE -v $LDMX_BASE:$LDMX_BASE ${LDMX_DOCKER_TAG} $(pwd)'
  1. Define the directory that ldmx-sw is in:
cd <path-to-directory-containing-ldmx-sw>
export LDMX_BASE=$(pwd -P)

Using the Container

Prepend any commands you want to run with ldmx-sw with the container alias you defined above. For example, to configure the ldmx-sw build, ldmx cmake .. (instead of just cmake ..).

Detailed docker run explanation

docker \ #base docker command
    run \ #run the container
    --rm \ #clean up container after execution finishes
    -it \ #make container interactive
    -e LDMX_BASE \ #pass environment variable to container
    -v $LDMX_BASE:$LDMX_BASE \ #mount filesystem to container
    -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \ #act as current user
    ${LDMX_DOCKER_TAG} \ #docker image to build container from
    $(pwd) \ #go to present directory inside the continaer

Display Connection

In order to connect the display, you need to add two more parameters to the above docker run command. When running docker inside of the Windoze Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you will also need to have an external X server running outside WSL. Ubuntu has a good tutorial on how to get graphical applications running inside WSL.

  1. Define how to interface wiith the display.
    • For Linux: export LDMX_CONTAINER_DISPLAY=""
    • For MacOS: export LDMX_CONTAINER_DISPLAY=""
    • For WSL: export LDMX_CONTAINER_DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / ${print$2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null)1
  2. Define the DISPLAY environment variable for inside the container. -e DISPLAY=${LDMX_CONTAINER_DISPLAY}:0
  3. Mount the cache directory for the window manager for the container to share. -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix