G4DarkBreM  v2.1.0
Geant4 Dark Bremmstrahlung from MadGraph
g4db::example Namespace Reference

example simulation application required classes More...


class  APrimePhysics
 basic physics constructor which simply creates the A' and the dark brem More...
class  Hunk
 basic 'hunk' of material in air, the material and its thickness is configurable More...
class  OutgoingKinematics
 The event information we care about for studying the model. More...
class  LeptonBeam
 the primary generator, a simple particle gun restricted to electrons or muons along the z axis More...
class  PersistDarkBremProducts
 event action used to store the OutgoingKinematics if a dark brem occurred More...
class  FindDarkBremProducts
 Look through the tracks to find the dark brem products. More...

Detailed Description

example simulation application required classes

This rudimentary simulation consists of six different classes that each perform special roles within the simulation. Specifically for G4DarkBreM, the APrimePhysics class is of most interest because it is the class that does the necessary configuration for the dark brem simulation to function. This class is a good starting point for integrating G4DarkBreM into your Geant4 simulation.