pflib v2.7.0-1-gd371ab6a
Polarfire Interaction Library
Configure the Detector

The executable and related files in this directory are focused on applying a configuration to the entire detector across multiple polarfires.

The executable takes a single YAML file with all of the configuration parameters that you wish to apply to the detector. The recursive nature of YAML allows us to define a meta-format for this configuration file which is documented below.

YAML Format

The YAML format is a format that depends on whitespace, so be careful. Comments are allowed and begin with the # character. Our meta-format on top of YAML has a nested-dictionary structure allowing for any level of specificity.

In general, each polarfire is an entry in a YAML dictionary where the key is the hostname to connect to that polarfire (e.g. cob1-dpm1) and the value is another YAML dictionary with setting name and setting node pairs. The <setting_node> is indicating that the value of each setting can take on an arbitrarily deep YAML tree (biggest current one is the hgcrocs setting below).

setting_name :

<tt>inherit</tt> keyword

This format also has a special keyword inherit if a top-level key takes on this value, then that setting will be applied to all other polarfires in the config.

seting_name : value_will_be_inherited
setting_name : override_value
# will have setting_name = value_will_be_inherited

For the hgcrocs setting specifically, the inherit keyword can also be used in order to apply HGC ROC parameters to all ROCs listed.

phase: 9
phase 8
# will have top.phase = 9

The two available uses of inherit can be combined to apply HGC ROC parameters across all ROCs and all polarfires listed.

phase: 9
# will have top.phase = 9
# will have top.phase = 9
# will have top.phase = 9

Note inherit detects which polarfires and which hgcrocs to apply the parameters to by crawling the YAML file. This means you need to list the polarfire/hgcroc even if it doesn't specify any individual parameters (this is what I do in the examples above). Specifically in reference to the example above, even if there is a roc with index 0 at pf2, that roc will not recieve the top.phase = 9 setting.

HGC ROC Parameters

The HGC ROC parameters compiled into registers and loaded through pftool under the ROC.LOAD settings have the same structure here except moved over three indentations in order to accomodate the selection of a specific Polarfire and a specific ROC on that polarfire. They are housed under the hgcrocs setting.

roc_index :
page_name :
param_name : param_val

Alternatively, the value can also be a path to another YAML file to be used.

roc_index: '/full/path/to/hgcroc_parameters.yaml'

Other Polarfire Settings

As mentioned above, the YAML format is extremely flexible and allows for arbitrary YAML trees to be parsed by classes "applying" those settings. Other classes "applying" settings can be implemented with the only restriction being that it can be executed via a pointer to PolarfireTarget (same limitation as pftool commands).


This setting is a single integer that is the same as FC.CALIB in pftool.

calib_offset: 16


This setting takes a YAML map with two keys. value sets the SiPM bias ADC value and rocs lists the roc indices to apply this to. This is similar to ROC.BIAS in pftool.

value: 3784
rocs: [0,2,3]

Implementing a New Setting

Making a setting available to be applied by this executable is done with a library/factory model. Each setting to be applied has multiple requirements.

  1. Inherit from pflib::detail::PolarfireSetting
  2. Implement the import function which updates the settings. I emphasize update here because with the inherit keyword, settings should be designed to be specialized by separate polarfires.
  3. Implement the execute function which takes a PolarfireTarget and applies those settings.
  4. Implement stream which prints out the value to the passed stream in a human readable way.
  5. Register the setting in the anonymous namespace.

The examples given in DetectorConfiguration.cxx is a good place to start.