13#include "TrigScint/Event/TrigScintCluster.h"
Class providing string constants for the event model.
Stores cluster information from the trigger scintillator pads.
Represents a track of trigger scintillator clusters.
void setSigmaX(const float sx)
Set the uncertainty on the position of the track [mm].
void setSigmaY(const float sy)
Set the uncertainty on the position of the track [mm].
float PE_
The average pe count of the clusters making up the track.
float centroid_
The detector centroid.
float getBeamEfrac() const
Get beam energy fraction of hit.
float centroidY_
The detector y coordinate centroid.
void setCentroidX(float centroid)
Set the x centroid of the track.
void setResidual(float resid)
Set the detector ID residual of the track.
int nClusters_
The number of clusters forming the track.
float getCentroidX() const
Get the x centroid of the track.
void setSigmaXY(const float sx, const float sy)
Set the uncertainty on the position of the track [mm].
void setCentroidY(float centroid)
Set the y centroid of the track.
void setPosition(const float x, const float y)
Set the position of the track [mm].
void setPE(float pe)
Set the average cluster pe of the track.
float beamEfrac_
The fraction of the energy deposited in the track constituents that was deposited by a beam electron.
float centroidX_
The detector x coordinate centroid.
float getResidualZ() const
Get the z residual of the track.
float sy_
The uncertainty on the Y position.
float getCentroid() const
Get the detector ID centroid of the track.
void Print() const
Print a description of this object.
void addConstituent(TrigScintCluster cl)
Add a cluster to the list of track constituents.
float getX() const
Get the x coordinate of the track.
float getCentroidZ() const
Get the z centroid of the track.
std::vector< double > getMomentum() const
Get the XYZ momentum of the particle at the position at which the track took place [MeV].
int getNclusters() const
Get the number of clusters forming the track.
void setCentroid(float centroid)
Set the detector ID centroid of the track.
float getSigmaY() const
Get the uncertainty on the y coordinate of the track.
float sx_
The uncertainty on the X position.
Class constructor.
void setResidualY(float resid)
Set the y residual of the track.
float residualX_
The x coordinate residual.
void Clear()
Reset the TrigScintTrack object.
float residual_
The detector residual.
std::vector< ldmx::TrigScintCluster > constituents_
The list of clusters constituting the track.
void setMomentum(const float px, const float py, const float pz)
Set the momentum of the particle at the position at which the track took place [GeV].
void setBeamEfrac(float e)
Set beam energy fraction of hit.
float getY() const
Get the y coordinate of the track.
void setNclusters(uint nCl)
Set the number of clusters forming the track.
std::vector< ldmx::TrigScintCluster > getConstituents() const
Get the cluster constituents of the track.
float getSigmaX() const
Get the uncertainty on the x coordinate of the track.
void setResidualX(float resid)
Set the x residual of the track.
float getResidualY() const
Get the y residual of the track.
ClassDef(TrigScintTrack, 2)
The ROOT class definition.
float getCentroidY() const
Get the y centroid of the track.
float residualY_
The y coordinate residual.
float getPE() const
Get the (average) pe of the track.
float centroidZ_
The detector z coordinate centroid.
void setCentroidZ(float centroid)
Set the z centroid of the track.
float getResidualX() const
Get the x residual of the track.
float residualZ_
The z coordinate residual.
void setResidualZ(float resid)
Set the z residual of the track.
bool operator<(const TrigScintTrack &rhs) const
Sort by track residual.
float getResidual() const
Get the detector ID residual of the track.
virtual ~TrigScintTrack()
Class destructor.