LDMX Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
10// ldmx-sw //
12#include "G4DarkBreM/G4DarkBremsstrahlung.h" //for process name
14#include "SimCore/DetectorConstruction.h"
17#include "SimCore/G4User/RunAction.h"
18#include "SimCore/G4User/StackingAction.h"
19#include "SimCore/G4User/SteppingAction.h"
22#include "SimCore/ParallelWorld.h"
23#include "SimCore/XsecBiasingOperator.h"
26// Geant4 //
28#include "FTFP_BERT.hh"
29#include "G4GDMLParser.hh"
30#include "G4GenericBiasingPhysics.hh"
31#include "G4ParallelWorldPhysics.hh"
32#include "G4ProcessTable.hh"
33#include "G4VModularPhysicsList.hh"
35namespace simcore {
39 parameters_ = parameters;
41 // Set whether the ROOT primary generator should use the persisted seed.
42 auto rootPrimaryGenUseSeed{
43 parameters.getParameter<bool>("rootPrimaryGenUseSeed")};
45 // Validate the geometry if specified.
46 setUseRootSeed(rootPrimaryGenUseSeed);
50 auto pList{physicsListFactory_.GetReferencePhysList("FTFP_BERT")};
52 parallelWorldPath_ = parameters_.getParameter<std::string>("scoringPlanes");
54 if (isPWEnabled_) {
55 std::cout
56 << "[ RunManager ]: Parallel worlds physics list has been registered."
57 << std::endl;
58 pList->RegisterPhysics(new G4ParallelWorldPhysics("ldmxParallelWorld"));
59 }
61 pList->RegisterPhysics(new GammaPhysics{"GammaPhysics", parameters_});
62 pList->RegisterPhysics(new APrimePhysics(
64 pList->RegisterPhysics(new KaonPhysics(
66 "kaon_parameters")));
68 auto biasing_operators{
69 parameters_.getParameter<std::vector<framework::config::Parameters>>(
70 "biasing_operators", {})};
71 if (!biasing_operators.empty()) {
72 std::cout << "[ RunManager ]: Biasing enabled with "
73 << biasing_operators.size() << " operator(s)." << std::endl;
75 // create all the biasing operators that will be used
76 for (framework::config::Parameters& bop : biasing_operators) {
78 bop.getParameter<std::string>("class_name"),
79 bop.getParameter<std::string>("instance_name"), bop);
80 }
82 // Instantiate the constructor used when biasing
83 G4GenericBiasingPhysics* biasingPhysics = new G4GenericBiasingPhysics();
85 // specify which particles are going to be biased
86 // this will put a biasing interface wrapper around *all* processes
87 // associated with these particles
89 auto bop) {
90 std::cout << "[ RunManager ]: Biasing operator '" << bop->GetName()
91 << "' set to bias " << bop->getParticleToBias() << std::endl;
92 biasingPhysics->Bias(bop->getParticleToBias());
93 });
95 // Register the physics constructor to the physics list:
96 pList->RegisterPhysics(biasingPhysics);
97 }
99 this->SetUserInitialization(pList);
103 setupPhysics();
105 // The parallel world needs to be registered before the mass world is
106 // constructed i.e. before G4RunManager::Initialize() is called.
107 if (isPWEnabled_) {
108 std::cout << "[ RunManager ]: Parallel worlds have been enabled."
109 << std::endl;
111 auto validateGeometry_{parameters_.getParameter<bool>("validate_detector")};
112 G4GDMLParser* pwParser = new G4GDMLParser();
113 pwParser->Read(parallelWorldPath_, validateGeometry_);
114 this->getDetectorConstruction()->RegisterParallelWorld(
115 new ParallelWorld(pwParser, "ldmxParallelWorld"));
116 }
118 // This is where the physics lists are told to construct their particles and
119 // their processes
120 // They are constructed in order, so it is important to register the biasing
121 // physics *after* any other processes that need to be able to be biased
122 G4RunManager::Initialize();
124 // create our G4User actions
125 auto primary_action{new g4user::PrimaryGeneratorAction(parameters_)};
126 auto run_action{new g4user::RunAction};
127 auto event_action{new g4user::EventAction};
128 auto tracking_action{new g4user::TrackingAction};
129 auto stepping_action{new g4user::SteppingAction};
130 auto stacking_action{new g4user::StackingAction};
131 // ...and register them with G4
132 SetUserAction(primary_action);
133 SetUserAction(run_action);
134 SetUserAction(event_action);
135 SetUserAction(tracking_action);
136 SetUserAction(stepping_action);
137 SetUserAction(stacking_action);
139 // Create all user actions and attch them to the corresponding G4 actions
140 auto user_actions{
141 parameters_.getParameter<std::vector<framework::config::Parameters>>(
142 "actions", {})};
143 for (auto& user_action : user_actions) {
144 auto ua = UserAction::Factory::get().make(
145 user_action.getParameter<std::string>("class_name"),
146 user_action.getParameter<std::string>("instance_name"), user_action);
147 for (auto& type : ua->getTypes()) {
148 if (type == simcore::TYPE::RUN) {
149 run_action->registerAction(ua.get());
150 } else if (type == simcore::TYPE::EVENT) {
151 event_action->registerAction(ua.get());
152 } else if (type == simcore::TYPE::TRACKING) {
153 tracking_action->registerAction(ua.get());
154 } else if (type == simcore::TYPE::STEPPING) {
155 stepping_action->registerAction(ua.get());
156 } else if (type == simcore::TYPE::STACKING) {
157 stacking_action->registerAction(ua.get());
158 } else {
159 EXCEPTION_RAISE("ActionType", "Action type does not exist.");
160 }
161 }
162 }
166 // have geant4 do its own thing
167 G4RunManager::TerminateOneEvent();
169 // go through the processes attached to the electron and
170 // reactivate any process that contains the G4DarkBremmstrahlung name
171 // this covers both cases where the process is biased and not
172 static auto reactivate_dark_brem = [](G4ProcessManager* pman) {
173 for (int i_proc{0}; i_proc < pman->GetProcessList()->size(); i_proc++) {
174 G4VProcess* p{(*(pman->GetProcessList()))[i_proc]};
175 if (p->GetProcessName().contains(G4DarkBremsstrahlung::PROCESS_NAME)) {
176 pman->SetProcessActivation(p, true);
177 break;
178 }
179 }
180 };
182 reactivate_dark_brem(G4Electron::Definition()->GetProcessManager());
184 if (this->GetVerboseLevel() > 1) {
185 std::cout << "[ RunManager ] : "
186 << "Reset the dark brem process (if it was activated)."
187 << std::endl;
188 }
192 return static_cast<DetectorConstruction*>(this->userDetector);
195} // namespace simcore
Class which defines basic APrime physics.
Class which implements the Geant4 user event action.
Class used to enhanced the gamma physics list.
Class implementing the Geant4 primary generator action.
Class providing a Geant4 run manager implementation.
Class which implements the user tracking action.
Class encapsulating parameters for configuring a processor.
Definition Parameters.h:27
T getParameter(const std::string &name) const
Retrieve the parameter of the given name.
Definition Parameters.h:89
Defines basic APrime physics.
Handle to the conditions system, provided at construction to classes which require it.
Implements the Geant4 detector construction.
void apply(UnaryFunction f) const
Apply the input UnaryFunction to each entry in the inventory.
Definition Factory.h:283
static Factory & get()
get the factory instance
Definition Factory.h:217
PrototypePtr make(const std::string &full_name, PrototypeConstructorArgs... maker_args)
make a new object by name
Definition Factory.h:265
extra gamma particle physics for simulation and sets up the photonuclear model to use from the config...
Allows the configuration of properties of kaons produced in the simulation, in particular setting the...
Definition KaonPhysics.h:32
std::string parallelWorldPath_
Path to GDML description of parallel world.
Definition RunManager.h:104
framework::config::Parameters parameters_
The set of parameters used to configure the RunManager.
Definition RunManager.h:90
bool isPWEnabled_
Flag indicating whether a parallel world should be registered.
Definition RunManager.h:101
void TerminateOneEvent()
Called at the end of each event.
void setupPhysics()
Initialize physics.
void setUseRootSeed(bool useIt=true)
Tell RunManager to use the seed from the root file.
Definition RunManager.h:81
void Initialize()
Perform application initialization.
DetectorConstruction * getDetectorConstruction()
Get the user detector construction cast to a specific type.
G4PhysListFactory physicsListFactory_
Factory class for instantiating the physics list.
Definition RunManager.h:95
RunManager(framework::config::Parameters &parameters, ConditionsInterface &)
Class constructor.
Implementation of user event action hook.
Definition EventAction.h:44
Implementation of Geant4 primary generator action.
Implementation of user run action hook.
Definition RunAction.h:34
Class implementing a user stacking action.
Implements the Geant4 user stepping action.
Implementation of user tracking action.