LDMX Software
1#include <ctime>
3#include "TTreeReader.h"
5// LDMX
6#include "Framework/Event.h"
7#include "Framework/EventFile.h"
8#include "Framework/Exception/Exception.h"
9#include "Framework/RunHeader.h"
11namespace framework {
14 const std::string &filename, EventFile *parent,
15 bool isOutputFile, bool isSingleOutput, bool isLoopable)
16 : fileName_(filename),
17 isOutputFile_(isOutputFile),
18 isSingleOutput_(isSingleOutput),
19 isLoopable_(isLoopable),
20 parent_(parent) {
21 if (isOutputFile_) {
22 // we are writting out so open the file and make sure it is writable
23 file_ = new TFile(fileName_.c_str(), "RECREATE");
24 if (!file_->IsOpen() or !file_->IsWritable()) {
26 "Output file '" + fileName_ + "' is not writable.");
27 }
29 // set compression settings
30 // Check out the TFile constructor for explanation of how this integer is
31 // built Short Reference: setting = 100*algorithem + level algorithm = 0
32 // ==> use global default
33 file_->SetCompressionSettings(
34 params.getParameter<int>("compressionSetting", 9));
36 if (parent_) {
37 // output file when there are input files
38 // might be drop/keep rules, so we should have these rules to make sure
39 // it works
41 // turn everything on
42 // hypothetically could turn everything off? Doesn't work for some
43 // reason?
44 preCloneRules_.emplace_back("*", true);
46 // except EventHeader (copies over to output)
47 preCloneRules_.emplace_back("EventHeader*", true);
49 // reactivate all branches so default behavior is drop
50 reactivateRules_.push_back("*");
51 }
52 } else {
53 // open file with only reading enabled
54 file_ = new TFile(fileName_.c_str());
55 // double check that file is open
56 if (!file_->IsOpen()) {
57 EXCEPTION_RAISE("FileError", "Input file '" + fileName_ +
58 "' is not readable or does not exist.");
59 }
61 bool skip_corrupted =
62 params.getParameter<bool>("skipCorruptedInputFiles", false);
64 // make sure file is not a zombie file
65 // (i.e. process ended without closing or the file was corrupted some other
66 // way)
67 if (file_->IsZombie()) {
68 if (not skip_corrupted) {
69 EXCEPTION_RAISE("FileError", "Input file '" + fileName_ +
70 "' is corrupted. Framework will not "
71 "attempt to recover this file.");
72 }
73 return;
74 }
76 // Get the tree name from the configuration
77 auto tree_name{params.getParameter<std::string>("tree_name")};
78 tree_ = static_cast<TTree *>(file_->Get(tree_name.c_str()));
79 if (!tree_) {
80 if (not skip_corrupted) {
81 EXCEPTION_RAISE("FileError", "File '" + fileName_ +
82 "' does not have a TTree named '" +
83 tree_name + "' in it.");
84 }
85 return;
86 }
87 entries_ = tree_->GetEntriesFast();
88 }
94 const std::string &filename, bool isLoopable)
95 : EventFile(params, filename, nullptr, false, false, isLoopable) {}
98 const std::string &filename)
99 : EventFile(params, filename, nullptr, false, false, false) {}
102 const std::string &filename, EventFile *parent,
103 bool isSingleOutput)
104 : EventFile(params, filename, parent, true, isSingleOutput, false) {}
107 // Before an output file, the Event tree needs to be written.
108 if (isOutputFile_) {
109 // make sure we are in output file before writing
110 file_->cd();
111 tree_->Write();
112 }
114 // Close the file
115 file_->Close();
119 if (isOutputFile_) return file_->IsZombie();
120 return (!tree_ or file_->IsZombie());
123void EventFile::addDrop(const std::string &rule) {
124 int offset;
125 bool isKeep = false, isDrop = false, isIgnore = false;
126 size_t i = rule.find("keep");
127 if (i != std::string::npos) {
128 offset = i + 4;
129 isKeep = true;
130 }
131 i = rule.find("drop");
132 if (i != std::string::npos) {
133 offset = i + 4;
134 isDrop = true;
135 }
136 i = rule.find("ignore");
137 if (i != std::string::npos) {
138 offset = i + 6;
139 isIgnore = true;
140 }
142 // more than one of (keep,drop,ignore) was provided => not valid rule
143 if (int(isKeep) + int(isDrop) + int(isIgnore) != 1) return;
145 std::string srule = rule.substr(offset);
146 for (i = srule.find_first_of(" \t\n\r"); i != std::string::npos;
147 i = srule.find_first_of(" \t\n\r"))
148 srule.erase(i, 1);
150 // name of branch is not given
151 if (srule.length() == 0) return;
153 // add wild card at end for matching purposes
154 if (srule.back() != '*') srule += ".*"; // add wildcard to back
156 if (isKeep) {
157 // turn both the input and output tree's on
158 // root needs . removed otherwise it gets cranky
159 srule.erase(std::remove(srule.begin(), srule.end(), '.'), srule.end());
160 preCloneRules_.emplace_back(srule, true);
161 // this branch will then be copied over into output tree and be active
162 } else if (isIgnore) {
163 // don't even read it from the input file
164 // root needs . removed otherwise it gets cranky
165 srule.erase(std::remove(srule.begin(), srule.end(), '.'), srule.end());
166 preCloneRules_.emplace_back(srule, false);
167 // these branches won't be copied over into output tree
168 } else if (isDrop) {
169 // drop means allowing it on reading but not writing
170 // pass these regex to event bus so Event::add knows
171 event_->addDrop(srule); // requires event_ to be set
173 // root needs . removed otherwise it gets cranky
174 srule.erase(std::remove(srule.begin(), srule.end(), '.'), srule.end());
175 preCloneRules_.emplace_back(srule, false);
176 // these branches won't be copied over into output tree
177 // reactivate input branch after clone
178 reactivateRules_.push_back(srule);
179 }
182bool EventFile::nextEvent(bool storeCurrentEvent) {
183 if (ientry_ < 0) {
184 // first entry of this file
185 if (parent_) {
186 // we have a parent file
187 if (!parent_->tree_) {
188 // this should _never_ happen
189 EXCEPTION_RAISE("EventFile", "No event tree in the file");
190 }
191 // Only clone parent tree if either
192 // 1) There is no tree setup yet (first input file)
193 // 2) This is not single output (new input file --> new output file)
194 if (!tree_ or !isSingleOutput_) {
195 // clones parent_->tree_ to our tree_ keeping drop/keep rules in mind
196 // clone tree (only copies over branches that are active on input tree)
198 file_->cd(); // go into output file
200 for (auto const &rulePair : preCloneRules_)
201 parent_->tree_->SetBranchStatus(rulePair.first.c_str(),
202 rulePair.second);
204 tree_ = parent_->tree_->CloneTree(0);
206 // reactivate any drop branches (drop) on input tree
207 for (auto const &rule : reactivateRules_)
208 parent_->tree_->SetBranchStatus(rule.c_str(), 1);
209 }
212 } // we have a parent file
213 } else {
214 // later than first entry of file
215 if (isOutputFile_) {
217 if (storeCurrentEvent) // we should store before moving on
218 tree_->Fill(); // fill the clones...
219 } // we are an output file
221 // the event bus may not be defined
222 // for this file if we are input file and
223 // there is an output file during this run
224 if (event_) {
225 event_->Clear();
227 } // event bus defined
228 } // first or not first entry in this file
230 if (parent_) {
231 // we have a parent, follow their lead
232 if (!parent_->nextEvent()) {
233 return false;
234 }
236 entries_++;
237 } else if (isOutputFile_) {
238 // we don't have a parent and we
239 // are an output file
240 // Just increment the number of entries
241 // and the index of the current entry
242 ientry_++;
243 entries_++;
244 } else {
245 // we don't have a parent and
246 // we aren't an output file
247 // try to load another entry from our tree
248 if (ientry_ + 1 >= entries_) {
249 if (isLoopable_) {
250 // reset the event counter: reuse events from start of pileup tree
251 ientry_ = -1;
252 } else
253 return false;
254 }
255 ientry_++;
256 tree_->GetEntry(ientry_);
257 }
259 // if we have an event_
260 // make sure it is iterated as well
261 return event_ ? event_->nextEvent() : true;
265 event_ = evt;
266 if (isOutputFile_) {
267 // we are an output file
268 if (!tree_ && !parent_) {
269 // we don't have a tree and we don't have a parent
270 // ==> *Production Mode* create a new tree
272 ientry_ = 0;
273 entries_ = 0;
274 }
276 if (parent_) {
277 // we have a parent file so give
278 // the parent's tree to the event bus
279 // as the input tree
281 }
283 // give our tree to the event as the output tree
285 } else {
286 // we are an input file
287 // so give our tree to the event as input tree
289 } // output or input file
292int EventFile::skipToEvent(int offset) {
293 // make sure the event number exists
294 ientry_ = offset % entries_ - 1;
295 return ientry_;
299 parent_ = parent;
301 // we can assume parent_->tree_ is valid
302 // because (for input files) the tree_ is imported
303 // from the file and then checked if its valid in the
304 // EventFile constructor
306 // Enter output file
307 file_->cd();
309 // need to turn on/off the same branches as in the initial setup...
310 for (auto const &rulePair : preCloneRules_)
311 parent_->tree_->SetBranchStatus(rulePair.first.c_str(), rulePair.second);
313 // Copy over addresses from the new parent
314 parent_->tree_->CopyAddresses(tree_);
316 // and reactivate any dropping rules
317 for (auto const &rule : reactivateRules_)
318 parent_->tree_->SetBranchStatus(rule.c_str(), 1);
320 // Reset the entry index with the new parent index
323 // import run headers from new input file
326 return;
330 if (not isOutputFile_) {
332 "Cannot write the run tree on an input event file.");
333 }
335 // store the run map into the output tree
336 // Check for the existence of the run tree in the file.
337 // If it already exists, throw an exception.
338 // TODO: Tree name shouldn't be hardcoded. Is this check really necessary?
339 auto runTree{static_cast<TTree *>(file_->Get("LDMX_Run"))};
340 if (runTree) {
342 "RunTree 'LDMX_Run' already exists in output file '" +
343 fileName_ + "'.");
344 }
356 file_->cd();
357 runTree = new TTree("LDMX_Run", "LDMX run header");
359 // create the branch on this tree
360 ldmx::RunHeader *theHandle = nullptr;
361 runTree->Branch("RunHeader", "ldmx::RunHeader", &theHandle, 32000, 3);
363 // copy over the run headers into the tree
364 for (auto &[num, header_pair] : runMap_) {
365 theHandle = header_pair.second;
366 runTree->Fill();
367 if (header_pair.first) delete header_pair.second;
368 }
370 runTree->Write();
374 int runNumber = runHeader.getRunNumber();
376 if (runMap_.find(runNumber) != runMap_.end()) {
377 EXCEPTION_RAISE("RunMap", "Run map already contains a run with number '" +
378 std::to_string(runNumber) + "'.");
379 }
381 runMap_[runNumber] = std::make_pair(false, &runHeader);
383 return;
387 if (runMap_.find(runNumber) != runMap_.end()) {
388 return runMap_.at(runNumber).second;
389 }
390 return nullptr;
394 ldmx::RunHeader *rh{this->getRunHeaderPtr(runNumber)};
395 if (rh != nullptr) {
396 return *rh;
397 }
398 EXCEPTION_RAISE("RunHeader",
399 "Unable to find header for run " + std::to_string(runNumber));
403 // choose which file to import from
404 auto theImportFile{file_}; // if this is an input file
405 if (isOutputFile_ and parent_ and parent_->file_)
406 theImportFile = parent_->file_; // output file with input parent
407 else if (isOutputFile_)
408 return; // output file, no input parent to read from
410 if (theImportFile) {
411 // the file exist
412 TTreeReader oldRunTree("LDMX_Run", theImportFile);
413 TTreeReaderValue<ldmx::RunHeader> oldRunHeader(oldRunTree, "RunHeader");
414 // TODO check that setup went correctly
415 while (oldRunTree.Next()) {
416 auto *oldRunHeaderPtr = oldRunHeader.Get();
417 if (oldRunHeaderPtr != nullptr) {
418 // copy input run tree into run map
419 // We should consider moving to a shared_ptr instead of 'new'
420 runMap_[oldRunHeaderPtr->getRunNumber()] =
421 std::make_pair(true, new ldmx::RunHeader(*oldRunHeader));
422 }
423 }
424 }
426 return;
428} // namespace framework
Class implementing an event buffer system for storing event data.
This class manages all ROOT file input/output operations.
Definition EventFile.h:26
void updateParent(EventFile *parent)
Change pointer to different parent file.
bool isSingleOutput_
True if there is only one output file.
Definition EventFile.h:293
TFile * file_
The backing TFile for this EventFile.
Definition EventFile.h:299
void addDrop(const std::string &rule)
Add a rule for dropping collections from the output.
std::string fileName_
The file name.
Definition EventFile.h:287
bool isLoopable_
True if this is an input file with pileup overlay events *‍/.
Definition EventFile.h:296
std::map< int, std::pair< bool, ldmx::RunHeader * > > runMap_
Map of run numbers to RunHeader objects.
Definition EventFile.h:337
void setupEvent(Event *evt)
Set an Event object containing the event data to work with this file.
Long64_t entries_
The number of entries in the tree.
Definition EventFile.h:281
std::vector< std::string > reactivateRules_
Vector of drop rules that have been parsed and need to be used to reactivate these branches on the in...
Definition EventFile.h:325
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, bool > > preCloneRules_
Pre-clone rules.
Definition EventFile.h:316
void writeRunTree()
Write the map of run headers to the file as a TTree of RunHeader.
bool nextEvent(bool storeCurrentEvent=true)
Prepare the next event.
bool isOutputFile_
True if file is an output file being written to disk.
Definition EventFile.h:290
ldmx::RunHeader * getRunHeaderPtr(int runNumber)
Update the RunHeader for a given run, if it exists in the input file.
Long64_t ientry_
The current entry in the tree.
Definition EventFile.h:284
void writeRunHeader(ldmx::RunHeader &runHeader)
Write the run header into the run map.
void importRunHeaders()
Fill the internal map of run numbers to RunHeader objects from the input file.
int skipToEvent(int offset)
Skip events using an offset.
ldmx::RunHeader & getRunHeader(int runNumber)
Get the RunHeader for a given run, if it exists in the input file.
EventFile(const framework::config::Parameters &params, const std::string &filename, EventFile *parent, bool isOutputFile, bool isSingleOutput, bool isLoopable)
Constructor to make a general file.
Definition EventFile.cxx:13
EventFile * parent_
A parent file containing event data.
Definition EventFile.h:305
TTree * tree_
The tree with event data.
Definition EventFile.h:302
Event * event_
The object containing the actual event data (trees and branches).
Definition EventFile.h:308
bool isCorrupted() const
Check if the file we have is corrupted.
Implements an event buffer system for storing event data.
Definition Event.h:41
TTree * createTree()
Create the output data tree.
Definition Event.cxx:102
void setOutputTree(TTree *tree)
Set the output data tree.
Definition Event.cxx:108
void beforeFill()
Action to be executed before the tree is filled.
Definition Event.cxx:156
void onEndOfEvent()
Perform end of event action (doesn't do anything right now).
Definition Event.cxx:170
void Clear()
Clear this object's data (including passengers).
Definition Event.cxx:165
bool nextEvent()
Go to the next event by retrieving the event header.
Definition Event.cxx:151
void setInputTree(TTree *tree)
Set the input data tree.
Definition Event.cxx:110
void addDrop(const std::string &exp)
Add a drop rule to the list of regex expressions to drop.
Definition Event.cxx:21
Class encapsulating parameters for configuring a processor.
Definition Parameters.h:27
T getParameter(const std::string &name) const
Retrieve the parameter of the given name.
Definition Parameters.h:89
Run-specific configuration and data stored in its own output TTree alongside the event TTree in the o...
Definition RunHeader.h:54
int getRunNumber() const
Definition RunHeader.h:74
All classes in the ldmx-sw project use this namespace.
Definition PerfDict.cxx:45