LDMX Software
2// This we may be able to remove after boost update
4#include <boost/python.hpp>
6#include "DetDescr/DetectorID.h"
9#include "DetDescr/EcalID.h"
12#include "DetDescr/HcalDigiID.h"
13#include "DetDescr/HcalElectronicsID.h"
14#include "DetDescr/HcalID.h"
16#include "DetDescr/SimSpecialID.h"
17#include "DetDescr/TrackerID.h"
18#include "DetDescr/TrigScintID.h"
21 // init<Ts...>(...) defines constructors.
22 //
23 // To add names to parameters, add an args() call as a parameter to
24 // the init function call.
25 //
26 // To add a docstring to a constructor, pass it as the last parameter to the
27 // init function call (as a string literal)
28 //
29 // One constructor can be called within the class_<>() function call. To have
30 // multiple constructors, you use init<> together with .def() to append
31 // others.
32 //
33 // If you want to add a docstring to the class as a whole, pass it as the
34 // second parameter (*note:* not last if you want a constructor) to the
35 // class_<>() function call
36 //
37 // def(...) defines functions and .def() defines member functions.
38 //
39 // To add names names to parameters, add an args() call as a parameter
40 //
41 // To add a docstring, pass a string literal as the last parameter to the
42 // def/.def function call
43 //
44 // args(...) give names to parameters. This both adds the names to the
45 // generated documentation and allows using python's named parameters
46 //
47 // .staticmethod("name") is required for any static member functions. Note
48 // that things will compile without it but the function won't be callable from
49 // python
50 //
51 // Enums need each value to be specified with the .value() function. Any enum
52 // values specified before export_values() will be accessible directly from
53 // the module while others will need fully qualified names (module.enum.value)
55 using namespace boost::python;
56 using namespace ldmx;
57 using RawValue = DetectorID::RawValue;
59 enum_<SubdetectorIDType>("SubdetectorID")
60 .value("SD_NULL", SubdetectorIDType::SD_NULL)
61 .value("SD_TRACKER_TAGGER", SubdetectorIDType::SD_TRACKER_TAGGER)
62 .value("SD_TRIGGER_SCINT", SubdetectorIDType::SD_TRIGGER_SCINT)
63 .value("SD_ACTVE_TARGET", SubdetectorIDType::SD_ACTVE_TARGET)
64 .value("SD_TRACKER_RECOIL", SubdetectorIDType::SD_TRACKER_RECOIL)
65 .value("SD_ECAL", SubdetectorIDType::SD_ECAL)
66 .value("SD_HCAL", SubdetectorIDType::SD_HCAL)
67 .value("SD_SIM_SPECIAL", SubdetectorIDType::SD_SIM_SPECIAL)
68 .value("EID_TRACKER", SubdetectorIDType::EID_TRACKER)
69 .value("EID_TRIGGER_SCINT", SubdetectorIDType::EID_TRIGGER_SCINT)
70 .value("EID_HCAL", SubdetectorIDType::EID_HCAL)
71 .value("EID_HCAL", SubdetectorIDType::EID_HCAL)
72 .export_values();
74 class_<DetectorID>("DetectorID", init<>(args("self")));
75 class_<HcalAbstractID>("HcalAbstractID", init<>(args("self")));
76 class_<EcalAbstractID>("EcalAbstractID", init<>(args("self")));
77 class_<EcalID>("EcalID",
78 "Extension of DetectorID providing access to ECal layers and "
79 "cell numbers in a hex grid",
80 init<>(args("self"), "Empty ECAL id (but not null!)"))
81 .def(init<RawValue>(args("self", "rawid"), "Create from raw number"))
82 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
83 args("self", "layer", "module", "cell"), "Create from pieces"))
84 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
85 args("self", "layer", "module", "u", "v"),
86 "Create from pieces including u/v cell"))
87 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int,
88 std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>(
89 args("self", "layer", "module", "uv"),
90 "Create from pieces including u/v cell"))
91 .def("module", &EcalID::module,
92 "Get the value of the module field from the ID.", args("self"))
93 .def("layer", &EcalID::layer,
94 "Get the value of the layer field from the ID.", args("self"))
95 .def("cell", &EcalID::cell,
96 "Get the value of the cell field from the ID.", args("self"))
97 // Requires defining a translator for pair
98 // .def("getCellUV", &EcalID::getCellUV, "Get the cell u,v index assuming
99 // a CMS-standard 432-cell sensor" )
100 .def("raw", &EcalID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
101 class_<EcalElectronicsID>(
102 "EcalElectronicsID",
103 "Identifies a location in the Ecal readout chain\n"
104 "-- fiber : optical fiber number (backend number), range "
105 "assumed O(0-96)\n"
106 "-- elink : electronic link number, range assumed O(0-47)\n"
107 "-- channel : channel-on-elink, range O(0-37)\n"
108 "For transient use only i.e. we use this ID to\n"
109 "help translate the digitized data coming off the detector\n"
110 "into spatially-important EcalIDs.",
111 init<>(args("self"), "Empty EcalElectronics id (but not null!)"))
112 .def(init<RawValue>(
113 "Create from raw number\n\n Importantly, this is NOT the PackedIndex "
114 "value, it is the entire raw value including the subsystem ID.",
115 args("self", "rawid")))
116 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
117 args("self", "fiber", "elink", "channel"), "Create from pieces"))
118 .def("fiber", &EcalElectronicsID::fiber,
119 "Get the value of the fiber from the ID.", args("self"))
120 .def("elink", &EcalElectronicsID::elink,
121 "Get the value of the elink from the ID.", args("self"))
122 .def("channel", &EcalElectronicsID::channel,
123 "Get the value of the channel from the ID.", args("self"))
124 .def("index", &EcalElectronicsID::index, "Get the compact index value",
125 args("self"))
126 .def("idFromIndex", &EcalElectronicsID::idFromIndex, args("index"),
127 "Construct an electronics id from an index")
128 .def("raw", &EcalElectronicsID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"))
129 .staticmethod("idFromIndex");
130 class_<EcalTriggerID>(
131 "EcalTriggerID",
132 "Extension of DetectorID providing access to ECal "
133 "trigger cell information",
134 init<>(args("self"), "Empty EcALTrigger id (but not null!)"))
135 .def(init<RawValue>(args("self", "rawid"), "Create from raw number"))
136 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
137 args("self", "layer", "module", "cell"), "Create from pieces"))
138 .def("module", &EcalTriggerID::module,
139 "Get the value of the module field from the ID.", args("self"))
140 .def("layer", &EcalTriggerID::layer,
141 "Get the value of the layer field from the ID.", args("self"))
142 .def("triggercell", &EcalTriggerID::triggercell,
143 "Get the value of the trigger cell field from the ID.", args("self"))
144 .def("raw", &EcalTriggerID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
145 // Currently not actually defined
146 // .def("getCellUV", &EcalTriggerID::getCellUV);
147 class_<HcalID>("HcalID", "Implements detector ids for Hcal subdetector",
148 init<>(args("self"), "Empty HcalID (but not null)"))
149 .def(init<RawValue>(args("self", "rawid"), "Create from raw number"))
150 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
151 args("self", "section", "layer", "strip"), "Create from pieces"))
152 .def("section", &HcalID::section,
153 "Get the value of the 'section' field from the ID.", args("self"))
154 .def("layer", &HcalID::layer,
155 "Get the value of the layer field from the ID.", args("self"))
156 .def("strip", &HcalID::strip,
157 "Get the value of the 'strip' (bar) field from the ID.",
158 args("self"))
159 .def("raw", &HcalID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
160 class_<HcalElectronicsID>(
161 "HcalElectronicsID",
163 "Identifies a location in the Hcal readout chain\n"
164 "-- fiber : optical fiber number (backend number), range assumed "
165 "O(0-96)\n"
166 "-- elink : electronic link number, range assumed O(0-47)\n"
167 "-- channel : channel-on-elink, range O(0-37)\n\n"
168 "For transient use only i.e. we use this ID to help translate the "
169 "digitized data coming off the detector into spatially-important "
170 "HcalDigiIDs.",
171 init<>(args("self"), "Empty HCAL id (but not null!)"))
172 .def(init<RawValue>("Create from raw number", args("self", "rawid")))
173 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
174 "Create from pieces", args("self", "fiber", "elink", "channel")))
175 .def("fiber", &HcalElectronicsID::fiber,
176 "Get the value of the fiber from the ID.", args("self"))
177 .def("elink", &HcalElectronicsID::elink,
178 "Get the value of the elink from the ID.", args("self"))
179 .def("channel", &HcalElectronicsID::channel,
180 "Get the value of the channel from the ID.", args("self"))
181 .def("index", &HcalElectronicsID::index, "Get the compact index value",
182 args("self"))
183 .def("idFromIndex", &HcalElectronicsID::idFromIndex, args("index"),
184 "Create an electronics ID from an index")
185 .def("raw", &HcalElectronicsID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"))
186 .staticmethod("idFromIndex");
187 class_<HcalDigiID>("HcalDigiID",
188 "Extension of HcalAbstractID providing access to HCal "
189 "digi information",
190 init<>(args("self"), "Empty HcalDigiID (but not null)"))
191 .def(init<RawValue>("Create from raw number", args("self", "rawid")))
192 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
193 "Create from pieces",
194 args("self", "section", "layer", "strip", "end")))
195 .def("section", &HcalDigiID::section,
196 "Get the value of the 'section' field from the ID.", args("self"))
197 .def("layer", &HcalDigiID::layer,
198 "Get the value of the 'layer' field from the ID.", args("self"))
199 .def("strip", &HcalDigiID::strip,
200 "Get the value of the 'strip' (bar) field from the ID.",
201 args("self"))
202 .def("end", &HcalDigiID::end,
203 "Get the value of the 'end' (positive/negative) field from the ID.",
204 args("self"))
205 .def("isNegativeEnd", &HcalDigiID::isNegativeEnd,
206 "Get whether the 'end' field from the ID is negative.", args("self"))
207 .def("raw", &HcalElectronicsID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
208 class_<HcalTriggerID>(
209 "HcalTriggerID",
210 "Extension of DetectorID providing access to HCal trigger cell",
211 init<>(args("self"), "Empty HCAL trigger id (but not null!)"))
212 .def(init<RawValue>("Create from raw number", args("self", "rawid")))
213 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
214 "Create from pieces",
215 args("self", "section", "layer", "superstrip", "end")))
216 .def("section", &HcalTriggerID::section,
217 "Get the value of the 'section' field from the ID.", args("self"))
218 .def("layer", &HcalTriggerID::layer,
219 "Get the value of the 'layer' field from the ID.", args("self"))
220 .def("superstrip", &HcalTriggerID::superstrip,
221 "Get the value of the 'superstrip' field from the ID.", args("self"))
222 .def("end", &HcalTriggerID::end,
223 "Get the value of the 'end' field from the ID.", args("self"))
224 .def("isNegativeEnd", &HcalTriggerID::isNegativeEnd,
225 "Get whether the 'end' field from the ID is negative.", args("self"))
226 .def("isComposite", &HcalTriggerID::isComposite,
227 "Get whether the ID is the composite of two bar ends.", args("self"))
228 .def("raw", &HcalTriggerID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
229 class_<SimSpecialID>("SimSpecialID",
230 "Implements detector ids for special simulation-derived "
231 "hits like scoring planes",
232 init<>(args("self"), "Empty id (but not null!)"))
233 .def(init<RawValue>("Create from raw number", args("self", "rawid")))
234 .def("ScoringPlaneID", &SimSpecialID::ScoringPlaneID,
235 "Create a scoring id from pieces", args("plane"))
236 .staticmethod("ScoringPlaneID")
237 .def("plane", &SimSpecialID::plane,
238 "Get the value of the plane field from the ID, if it is a scoring "
239 "plane. Otherwise, return -1",
240 args("self"))
241 .def("subtypePayload", &SimSpecialID::subtypePayload,
242 "Get the raw payload contents", args("self"))
243 .def("raw", &SimSpecialID::raw, "The raw value", args("self"));
244 class_<TrackerID>("TrackerID",
245 "Extension of DetectorID providing access to layer and "
246 "module number for tracker IDs")
247 .def(init<RawValue>("Create from a raw id, but check",
248 args("self", "rawid")))
249 .def(init<SubdetectorIDType, unsigned int, unsigned int>(
250 "Create from pieces", args("self", "system", "layer", "module")))
251 .def("module", &TrackerID::module,
252 "Get the value of the module field from the ID", args("self"))
253 .def("layer", &TrackerID::layer,
254 "Get the value of the layer field from the ID", args("self"))
255 .def("raw", &TrackerID::raw, "The raw value");
256 class_<TrigScintID>(
257 "TrigScintID",
258 "Class that defines the detector ID of the trigger scintillator.",
259 init<>(args("self"), "Default constructor"))
260 .def(init<RawValue>("Constructor with raw id", args("self", "rawid")))
261 .def(init<unsigned int, unsigned int>("Create from pieces",
262 args("self", "module", "bar")));
Class that serves as a parent for ECal detector IDs of various types.
Class that identifies a location in the Ecal readout chain.
Class that defines an ECal detector ID with a cell number.
Class that defines an ECal trigger cell detector ID.
Class that serves as a parent for HCal detector IDs of various types.
Class that defines an HCal sensitive detector.
Class that defines an HCal trigger cell detector ID.
Class that defines a Tracker detector ID with a module number.